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ary line of the tract reserved for satisfying
the military bounties allowed to the officers
and soldiers of the Virginia line on continent-
al establishment, ch. CIX s. i. 250, 251; com-
missioners of the United States to meet at
Xenia, the 5th October 1812, s. ii. 251; to
wait six days for those of Virginia, ib.; if
the Virginia commissioners have not arrived
in the six days, those of the United States to
proceed alone, ib.; to note the intersections,
ib.; the water courses, ib.; and quality of the
land, ib., to make a plat, with notes and
references, ib.; to be signed and returned to
the commissioner of the general land office,
with a written report, before 5th January,
1813, unless the President prolongs the time,
ib.; copies of plat to be laid before Congress,
ib.; commissioners to engage a skilful sur~
veyor, s. iii. 251, 252; his pay, ib.; commis-
sioners of United States allowed $5 per day,
ib.; temporary boundary line, s. iv. 252; Se-
cretary of State to transmit a copy of the act
to the governor of Virginia within 20 days.
after its passage, s. v. 252.-Claims to
land in the Mississippi territory under British
or Spanish warrants or order of survey grant-
ed prior to 27th October, 1795, confirmed to
actual residents of the territory, ch. CX s. i.
- 253; certificates of confirmation to be made
out by the register and receiver, ib.; their
fees, ib.; certificates to be directed to the
commissioner of the general land office, ib.;
patents to issue, s. i. 253, 254; no person en-
titled to the benefit of the act who has
received a donation grant from the United
States, ib.; not more than 640 acres to be
granted to any one claim, ib.; the act
not to affect judicial decisions on conflict-
ing claims, s. ii. 254.Sales of public
lands in January, 1812, in the western dis-
trict of the territory of Orleans, made good
and valid, ch. CXVIII 276, 277; purchasers


entitled to patents, ib.; the first instalment of
purchase money, when due, ib.-Claims of
citizens of the United States to lands in the
Mississippi territory under grants derived
from the British government of West Florida,
confirmed, ch. CXXIII 293, 294; judicial
decision of controverted claims not preclud-
ed, ib.Provisions of "An act giving
further time to purchasers of public lands
north-west of the river Ohio to complete their
payments," extended to the several purcha-
sers of fractional sections, ch. CXXXIV s. i.
307; assignees of original purchasers of land
prior to the 1st of April, 1808, entitled to the
benefit of the act, s. ii. 307, 308; lands reverted
to the United States for default of payment
may be re-entered, if application be made on
or before the 1st of September, 1812, and the
land had not been resold previous to applica-
tion, s. iii. 308, 309.-Persons, or their le-
gal representatives, who have actually inhabi-
ted and cultivated land in the districts for the
sale thereof in the Illinois territory, and who
still reside there, entitled to preference as
purchasers, ch. CLXII s. i. 365, 366; the
privilege allows only one quarter section to
one individual, ib.; reserved lands, town and
out lots excepted, ib.; persons claiming prefe-
rence to deliver notice to the register, s. ii. 366;
notice to be filed by the register, ib.; his fee
therefor, ib.; persons entitled to preference
may make entry thereof with the register on
producing the receiver's receipt for payment of
1-20th part of the purchase money, ib.; entries
to be made two weeks before the commence-
ment of the public sales, s. ii. 366, 367; failure
to make timely entry forfeits the right, ib.-
Decisions of the register and receiver in favor
of persons claiming donation lands in the dis-
trict of Vincennes, entered in a list reported
to the Secretary of the Treasury on the 27th
of May, 1812, confirmed, ch. CLXV s. i.


372; claims of persons not embraced by the
act of the 30th April, 1810, confirmed, s. ii.
373; names of those persons and the quanti
ties of lands to them or their heirs respective-
ly, ib.; persons are to enter their claims with
the register at Vincennes, s. iii. 373; rights
of persons neglecting to locate prior to the 1st
of October, 1813, void and barred forever,
ib.; register at Vincennes to issue certificates,
s. iv. 373; fee therefor, s. iv. 373, 374; patents
to be made out, ib.-Claimants of land and
actual residents thereon, in the eastern and
western districts of the state of Louisiana, al-
lowed till the 1st of January, 1814, to file no-
tice and evidence of claims with the register
at New Orleans and Opelousas, ch. CLXXX
s. i. 394, 395; to be recorded, ib.; fees there-
for, ib., rights barred forever by negligence,
ib.; persons having filed notice without evi-
dence allowed till 1st of January, 1814, to
furnish testimony to the registers at New
Orleans and Opelousas, s. ii. 395; to be re-
corded, ib.; fees therefor, s. ii. 395, 396;
rights barred by negligence, ib.; powers and
duties of the registers and receivers at New
Orleans and Opelousas the same as those of
the board of commissioners, except that their
decisions are subject to the revision of Con-
gress, s. iii. 396; registers and receivers to
report to the commissioner of the general
land office, s. iv. 396, 397; commissioner to
lay the report before Congress, ib.; register
and receiver to appoint a clerk, s. x. 397; fees
by way of compensation, and to defray the
expense of translations, ib.- -Purchasers of
tracts (of land not exceeding 640 acres) prior
to the 1st of April, 1809, whose lands have
not been sold or actually reverted to the
United States, allowed the further time of
three years, after the expiration of the period
already given by law, to complete their pay
ments, ch. CLXXXV 406, 407; exceptions


to, and conditions of this indulgence, 407,
408; benefit of the act not to extend to per-
sons on account of purchases of tracts of land
at any of the land offices north-west of the
river Ohio prior to the 1st of April, 1808,
408-Persons having filed notice of claim
to land within the district of Louisiana (now
Missouri) with the recorder, without evi-
dence, allowed till the 1st of January, 1814,
to furnish testimony, ch. CLXXXVI s. i.
408, 409; evidence to be recorded, ib.; fees
therefor, ib. rights barred by negligence, ib.;
recorder to have the same powers and per-
form the same duties as the board of commis.
sioners, except that his decision may be re-
vised by Congress, s. ii. 409; recorder to re-
port to the commissioner of the general land-
office, s. iii. 409, 410; report to be laid before
Congress, ib.; persons whose claims to a do-
nation of a tract of land in Missouri have been
confirmed entitled to a grant for 640 acres, s.
iv. 410; but the grant not to exceed the quan-
tity stated in notice of claim, nor more than
that contained within the acknowledged and
ascertained boundaries of the tract claim-
ed, ib.; surveys to be made, s. v. 410, 411;
regulation of surveys, ib.; certificates to issue
on the return of plats, ib.; patents to be grant-
ed, ib.; fees, s. vi. 411, 412; further allowance
of $500 on making report, ib.

LAPSLEY, SAMUEL, relief of his representatives,
ch. CCV 454.

LEE, WASHINGTON, to be allowed compensation

as judge advocate, according
to the act of the 11th of Jan-
uary, 1812, to raise an ad-
ditional military force, ch.

LETTERS OF MARQUE, &c. President may revoke

them, ch. CVII s. i. 238,
239; mode of obtaining
them, s. ii. 239; bonds and


condition, s. iii. 239, 240;
prize money how, dis-
tributed, s. iv. 240; pro-
perty of citizens to be
restored on payment of
salvage, s. v. 240; the sal-
vage how distributed, s. v.
241; prizes to be brought
for adjudication into the
ports of the United States,
or of a friendly nation be-
fore breaking bulk, s. xi.
241; original exclusive ju-
risdiction given to district
courts of the United States
with respect to prizes
brought into the United
States, ib., regulations con-
cerning prisoners found on
board prize vessels, s. vii.
242; the President to es-
tablish instructions, s. viii.
242; a bounty for destroy-
ing enemy vessels, s. ix.
242; journals to be kept by
commanding officers, s. x.
242, 243; and reported to
the collectors, ib.; com-
manding officers of private
vessels empowered to ex-
amine journals, &c. s. xi.
244; consuls and agents in
foreign countries also to
examine, &c. ib.; penalties
for not keeping journals,
or keeping false ones, s.
xii. 245; punishment for
violating revenue laws, &c.
s. xiii. 245; non-importa-
tion law not to affect prize
goods, s. xiv. 245, 246;
mode of punishing offences

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