GESBOAT SERVICE. dropped from HABEAS CORPUS. Authorizes the present rebell HORSE EQUIPMENTS. Publishes rules i the military se For officers in te obtained (See December 15 December 24 Publishes rules i the military ser Officers purchasin detached in an the Chief Quart termined by al able, pureliased portation for, of another-how o For the Cavalry s ment under the Chief of Cavalry B the service up to And horse equipm to be mountedcounted for by t mounted service HOSPITALS. Publishes an act to of sick and wound iscated. tory to be taken of all, seized (See INVENTORY, SEIZURE)... ERVICE. ed men detached for duty in the Western, in 1861 and 1862 to be ped from the rolls of the Army..... RPUS. ...Noven rizes the President to suspend the writ of, during present rebellion: ificate on oath that a prisoner is detained under authority of the sident to bar further proceedings under that writ ..... hes proclamation of the President suspending the writ of, during ent rebellion (See PRISONERS)........ PMENTS. hes rules in relation to claims for payment of, lost or destroyed in military service.... fieers in temporary command requiring them to be mounted-how ined (See COMMAND, HORSES). thes rules in relation to claims for payment of, lost or destroyed in military service..... rs purchasing, from the Quartermaster's Department, and afterwards ached in any way from an army in active service, to turn them in to Chief Quartermaster of that army; value of, thus returned to be de uined by a Board (See BOARD); officers not permitted to sell service, purchased by them from the Quartermaster's Department; transtation for, of officers ordered without troops from one Department to other-how obtained (See TRANSPORTATION).. he Cavalry service to be purchased by the Quartermaster's Depart nt under the direction of the Chief of the Cavalry Bureau .... of Cavalry Bureau to purchase, for present and prospective wants of service up to September 1, 1863; requisitions for,-how made morse equipments for officers in temporary command requiring them be mounted-how obtained (See COMMAND); to be receipted and acinted for by the officer receiving them; to be turned in when the unted service for which drawn shall cease..... shes an act to facilitate the inspection of general, (See MEDICAL INECTORS)..... eneral, feeble and wounded men not entirely disabled to be organized o invalid detachments instead of being discharged (See INVALID DECHMENTS).... cons in charge of, to report monthly to the Provost Marshal General names of all deserters therefrom (See DESERTERS).... master General to take immediate measures for the prompt payment sick and wounded soldiers in..... of officers and men for the Invalid Corps who are in, to be made out the Surgeon in charge; Surgeons in charge of, not to discharge men for service in the Invalid Corps..... nteers in, to be furnished transportation to place where their regiment to be mustered out (See TRANSPORTATION). nsurrectionary States within the United ontrol of special agents of the Treasury of any person during present rebellion to r such actions.... 31 ...[XI) 73 d to one-half legal maximum organization - less companies; Colonel, Major, and one ered out; companies formed by consolidath, and designated by the first letters of the cers and non-commissioned officers to be idation; officers retained to be selected by lers; appointments to vacancies not to be n from the Adjutant General (See VACANTERS)..... sist of ten companies; Regimental Adjube extra Lieutenants; each regiment of, Sergeant, one Commissary Sergeant, one rincipal Musicians; companies to consist vates nor more than eighty-four; allowed 86 ...110 d below legal minimum to be deprived of Surgeon; companies-of the 2d Lieutenrated-now properly in service-to be recant; vacancies in such grades to be filled Department or Corps Commissary of Musment is above the minimum.......... 182 troops to be sent to the Cavalry Bureau.....236 valry troops; reports-how made. es to be made by the Commander of a post the Senior Medical Officer on duty (See 237 ..247 ions to cause an, to be made of amount of ective commands (See TRANSPORTATION)....274 monthly, of hospitals, quarters, transports, stricts.. .......398 be detailed as, to supervise organization thern and western States (See COLORED all public property condemned by them; 1 final action be adverse to their recom ......143 and men as authoriz How organize officers of grons; duti At every gener and reported rolls of,-how respective Cou pany rolls as of their regiment made in, Revokes order fo admission into OLLS); regulates mode of application for admission into the, by offic id men honorably discharged for wounds or disease; Provost Mareneral charged with the organization of the, (See PROVOST MARSE ENERAL).... nounces uniform adopted for the,. olishes lists of qualifications and disqualifications for admission i e,; no one to be admitted who is not meritorious and deservi tficers and men of the, not entitled to pensions, premiums, or bou or enlistment, re-enlistment or service in the Corps (See PENSIC COUNTY); to be organiz d into companies of infantry of same stren s authorized by law for the United States infantry; no organization uch, to be accepted; enlistments in the, to be for three years nounces uniform adopted for officers of the,. mbers of invalid detachments to be examined for admission into t See ROLLS, ARMY CORP); medical officers and chaplains not at pres o be transferred to the, (See DISCHARGE); arms and accoutrement: nen transferred to the, may be sent with them or not as the Corps Co anders may deem best; officers of the, not to receive for the pres higher commissions than Major. ow organized; rolls of men for the,-how prepared, (See ROLLS); ex nation of men in hospitals for the, to be made by the Surgeon in char tlicers of the, on duty in hospitals to be subordinate to the s geons; duties of senior officer of the, on duty in hospitals, definpublishes lists of qualifications and disqualifications for admission i he,; no one to be admisted who is not ineritorious and deserving seinds authority given to Corps Commanders to transfer officers fr active regimerts to the,; regulates mode of application for admiss into the, by regimental officers unfit for field service; officers transfer to the, who have not received their appointments to make applicat agreeably with provisions of this order..... rades of Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel in the, authorized from S Tember 5, 1263...... uster and descriptive rolls of officers and men to be made as soon a company is organized (See MUSTER AND DESCRIPTIVE ROLLS); offic of the,-how reported on muster rolls for Pay elative to discharge of men of the, (See DISCHARGE). -DETACHMENTS. .De Dec t every general hospital feeble and wounded men not entirely disabled be organized into, instead of being discharged; details from, to be made the Military Commander, (See MILITARY COMMANDERS); to be muste and reported as detachments; no extra pay allowed for service i rolls of,-how made (See ROLLS); assignment to, to be reported to respective Company Commanders; men in, to be borne on their co pany rolls as on detached service; becoming fit for duty to be sent. their regiments; lance appointments without increase of pay may made in, tevokes order for the organization of,; members of, to be examined admission into the Invalid Corps (Sce INVALID CORPS) urrectionary States within United States special agents of the Treasury (See AGENTS) ..331 wounds or sickness to receive only one-half sent without authority to forfeit all pay and ze in addition to sentence of court-martial.[VI] 73 Brigadier Generals absent on, on account ys.... ommanders; does not authorize holders to cation for extension of, not considered uthority granting the leave.. addressed to the Chief of the Bureau care ..196 383 And more et months' County of S olina.... MASSACHUSETTS. Springfield a MEDAL OF HONOR. unteered t Eight Medica MEDICAL DIRECTO Of Armies in gagement d MEDICAL INSPECTO Allowed sam for, as allo To have, und to make fr as allowed of Not to dischar naid inspectio spective disti reports-whel |