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National University.

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abroad. Mr. P. then introduced the following denied consideration, according to the opinion enterresolution : tained of its consequence and urgency.

But the number of communications relative to this

Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress as-subject, which, though they have received attention, sembled, two-thirds of both Houses concurring therein, That the following amendment to the Constitution of the United States be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States, which, when ratified by the Legislatures of three-fourths of the said States, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as a part of the said Con


For the purpose of choosing Representatives, in the Congress of the United States, each State shall be divided by its Legislature into a number of districts equal to the number of Representatives to which the State may be entitled.

Each district shall contain as nearly as may be equal numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons.

In each district, the qualified voters shall elect one Representative.

For the purpose of choosing Electors of President and Vice President of the United States, each State shall be divided by its Legislature into a number of districts equal to the number of Electors to which the State may be entitled. Each district shall contain, as nearly as may be, equal numbers; which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons. In each district the persons qualified to vote for Representatives in the Congress of the United States shall choose one Elector. The Legislature of each State shall have power to regulate the manner of holding elections, and making returns of the Electors chosen. In case all the Electors shall not meet at the time and place appointed for giving their votes, a majority of the Electors met shall have power, and forthwith shall proceed, to supply the vacancy.

A division of the States into districts, for choosing Representatives in the Congress of the United States, and into districts for choosing Electors of President and Vice President of the United States, shall take place as soon as conveniently may be after each enumeration and apportionment of Representatives shall be made; which districts shall remain unaltered until after the succeeding enumeration and apportionment of Representatives.

The resolution was read a first and second time, and referred to a Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union.


Mr. WILDE, of Georgia, from the committee to whom that part of the President's Message was referred, made the following report:

The committee of the House of Representatives, to whom was referred so much of the President's Message as relates to the subject of a National University, report to the House, as the result of their deliberations, a bill for the erection and endowment of such an institution.

The committee, pursuant to usual forms, might perhaps, without impropriety, regard this as a sufficient performance of their duty, and, after presenting the bill, without comment, have left it to find its appropriate place among others, and to receive or be 14th CoN. 2d SESS.-9

seem to have escaped it, because they have not been definitely acted on, may possibly expose the House to a censure more serious than that of merely neglecting the successive recommendation of several Chief Magistrates—a censure as injurious as unjust, yet not unbecoming that body to prevent, by making, as soon as possible, some disposition of a question, that ought to be determined, on account of its frequent occurrence, even though it should not otherwise be thought particularly interesting.

No room will then be afforded for even supposing the National Legislature indifferent to an object, admitted by most persons to be desirable, and by many believed to be now both practicable and expedient; justice will be done to the representatives of the people without detracting anything from Executive merit ; that confidence, which is the chief strength of our Government, will be preserved, and public opinion, enlightened by discussion, expressing itself at length decisively on the proposed measure, will either require its adoption, sanction its rejection, or acquiesce in its postponement, until the necessity becomes more obvious, or the difficulties that oppose it can be more easily removed.

Your committee, therefore, have ventured to suggest some of the reasons which recommend the present as a favorable time for investigating, and perhaps, also, for adopting the plan they have proposed.

Among these, the prosperous state of our finances, leaving a large unappopriated surplus, the probability of a long continued peace, the flourishing condition of our capital, and the facility with which a portion of the public property within it might now be advantageously disposed of, so as at once to increase the convenience of the city, and support the proposed institution, may fairly be enumerated.

Besides, the information heretofore collected has enabled the committee to report at an early period, and it is believed that the present session, though inevitably a short one, will not present so many objects of great difficulty or deep interest, as entirely to exclude others of a more tranquil and less obtrusive character, to which it is possibly a portion of time might be profitably devoted.

The acquisition of a scientific and literary reputation, not unworthy of their naval and military renown, the most durable of all glory is that of exalted intellect. can never be beneath the ambition of a people, since

The world is still a willing captive to the spells of ancient genius; and the rivalry of modern empires will be perpetuated by their arts and their learning, the preservers of that fame which arms alone may indeed win, but can never keep.

Any measure which contributes, however remotely, to give American literature a rank and name among mankind, cannot, therefore, be regarded with indifference by our citizens; and every effort towards that end must be witnessed at the present moment with unusual satisfaction, since it will present the interesting spectacle of a young nation, bending its whole strength to the pursuit of true greatness, and anxious to emulate all that is amiable in peace as well as all that is noble in war.

That the institution contemplated will have a happy influence on the harmony of our country and the unity

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of our national character, has been often supposed, and your committee feel inclined to anticipate effects no less happy from its operation on the genius of our people.


3. Lecture rooms at the southwest angle,
steward's apartment, &c., 75 feet square 45,000
4. Planting and enclosing

20,000 $200,000

A Bill for the establishment of a National University. Be it enacted, &c., That the President of the United States be, and he is, hereby authorized and required to cause to be surveyed, and laid off into building lots, such part as he shall think proper of the ground reserved of the United States, in the City of Washington, and to cause the same to be sold, at such times and places, and in such proportions, and under such regulations as he shall prescribe; and the proceeds thereof, after defraying the charges of survey and sale, to be invested in such stocks or public securities, as shall, by him, be deemed advisable, and the same, when so invested, and the dividends thereon arising, shall constitute a fund for the support of a National University.

If American invention, unassisted as it has been, already excites the astonishment of Europe, what may not be expected from it when aided and encouraged?. And why should not aid and encouragement be yielded by institutions like the present, founded and endowed by the munificence of the State? In our own day we have seen them work wonders in physical science, even when directed by a stern, jealous, and exacting Government, which, while training the mind to be quick, dexterous and daring, darkened its vision, and circumscribed its flight, Is it here alone they would be impotent, where no depth could be hidden from its glance, no height forbidden to its wing? But your committee, fearful of exhausting your patience, forbear to extend this report by arguments which it is easier to multiply than to withhold; for the same reason they refrain from answering objections which could not be stated without injury, since, in replying to them, force and perspicuity must be sacri- SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Presficed to conciseness. Nor can such a course be re- ident of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorquired where it is intended merely to present a generalized to cause to be erected, on such site, within the result, not the particular process of reasoning by which District of Columbia, as he shall select, the buildings that result has been obtained. Your committee, how-necessary for a National University; and for defraying ever, desire it to be understood, that they have not declined examining any objection which occurred to them, and though some have been found which it must be confessed are not without difficulty, all are thought capable of a satisfactory answer.

Under a conviction, therefore, that the means are ample, the end desirable, the object fairly within the legislative powers of Congress, and the time a favorable one, your committee recommend the establishment of a National University, and have directed their chairman to submit a bill and estimates for that purpose.

Estimates of the value of lots and squares belonging
to the United States, as furnished by a communi-
cation from the Superintendent of the City.
Four thousand building lots of 5,265 square
feet each, and about 2,000 feet front on
the waters of the Potomac river, Eastern
Branch, valued at -
Squares 1 to 6, proposed to be laid off into
building lots, containing, in the whole,
816,000 square feet, or 155 standard lots,
valued at

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But the latter amount is the only one which it is supposed could be speedily realized.

Estimate of the expense of buildings for the National University, on a plan susceptible of extension, but calculated for the present to answer for one hundred and sixty persons.

Buildings (which it was supposed last year might be completed in the year 1818.)

1. Habitations for the principal and six professors, two buildings, 75 by 54 feet, $30,000 each

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2. Lodgings for one hundred and sixty students, refectory, (temporarily in the basement story,) fuel and provision, cellars, servants' apartments, 265 feet by 46

the expenses thereof, the sum of dollars is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury of the United States, not otherwise appropriated by law.

SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the Presi dent of the United States be, and he is hereby, requested to cause to be prepared and laid before Congress, at its next session, a plan for the regulation and gov ernment of the said University.

The bill was twice read and committed.


Mr. BROOKS presented the petition of the commissioners appointed by the State of New York to superintend and provide for the improvement of the internal navigation of that State, signed by De Witt Clinton, their President, praying for assistance, in land or money, from the General Government, to aid in opening a communication, by means of canals, between the navigable waters of Hudson's river and Lake Erie, and between the said waters of Hudson's river and Lake Champlain; which was referred to the Committee on Roads and Canals. The memorial is as follows:

To the honorable the Senate and House of Represen

tatives of the United States in Congress: The representation of commissioners of the State of New York, in behalf of the said State, respectfully showeth That the Legislature of the said State in April last passed an act to provide for the improvement of their internal navigation, (of which act we take the liberty of transmitting herewith a copy.) In this it will be seen that a board of commissioners is constituted, and that, among other duties enjoined upon them, they are required to make application to the Government of the United States for cessions, grants, or donations of lands or money, for the purpose of aiding in opening a communication, by means of canals, between the navigable waters of Hudson river and 75,000 Lake Erie, and the said navigable waters and Lake


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Champlain. To fulfil this requisition, then, is the object of this address.

Next to the establishment and security of the right to self-government, we flatter ourselves that no subject requiring legislative interference can be found more interesting than the one which we are charged to lay before your honorable body; and we venture to solicit your favorable consideration of it, in full confidence that an enlightened public spirit may justly give to it such a measure of patronage as cannot fail to produce signal benefits to the nation.

The benefits to be acquired by the United States from the construction of these canals will most obviously and immediately affect their pecuniary and their political interests. More remotely, indeed, they will exert a favorable influence upon every object embraced within the scope of an enlightened and paternal policy. If we consider the extent and fertility of our territory northwest of the Ohio, the large proportion of it which yet remains unsold, the disposition and the ability which our eastern fellow-citizens possess to purchase and to improve it, we cannot be insensible of the great pecuniary advantage which would result from opening to them a safe, easy, and economical passage into that territory. Every dollar saved to them in the expenses of removing thither would operate to enhance the value of the public lands, and, at the same time, to hasten their settlement; and it is obvious that a canal from the Hudson to Lake Erie would save a large portion of these expenses. The number of persons to be affected by this consideration cannot be accurately stated. It certainly would not be small. We are well assured that, in the course of one year since the war, more than twelve thousand new settlers, almost exclusively from the East, have established themselves within the limits of this State, west of the Genesee river,

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between one of our seaports and the region where furs are collected, a road in all respects preferable to any other, besides drawing to our own citizens a profitable commerce, would tend eventually to the subversion of that influence, and, in the meantime, offer to us important facilities for controlling it.

The trade carried on between our country and the Canadian provinces is already considerable, and is rapidly growing. The fruits of the earth from the southern shores of Erie and Ontario, and from the borders of Champlain, find their way to the ports of our northern neighbors cheaper than they can to any which offers a market of our own, and are there exchanged for the various commodities of foreign countries. This trade is, indeed, profitable to many of our citizens who engage in it, but it is much more so to the British. Subject to their control, they direct it to the advancement of all their public interests; and it is no mean instrument of that advancement. It is evidently the vital spirit of their internal navigation, which it cannot fail to exalt into a consequence that may hereafter greatly affect us. Would not the pros. ecution of our projects to complete effect result immediately in giving to citizens of the United States the entire profits of this trade, and to Government all the security and influence connected with a thickly settled frontier, and a most decided superiority of shipping on the lakes?

Nothing can be more certain than that the continuance of our Union is essential to our freedom. The means of this continuance are to be found only in the strength of our common interests. Whatever extends and consolidates these interests, must be of distinguished importance to Government; and can anything be imagined more efficaciously conducive to these objects than opening to distant sections of our country the means of easy and profitable intercourse? Virtuous and enlightened men among us have long delighted themselves with looking forward to the pe

and Lake Erie would afford to half the United States more ample means of promoting every social interest than have heretofore, in any country, been furnished by the accomplishment of any human enterprise.

Whatever adds to the value of all that land produces must increase the value of the land itself. To a country which depends upon a distant market for the sale of its surplus productions, it is of great import-riod when a canal communication between the Hudson ance to afford every possible facility of transportation; for all that is taken from the expense of transportation is added to the value of the articles transported, and, by cheapening the rate of carriage, many articles are rendered valuable which would otherwise be worthThe advantages of canals were not entirely unknown less. Moreover, if habit or the necessary accommoda- to ancient Governments. Among them, the wisest tion of life requires that such a country should con- and most powerful executed works of this kind in sume foreign goods to the amount of all its surplus every direction through their territories, for the purproductions, it is evident that the landholder there en-pose of agriculture, commerce, and war. The vestiges joys a twofold benefit in every increased facility of of many of these are still discoverable; and they are transportation. Perhaps the whole of the country doubtless to be reckoned among the most impressive between the great lakes, the Mississippi, and the Ohio-memorials that remain of ancient greatness. When certainly the greater part of it-would derive from the completion of our principal canal greater advantages for distant communication than any country so far inland has hitherto enjoyed, and incomparably greater than that country can ever derive from any other means. Regarded, then, merely as a measure of pecuniary wisdom, we trust your honorable body will make such an appropriation in favor of it as will insure its accomplishment.

we recollect the instrumentality which canals have formerly exhibited in collecting the blessings of wealth, strength, and a crowded population for every country through which they passed, and see those very countries, by the neglect and ruin of them, reduced to their original barrenness, can we suppress a conviction of their immense utility? But it is not alone from history, and the faint traces of them which have survived the lapse of many centuries, that the advantages of But considerations of a political nature seem to us these improvements are to be known. There are most urgently to recommend the construction of these proofs more conclusive; our own times furnish them. canals. The great influence exercised over the West- In contemplating the present state of Europe, it is imern Indians, even in our own territory, by the subjects possible not to be struck with the number and extent of a foreign Government, we have always had numer- of her canals; and we perceive that they abound most ous reasons to wish destroyed. This influence depends in those countries where the wants of the social state materially upon establishments erected for the promo- and the means of power have been most diligently extion of the fur trade. Any measure that would open,plored, and are most profoundly understood. We see

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New York Canals.


them there enabling extensive empires to hold in speedy president of their board, and shall appoint a fit person administration to every public object all the resources for their secretary, who shall be allowed and paid such of their most remote sections, and, at the same time, salary as the said commissioners shall deem proper and increasing those resources prodigiously, by the econ-reasonable; and the president of the said board of omical exchanges of which they are the occasion. Ex- commissioners shall have power to call a meeting of perience is always a safe guide; it is especially to be the same whenever, in his opinion, the public interests trusted when it has been acquired in the midst of diffi- require it; and the said board may adjourn, from time culties and dangers, and has been sanctioned by the to time, to meet at any time and place they may deem wisdom of different nations. If, then, in the pressing most conducive to the public good; and further, the exigencies of recent events, when every power of na- said commissioners shall have power to employ such tional defence and annoyance has been exerted, when and so many agents, engineers, surveyors, draughtsall the capacities of men, as individuals, and in polit-men, and other persons, as in their opinion may be ical combination, have been remarkably evolved, we necessary to enable them to fulfil and discharge the observe in that quarter of the globe a perpetually grow-duties imposed upon them by this act, and to allow ing attention to the subject of canals, is it not expedi- and pay the said agents, engineers, surveyors, draughtsent, is it not wise, for us to engage in making them? men, and other persons, for their respective services, No country is more susceptible of all their benefits than such sum or sums as may be adequate and reasonable. ours; none of larger extent presents fewer impedi- 3. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the ments to their construction. They constitute improve-duty of the said commissioners, as soon as may be after ments peculiarly fit for a Republic. They contribute the passing of this act, to cause those parts of the terequally to the safety and opulence of the people, and ritory of this State which may lie upon or contiguous the reputation and resources of the Government. to the probable courses and ranges of the said canals They are equally desirable in reference to the employ- to be explored and examined. for the purpose of fixing ments of peace and the operations of war. In what- and determining the most eligible and proper routes ever light they are viewed, they seem to combine the for the same, and to cause all necessary surveys and substantial glories of the most splendid and permanent levels to be taken, and accurate maps, field-books, and utility. draughts thereof to be made; and further, to adopt and recommend proper plans for the construction and formation of the said canals, and of the locks, dams, embankments, tunnels, and aqueducts which may be necessary for the completion of the same, and to cause all necessary plans, draughts, and models thereof to be executed under their direction.

But if the execution of those of which we are the advocates be impracticable, or would involve an expense disproportionate to their value, they can have no claim upon the favor of the National Legislature. On these topics we entertain no doubts. The minute examination which has been made this season, under our superintendence, of all the lands which these canals will 4. And be it further enacted, That the said comtraverse, has convinced us that an expenditure not ex-missioners, or a majority of them, shall be, and they ceeding ten millions of dollars would be sufficient to are hereby, authorized and required to make applicaperfect them. Shall they remain unattempted? The tion, in behalf of this State, to the Government of the State of New York is not unaware of her interests, United States, and of such States and Territories as nor disinclined to prosecute them; but where those of may be benefitted by the said canals, or either of them, the General Government are united with hers, and to the proprietors of lands through or near which the seem to be paramount, she deems it her duty to ask said canals, or either of them, may or may be proposed for their assistance. Wherefore, in her behalf, we to pass, to all bodies politic and corporate, public or solicit your honorable body to make such an appropria-private, and to all citizens or inhabitants of this or any tion, in lands or money, to aid in the construction of other of the United States, for cessions, grants, or dothese canals, as you, in your wisdom, may think rea-nations of land or money, for the purpose of aiding in sonable and just.

By order and in behalf of the said commissioners, at a meeting held in Albany on the 10th November, 1816. DE WITT CLINTON, President.

the construction or completing of both or either of the said canals, according to the discretion of the several grantors or donors, and to take to the people of this State such grants and conveyances as may be proper and competent to vest a good and sufficient title in the said people to the lands so to be ceded or granted as aforesaid; and, for the purposes above mentioned, it shall be the duty of the said commissioners to open books of subscription in such and so many places as they may think necessary and expedient, and under time establish; and further, it shall be their duty to such rules and regulations as they may from time to ascertain whether, to any and to what amount, and cured, on the credit of this State, for the purposes upon what terms, loans of money may or can be pro

An Act to provide for the improvement of the internal navigation of this State. Passed April 17, 1816. 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly. That Stephen Van Rensselaer, De Witt Clinton, Samuel Young, Joseph Ellicott, and Myron Holley, be, and they are hereby, appointed commissioners to consider, devise, and adopt such measures as may or shall be requisite to facilitate and effect the communication, by means of canals and locks, between the navigable waters of Hudson river and Lake Erie, and the said navigable 5. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the waters and Lake Champlain; and, in case of the resig-duty of the said commissioners to make, or cause to be nation or death of any of the said commissioners, the vacancy thereby occasioned shall be supplied by the Legislature, in the manner in which Senators of the United States from this State are directed to be chosen. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said commissioners shall choose one of their number to be


made, with as much accuracy and minuteness as may be, calculations and estimates of the sum or sums of money which may or will be necessary for completing each of the said canals, according to the plan or plans which may be adopted and recommended by them for the construction or formation of the same, and to cause


Leave of Absence to Mr. Sergeant.

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The question on agreeing to it was taken-yeas 74, nays 81. So the motion was rejected.

the said calculations and estimates, and all surveys, To this also Mr. FORSYTH objected, considermaps, field-books, plans, draughts, and models author-ing it in substance the same as the first. ized and directed by this act, or so many thereof as may be completed, together with a plain and comprehensive report of all their proceedings under and by virtue of this act, to be presented to the Legislature of this State within twenty days after the commencement of the next regular annual session thereof.

6. And be it further enacted, That the treasurer shall, on the warrant of the comptroller, pay to the order of a majority of the said commissioners, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, any sum or sums not exceeding twenty thousand dollars, and for which the said commissioners shall account to the comptroller of this State.

7. And be it further enacted, That the act entitled "An act to provide for the improvement of the internal navigation of this State," passed the 8th day of April, 1811, and the act entitled "An act further to provide for the improvement of the internal navigation of this State," passed June 19, 1812, be, and the same are hereby, repealed.

LEAVE OF ABSENCE TO MR. SERGEANT. Mr. HOPKINSON, of Pennsylvania, after stating the actual or contemplated departure of Mr. SERGEANT, a member of this House from Pennsylvania, for Europe, and the little advantage and the needless trouble an election to supply his place for a short remainder of this session would afford, which consideration prevented Mr. S. from resigning his seat-moved, that Mr.SERGEANT have leave of absence for the remainder of the session. This motion, was objected to by Mr. FORSYTH, as unprecedented and incorrect, inasmuch as the member in question had not appeared in his seat at the present session, and could not have leave of absence, where he had not been present.

Hence arose a brief debate.

Messrs. PITKIN, HOPKINSON, and GROSVENOR, and others, supported the motion, on the ground of precedents somewhat analogous, and on the merit of Mr. SERGEANT's claim to this indulgence, on account of the importance to the public of the business he had undertaken.

Messrs. NELSON, FORSYTH, and SOUTHARD, Opposed the motion, as well because without precedent applicable to the case as without a foundation in right or reason. It was no sufficient excuse, it was contended, particularly by Mr. NELSON, for a member of this House to abandon his duties, that he had accepted another post of honor or of profit; his duties and obligations in and to this House being paramount to any other except those of necessity.

By some gentlemen, both for and against the motion, it was contended and admitted, that Mr. SERGEANT's absence was a question between him and his constituents, with which the House had no concern. But, on the other hand, it was objected that to pass a vote giving him leave of absence, would be sanctioning what was certainly a relinquishment of his public duties.

At length, Mr. HOPKINSON varied his motion, so as to stand thus; that Mr. SERGEANT be excused from attending the House for the remainder of the session.

THURSDAY, December 12.

Three other members, to wit: from New York WESTEL WILLOUGHBY, jun. ; from Virginia, JoHN RANDOLPH; and from South Carolina, THOMAS MOORE, appeared and took their seats.

Mr. WRIGHT presented the memorial of the Managers of the Delaware and Chesapeake Canal Company, formerly presented. He moved that it be referred to a select committee.

Mr. INGHAM said, he was friendly to the memorial, but suggested the propriety of its being referred to the Committee on Canals and Roads, already created.

Mr. WRIGHT remarked that this case was not an application for a canal to be laid out, or established by law, but was materially distinguishable from that case; that already a company had fixed the site, and made considerable progress in the business; but finding their funds inadequate to the object, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delasiderable share in the stock; hence we were not ware, had each, on their application, taken a conleft to infer the propriety of cutting the canal or the site of it. This memorial, after exhibiting the approbation of the private and public adventurers, asks the United States also to become adventurers and stockholders, to aid in the completion of so important a work. I, sir, can have no objection to that committee; but in the mass of their labors, I presume it will not be so exclusively attended to as if submitted to a select committee, to which I hope it may be referred. Roads and Canals. It was referred, however, to the Committee on

Mr. ROBERTSON, from the Committee on the Public Lands, made a report on the petition of the Kentucky Abolition Society, which was read and ordered to lie on the table.

Mr. CONDICT, from the committee appointed on the petition of Doctor James Smith, reported a bill supplementary to the act heretofore passed, "for the encouragement of vaccination," which was read twice, and committed to a Committee of the Whole.

On motion of Mr. MCLEAN, the select committee, to whom was referred the report of the acting Secretary of War, in pursuance of the resolution of the 4th instant, were instructed to inquire into the expediency of opening the road from Reynoldsburgh, in the State of Tennessee, to intersect the Natchez road, as surveyed and marked by the commissioners appointed for that purpose; and that they report by bill or otherwise.

On motion of Mr. BRYAN, the Committee on Military Affairs were instructed to inquire into the expediency of providing, by law, for the payment of such articles of military clothing as may be due soldiers discharged from the Army of the United States.

On motion of Mr. BENNETT, the Committee of

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