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23; North Carolina 13; South Carolina 9;
Georgia 6; Kentucky 10; Ohio 6; Ten-
nessee 6.Congress to meet on the
first Monday of November, 1812, ch.
CXXXII 305.--Congress to meet on
the fourth Monday of May, 1813, ch.
CONSTITUTION frigate,-The President to have
distributed to the officers and crew
as prize money, $100,000, to wit:
$50,000 to Captain Hull, officers
and crew, for destroying the Guerri-
ere, and $50,000 to Captain Bain-
bridge, officers and crew, for de-
stroying the Java, ch. CXCIII
422, 423.

CONVERCE, ROYAL, to be released and discharg-
ed from imprisonment, ch.
CLXXI 384, 385.

COURTS,-district court for Maine to be holden at
Wiscasset on the second Tuesday of Sep-
tember annually, ch. II 4.-District courts
for North Carolina to be held at Edenton on
the 3d Monday of April and of October; at
Newbern on the first after the 3d Monday
of April, and 3d Monday of October; at
Wilmington, on the 2d after the 3d Monday
of April, and 3d Monday of October, ch.
XVII s. i. 26, 27; the court may be adjourn
ed by the marshal for one day, and till the
next term, s. ii. 27.- The district court for
Connecticut to be holden on the fourth Tues-
days of February, May, August, and Novem-
ber, in each year, ch. XX s. i. 30, 31.-


Circuit court of the United States may ap-
point discreet persons to take acknowledg-
ments of bail and affidavits, ch. XXV s. i.
39 The circuit court for East Tennessee
to be held at Knoxville on the second Mon-
day in October annually, ch. XXXIX s. i.
70, 71.The circuit courts for the first dis-
triot, to be held at Portsmouth the first of


May, at Exeter the first of October, at New-
port the 15th of June, at Providence the 15th
November, at Boston the 15th of May and
15th of October, ch. XLV s i. ii. 81, 82.
The district court of Louisiana to be held the
3d Monday in July, and on the 3d Monday
of every calendar month thereafter, ch. L
s. iii. 97; powers of the judge thereof, s. iii.
97.-District court of New York to consist
of two judges, ch. LXXI s. i. 136, 137;
opinion of the presiding judge to prevail, s. ii.
137; one judge may proceed with business,
ib.; constitution of the circuit court under the
act, ib.; four additional courts to be held an-
nually for the district of New York, viz.: at
Utica on the first Tuesdays of April and
October, at Geneva on the third Tuesday of
September, and at Salem on the third Tues-
day of October, s. iii. 137; a clerk to be ap-
pointed to reside at Utica, ib.; his duties, fees,
&c. s. iii. 137, 138.- The district court for
New York, to be holden at Utica on the se-
cond Tuesday of May, and the fourth Tues-
day of September, yearly, ch. CLXXXVII
s. i. 412; process returnable accordingly, s. ii.
413; the terms of the district court of Massa-
chusetts holden at Salem, to be thereafter
holden at Boston, s. iii. 413; process returna-
ble accordingly, ib.District court for
Maine to be holden at Wiscasset on the last
Tuesday of February annually, ch. CCII
450, 451, See Columbia.


DEPOSITIONS, taken in perpetuam rei memoriam,

may be admitted in evidence in the

courts of the United States, if ad-
missible in the courts of the state
where the cause is pending ch.
XXV s. iii. 40.

DIXON, JOHN, to be paid $329 84 cents, with 6 per
cent. interest from the 1st of January,
1785, the amount of a final settlement
certificate, &c. ch. CLXX s. i. 383,

DOCUMENTS, free of postage. See Congress.

DRAGOONS. See army.

DRAWBACK. See Embargo.

DUTIES, additional, of 100 per cent. laid and to be col-
lected upon goods, wares, and merchandise,
imported, ch. CXII s. i. 260; additional duty
of 10 per cent. if imported in foreign vessels,
s. ii. 260; additional duty of $1 50 cents per
ton on foreign vessels, s. iii. 260, 261; duties
how levied and collected, s. iv. 261; act to
continue till one year after peace, s.v. 261.-
District for collection of duties in Louisiana
to continue as before its becoming a state, ch.
L s. v. 98.- -Duties on cargoes allowed
entry from India to be secured or paid, ch.
CXXIV 294; cargoes to be deposited in
public stores, 294, 295.-Duties on iron
wire, ch. CLXXII s. i. 385; addition of 10
per centum on the rate of duty on iron wire
imported in foreign vessels, s. ii. 386; duty
how collected, s. iii. 386. See Barbary
powers. Fines and forfeitures.


EMBARGO, for 90 days, ch. XLIX s. i. 92; bonds to
be given in consequence of it, s. ii. 92;
penalties for violating it, s. iii. 93; recovery
and distribution of penalties, s. iv. 94.-
Exportation of specie and goods of foreign
or domestic growth and manufacture dur-
ing the continuance of the embargo pro
hibited, ch. LVI s. i. 107, 108; President
may employ the land and naval force and
militia to prevent such exportations, s. ii.
108; mode of recovering and distributing
penalties, s. iii. 109.Vessels chartered


by government permitted to sail, ch. LXX
136. -The time of the continuance of
the embargo not to be computed in the
time allowed for drawback on re-exporta-
tion, ch. XCVII 212.

ENGINEERS, further provision for the corps of, ch.
LXXII s. i. 138; 2 captains, 2 first lieu-
tenants, 2 second lieutenants, to be
added to the corps, with usual pay
and emoluments, ib.; and one paymaster,
to be taken from the subalterns of en-
gineers, ib.; with' pay and emoluments
of regimental paymaster, ib., to be at-
tached to the said corps, as the Presi-
dent may direct, 4 serjeants, 4 corporals,
1 teacher of music, 4 musicians, 19 arti-
ficers, and 62 men, ib.; to be formed
into a company of bombardiers, sappers,
and miners, s. i. 138, 139; to be offi-
cered from the corps of engineers as the
commanding officer, with the approba-
tion of the President, may direct, ib.; to
be allowed the same pay as in the regi
ment of artillerists, ib; military academy
to consist of the corps of engineers, and,
in addition to the teachers of the French
language and drawing already provided,
of one professor of natural and ex-
perimental philosophy, with the pay and
emoluments of a lieutenant colonel, one
professor of mathematics, with the pay
and emoluments of a major, one pro-
fessor of the art of engineering in all its
branches, with the pay and emoluments
of a major, s. ii. 139; each of the pro-
fessors to have an assistant professor, to
be taken from the most prominent cha-
racters of officers or cadets, and receive
the pay and emoluments of captains,
s. ii. 139, 140; the academical staff not
to have command in the army separate
from the academy, ib.; cadets not to ex-


ceed 250, s. iii. 140; may be attached at
the President's discretion to the military
academy as students, ib., regulations
concerning cadets, ib.; candidates for
cadets not to be under the age of 14 nor
above 21; to be well versed in reading,
writing, and arithmetic, ib.; to sign arti-
cles, with consent of parent or guardian,
to serve five years, s. iii. 140, 141; to re-
ceive pay and emoluments as provided
for cadets in the corps of engineers, ib.;
cadets receiving degrees to be candidates
for commissions, s. iv. 141; if there be
no vacancy the President may attach
cadets to corps by brevet of the lowest
grade as supernumerary officers, with
pay and emoluments of the grade, until
vacancies occur, ib.; but not more than
one supernumerary officer to one com-
pany at one time, ib.; appropriation of
$25,000 for buildings for the institu-
tion, &c. and such contingent expenses
as the President may judge necessary
and proper, s. v. 141; section of a former
act which confines the selection of the
commander of the corps to the corps,
repealed, s. vi. 141, 142.


FINES AND FORFEITURES, to be remitted by

the Secretary of the
Treasury in cases
of unlawful impor-
tations of goods
from Great Britain,
ch. CXLIX 341,
342; mode of pro-
ceeding to obtain
the benefit of the
act, ib.; circumstan-
ces entitling parties

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