.. [VI] 73 tho bet on to funny expiatu, in cases vi vuiceis, necessity ure of service; in cases of enlisted men, to give , companies, and regiments, and whether prior or of the organization, or of the recruits if the organiSee TRANSPORTATION).... eral..... ispectors... ary ive.. y sergeant.. Signal Corps.. rses in general hospitals. ed States service.... urses in general hospitals. ....... [VI] 73 [VII] 73 [VI] 73 VI) 73 .... [VII] 73 pernumeraries not entitled to, (See VOLUNTEER three years entitled to one month's, in advance ; -enlisting their regiments not entitled to, between and re-entry into service.... in the regular army or volunteer force for three 110 .111 .....163 191 (See Kero , of cavalry officers unless assigned by the War Dequiring them to be mounted.... 277 YMASTERS.) ion appropriating twenty millions of dollars for payadvance,.. e President's call for 300,000 volunteers to receive enlisting for three years or the war to receive first ..340 Modifies p portation PLANTATIONS. PORTATI ... December 23 Deserted a States in 400 PORT ments to volunteers discharged and re-enlisted as (See Agg Temporary allowed མམས་བ སསས་ STERS. (See PAY DEPARTMENT.) ་སཔ muster-out rofls; payments on discharge, and those due on remu to be made in full, and at the same time immediately after re ter.... ..I All persons appointed additional, to present themselves before a boa examiners prior to being commissioned (See BOARD); appointme those reported against to be cancelled; all additional, may be ord before the board by the Paymaster General; those found unfit t mustered out... Advance bounty paid men discharged before expiration of their te service to be allowed in settlement of accounts of, (See BOUNTY)... Making payments to persons acting as supernumeraries to be held pe ally accountable for amounts so paid (Se VOLUNTEER FORCE)..... Applications of, for change of station or relief from assignment on of ill-health considered as tender of resignation (See RESIGNATION Ordered on journeys for payment of troops not in the field may be nished transportation in light or spring wagons over routes where p conveyances are not available (See TRANSPORTATION, WAGONS). To pay the $100 bounty to veteran volunteers upon usual discharg pers from their first enlistment...... May be arrested by the commander of the department or comma which assigned....... YLVANIA. A medal of honor to be provided for the volunteer troops from other who volunteered for temporary service in,.... Philadelphia, York, and Pittsburg announced as rendezvous for di men from the State of,.... No more enlistments to be made in, under the call for militia for six mo service... ONS. Service in the Invalid Corps does not entitle to,; claims for, due for vious service not invalidated by enlistment in that corps; cann drawn or accrue to the benefit of a man during his service in said ER. Included in the army ration at the rate of four ounces to the 100 ratio OGRAPHIC REPORTERS. (See REPORTERS)..... ICIANS. Modifies paragraph II of General Orders No. 48 of 1862, respecting portation of private, to attend sick and wounded soldiers (See TR PORTATION).......... TATIONS. Deserted and abandoned, in insurrectionary States within the U States lines, to be under the control of special agents of the Tre (See AGENTS) Temporary officers appointed at, opened or established in seceded S allowed same compensation as permanent officers of same positi gular army to be paid from recruiting funds after passed; form of receipt-rolls to be used; to volunid after medical inspection and muster into service; ed on the muster-in roll opposite their names, and for "clothing, drilling, and organizing volunteers"; ng for three years or the war entitled to same, as d from civil life; prescribes rules to facilitate payal cases of enlistment, and to discharged soldiers ved it... ents or re-enlistments in the veteran volunteers (See I of General Orders No. 191 of 1863, granting, to made by recruiting officers QU: use abu of s thei per to be or b Pubist muni 163 191 Publish .....340 [XI] 73 PROTOST MAR: Автоцис A, to be Cavalr ..315 Charged ..10, 117, 167, 339 Enlistme disburs report t may be discharged from imprisonment (See Dist to be discharged before taking the oath of alleficers in charge of, to obey the order of a Judge of Court punishable by a fine not less than $500 and t less than six months be made by officers in charge of, to writ of habeas arrest them or take prisoners from their custody to if necessary of.... after muster out of their regiments until after arrival ern the discharge of,; applications and recommenda- dent designating States and parts of States the inre in rebellion; slaves of all such persons to be free PROFOST MARS Appointm To be a and em duties o mutati 207 tran-por postage, General: ..252 .286 1 District, to report... Departmen (See UP Fuctu-b report ac What fun To forwar others (S ceretary of the Treasury to appoint special agents to collect and rece abandoned or captured, in insurgent States (See TREASURY); used or use in waging war against the United States, excepted; captured abandoned, may be used for the public service or sold at auction; own of such, may within two years after suppression of the rebellion pro their claim to the Court of Claims; brought within loyal States by ot persons than regular agents to be confiscated; offenders, on convicti to be fined not to exceed $1,000 or imprisoned not more than one ye or both... Publishes order regulating the collection of captured or abandoned,; ar munitions of war, and supplies necessary in military operations to turned over to officers of the Ordnance, Subsistence, or Quartermaste Departments. Publishes rules in relation to claims for payment of, lost or destroyed in military service .. Officers presenting public, for condemnation, to certify that it has not be previously condemned; all, condemned to be marked I. C.; marks to cancelled should final action be adverse to the Inspector's recommen tion (See INSPECTORS) ... Deserted, or abandoned, in insurrectionary States within United Sta lines to be under the control of special agents of the Treasury AGENTS) ST MARSHAL GENERAL. Announces Colonel J. B. Fry as A, to be appointed; to have rank, pay, and emoluments of a Colone Cavalry; duties of, regulated..... Charged with organization of an Invalid Corps; troops (organized to under the control of his Bureau (See INVALID CORPS) Enlistment of volunteers after May 1, 1863, to be under the charge of th disbursing and other officers connected with enlistment of volunteers report to the,.. ST MARSHALS. Appointments heretofore made of, revoked...... To be appointed for enrolling districts-one to each; to have rank, p and emoluments of a Captain of Cavalry if not an officer of that gra duties of, enumerated (See BOARD OF ENROLMENT); entitled to co mutation of forage when not furnished by the Government, but not transportation or fuel and quarters; actual expenses for station postage, and clerk hire allowed if authorized by the Provost Mars General; to arrest and turn over to the civil authorities all persons sisting or obstructing the draft (See DRAFT) District, to cause drafted men to be uniformed, &c., as soon as t report...... Department commanders to furnish military aid to, on their applicat (See DEPARTMENTS).... Furnishing transportation to enlisted men absent from their regiment report act to the men's company commanders; report to specify f what fund the transportation was paid (See TRANSPORTATION) To forward deserters from regiments out of service in same manner others (See DESERTERS, COMMISSION) its for the objects of that Bureau; estimates for by the Chief of the Bureau before action of the ..... equipments to officers falling in temporary comto be mounted (See COMMAND, HORSES)........... of officers of the,... , failing to render proper accounts and returns to ymaster General by the Quartermaster General NERAL); abstract of certified accounts given or the, to be duplicated; copies-how disposed of; ects offender to stoppage of pay........ eer company and regiment.. ntitled to commutation for. .......110 RECRUITING ..[VI] 73 Superi of Fr of ren ..366 [VI] 73, 113 or the [VI] 73, 113 Paragra travel .384 tion of, to Recruiting Officers-how made (See NES). military officers in the transportation of troops. TRANSPORTATION)...... in military service triable by Military Courts in , or insurrection; punishment not to be less than ws of the State or Territory in which the offence ....... For the fund orders Amount rolls Bunt fund; .[VI] 73 notice enlistm MENT) Modifies (See Re Subsisten 274 to white females employed as cooks or nurses in .390 the, from partme quarter at the rate of four ounces to the 100 rations... [VII] 73 Jodging proved 1 recruits duties. returns Relative t ents of t ernors a report th bling of [XI) 73 of the President enumerating States and parts of AMATION, SLAVES). ch during a, are triable by Military Courts when 3 in military service (See MURDER, ARSON, BURit authorized during the present, to call forth the it; during a, spies are triable by Military Courts [VI] 73 uspend the writ of habeas corpus during present, ; order of the President for any search, seizure, it during present, to bar all suits against officers uspended during present, |