cate of,..... more enlistments to be made in, under the call for militia for onths' service ..... inty of St. Mary, in, annexed to Department of Virginia and North C dina... USETTS. angfield announced as a rendezvous for drafted men from the St F HONOR. Adjutant General to provide an appropriate, for the troops who v inteered their services after expiration of their term and to Volunt roops from other States who volunteered for temporary service in Per ylvania and Maryland .... DEPARTMENT. (See MEDICAL OFFICERS.) ght Medical Inspectors added to the, (See MEDICAL INSPECTORS)... DIRECTORS. Armies in the field to forward to the Surgeon General after every gagement duplicated report of killed and wounded........... INSPECTOR GENERAL. owed same number of rooms as offices, and furniture and fuel the or, as allowed officers of the Quartermaster's Department perform similar duties... lowed same number of rooms as offices, and fuel and furniture there as allowed officers of the Quartermaster's Department of same rank have, under the Surgeon General, supervision of all that relates to sanitary condition of the Army-the police, discipline, hygiene, &c. field and general hospitals-and assignment of duties to Medical Insp tors; official communications for the,-how addressed....... L INSPECTORS. ght, added to the Medical Department; to be selected solely on acco of merit; to have rank, pay, and emoluments of officers of same grad to make frequent inspections of general hospitals and convalese camps; to designate to the Surgeon in charge soldiers who should returned for duty or who are fit subjects for discharge; empowered direct their discharge or return to duty.......... Lowed same number of rooms as offices, and fuel and furniture the ret as allowed officers of the Quartermaster's Department performing si lar duties..... ot to discharge men fit for service in the Invalid Corps..... ublishes lists of qualifications and disqualifications for admission i the Invalid Corps for the government of,......... ispends power of, to discharge enlisted men for disability; allowed sa number of rooms as offices, and fuel and furniture therefor, as allow officers of the Quartermaster's Department of same rank numerates general duties of,; at beginning of each month to mak rigid inspection of hospitals, quarters, transports, &c., within their spective districts; monthly inspection reports-how made; spec reports when made, (See REPORTS); to give close attention to ...191 expires within ninety days from June 25, t nine months, to receive extra bounty on teers (See VETERAN VOLUNTEERS)...... e under the call for 100,000, for six-months' sylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia ..........268 ing the votes of soldiers from that State, ties.. without consent of parents or guardians 295 .170 Volunteer A is organize pany, regi ing- upon wh Pub hes revis from the fund MESTER IS FOLLS. (See ROLLS)..... ops engaged under him in the battle of, nteer Artillery and Infantry regiments allowed, each, two principal o, allowed each company of Volunteer Artillery and Infantry... ND DESCRIPTIVE ROLLS. icers and men for the Invalid Corps to be made as soon as a compa organized; tor men transferred, to show date of original muster, cor ny, regiment, and date of transfer to the corps; how made; to plicated; copies-how disposed of; similar roll to be made for eac uad of recruits received up to date of that roll, and in future for b equent ones, and also for field and st. ff of a regiment as soon ganized; to be accepted as the muster-in rolls required by the mu ing regulations.. ... Dec -G OFFICERS. ired to make to the Superintendent of the Volunteer Recruiting Se ce for their State tri-monthly report of stragglers collected by the d sent to rendezvous; directed to publish tixs order in local new pers (See TRAGGLERS)..... troop organizing in the States, not authorized to muster in office ro ganizations that have left the State... BOUNTY, PREMIUM); have nothing to do with payments to discharge oldiers...... ore mastering in chaplains, to require them to exhibit copy of procee gupon which appointed; to indorse the papers if conformable to lay id forward them to the Adjutant General for file with the muster in ro war, to disburse fund for expenses of Volunteer Recruiting Service See RECRUITING SERVICE). hes revised order for the guidance of, in relation to expenditur om the fund for "collecting, drilling, and organizing volunteers" ef, to in-truet Recruiting officers in their duties; chief, to forwar the Provost Marshal General monthly property returns sent to ther Recruiting officers (See VOLUNTEERS, RECRUITING SERVICE, TRAN ORTATION, SUBSISTENCE) enter on muster in rolls of Veteran Volunteers a stipulation that the ball receive a furlough (See FURLOUGHS)...... ef, to furnish transportation in certain cases to Volunteers returnin oin furlough (See TRANSPORTATION)... ......Dece IN ROLLS. e ROLLS).... py of proceedings upon which chaplains are appointed to be filed wit e, (See MUSTERING OFFICERS). mium and advance bounty paid volunteer recruits to be entered on the See PREMIUM, BOUNTY) ..... muster of Veteran Volunteers to be done on prescribed,; fact of ro muster to be noted thereon..... istering officers to enter on, of Veteran Volunteers, a stipulation tha hey shall receive a furlough (See FURLOUGHS).. Publi Veteran Volunteers to be noted on the,; final ..December 23 .48 d on the tenth of April, 1863, to be sent to the porta Announ Authori to be p cents .82 .........163 on-payment of advance bounty in cases of ren the first, (See MUSTER ROLLS)... be borne on the, at the foot of the list of pri ......323 rps, how reported on, for pay........... December 12 ablished in regard to, in or out of service; no ted; not to be made unless a vacancy exists; altered unless by authority from the Adjutant n who have received commissions, not to be harged as soldiers (See ROLLS)... pops in service to be made April 10, 1863; musAdjutant General..... cers of volunteer companies cannot be made beon of company (See APPOINTMENTS).... 48 82 239 r, may be carried into execution upon approval heral in the field...... [VI] 73 -and foreigners, who have declared their inten-between twenty and forty-five, constituted the,; ersons exempted; the, to be divided into two each class to be made separately; all persons' ary duty for two years after the first of July sucled into service, to serve not exceeding three e footing in every respect as three-years volunf calling out the,; (See BOARD OF ENROLMENT); to districts (See DISTRICTS); drafted men furaying not exceeding $300, to be discharged; not ting at rendezvous, to be treated as deserters enses connected with the enrolment and draft om the appropriation for that purpose, and arrest of deserters, from the appropriation for esident authorized during present rebellion to persons drafted to be assigned to duty as the e may require........ ....[VI] 73 OATH OF ALLE ONERS) OFFICES No money by law, Provisions sideratio governme Assistant S spectors for, as all similar du Assistant Su spectors a therefor, a rank..... Camps Chase from the St No more enli mouths se ORISANCE Resignation of on account ORDNANCE DEPART Publi-bes rules in the, of a g Enumerates st Eon in the, ORDNANCE STORES. Contuders of surplus and r stores..... blishes proclamation of the President declaring the State of, in rebellio See PROCLAMATION, SLAVES)... specting detail for, at general hospitals (See INVALID DETACHMENTS). difies paragraph II of General Orders No. 48 of 1862 respecting trans portation of, to attend sick and wounded soldiers (Sce TRANSPORTATION nounces rules to govern employment of women, in hospitals...... thorizes employment of male or female colored, in general hospitals to be paid $10 per month; white females employed as, to receive fort cents per day and one ration....... ALLEGIANCE. litical prisoners not to be discharged before taking the, (See PRIS NERS). ministered to prisoners of war must be unqualified; carries with it n exemption from any of the duties of a citizen... money to be paid as salary in civil, military, or naval, not authorize by law, unless subsequently sanctioned... visions of the law to prevent Members of Congress from taking con sideration for procuring, to be construed as applying to any agent of th government.... sistant Surgeon General, Medical Inspector General, and Medical In pectors allowed same number of rooms as, and furniture and fuel there or, as allowed officers of the Quartermaster's Department performin imilar duties....... sistant Surgeon General, Medical Inspector General, and Medical In pectors allowed same number of rooms as, and furniture and fu herefor, as allowed officers of the Quartermaster's Department of sam ank.... mps Chase and Dennison announced as rendezvous for drafted me rom the State of,..... more enlistments to be made in, under the call for militia for si months' service..... JE. signation of volunteer officers not to be accepted if they are indebte on account of, (See RESIGNATIONS)... E DEPARTMENT. blishes rules to govern boards in examining applicants for commission n the, of a grade not higher than captain............. umerates subjects on which candidates for appointment and promo on in the, will be examined CE STORES. inmanders of regiments and battalions in the field accountable for al urplus and reserve,; transportation of such, to be provided as for othe tores. |