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The Character of Christian Religion, demonstrating its aptitude to plant exemplary Vertue and Sanctity.


HE holy Pfalmist gives it as part of the Character of Pious perfons, and therewithal a description of their felicity, Pfal. 92. 13. That they fball bring forth more fruit in their Age: and what he thus obferves of the members disjunctively and apart, reason suggests to be in a higher, and more eminent manner appliable to the whole body united: And it being as well the mark as duty of every fingle Christian to grow in grace, 2 Pet. 3. 18. we may by all rules of Proportion, conclude that the collective maffe of fuch, the whole Church is by this time near attained to the measure of the ftature of the fulne of Chrift, Eph.4.3. And indeed this is fo regular an inference, that whileft the premises stand firm 'tis impoffible to shake the conclufion, the entire body muft neceffarily augment answerably to the growth of its feveral parts. And if we should fo far let loofe to fpeculation as to forget our experience: If we measure the effect only by the power and energy of the cause, we fhould furely be as far from doubting the premises also. Christianity is in its felf offo prolifick a nature, fo apt to impregnate the hearts and lives of its profelytes, that it is hard to imagine,


that any branch fhould want a due fertility that is engrafted into fo vigorous a stock.

FOR firft, in its fpring and original it is most fupernatural and divine, derived immediately from him, who had nothing more of man than he purposely affumed to draw us the nearer to him as God. He it was that diffeminated this doctrine, and that in order to the purifying to himself a peculiar people zealous of good works; and certainly his choice abundantly juftifies its propriety to that end, and his defcent from Heaven on that errand puts fo venerable a folemnity upon it, that though his descent were very aftonishing, yet it will be much more fo, that it fhould fail of the defigned effect.

AND indeed did our Faith give us no clue to lead us to the author, yet its compofition would fpeak it to be of no humane extraction, its precepts are fo excellent and refined, fo agreeable to the more fpiritual part of our temper, and fo apt, as to foreftall, fo to cleanse and sublimate the more grofs and corrupt, as fhews flesh and blood never revealed it. Nay farther, fo effectually providing for all thofe advantages to mankind, which the wifeft of mens laws have in vain attempted, that methinks they all ftand before it like the Magicians before Mofes, and by their impotence tacitly confefs it to be the finger of God. 'Twere too large a Theme to confront them in the feveral inftances, let it fuffice to obferve one which has a common influence on all; and that is the immaculate clearneß of heart, which Christs, and only Chrifts law requires. This is the only proper bafis on which to fuperitruct, firft innocency, and



then vertue, and without this the most rigid exactors of outward purity, do but transcribe the folly of him, who Pumps very laboriously in a Ship, yet neglects to stop the Leak: or the worse tyranny of Pharaoh in requiring Brick without Straw: fo far is it from a severity in our law-giver, thus to limit and restrain our thoughts, that it is an act of the greateft indulgence: by no means the laying on a new burden, but the furnishing us with an Engine to bear with ease that weight which otherwise the ftouteft Atlas muft fink under. And were but this one precept fincerely conformed to, it would not only facilitate but afcertain the obedience to all the reft. If the first parks of ill were quencht within, what poffibility is there they should ever break out into a flame? How fhall he kill that dares not be angry? Be Adulterous in act, that did not first tranfgrefs in his defire? How fhall he be perjured that fears an oath? Or defraud that permits not himself to covet? In the like manner all pofitive acts of vertue, are but the natural effects of the interior habit. Where the love of God is feated in the Heart, 'twill operate in all the faculties, keep them in a bufie endeavour of doing acceptable fervice: when fear is planted there, it will break forth in outward reverence and duty; and fo proportionably 'twill be in every other inftance. 'Tis therefore an advice well becoming the wisdom of Solomon, Prov. 4. to keep the heart with all diligence: but then it is withal the work of him who is greater than Solomon, to teach us how to do this: for unleẞ he keep that Gity the watchman waketh but in vain. If he instruct



not to secure those iffues of life, they will betray and ruine, appear indeed the favour of death unto death. Now of this divine art of Tacticks and defence, Christianity is the only School, and therefore moft fitly qualified for the producing all those fupernatural excellencies to which the timely prepoffeffion of the heart, is the rudiment and principle.

AND as the preceptive part enjoyns the most exact, and elevated vertue, fo is it most advantageoufly enforc't by the Promiffory, which both in refpect of the kind and value of the rewards; and alfo the manner of propofing them, is most exquifitely adapted to the fame end.

FOR firft, if we confider the nature of the things promised, we shall find they are not grofs and carnal, fuch as may court and gratifie the bestial part of us; but fuch as are proportioned to the fupream and leading principle, as feast a Soul, and fuit with the capacities of an intelligence. All the beatitudes the Gospel tenders to its votaries, either relate to the purity or peace of the mind in this life; or elfe to its completer felicity hereafter. And though 'tis true, the,body is not wholly unconfidered, though the addition of all temporal neceffaries be promised, yet even thofe are for the Souls fake, either to fecure it from the fin of folicitude and diftruft, or to preserve it a useful inftrument for the others fervice. And as for the future glory in which the body is to partake, 'tis to be obferved, that flesh and blood can not inherit it; that load of earth which now engages to corruption must be put off,


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