E VOLUNTEER FOR S. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE. 1863. ADVILLE - SOLD WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1864. ABSENTEES. l'ubli-h turn t ment. treated to be s Comnia Officers w ranks 1 On detac the plac TATION Transport ported t ACCOUNTS. In settling ACTS OF CONGRE An act to fa tive inspec 27.182 An act to im arv 6,183 An act to pro 595 blishes proclamation of the President warning all, without leave, urn to duty; ail complying on or before April first to escape p nent, except forfeiture of pay for period of absence; delinquents reated as deserters, rendezvous for, established, (See RENDEZV to be sent to their regiments; list of men so sent to be forwarded regimental commander and a duplicate to the Adjutant General, to oinaanders will report receipt of men. .... ficers who are, without leave, may, on conviction, be reduced t ranks to serve for three years or the war detached service, sick, or paroled, to be furnished transportat the place where their regiment is to be mustered out (See TRAN TATION).. ansportation to their, regiments furnished, by provost marshals to ported to the men's company commander (See TRANSPORTATION TS. settling, of officers for clothing and other military supplies, affi of such officers may be received (See AFFIDAVIT).. dvance bounty paid enlisted men discharged before expiration of se to be allowed in settlement of Paymasters', (See BOUNTY) ... or tran-portation furnished drafted militia under General Orders No of 1862, to be settled regardless of mode of conveyance ublishes rules established for the rendition of the Quartermaster' partment's; vouchers and, to be rendered monthly--Forms No. 10 and 48 to 50, Revised Regulations; monthly, to be made in dupli copies--how disposed of.......... Payment of, presented through agents or collectors, forbidden, excep regular power of at orney (See DISBURSING OFFICERS). tepels regulations governing payment of, presented by agents.... TREMENTS. Volunteer regiments leaving the field at expiration of term of servi lowed to take their arms and, to place of discharge, if their office sume the responsibility (See ARMS)........ Of men transferred to the Invalid Corps may be sent with them or n the discretion of the corps commander......... OF CONGRESS. (See RESOLUTIONS) An act to facilitate the discharge of disabled soldiers from the army the inspection of convalescent camps and hospitals, approved Deco 27, 1812 An act to improve the organization of the cavalry forces, approved ary 6, 1833. ... An act to increase the clerical and other force of the Quartermaster eral's office, and for other purposes, approved February 7, 1863 An act to authorize the raising of a volunteer force for the better de of Kentucky, approved February 7, 1833...... An act to provid for the protection of overland emigrants to the and Territories of the Pacific, approved February 7, 1853.... 595284 |