016 Citrat of Lime, the lb. Citron preserved with Salt, for every 100l. of the Value -- the Produce of, and imported from any British Possession, the lb. Coals, the Ton Cobalt, the lb. Cocoa Nuts, viz. the Produce of any British Possession the Produce of any British Possession within the Limits of the East India Derelict. Foreign Liquors, Derelict, Jetsam, Flotsam, Lagan, or Wreck, brought or coming into Great Britain or Ireland, are subject to the same Duties and entitled to the same Drawbacks, as Liquors of the like Kind regularly imported. Diagrydium, See Scammony. Diamonds-Duty-free. Diaper Tabling, Towelling, or Napkinning, See Linen. |