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Kofciuo at Philadelphia, a land-warrant prefented to him, vii.

113. facts refpecting him, taken from Mr. Fenno's paper,

x. 81.


the emiffary of the French, x. 82.

the difinterested letter from him to the Emperor of

Ruffia, x. 88.


Lachefe, a French fpy, an account of him, v. 236. '

La Fayette among the firft that took the name of Jacobin, v. 's imprifonent, v. 390.


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and Co. releafed at the interceffion of Buonaparte, vil

facts relating to his confinement, vi. 75.

and Buonaparte, vi. 305.

-. Anecdote tranflated from the Confpiracy of Philip Duke of Orleans, vii. 26.

-'s declaration refpecting revolutions, vii. 27.

bafe and fanguinary propofal, refpecting the British officers and foldiers in the American war, xii. 151.

Lamballe, Princefs, her heroic conftancy and murder, iii. 91. Lamterye, fix young ladies put to death of that name by order of Carrier, i. 128.

Land companies. Yazzoo lands, vii. 171.

Land forces of the United States, v. 390.

Langoiran, Mr. martyr in the French revolution, iii. 88.

Language of the Federalift and Democrat, on Mr. Pinckney's dif -miffal from Paris, v. 251.

Lanfdown, Marquis, conclufion of his speech on the British commerce and finances, v. II.

Latour, a witnefs, lays open the defign of Carrier and the Revolutionary Committee, iii. 110.

La Trappe, ftory of a traveller there, vi. 49.

Lauras, Monf. and his family's fufferings, at Lyons, ii. 128. Law annulling the contract refpecting the Yazzoo purchase, vii. 173. Lawrence's, Mrs. felf-murder through Erench cruelty, vi. 104. Law and records relative to the Yazzoo purchafe burnt, vii. 180. ---'s, Mr. Wm. Parrin, corroborating proof of three American Judges being bribed by Frederick Evans, ix. 3 .321.

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cafe, an interefting one, ix. 285.

cafe, John Clothier verfus Sylvanus Planter, xi. 17.

$, Yazzoo, vii. 170.

's delay, a comparative statement between England and America, x. 434.

Mr. Wm. P. account, as teftified by Mr. Adney Evans, of three American Judges being bribed, ix. 318.

Layman's letter to Porcupine. Church in Virginia, viii. 3.
Learned pig, hiftory of, vi. 76.


Learned pig's departure, vi. 288.

Lee, Citizen, after various attempts to get a livelihood, lodged in New-York jail, ix. 258.


s, Mr. letter to Mr. Ruffell refpecting Judge Livermore, xi,

Leeward Iflands, extract of the Regifter, &c. delegated by the French Government, viii. 4'3.

Legiflave Aflembly, the fecond in order, met foon after the 30th of September, 1791, iii. 103.

Legiflator, gambling and cheating one, vii. 429.

-s, republican, virtues of, fully exemplified, vii. 170. -, republican, vii. 245.

medical, Governor Mifflin's letter to the College of Phyficians, viii. 34.

Legiflature of New-Jerfey defcribed, x. 440.

Leib's, Dr. rife during the yellow fever, vii. 185.
Letombe to Mr. Fenno, v. 363.

Letter received by the Committee of Congress, respecting La
Fayette's fon, iii. 434.

from Tom Paine, in answer to his letter to General Washington, iv. 317.

--, extract, from a gentleman in Philadelphia, Captain Haley, Captain Cooper, viii. 37.

anonymous, to Dr. Prieftley in America, from a perfon in Paris, ix. 240.

dedicatory, to Governor M'Kean, xi. 287.

extract from one, refpecting the poifoning of Dr. Priestley and family, xi. 406.

Lewis XVI. American independence owing to his efforts, ii. 20. Lewis's, Mr. Thomas, proof of Senator Mason being a liar, ix.


Liancourt, Duke of, about to revifit the United States, x. 78. Libelling. Porcupine threatened with a profecution, x. 178. Libels against foreign princes and states in many American papers,

vii. 379.

Liberty, according to the democratic dictionary, ii. 16.

, pure, fale of flaves, vii. 188.

and equality, effects of them in America, vii. 196.

and her lovers, a Parifian tale, vii. 417.

of the press, vii. 429.

of the prefs, X. 22.

civil, defined, xi. 354.

Lie, the honour of a. Bradford and Brown, rencontre between

the Ganges floop of war and the Surprise British frigate, x. 164. Life of Thomas Paine, iv. 73.

and adventures of Peter Porcupine, iv. 23.

Lion and the Bulls, vii. 303.

and the Pig. Verfes to Mr. Pinchbeck, &c. viii. 102.

Lion of Vermont defcribed, vi. 16.

Lippencott, Jofhua, and Alfop's, Othniel, statement concerning the fecreted goods in John Poor's cellar, x. 176.

Lift of the amount of clubs, of the Chief Justice, and his aids,

xi. 22.

Lifton's, Mr. conduct in Blount's affair vindicated, vii. 70.

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Mr. defended against the attacks of Bache, vii. 85.

Mr. Better to the Hon. Prefident Ruffell, xi. 14.

Mr. fecond letter to the Hon. Prefident Ruffell, xi. 15.
Mr. letters unfairly opened, xi. 12.

Mr. infidious falfehood refpecting him in the Morning Chronicle, October 16th, 1800, contradicted, xii. 121.

Livermore, Judge Edward St. Loe, accufed by W. Lee of a malicious and fcandalous falfehood, xi. 33.

Liverymen of London, addrefs to them by P. Porcupine, xi. 344. Livingston, Mr. in Congrels, moves to recommit the addrels to the Prefident, iii. 37.

- Mr. Representative of New-York, oppofed the refolu tion, to call on the French nation to indemnify the American merchants, vi. 15.

-'s, Reprefentative of New-York, fpeech on the answer of the Reprefentatives to the Prefident's fpeech, vi. 140. Lloyd, Bradford, and Co.'s falfe account of Sir J. Jervis's victory,

v. 282.

-'s and Bradford's paper, indecent paragraph refpecting King George, viii. 143.

Loaves and fifhes, republican, xi. 287.

Lochman's petition to Dr. M'Kean, iii. 437

Logan, Envoy. Letters from Vice-prefident Jefferson to Merlin, or Talleyrand, ix. 283.


and wife, letter from the former to the latter, x. 15. ---'s, French, defcription of republican France, controverted, by Porcupine, xi. 8.

Loife, Coupe de, Chairman of a Jacobin Society at Charleston, 1793, ii. 194.

Lottery, Canal, fcheme of, xi. 25.

morality. Saint of Beula's scheme of a lottery from motives of pure morality, x. 178.

Love, Mr. of South Carolina, hanged for his loyalty, i. 48. Loyall's, Mayor of Norfolk, reply to Citizen Duhall's letter to

him, vi. 245.

Luther Martin's letter to the editor of Porcupine's Gazette, v. 211. Lyceum in America defcribed and amended, v. 38.

Lyon, excufed himself from waiting on the Prefident, vi. 168.

franked Bache's papers, vi. 345.

-'s fpitting, Mr. Grifwold, viii. 68.


a republican Irish nan, viii. 70.

in Congrefs, his letter to the Speaker, viii. 70,

expelled the Congrefs, viii. 75.



Lyon, amendment propofed refpecting his expulfion overruled, 52 against 44-original refolution of expulfion loft, viii. 88. 's account of the prifon of Philadelphia, ix. 372.

re-elected Reprefentative after coming out of jail, x. 107. Lyonnois. Facts taken from La Relation des Crùautés, iii. 97. Lyons, the state of that city fome time after the death of Louis XVI. and its fufferings after being taken by a fiege, ii. 116. Confequences of the return of the emigrant priests, vii. 97.


Madifon's motion for a discrimination in favour of French goods,

i. 345.

project of commercial difcrimination revived, i. 359. Sedgwick, and Scott, a Committee to draft an anfwer to the Prefident's fpeech, ii. 174.

--'s amendment to the aniwer of the Committee, ii. 204. Mr. Mr. Sedgwick, and Mr. Sitgreaves, a Committee appointed to report an addrefs, iii. 31.

Magiftrates, republican, remarks upon their fupineness, vii. 144. -, American, contraft of their conduct respecting the

British and French, x. 161.

Magnanimity and independence defined, xi. 39.

Mallet's widow, account how fhe and her companions in captivity were treated, iii. 125.

Malmbury, Lord, remark on his embaffy to France, and behaviour in a particular inftance, vi. 118.

Managers of the Pennsylvania Hofpital meeting. Dr. Franklin's will, viii. 188.

compact with the purchasers of tickets of the Canal Lottery, xi. 26. Manfredini fent by the Duke of Tuscany to Buonaparte, v. 321. Mangourit's, Conful of the French Republic, Robert G. Harper's, &c. addrefs to the public on democratic freedom, ix. 330. Manufactures of Great Britain, indifpenfably neceffary to America, iv. 310.

Manufcripts in Gimcrack's Museum, viii. 120.

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fome account of, entitled Talleyrand's Descent inte Hell, xi. 120. Marat the principal author of the maffacres of the 2d and 3d Sept. 1793, ii. 44, in a note.

--'s company, who compofed of, iii. 107.

fome account of him, iii. 144.

M'Clay's friend's, a member of the House of Representatives, declaration on the Prefident's proclamation for a faft, viii, 133. M'Clemachan and Thomas, anecdote of the former, vi. 68. M'Clenachan, Chairman of a town-meeting at Philadelphia, propofes welcoming Archibald Hamilton Rowan, and the manner of its being done, ii. 275.

Macon's, Mr. motion respecting Lyons's letter to the Speaker, viii. 71. McCoy,


M'Coy, Jones B. and Chriftian Gullager's letters to Mr. Cobbett, x. 62.

M'Donald's, Mr. Brief Statement of Opinions, given in the Board of Commiffioners, xil. 64.

Mr. appointed one of the Board of Commiffioners on the part of his Britannic Majefty, xii. 70. M'Kean's duplicity, vi. 328.

, Judge, formerly an hoftler, vii. 300.

republican Judge, fome account of him, vii. 333.
Judge, charge to the Grand Jury in the profecution

of Mr. Cobbett, vii. 352.

--, Judge, reflection upon the Grand Jury in Mr. Cobbett's caufe, vii. 358.

-, Judge, winked at the most scandalous libels against God and man, vii. 73.

conduct towards Mr. Cobbett, appreciated by an American gentleman in Europe, viri. 174.

Dr. anfwer to Lochman's petition, iii. 437.

Judge, violent proceedings. United Irifh riot, x. 97. election, why oppofed by Porcupine, x. 190.

canvaffing for his election, x. 206.

detained the letters of Mr. Lifton, taken out of a locked trunk, xi. 13.

and Co. Leib, Coxe, &c. xi 20.

--ʼs tavern bill-virtue of economy exemplified, xi. 21.
daughter married to the Spanish Ambaffador, xi. 23.
inconfiftency during tairty years, xi. 99.

rejection of Mr. Cobbett's petition, xi. 362.

Macknight, Dr. of New-York, faid grace to the republicans, viii. 75. M'Lean the French spy in Canada, vi. 47.

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the Canada traitor, trial of him, vi. 346.

's trial in Canada, vii. 305.

and M'Lang, air addrefied to them, viii. 59. M'Loughlin's, Martin the rebel, dying words, x. 217. M'Millan, editor of the "Southern Sentinel," prefented by the Grand Jury in Jefferson county, x. 23.

's, Mr. letter to the citizens of Georgia, x. 24.

reply to Governor Jackion, x. 29.

M'Pherfon's account of the capture by the French of the ship Kitty, viii. 388.

Marbois's, Mr. confidential letter to the Count de Vergennes, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, unveiling the views of France refpecting America, x. 236.

Marcus's remarks upon Envoy Logan, ix. 283.`

Mariotte's account of Pinard at Nantz, and near Rincé, iii. 112. Markdorf, fmall town in Suabia, pillaged by the French army,

viii. 282.

Marshal's, Mr. departure from Richmond, vi. 57.



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