CONNECTICUT, From the State of Noyes Barber, William W. Ellsworth, Heman Allen, VERMONT, NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY, Horace Everett, William G. Angel, William Babcock, Gamaliel H. Barstow, John T. Bergen, Joseph Bouck, Samuel Beardsley, John C. Brodhead, Churchill C. Cambreleng, Bates Cooke, Charles Dayan, John Dickson, Ulysses F. Doubleday, Michael Hoffman, John King, Garret Y. Lansing, James Lent, Job Pierson, Nathaniel Pitcher, Edmund H. Pendleton, Edward C. Reed, Erastus Root, Nathan Soule, John W. Taylor, Phineas L. Tracy, Frederick Whittlesey, Samuel J. Wilkin, Grattan H. Wheeler, Campbell P. White, Aaron Ward, Daniel Wardwell. Lewis Condict, Richard M. Cooper, PENNSYLVANIA, DELAWARE, MARYLAND, VIRGINIA, NORTH CAROLINA, From the State of Robert Allison, John Banks, Thomas H. Crawford, Harmar Denny, Joshua Evans, James Ford, John Gilmore, Henry Horn, Henry King, Robert McCoy, Thomas M. T. McKennan, Henry A. Muhlenberg, John J. Milligan. Benjamin C. Howard, John S. Spence, Francis Thomas, George C. Washington, Mark Alexander, William S. Archer, William Armstrong, Nathaniel H. Claiborne, Joseph W. Chinn, Richard Coke, jr., Thomas Newton, Daniel L. Barringer, Delegates from Territories also appeared, and took their seats, viz. From the Territory of Florida, Joseph M. White. And a quorum, consisting of a majority of the whole number of members of the House, being present, it was, On motion of Mr John W. Taylor, Ordered, That a message be sent to the Senate informing that body that a quorum of the House of Representatives has assembled, and that the House is ready to proceed to business. Mr. Mercer rose, and announced to the House that Philip Doddridge, one of the Representatives from the State of Virginia, died in this city during the late recess of Congress; and, thereupon, On motion of Mr. Mercer, it was Resolved unanimously, That the members of the House of Representatives, from a sincere desire of showing every mark of respect due to the memory of Philip Doddridge, late a member thereof from the State of Virginia, will go in mourring, by the usual mode of wearing crape around the left arm, for one month. On motion of Mr. Boon, Resolved, That the daily hour to which this House shall stand adjourned, be 12 o'clock, meridian, until otherwise ordered. On motion of Mr. Ward, Resolved, That the Clerk be directed to cause the members to be furnished with such newspapers as they, respectively, may elect; the expense of each member not to exceed the price of three daily papers per annum. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Lowrie, their Secretary: Mr. Speaker: I am directed to inform the House of Representatives that a quorum of the Senate is assembled, and ready to proceed to business. am further directed to inform the House of Representatives that the Senate have, in the absence of the Vice President, elected the honorable Hugh L. White, a Senator from the State of Tennessee, President of the Senate, pro tempore. On motion of Mr. Speight, Resolved, That a Committee be appointed, on the part of this House, jointly with such committee as may be appointed on the part of the Senate, to wait on the President of the United States, and inform him that a quorum of the two Houses is assembled; and that Congress is ready to receive any communications he may be pleased to make. Mr. Speight and Mr. Richard M. Johnson were appointed of the said committee on the part of this House. Ordered, That the Clerk notify the Senate of the appointment of the said committee. A message from the Senate, by Mr. Lowrie, their Secretary: Mr. Speaker: The Senate have concurred in the resolution for the appointment of a joint committee to inform the President of the United States that a quorum of the two Houses is assembled; and that Congress is ready to receive any communications he may be pleased to make; and have appointed Mr. Grundy and Mr. Frelinghuysen of the committee, on their part. And then the House adjourned until to-morrow, twelve o'clock, meridian. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1832. Several other members, viz. From Massachusetts, James L. Hodges; From Rhode Island, Tristam Burges; From New York, John A. Collier and Gulian C. Verplanck; From Ohio, William Stanberry; appeared and took their seats. Austin E. Wing, the delegate from the Territory of Michigan, also appeared and took his seat. Mr. Speight, from the Joint Committee appointed to wait on the President of the United States, and inform him that a quorum of the two Houses is assembled, and that Congress is ready to receive any communications he may be pleased to make, reported that the committee had performed the duty assigned it, and that the President answered that he would make a communication to the two Houses of Congress to-day, at 12 o'clock, meridian. On motion of Mr. John W. Taylor, Resolved, That two chaplains, of different denominations, be elected by Congress, one by each House, to serve during the present session, who shall interchange weekly. Ordered, That the Clerk request the concurrence of Senate in said resolution. On motion of Mr. Wickliffe, Resolved, That this House will, on Thursday next, at half past twelve o'clock, proceed to the election of a Sergeant-at-Arms to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of John O. Dunn. A communication, in writing, was received from the President of the United States, by Mr. Donelson, his private Secretary; which was read, and is as follows: Fellow Citizens of the Senate, and House of Representatives: It gives me pleasure to congratulate you upon your return to the Seat of Government, for the purpose of discharging your duties to the people of the United States. Although the pestilence, which had traversed the Old World, has entered our limits, and extended its ravages over much of our land, it has pleased Almighty God to mitigate its severity, and lessen the number of its victims, compared with those who have fallen in most other countries over which it has spread its terrors. Notwithstanding this visitation, our country presents, on every side, marks of prosperity and happiness, unequalled, perhaps, in any other portion of the world. If we fully appreciate our |