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He introduces a bill. His speech. - Financial expedients.
Bitterness of feeling. - Democrats seek to hold a quorum.
- Mr. Lincoln
jumps out of a window. - Speech by Mr. Lincoln. The alien question.
The Democrats undertake to "reform " the judiciary. - Mr. Douglas a

leader. - Protest of Mr. Lincoln and other Whigs. — Reminiscences of a

colleague. — Dinner to "The Long Nine.". "Abraham Lincoln one of

nature's noblemen."

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Mr. Lincoln not a candidate for re-election. Judge Logan's defeat. - Mr.

Lincoln an applicant for Commissioner of the Land Office. — Offered the

Governorship of Oregon. Views concerning the Missouri Compromise

and Compromise of 1850. — Declines to be a candidate for Congress in

1850. - Death of Thomas Lincoln. Correspondence between Mr. Lin-

coln and John Johnston. - Eulogy on Henry Clay. In favor of voluntary

emancipation and colonization. Answer to Mr. Douglas's Richmond

speech. - Passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill. - Mr. Lincoln's views

concerning slavery. - Opposed to conferring political privileges upon

negroes. -— Aroused by the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. — Anti-

Nebraska party.—Mr. Lincoln the leader. — Mr. Douglas speaks at

Chicago. — At Springfield. — Mr. Lincoln replies. — A great speech. --

Mr. Douglas rejoins. The Abolitionists. — Mr. Herndon. - Determined

to make Mr. Lincoln an Abolitionist. They refuse to enter the Know-

Nothing lodges. The Abolitionists desire to force Mr. Lincoln to take a

stand. — Ile runs away from Springfield. He is requested to "follow

up" Mr. Douglas. Speech at Peoria. Extract. Slavery and popular

sovereignty. Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Douglas agree not to speak any

The election. - Mr. Lincoln announced for the Legislature by

Mrs. Lincoln withdraws his name. Jayne restores it.

He is elected. — A candidate for United-States Senator. Resigns his

seat. Is censured. - Anti-Nebraska majority in the Legislature. The

balloting.-Danger of Governor Matteson's election. - Mr. Lincoln

advises his friends to vote for Judge Trumbull. — Trumbull elected.

Charges of conspiracy and corrupt bargain. - Mr. Lincoln's denial. Mr.

Douglas imputes to Mr. Lincoln extreme Abolitionist views. Mr. Lin-

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Mr. Lincoln writes and delivers a lecture. The Presidency. - Mr. Lincoln's
running qualities." He thinks himself unfit. - Nominated by "Illinois
Gazette." - Letter to Dr. Canisius. Letter to Dr. Wallace on the pro-
tective tariff policy. Mr. Lincoln in Ohio and Kansas. A private
meeting of his friends. - Permitted to use his name for the Presidency. -

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Meeting of the Republican State Convention.

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Mr. Lincoln present.-John

Hanks and the rails.- Mr. Lincoln's speech. Meeting of the Republican
National Convention at Chicago. The platform. Combinations to
secure Mr. Lincoln's nomination. The balloting. Mr. Lincoln nomi-
nated. - Mr. Lincoln at Springfield waiting the results of the Con-
vention. How he received the news. Enthusiasm at Springfield. -
Official notification. The "Constitutional Union " party. — The Demo-
cratic Conventions at Charleston and Baltimore. The election. — The
principle upon which Mr. Lincoln proposed to make appointments. Mr.
Stephens.—Mr. Gilmore. — Mr. Guthrie.—Mr. Seward. —Mr. Chase.
Mr. Bates. - The cases of Smith and Cameron. Mr. Lincoln's visit to

Chicago.—Mr. Lincoln's visit to his relatives in Coles County. Appre-

hensions about assassination. A visit from Hannah Armstrong.

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