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APR 23 1920


Amer. Journal International Law American journal of international law, v.

Austro-Hungarian Manual_.

Baty and Morgan__







Ct. Cl.


1-11. 1907-1917. N. Y., Oxford university
press. (Supplement, v. 1-11, 1907-1917,
special numbers, 1915, 1916.)

Anhang zum Dienstraglement für die k. u. k.
Kriegemarine (Internationals Sea-und

Landkriegsrecht). Vienna, 1913.

Baty, T., and Morgan, J. H. War; Its Conduct and Legal Results. London, John Murray, 1915.

Reports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the United States, December term, 1861, to December term, 1862. 2 v. (included in U. S. Reports as vols. 66 and 67).

Manuel de droit international public.

By Henry Bonfils.
By Paul Fauchille.
..Borchard, Edwin M.

Seventh edition.

Paris, 1914.

The Diplomatic Pro-
New York,

tection of Citizens Abroad. Banks Law Publishing Company, 1916. Cobbett, Pitt. Cases and Opinions on International Law; and Various Points of English Law Connected Therewith. Part I, Peace. Part II, War. Part III, Neutrality. 2 vols. London, Stevens and Haynes, 1913. .U. S. Supreme Court Reports, 5-13. U. S. 1801-1815.

Crandall, Samuel B. Treaties, Their Making
and Enforcement. New York, The Colum-
bia University Press, 1904.

-.Cases decided in the Court of Claims of the
United States.

Cyclopedia of Law and Procedure.


Mack, editor in chief. 40 vols. New York, American Law Book Company, 1912. Vol. 40, Wilson, George Grafton, article entitled "War."

Reports of cases in the courts of the United States (1790-1800) and Pennsylvania (1754-1806).

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