SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. COMPILED IN MOST PART FROM THE HISTORY OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, AND THE OVERTHROW OF SLAVERY. JOHN B. BACHELDER, PUBLISHER, 59 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK. 1869. PUBLIC LIBRARY AS. OR, LENOX AND Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1868, by JOHN B. BACHELDER, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. ALVORD, PRINTER. PUBLISHER'S PREFACE. TIME Out of mind, words prefatory have been considered This indispensable to the successful publication of a book. sketch of the LIFE and DEATH of ABRAHAM LINCOLN is intended as an accompaniment to the Historical Painting which has rescued from oblivion, and, with almost perfect fidelity, transmitted to futurity, "THE LAST HOURS OF LINCOLN." In its preparation has been invoked the aid of one who in life was near the heart of MR. LINCOLN, and at death was a witness to that last sad scene, so accurately delineated by the painter's art—the Hon. ISAAC N. ARNOLD. His intimate and social relations with MR. LINCOLN, his unbounded admiration of the goodness and sincerity of the Great Emancipator, renders this invocation eminently appropriate. This sketch contains subject-matter never before made public, presented in the full dress of the author's happiest style. In confident reliance upon the affection of the people for the great Apostle of Liberty-the Martyr-who in his blood wrote his belief "that all men everywhere should be free," this sketch is submitted. JANUARY 1, 1869. |