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fearful. I would rather lie where flowers might bloom and birds might sing above me, or even find in the sea my" vast and wandering grave.”

Dr. R. The burial customs of the Egyptians are very interesting and wholly unique; and as we are indebted to some of them, such as ornamenting their tombs with paintings and sculptures representing scenes in the life of the deceased, for most of our knowledge of the habits and manners of that ancient people, we cannot afford to quarrel with their taste in this matter; indeed, when I recollect all the hours spent in a study, at once so unique and fascinating, which I would have lost (and I am only one in thousands) had their sepulchres been less imperishable, I feel like admitting that they are all "wisest, discreetest, best." You have read Gautier's "Romance of a Mummy?"

Mrs. C. Yes, indeed; it is very interesting, though it rivals Dr. Johnson with its manysyllabled long-sounding words. Poor Taboser!

How vivid and fierce are the passions which live beneath Egypt's burning sun; vivid as the white gleaming desert, and fierce as the tiger that roams over it or hides in the tangled jungles of its oases! Husband, read those lines you were speaking of last night. Mr. C. [Reads]:

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'There, drowsing in golden sunlight, Loiters the slow smooth Nile, Through slender papyri that cover The sleeping crocodile.

The lotus lolls on the water,

And opens its heart of gold,
And over its broad-leaf pavement
Never a ripple is rolled.
The twilight breeze is too lazy

Those feathery palms to wave,
And yon little cloud is as motionless
As a stone above a grave.
Ah, me! this lifeless nature
Oppresses my heart and brain,
Oh, for a storm and thunder-
For lightning, and wild fierce rain!
Fling down the lute-I hate it!

Take rather his buckler and sword, And crash them and clash them together Till this sleeping world is stirred.

"Leave me to gaze at the landscape
Mistily stretching rway,
When the afternoon's opaline tremors
O'er the mountains quivering play;
Till the fiercer splendour of sunset
Pours from the west its fire,
And melted, as in a crucible,

Their earthly forms expire;
And the bald blear skull of the desert
With glowing mountains is crowned,
That, burning like molten jewels,
Circle its temples round."

Dr. R. That is beautiful. It reminds me of a sketch of Mrs. Spofford's that I once read. Mr. and Mrs. C. [In one breath.] Indeed, doctor, you have been delightfully interesting. Dr. R. You are too kind. Perhaps we may return to the subject at some future time. Good night.


POETRY received and accepted, with thanks."The Coming of Spring;" "A Benediction;" "Under the Snow." PROSE received and accepted, with_thanks.—“ A Search after Happiness;" The Music of the Period;" "Ghosts that I see" (second part); "The Crown Jewels."

Declined, with thanks.—"The Zouave's Confession" (This story is much too sensational for our pages); "The Wedgwood Vase;" "One of the Three" (Some one says that there is no excuse for bad poetry, because "No one is under the necessity of writing in verse." Will the author of Half-a

dozen Stanzas" take the suggestion, as it is intended, kindly ?); "To a Flower too early blown;" 'A Transferred Love" (Neither of these reach our standard).

NOTICE.-Manuscripts should in all cases be accompanied with the name and address of the authors, and stamps for their return, if not accepted. The utmost care will be taken and all possible expedition used with regard to them; but it must be understood that the Editor is not responsible should a MS. be mislaid or lost.

Authors' proofs to be returned to Mr. ALGER, 265, Strand, marked Proofs, with as little delay as possible.

To AMATEURS.-We repeat that our best attention shall be given to the MSS. entrusted to us, and when suitable, we shall have pleasure in giving them an appearance.

Music, books for review, &c., must be sent in by the 10th of each month, to receive notice in the next number.


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