PHILADELPHIA: ELDREDGE & BROTHER, 17 & 19 SOUTH SIXTH STREET. NEW YORK: J. W. SCHERMERHORN & CO. BOSTON: WOODMAN & HAMMETT. CHICAGO: W. B. KEEN & CO. the reading of any long selection, until, by thorough study and diligent practice upon the shorter illustrations, each principle is clearly understood. The reading of a single poem might serve to develop the whole theory of elocution; the examples under each successive division may therefore be used, not only to secure a clear apprehension of the special point under consideration, but also to review the lessons previously explained and illustrated. Great care has been taken to consult the authorized editions of the various writers here represented, that the extracts from their works may be relied upon as accurate; though, in some instances, preference has been given to an early edition, when, in later issues, the alterations have not been deemed improvements. Many poems have been introduced which have never before found their way into any book of selections, some few being now for the first time published in this country. The compiler cannot conceal the hope that this glimpse of our general literature may tempt to individual research among its treasures, so varied and inexhaustible; that this text-book for the school-room may become not only teacher, but friend, to those in whose hands it is placed, and while aiding, through systematic development and training of the elocutionary powers of the pupil, to overcome many of the practical difficulties of instruction, may accomplish a higher work in the cultivation and refinement of character. PHILADELPHIA, June 4, 1867. ABSOLUTE AND ANTITHETIC EMPHASIS.. ILLUSTRATIONS.-Absolute Emphasis. Robertson, Ruskin, Mrs. Child, ILLUSTRATIONS.-Antithetic Emphasis. Robertson, Thomas à Kem- pis, Shakespeare, Landor, Emerson, Carlyle, Miss Greenwell, Ware, 36 62 EXAMPLES.-Bryant, Mrs. Hemans, Byron, Cranch, Tennyson, Cole- ILLUSTRATIONS.-Medium Pitch. Mrs. Browning, Miss Procter, Rob- ILLUSTRATIONS.- Low Pitch. Shakespeare, Shelley, Byron, Bryant, EXAMPLES.-Tennyson, Mrs. Browning, Keats, Milton, Mrs. Barbauld 106 CHARACTERISTICS OF TONES EXAMPLES.Franklin, Taylor, Knowles, Shelley, Milton.. SELECTIONS. THE WAVE. - HUMOKOUS ILLUSTRATIONS......... EXAMPLES. - Landor, Bacon, Shakespeare, Milton, Robertson, Curtis, ILLUSTRATIONS.-Affirmative Sentences. Robertson, Shakespeare, Clay, Bailey, L'Aimè Martin, Emerson, Whipple, Von Humboldt 208 ILLUSTRATIONS.- -Negative Sentences. Robertson, Emerson, Thomas à Kempis, Whipple, Locke, Owen Meredith........ ILLUSTRATIONS.-Interrogative Sentences beginning with a Pronoun ILLUSTRATIONS.- Suspension of Sense. Emerson, Reed, De Quincey 212 ILLUSTRATIONS. Parenthetical Phrases. Shakespeare, Tennyson, Emerson, Kingsley, Longfellow. ILLUSTRATIONS.- Concessions. De Quincey, Mrs. Browning... ILLUSTRATIONS. Exclamatory Sentences. Dante, Browning, Miss Greenwell, Campbell, Carlyle.. ILLUSTRATIONS.-Exclamations in the Form of Interrogative Sen- tences beginning with a Pronoun or Adverb. Browning, De ILLUSTRATIONS. - Exclamations in the Form of Interrogative Sen- tences beginning with a Verb. Miss Greenwell, Emerson. ILLUSTRATIONS. - Declarations in the Form of Negative Sentences. EXAMPLES. Scott, Shakespeare, Massey, Taylor.. ILLUSTRATIONS.-Partial and Distinct Cadence. Ruskin, Kingsley, Carlyle, Sterling, Whittier, Faber, H. Coleridge, Wordsworth, Bailey, Miss Greenwell, Mrs. Browning, Milnes, Miss Procter, ILLUSTRATIONS.- Loud Force. Shakespeare, Gray, Patrick Henry, ILLUSTRATIONS. Moderate Force. Wordsworth, Tennyson, Thacke- ray, Shakespeare, Stoddard, Robertson, Lowell.. ILLUSTRATIONS.-Soft Force. Shakespeare, Shelley, Byron, Southey, Milton, F. Tennyson, Prentice, Mrs. Browning, Aytoun, Kings- |