A W HE CARE OF THE FIELD WORKS, AND THE uty of the commanding officer of each work to ent, consisting of the heavy guns, and those rescribed, will be numbered in a regular series, first gun on the right, as you enter, of the main n will be kept in the magazines, with the excepgrape, canister, and the solid shot, which will s will be kept clean; they will be traversed daily, to rest for two successive days on the same part If the gun-carriage does not move easily on the ill be occasionally greased. The gun-carriage lly on one part of the chassis. w and its box will be kept clean and well greased. ot in use, the screw will be run down as far as it the piece being raised until the muzzle is suffivent water running into it, and kept in that posi1 or block. The tompion to be kept in the muzzle, vent. be kept loaded. It will be time to load when the special orders to load are given. be P burs happ the d 7. const made 8. this p andr tion shelve there as to Cartri prever in the least t ceived. enter t 9. A and th must a charge admitt Socks smokin uns; for canisters a couple of pieces or scanting for sKIUS water shed, made by joining two boards together at the e placed over them. When the wooden sabots get wet, th urst the canisters, so that they cannot be put into the gun. appens, dry the canister until the block shrinks sufficien he canister edges together. 7. When not furnished by the Engineer Department, onstructing the sheds and for skidding will be furnished or nade to the Chief of Artillery. 8. The magazines must in dry weather be frequently his purpose, the ventilators and doors will be opened after nd must be closed, at latest, two hours before sunset. ion for different classes of guns will be carefully assor shelves, boxes, or barrels containing each kind plainly mar here is more than one magazine, the ammunition will be s as to be nearest to the particular guns from which it i Cartridges must be moved, and, if necessary, rolled onc prevent caking of the powder. Friction primers will be ca in the sun once a week, and always after a day's or nigh least two lanyards for each gun will be kept in store. As ceived, their hooks will be tested, to see if they are sufficie enter the eye of the primer, and yet strong enough for use. 9. No person will be allowed to enter the magazines exc and then every precaution against accidents will be tal must always be in glass lanterns, and carried only by t charge of the magazine. Swords, pistols, canes, &c., admitted, no matter what may be the rank of the person ca Socks or moccasins will be worn, if they can be procured. smoking will be allowed in the vicinity when the doors o in case of a git attack should be paraded at , to see that all their equipments, implements, ood order, and the gun in serviceable condition The men so stationed should "call off" their missed, and in case of alarm repair at once to elves, and await orders. be under charge of a non-commissioned officer, guns under a Lieutenant, who will be respontheir serviceable condition at all times. The ole to the commanding officer for the condition ruction of the men of his company. Artillery til all the men are well instructed, and there ne artillery drill a day when the weather will the cannoneers not actually serving the guns askets, and will be stationed next the guns to Tables of bags th works, the work Enginee platform 16. Sp ould be supplied with three copies of the Tactics officer will make himself acquainted with the , the distance to each prominent point come nature of the ground between them and his ble points of attack upon it. different be furnis earliest p special line. Canister or grape is only for use at short ran lumns are approaching, so that they can be taken in eir length, or very obliquely, solid shot is generally the be ecause of its greater accuracy and penetrating power. If onsists of Cavalry, some shells or case-shot will be use sorder their bursting produces among the horses. As to stances at which the projectiles must be used, they va escription and calibre of the gun, and can only be ascertai lting the Tables of Ranges. The prominent parts on the the works should be designated, their distances noted, an awn up for the different kinds of ammunition to be used hen the enemy reaches them. During the drills the atte hiefs of pieces and gunners should frequently be drawn to 15. Commanding officers will pay special attention to the reservation of the works. All filth will be promptly remo rainage be particularly attended to. No one should be alk on the parapets, nor move or sit upon the gabions, bai ags that may be placed upon them. When injuries occur works, they should be repaired as quickly as possible by th he work. If of a serious nature, they should at once be re Engineer officer in charge of the work. All injuries to the latforms of the guns will be promptly reported as soon as o 16. Special written instructions as to the supply of ammu ifferent posts, and the proportion for the different classes e furnished by the Chief of Artillery to the commanders of arliest period practicable. Instructions will also be furnis pecial objects of each work. 17. No persons not connected with the garrisons of the vill be allowed to enter them except such as visit them on of powder is wasted in unnecessary salutes, ragraph 268 of the Army Regulations, edition eneral officer will be saluted but once in a year when notice of his intention to visit the post has ilding fires on the open parades for cooking and ited, as it endangers the magazines. a fort, having been once established, will not be thority of the commander of the district, geo r army corps. f the Whitworth guns will not be used except he commanding officer of the post. There shall ubt at least one drill a day as artillery, and one must be taken to keep the bores of the rifled guns ays well oiled. inspected at such times as the Chief of Artillery eport of their condition will be made. Particuid to the drill and police of the work in each lition of the armament, ammunition, and maga cessio and t tance Wh the di tells th and th 3. T know t gun, th the shel must h tics, pag NOTEbette car For e pounds plies as STRUCTIONS FOR FIRING. on should be deliberate-never more than will ting. A few shots effectively thrown will proa larger number badly directed, although the ve killed the most men. |