All captures of officers, enlisted men, and camp followers, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, and December 10, 1862. All captures on the sea, the sea and gulf coasts, and the g into the same, up to December 10, 1862. The paroled troops herein declared to be exchanged will b lay, equipped for the field and forwarded to the armies to elong, from posts or camps wherever they may be collecto and enlisted men absent, in virtue of being on parole, wi ey are exchanged, immediately return to duty with their ands. ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: ng Signal Officers of the Army, or others, who may lose f field-glasses belonging to the supplies for the signal servi rged for the same at the following rates, computed as the cost to the United States: or each signal telescope and strap.......... or each binocular glass, case, and strap.. ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: $27 22 L. THOMAS, Adjutant Ger CRETARY OF WAR: L. THOMAS, Adjutant General. of 1862, au are hereby BY ORDE WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, February 4, 1863. eral Regulations, and "General Orders" No. agraph IV, are bereby modified so as to require nent in cases where certificates of discharge or r destroyed, shall be made to the Second Auditor of the Second Comptroller. CRETARY OF WAR: L. THOMAS, Adjutant General. GENERAL O No. 40 The follow government AN ACT to i SEC. 2. A commanding plies, the affi WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, Washington, February 7, 1863. on of the Board of Inspector Generals, the ed to the list or schedule of those which may be cers and soldiers of the volunteer service under 2, published in General Orders No. 27, of 1862: s, dried beef, smoked tongues, can and fresh ard, yeast powders, pickles, sardines, Bologna at flour, mackerel, codfish, poultry, saucepans, of vouchers. to prove that accident, or 1 whole or any legally used a evidence to es as may seem t stances of the Approved F སསཔ་ ་ས་་ 362, authorizing the enlistment of Volunteers in the Regu hereby rescinded. Y ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: he following Acts of Congress are published for the inform ernment of all concerned: I..PUBLIC-No. 16. ACT to increase the clerical and other force of the Quartermaste Office, and for other purposes. * * * * * EC. 2. And be it further enacted, That in settling the accou manding officer of a company for clothing and other mi s, the affidavit of any such officer may be received to show vouchers. or company books, or any matter or circumstand rove that any apparent deficiency was occasioned by un ident, or lost in actual service, without any fault on his p ole or any part of such clothing and supplies had been pro ally used and appropriated; and such affidavit may be con dence to establish the facts set forth, with or without other may seem to the Secretary of War just and proper under th nces of the case. Approved February 7, 1863. thirtieth of hat at any time it may be necessary, in the of the United States, these troops may be ts of Kentucky against the enemies of the r enacted, That the regimental and company and commissioned by the State of Kentucky, eof: Provided, That the officers of said regiay only when the regiments or companies are w, and while in actual service. er enacted, That the regiments, when raised shall be mustered into the service of the ject to the command of the President of the r enacted, That the officers and soldiers thus service shall be subject to the rules and artilaced on the same footing as other volunteers d States as to pay, subsistence, clothing, and Dounty, for and during the time they may be er enacted, That a portion of this volunteer egiments, may, when necessary, in the opine United States, be mounted and armed as enacted, That the President shall have power ions in regard to the organization and service em expedient for the interest of the service. er enacted, That, by and with the consent of signal serv SEC. 2. the Treasur act as an of office is no such office s be paid out the recess of Facancy exis to be filled such appoint Approved CT making appropriations for the support of the army for the year ieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and for a deficien al service for the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixt * * * * * c. 2. And be it further enacted, That no money shall be ] reasury of the United States to any person acting or ass s an officer, civil, military, or naval, as salary in any offic is not authorized by some previously existing law, unle office shall be subsequently sanctioned by law, nor shall ar id out of the Treasury, as salary, to any person appointe ecess of the Senate, to fill a vacancy in any existing offic acy existed while the Senate was in session and is by law e filled by and with the advice and consent of the Sen appointee shall have been confirmed by the Senate. proved February 9, 1863. V..PUBLIC-No. 23. AN ACT to promote the efficiency of the Commissary Departmen it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of th s of America in Congress assembled, That there be add istence department of the army, one brigadier general, 1 from the Subsistence department, who shall be Commiss of Subsistence, and by regular promotion one colonel, one li el, and two majors, the colonels and lieutenant colonels at commissaries general of subsistence; and that vacanci e mentioned grades shall be filled by regular promotion |