eas and nays, questions decided by, viz. Bill Senate No. 82, further to provide for the collection on motion to lay it upon the table Page. 384 410 411 to postpone until 27th February instant 413 455 that the title be, &c. Bill Senate No. 80, for a stereotype edition of the laws, on motion to lay it upon the table 457 Adjournment of the House, on motions for an 55, 116, 225, 226, 231, 243, 248, 257, 259, 304, 309, 339, 343, 344, 359, 370, 388, 393, Call of the House, on motions for a 134, 146, 289, 291, 304, 317, - 139 Appeal from Speaker's decision Contingent fund, on restricting expenditure of printing ments from members of on motion to amend - Page. Yeas and nays, questions decided by, viz. President's message communicating a copy of an ordi- On a motion to lay upon the table the amendment of the Surplus revenue, resolution, by Mr. Stewart, for distri- · 204 472 183 230 revenue of On amending the rule relating to the introduction of per- 240 On a motion to reconsider the vote for printing the re- 258 307 On a motion to prohibit an increase of the number of On a motion to lay upon the table a petition of inhabi- On printing a copy of the proceedings of a meeting of On a motion that the daily hour of meeting of the On engrossing the resolution (No. 16,) for paying the On a motion to suspend the rule prescribing the order March, for a 338 On granting the use of the Hall to Doctor Thomas. On a motion to print report of commissioners for adju- On a motion to purchase 250 copies (Elliot's) Debates 349 364 365 Page. Yeas and nays, questions decided by, viz. On a motion to lay upon the table a proposition to re- - On a motion to lay upon the table a resolution directing Youngstown, on Lake Erie, erect pier in harbor of 371 451 394 405 47 APPENDIX. STANDING RULES AND ORDERS, FOR CONDUCTING BUSINESS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES. Touching the Duty of the Speaker. 1. He shall take the chair every day precisely at the hour to which the House shall have adjourned on the preceding day; shall immediately call the members to order; and, on the appearance of a quorum, shall cause the Journal of the preceding day to be read. 2. He shall preserve order and decorum; may speak to points of order in preference to other members, rising from his seat for that purpose; and shall decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the House by any two members; on which appeal no member shall speak more than once, unless by leave of the House. 3. He shall rise to put a question, but may state it sitting. 4. Questions shall be distinctly put in this form, to wit: "As many as are of opinion that (as the question may be) say Ay;" and after the affirmative voice is expressed, "As many as are of the contrary opinion, say No." If the Speaker doubts, or a division be called for, the House shall divide: those in the affirmative of the question shall first rise from their seats, and afterwards those in the negative. If the Speaker still doubts, or a count be required, the Speaker shall name two members, one from each side, to tell the members in the affirmative, which being reported, he shall then name two others, one from each side, to tell those in the negative, which being also reported, he shall rise and state the decision to the House. 5. When any motion or proposition is made, the question, "Will the House now consider it?" shall not be put, unless it is demanded by some member, or is deemed necessary by the Speaker. 6. The Speaker shall examine and correct the Journal before it is read. He shall have a general direction of the Hall. He shall have a right to name any member to perform the duties of the chair, but such substitution shall not extend beyond an adjournment. 7. All committees shall be appointed by the Speaker unless otherwise specially directed by the House, in which case they shall be appointed by ballot; and if, upon such ballot, the number required shall not be elected by a majority of the votes given, the House shall proceed to a second ballot, in which a plurality of votes shall prevail; and, in case a greater number than is required to compose or complete a committee shall have an equal number of votes, the House shall proceed to a further ballot or ballots. 8. In all other cases of ballot than for committees, a majority of the votes |