Books reviewed have the firft word printed in Capitals, Notices of new Books, and Articles of Intelligence, in Italics: the Lan- guages in which Books are written, if not in English wholly, is pointed out by, A. Arabic, Æ. Æthiopic, C. Chinefe, Cu. Curdistanic, D. Dutch, Dan. Danske, E. English, F. French, G. German, Gr. Greek, H. Hebrew, I. Italian, Icel. Icelandic, L. Latin, Lap. Laplandic, N. Norwegian, P. Portuguefe, Po. Polish, S. Spanish, Sam. Samaritan, Sc. Sclavonian, Sw. Swedish, Syr. Syriac, W. Welsh, following the Title: either of these placed after the Number of the Page denotes, that the Reader will not there meet with Information on the Sub- ject, but be referred to fome Book, in fuch Language, in which he may obtain it.
phlogifticated, obfervations on
372 E. ib. E. · rarity of, a cause of hemorrhage 36 E. vitriolic acid, obfervations on 373 E, 374 AINS va le Monde 550 Airoldi's (A.) State Papers relating to the Hiftory of Sicily, vol. ii. L. 476 Airs, on the conftitution of 111, 373 ALDRICH'S (H.) Elements of Civil Ar- chitecture 130
Algebra, principles of Algiers, government of Alimentary canal, on the contents of, and the changes they undergo 228 G.. Alms, obfervations on Alfton (Dr. C.) account of Alum, efficacy of, in obftinate colics 36 E. AMERICAN Geography American War, Hiftory of
relative fecundity of 140 E. remarkable fact in the natu-
ral history of 366 Animation, fufpended, obfervations on 271 E, 547 ANQUETIL'S Court of Louis XIV. F. 14 Anfer of Pope Pius v1. to the Metro- politans, L. 225 Antimony, tartarifed, fometimes ufeful in a dry form in apoplexy 37 ANTIQUITIES of Athens, vol. ii. 121 Apoplexy, obfervations on 37, 190 E. Apoftles, on the predictions of the, con- cerning the end of the world 87 APPLEGARTH's (R.) Plea for the Poor 218 Appointments, obfervations on 536 E. Aqueous vapour, remarks on 110, 112, 232
Arabs, account of the ARCHITECTURE, Elements of Architecture, history of
Arithmetic, principles of Arm, contraction of, occafioned by bleeding, removed
Amfterdam, fome account of
Army Chaplain, Fragments of the Life of an, G. 360 Arnemann's-(J.) Repofitory for Surgery, &c. G.
Ammon's (C. F.) New Verfion of the Pentateuch, Gr. Amoreux on the venomous Infects of France, F.
Amphibia, account of fome
BLAIR'S (Dr. H.) Sermons, Vol. III.
BRUCE's Travels to difcover the Source of the Nile 49, 144, 375 BULMER'S (P.) Sermon to the Society for the Promotion of Industry 201 BURGESS (T.) on the Divinity of Chrift
Blair (Dr. P.) account of 277 Bleeding, cafes of injuries from 389, 395 obfervations on 396 E. Blindness, fingular, in new born children 399 36 E.
89 BURKE on the Revolution in France, 295, 408
Blifters, obfervations on Blood, warm, experiments on 471 Burke (Mr.) literary character of 307 Bodies, dead, remarkable prefervation of parallel between M. de Ca- lonne and 406 --remarks on his fentiments of the French revolution, 212 E, 303, 415-430 the style of 412
Bolingbroke (Lord) remarks on the phi- lofophy of 251 E. Bengiovanni (Z.) on the Poifon of Mushrooms, 1.
BOOKER'S (L.) Mifcellaneous Poems 68 Buxton waters, obfervations on
Books published in 1790, Catalogue of,
Cagnoli, aftronomical obfervations by 357 Caille (de la) life of
Botany, Gleanings of, E. L.
Caiffe d'Efcompte, obfervations on the 116 F.
Calaguala, virtues of the root of 470 Calculi, on the nature and compofition of 36 E. folution of, by fixed air ib. E. CALONNE (de) on the State of France,
Bread, cynofurus echinatus recommended for making
F. 401 CAMBON's (Mde. de) Young Grandifen 463
CAMDEN's Britannia, new Edition of Camphor, antifpafmodic
-, on the folvent powers of 37 E. production of, from various
Brequigny's (de) Edicts of the Kings of France, Vol. XIV. F. BRIGHTHELMSTONE, Excurfion to 462 Britain, means of paying off the national debt of
utility of, externally, in fup-
preffion of urine 393 Cantharides, on the medical properties of 214 E.
on the corn trade of 336 government of 423,425 police of 214 E. ftate of the filver copper coinage of 429 E. fyftem of taxation for 216 BRITISH Plants of the Clafs Crypto- gamia 29 British conftitution, dangers threatening 309 E. remarks on 205, 297, 316, 408, 419, 422 liberty, obfervations on 297,
politics, remarks on Brizard's (G.) Maffacre on St. Bartho- lomew's Day, F.
Capitulation of Leopold II, G. 476 Capficum, utility of, in malignant angina 398 CARMEN Sæculare, E. L. CARPENTER'S (B.) Sermons on Con- formity to the World 544 CATALOGUE of a Collection of Books 340 Catalogue of books and pamphlets pub- lished in the last fix months of 1790
Catholics, English, ftate of the prefent controverfy amongst
Cayet (Palma) memoirs of Celibacy, obfervations on Cephalalgia, remarks on
BROOME'S (R.) Elucidation of the Ar- ticles of Impeachment
CHAIS'S (C.) Sermon on the Judgments Chriftian, duties of a
of Mankind CHALMERS'S (G.) Life of De Foe 186 Chamelion, on the change of colour of
knowledge as well as goodness
Chriftianity, advantages of
Character, delineations of
Charcoal, observations on
-, on the noxious vapours of
Charity, obfervations on 248, 543, E,
on the application of reason
327 primitive state of 81
perfectly confonant to reason
· perhaps no mysteries in 327 fole effectual remedy against
449 E. why the full effect of, on the manners of fociety, has not taken place Church, catholic, obfervations on difcipline, remarks on establishments, remarks on
of England, doctrines of, de-
Chemistry, difcoveries in, in 1790 569 Cherburg, account of the works carrying.
Children, journey of fome, from Inverness to Edinburgh 61 new-born, eryfipelas of 389 fingular blindness of 399
on the duties of 462 E, 463 education of 103,243, 463, 464 virtues of 244, 463 religious principles fhould be early instilled into 333 E.
Chirurgico-legal obfervations, F.
Cholera morbus, olive oil recommended
332 E, 558 - defcent of, into hell 208 E. divinity of 90, 200 E, 208 E, 332, 448 E. miraculous conception of 88
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