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" With store of ladies, whose bright eyes Rain influence, and judge the prize Of wit, or arms, while both contend To win her grace, whom all commend. "
The first (-sixth) part of Miscellany poems, publ. by Mr. Dryden - Page 148
by Miscellany poems - 1716
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Paradise Regain'd: A Poem. In Four Books. To which is Added Samson Agonistes ...

John Milton - 1707 - 482 pages
...creep, By whifpering Winds foon lull'd aflecp. Towred Cities pleafe us then, . . ^ . And the bufie humm of men, Where throngs of Knights and Barons bold,...triumphs hold, With ftore of Ladies, whofe bright Eyes •. Rain influence, and judge the prife, Of Wit, or Arms, while both contend To win her Grace,...
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Paradise regain'd, a poem. To which is added Samson agonistes

John Milton - 1713 - 454 pages
...creep, Towred Ciries pleafe us then, And the buue humm of men, Where throngs of Knights and Batons bold, In weeds of Peace high triumphs hold, With ftore of Ladies, whofe bright Eye* Rain influcuce, and judge the prife, Of Wit, or Arms, while both conrend: To win her Grace, whom...
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Miscellany Poems: Containing Variety of New Translations of the ..., Volume 1

John Dryden - Classical poetry - 1716 - 424 pages
...foon lull'd afleep. Towred Ciries pleafe us then, And the bufie humm of men. Where thtongs o( Knighrs and Barons bold, In weeds of Peace high triumphs hold,...Ladies, whofe bright eies Rain influence, and judge the pri(e Of Wit, or Arms, while both conrend To win her Grace, whom all commend, There let Hymen oft appear...
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Poems on Several Occasions

Christopher Smart - English poetry - 1752 - 264 pages
...creep, 115 By whifpering winds foon lull'd afleep. Towred cities pleafe us then, And the bufy humm of men, Where throngs of knights and barons bold, In weeds of peace high triumph hold, 120 With flore of ladies, whofe bright eyes Rain influence, and judge the prize Of 'on...
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Paradise Regain'd: A Poem, in Four Books. To which is Added Samson Agonistes ...

John Milton - 1753 - 374 pages
...creep, 1 1 5 By whifp'ring winds foon lull'd aileap. Towred cities pleafe us then, And the bufy hum of men, Where throngs of knights and barons bold In weeds of peace high tviumphs hold, 1jj With, ftore of ladies, whole bright eyes Kain influence, and judge the prize Of...
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Paradise Regain'd: A Poem, in Four Books. To which is Added Samson Agonistes ...

John Milton - 1759 - 412 pages
...they creep, 115 By whifp'ring winds foon lull'd afleep. Towred cities pleafe us then, And the bufy hum of men, Where throngs of knights and barons bold In weeds of peace high triumphs hold, 120 With ftore of ladies, whofe bright eyes Rain influence, and judge the prize Of wit, or arms, while...
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Paradise Regain'd: A Poem, in Four Books. To which is Added, Samson ...

John Milton - English poetry - 1759 - 420 pages
...they creep, 115 By whifp'ring winds foon lull'd afleep. Towred cities pleafe us then, And the bufy hum of men, "Where throngs of knights and barons bold In wee'ds of peace high triumphs hold, 120 With ftore of ladies, whofe bright eyes Rain influence, and judge the prize Of wit, or arms, while...
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The art of poetry on a new plan, illustrated with a great variety ..., Volume 1

Art - 1762 - 290 pages
...they creep. By whifp'ring winds foon loll'd afleep. Towered cities pleafe us then, And the bufy hum of men, Where throngs of knights and barons bold In...high triumphs hold, With ftore of ladies whofe bright eyes Rain influence, and judge the prize Of wit, or arms, while both contend To win her grace, whom...
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The Art of Poetry on a New Plan: Illustrated with a Great Variety of ...

John Newbery - English poetry - 1762 - 292 pages
...they creep, By whifp'ring winds foon lull'd afleep. Towered cities pleafe us then, And the bufy hum of men, Where throngs of knights and barons bold In weeds of peace high triumphs hold, With flore of ladies whofe bright eyes Rain influence, and judge the prize Of wit, or arms, while both contend...
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Moral and political dialogues: being the substance of several ..., Volume 3

Richard Hurd (bp. of Worcester.) - 1765 - 362 pages
...took his fancy ; as appears from his Allegro — . - Towred cities pleafe us then And the bufy hum of men, Where throngs of knights and barons bold In...triumphs hold, With ftore of ladies, whofe bright eyes Rain influence, and judge the prize Of wit, or arms, while both contend To win her grace, whom...
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