Position of President Lincoln before the World-Plots for his Assassination-Letter of
Mr. Seward-The President's Interview with Speaker Colfax-His attendance at
Ford's Theater-Enthusiasm of the People on his Arrival-J. Wilkes Booth-His
Arrangements for the Assassination-Perpetration of the Deed-Escape of Booth-
Death of the President-Attack upon Mr. Seward and his Son-Profound Grief of
the Nation-Funeral Services at Washington-Departure of the Funeral Train for
Springfield-Ceremonies at Baltimore-At Harrisburg-At Philadelphia-At New
York-At Albany-At Buffalo-At Cleveland-At Columbus-At Chicago-Funeral
Services at Springfield-Foreign Expressions of Sympathy with the Nation, and
with Mr. Lincoln's Family--Mr. Johnson succeeds to the Presidency-Large Re-
wards offered for the apprehension of the Murderer-He is traced to his Hiding-
place and Killed-Capture and Trial of his Associates-Closing Tribute to the Char-
acter and Administration of Abraham Lincoln,