Page images

settlers of Virginia, 78; govern-
ment of, 78, 80, 81; religious
differences, 79; witchcraft, 80;
charter revoked and new charter
granted, 80 81.

Salem Witchcraft, 80.
Samoa, 494, 495.

Sampson, Commodore, at Santiago,

San Diego, Calif., captured by Com-
modore Stockton, 340.
Sandwich Islands, proposed annex-
ation of Hawaii, 495.

Sanitary and Christian Commis-
sions, 456, 457.

San Jacinto (sän ja-sin'tō), battle
of, 330.

San Juan (sän hoo-än'), battle of,

San Juan de Ulloa (sän hoo-än' dā
o-lo'a), fort at harbor of Vera
Cruz, 341.

San Miguel (sän mē-gěl′), 28, 100.
San Salvador (sän säl-va-dōr'),
Columbus landed on, 14, 19.
Santa Anna, Mexican general, 339,

Santa Fé, founded, 32; taken pos-
session of, by General Kearney,

Santa Fé trail, map showing, 345.
Santa Maria (sin'-ta mä-rē'a), Co-
lumbus' flagship, 13.

Santiago de Cuba (sän-te-ä'go da
ku'ba), battle of, 500, 501.
Santo Domingo (sän'-to do-min'-
go), discovered, 19; colony
founded, 20.

Saratoga, battles of, 195, 196.
Savage's Station, battle at, 419.
Savannah, Ga., settled by Ogle-
thorpe, 102, 103; capture of, by
British in 1778, 201, 202; at-
tempt to retake, in 1779, 205;
evacuated in 1864, 440.

Schley, Commodore, at Santiago,

Schofield, General, joined Sherman
at Goldsboro, 451.
Schools, Public, in the New Eng-

land Colonies, 139, 140; in the
Southern Colonies, 141; in the
United States from 1789 to 1829,
304: in the United States from
1830 to 1860. 389: in the
United States from 1860 to 1902,
510, 511.

Schuyler (ski-ler), General Philip,
at Saratoga. 193, 195.
Scotch-Irish, The, in the colonies,
129; hated the Established
Church of England, 134; believ-
ers in education, 141.

Scott, General Winfield, in war of
1812, 284; 315; in Mexican war,
338. 341. 342: presidential can-
didate, 356; lieutenant-general of
army, 403; succeeded by McClel-
lan. 406.

Secession of southern states, 379,
380, 400.

[blocks in formation]

"Seven Day's Fight" before Rich-
mond, 418-420.

Seven Pines or Fair Oaks, battle of,

Seven Years' War, The, 120.
Seward, William H., on compromise
of 1850, 351, 352; and his "high-
er law" doctrine, 352, 355: at-
tempt on life of, 455; negotiates
the purchase of Alaska, 470.
Shafter, General W. R., commander
of land forces in Spanish-Ameri-
can war, 501.

Shannon, British frigate, captures
Chesapeake, 283.

Shannon, Wilson, territorial gover
nor of Kansas, 364.
Shay's Rebellion, 224, 225.
Shenandoah (shen-an-dō'a) Valley,
The, Scotch-Irish settlers in,
"Stonewall" Jackson in,


Sheridan, General Philip, at Chick-
amauga, 427; in the Shenandoah
Valley, 446; at battle of Win-
chester, 446, 447; "ride" of, 446;
at Five Forks, 451.

Sherman Act, and repeal of, 495,

Sherman. John, secretary of the
treasury, 484; author of siiver
coinage act of 1890, 496.
Sherman, Roger, 156, 181, 228.
Sherman, William T., at battie of

Shiloh, 411; at Vicksburg, 425
at Chattanooga, 429, 430, 431;
campaign of, against Atlanta,
437-439; march of, from Atlan-
ta to the sea, 440: marches
north, 450, 451; Johnson sur-
renders to, 453.

Shiloh, battle of, 411, 412; effect
of battle, 412.

Sickles, General, in battle of Get-
tysburg, 435.

Silver, demonetization of. 476;

question in Grant's administra-
tion-free coinage of, 484, 485
the Democrats declared for the
free coinage of silver, 498.
Sioux (soo), tribe of Indians, 56;
trouble with, 476, 477.
Slave population, 254,


317, 319, 320, 355, 2, 383,
Slave trade forever proited in
the District of Columb.a 351.
Slavery, introduction of, 69, 147;
in the colonies, 147, 148: senti-
ment against in the colonies, 148;
number of slaves in the colonies,
149 slave laws in the colonies,
149, 150; prohibited in north-
west territory, 227; and the cot-

ton gin, 254; gradual


tion of, in the north, 292;
petitions in Congress referring to,
294, 327, 328; societies for aboli-
tion of, 328; in Texas, 329-

331; 334: "Wilmot Pro-
viso," prohibiting, 343, 344; for-
bidden in Oregon territory, 346;
extension of, in acquired terri-
tory, 349, 350; compromise of
1850, 350, 352; Kansas-Nebraska
bill, 361, 362; 369; supreme
court decision in favor of, 370,
371, 374-379; effect on the south,
383; "cornerstone" of the con-
407: abolished by
emancipation, 423.
Slaves, The, Lincoln proclaims
freedom to, 423.

Slidell, John, envoy to Mexico
(1845), 335; and the Trent af-
fair, 407, 408.

Sloat, Commodore, in California,
Smith, Captain John, rescued by
Pocahontas, 66; explores and
maps coast of New England, 67.
Smith, Joseph, leader of the Mor-
mons, 325; death, 326.

Socialist Democratic party, 519.
Socialist Labor party, The, 516,
518, 519.

Sons of Liberty, 161, 162, 169.
South, The, Relative strength of

North and, 382, 383; condition
of, in 1865 contrasted with the
condition of the North, 448, 449;
military rule in, 468; withdraw-
al of troops from, 477, 478; con-
ciliation of, 482, 483; Spanish-
American war wiped out all
traces of ill feeling between
North and, 501.

South America, reciprocity with,

South Carolina, passes the Nullifi-
cation Act, 314, 315; secedes
from the Union, 379; readmis-
sion of, 463, 464, 468; new state
government of, after the Civil
War, 468, 469.
Southern colonies, education



Spain, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 36. 252;
secretly transferred the territory
of Louisiana to France, 262:
sells Florida to the United
States, 289; 291: and the Vir-
ginias, 474; and the Maine di-
saster, 499; war with, 499-


War. declared,

500; naval operations in, 500;
land campaigns of, 500, 501;
treaty of peace, 501; results of,

Spanish Armada (är-mä'-da), 42

Spanish, motives for discoveries,

23. 24: discoverers and ex-
plorers, 23-32; map of Spanish

claims, 24; summary of


plorations, 46; claim to terri-
tory of U. S., 47; map of
claims, 104; annoyance to Geor-
gians, 103; in Queen Anne's
War, 108; possessions at close
of French and Indian war, 118.
Specie circular, 313, 314.
Spinning wheel, picture of a, 138.
Spoils system, The, 261; in Jack-
son's administration, 310, 311;
in Cleveland's first administra-
tion, 490.
of, 443, 444.
Squatter sovereignty, 361, 362;
in Kansas a costly experiment,

Courthouse, battle

Stamp Act, 161, repeal of, 162.
Stamp Act Congress, 161, 162.
Standish, Miles, 77.

Stanton, Edwin M., secretary of
the treasury, in Buchanan's cab-
inet, 381; secretary of war in
Lincoln's cabinet, 454; dismissed
by President Johnson
peals to House, 469.
Star of the West, fired upon, 382.
"Star-Spangled Banner," The, com-


posed by Francis Scott Key, 284.
Stark, John, at Bennington, 193,

Stars and Stripes first raised, 194;
history of, 194, 195.
State pride, 224.

State rights, 224, 259, 314, 331.
States, The, adopt new constitu-
tions, 221, 222.

Steamboats, invention of, 267, in
general use, 296.

Stephens, Alexander H., 355; vice-
president of Confederate states,

Stephenson, George, inventor
locomotive, 297.


Stephenson, Major B. F., organized
first post of the G. A. R., 459.
Steuben (stü'ben), Baron, 192.
Stevens, Thaddeus and reconstruc-
tion, 464.

Stevenson, Adlai E., vice-president,

Stirling, General, in battle of Long
Island, 187.


Stockton, Commodore, in
nia, 340.
"Stonewall" Jackson (Gen. Thom-
as J.), in the Shenandoah Val-
ley, 418.

Stony Point, captured by Wayne,
204, 205.

Stowe, Mrs. Harriet Beecher; "Un-
cle Tom's Cabin," 376.
"Strict construction."


the constitution, 251, 262; and
internal improvements at govern-
ment expense, 292.

Stuarts, House of, England under,

[ocr errors]

Stuyvesant, Peter, governor of New

Netherlands, 89, 90.
Sub-Treasury Bill, The, or Inde-
pendent Treasury Act, 319; re-
pealed, 323.

"Suffrage party," in Rhode Island,

Sullivan, General, in battle of Long

Island, 187; succeeded Lee in
command of division of army,
189; at Newport, 201.
Sumner, Charles, 355; and the
"crime against Kansas," 362;
assaulted by Brooks in U. S. sen-
ate, 365, 366; and reconstruc-
tion, 464.

Sumter, Thomas, 209.
Surplus Act, 313.

"Swamp fight," The, 85.

Swedes, The, settled Delaware, 98,

TALLEYRAND, French minister of
foreign affairs, 257, 258.
Taney (taw'ni), Roger B., opinion
in Dred Scott case, 370, 371.
Tariff, The, of 1789, 249; of 1816
(protective), 286; of 1824, 292;
of 1828, (tariff of abominations),
297; of 1832, 314; of 1833,
(compromise tariff), 314; of
1842, 323; of 1846 (the Walker
tariff) 343; of 1861 to 1865
(Morrill), 456; in Cleveland's
administration, 493; of 1890
(McKinley), 494; of 1897 (Ding-
ley), 498.
Tarleton, Sir Bannastre (ban'as-ter
tarl'ton), 207, 211.
Taxation, principles of, as used by
England, 159.

Taylor, Zachary, in war with the
Seminoles, 316; in Mexican war,
335, 338-340; elected president,
347; sketch of life, 347, 348;
death, 348; policy as to exten-
sion of slavery, 349, 350.
Tecumseh, revolt led by, 276, 277;
killed in battle of the Thames,

Telegraph, invention of, 331, 332;
first message sent over, 331.
Telegraphy, wireless, 332.
Tennessee, admitted, 253; secedes,
400; is readmitted, 467.
Tenure of Office Act, 467, 469.
Territory, the Northwest, 226; of
Orleans, 262. 263; of Indiana,
263; development of, 298; rapid
growth of western territory due
to the discovery of gold, 346;
growth of, by 1860, 385: growth
of, 1860 to 1902, 509, 510.
Texas, a disturbing element in na-
tional politics, 329, 330; annexa-
tion and admission to the union
of, 330, 331; dispute over bound-
ary of, 334, 335; map of Texas,
330 applied for admission into
the Union, 330; annexed and ad-

mitted to the Union, 331; dis-
pute over the boundary of, 334,
335; map of disputed territory,
334 secession of, 380; is read-
mitted, 473.

Thames, battle of the river, 281.
Thomas, General George H., at
Chickamauga, 429; at Missionary
Ridge, 430, 431; at Nashville,
439, 440.

Ticonderoga (ti-kon-der-ō'ga), 115,
captured by Ethan Allen, 173.
Tilden, Samuel J., presidential can-
didate, 479.

Tippecanoe, battle of, 276.
Toleration Act, 99.

Tompkins, Daniel D., vice presi
dent, 287.

Tory or Loyalist party in the col-
onies, 154, 155.

Townshend Acts, The, 163, 164.
Trails to California, The, map
showing, 345.

Transportation Act, The, 168.
Treaty, Penn's, with the Indians,
96; at Ryswick, 107; of
Utrecht, 108; Aix-la-Chapelle,
109; of Paris (1763), 117; with
the Indians in 1783, 204; with
Great Britain (at Paris, 1783),
215, 216 with Algiers, 251; with
Spain, 252; Jay's, 252 with Tri-
poli, 268; of Ghent, 285; with
Algiers, 287; Webster-Ashbur-
ton, 324; Guadalupe Hidalgo,
with Mexico, 342; Oregon, 343;
Clayton-Bulwer, 353; with Jap-
an, 359; of Washington, 473;
with Spain, 1898, 501; Clayton-
Bulwer, with England, 504; Hay-
Pauncefote, with England, 504.
Trent affair, 407, 408.
Trenton, battle of, 190, 191.
Tripolitan war, 267, 268.
Tweed Ring,' The, 479.

Tyler, John, elected vice-president,
320; succeeds to the presidency,
321; sketch of life, 322; admin-
istration of, 322-333: member of
Peace Convention, 322; member
of Confederate congress, 322.

Spain, 499.

The American, to

"Uncle Tom's Cabin," 376.
"Underground railroad," 352, 353.
Underhill, John, 84.

Union, The, no state can lawfully
withdraw from, 397, 398; war to
preserve, 398-453; war for the
Union and against slavery, 423;
condition of, in 1865, 449: ce-
mented by the Spanish-American
War, 501; the new Unionism,
519, 520.

Union army, The, at the close of
the year 1861, 408; at close of
the year 1862, 423, 424; at the
close of the year 1863, 436; at

the close of the year 1864, 447;
disbands, 458, 459.

Union Pacific Railroad, 457, 471,

Union Reform, The, or Direct Leg-
islation party, 519.

United Colonies of New England,
The, 84, 85, 221.
United Labor party, 517.
United States, The, physical fea-
tures of, 49-52; birth of the re-
public of, 181; independence of,
recognized by England, 216;
constitution of, 228-244; grow-
ing commercial importance of,
268, 269 relations of, with Eng-
land and France in Jefferson's
administration, 268-272; relative
strength of England and the U.
S. at beginning of war of 1812,
278; in war of 1812, 277-286;
first steamboats and railroads in,
296, 297; growth of, from 1789
to 1829. 299-308; acknowledged
independence of the Texas repub-
lic, 330 territory added to, by
the Mexican War, 342: northern
boundary of, established, 343:
rapid western expansion of, due
to the discovery of gold, 346;
growth of, from 1830 to 1860,

United States Bank. The, 249, 286,
311. 312, 313, 323.

United States, Frigate, defeated the
Macedonian in war of 1812, 280.
Utah, admitted to the union, 497.
Utrecht, treaty of, 108, 147.

VALLEY FORGE, the winter at, 197,

Van Buren, Martin, secretary of
state, 310: elected vice-president,
310; candidate for vice presi-
dent. 315 elected president, 317;
administration of. 317-320;
sketch of life. 317-318: nomi-
nated for re-election. 320; op-
posed annexation of Texas, 331;
nominated for president by Free-
soil party. 347.

Van Dorn, General, in command of
a confederate force, 425.
Vera Cruz (vā'rä-krooz), founded,
26 battle of. 341.
Vermont, admitted, 253.

Verrazano (ver-rä-tsä'no), Giovan-
ni, sails along Atlantic coast, 34.
Vespucius. Americus, voyages and
narratives of. 32: portrait, 41.
Vicksburg. campaign against, 425-

427 surrender of, 426; effect of
surrender of, 427.

Vikings, reported discoveries of, 20,


Virginia, named, 43; Raleigh's col-
onies in. 43. 44: settlement at
Jamestown, 65 first charter, 65:
character of first colonists, 65,
66 second charter, 67: third
charter, 67 ; communism and

Dale's laws, 67; map of, 68;
traffic in tobacco, 68, 69; in-
dentured service in 69; negro
slavery in, 69; first representa-
tive assembly or House of Bur-
gesses, 70, 71; written constitu-
tion, 70; Indian massacres, 70,
71; charter revoked, 71; Berke-
ley and Bacon, 72, 73; Bacon's
rebellion, 73; Huguenots in, 129;
religion in, 134; products of.
138; Lafayette saves, 212; reso-
lutions, 259; University of.
260; secession of, 400; is read-
mitted, 472.

Virginia Company, The, 45.
Virginius, The, 474.

WADSWORTH, Captain, 87.
Walker, Robert J., in President
Polk's cabinet, 333; author of
tariff bill of 1846, 343; secretary
of the treasury, 343; territorial
governor of Kansas, 371, 372.
Walker, William, and filibustering
expeditions, 360, 361.

War, with the Indians, 83-86; in-
tercolonial, 104-109; French and
Indian, 110-122; Revolutionary,
171-220; with France averted,
257-258 Tripolitan, 267, 268: of
1812. 277-286: Algerine, 287:
Seminole, 288, 289: Black
Hawk and Florida, 316: "pa-
troon," 325; Mexican, 336-342 :
Civil, 398-453; and national
growth, 457.

War of 1812. declared, 277; causes,
277 relative strength of Eng-
land and United States in, 278:
events of 1812, 278-280:
events of 1813. 280-283; plans
of campaign, 280; events of 1814,
283-285; treaty of Ghent, clos-
ing, 285; results, 285, 286.
War Congress, 277.
Ward, Artemas, in command of
colonial troops, 173.

Warner, Seth, at Crown Point, 174.
Warren, Joseph. 156 fell at battle
of Bunker Hill. 176.
Washington admitted to the union.
Washington, city of, became capital
of United States in 1800, 250
251 burned by British, 284: map
of, 403 threatened in 1861. 403,
404 threatened in 1862. 418.
Washington, George, in Virginia's
service, 111: at Fort Necessity.
111 at Fort Duquesne, 115: coat
of arms of. 130; colonial leader,
155 appointed commander-in-
chief of American army. 174;
forced British to evacuate Bos-
ton, 177, 178 at New York, 185;
retreats across the Delaware,
189 victories of, at Trenton and
Princeton, 190, 191: at Morris-
town, 191; used Stars and Stripes
at Brandywine, 195; at Valley

Forge, 197, 198; Conway cabal
against, 198; at Monmouth, 200,
204, 207, 209, 210; at York-
town, 212, 213; proclaims ces-
sation of hostilities, 215;
bids farewell to officers, 217;
218; retires to Mount Ver-
non, 217 in constitutional con-
vention, 228, 229; elected presi-
dent, 246; inaugurated, 246; ad-
ministration of, 247-255; fare-
well address of, 254, 255; death
of, 255 to be at head of army
which Congress voted to create
for war with France, 258.
Washington, treaty of, 473.
Wasp, The, captured the Frolic,

Wayne, General Anthony, captures

Stony Point, 204, 205; in the
Northwest Territory, 253.
Webster, Daniel, 249, 295: debate
with Hayne, 314; the expounder
of the constitution, 314; candi-
date for president, 317; secretary
of state, 321, 323; negotiates
treaty with Great Britain, 324;
Bunker Hill monument oration,
326; seventh of March speech of,
351; death of, 354; compared
with Clay and Calhoun, 354, 355.
Webster, Noah, author of the "old
blue back speller" and diction-
ary, 304.

Welsh, The, in the colonies, 126.
Wesley, Charles, 103.

Wesley, John, 103.

West, India Company, 89.

West Point, Arnold's attempt to be-
tray, into British hands, 210,


[blocks in formation]

Wilderness, battle of the, 443.
Wilkes, Captain Charles took Ma-
son and Slidell from English
steamer Trent, 407, 408.
Wilkinson, General, in war of
1812, 282.

William and Mary College, 142,

Williams, Roger, character and
doctrine of, 79; founds Provi-
dence, 87-88; a Welshman, 126.
Williamsburg, battle of, 417.
Wilmot Proviso, 343, 344.
Wilson Bill, 496.

Winchester, battle of, 446.

Winslow, John A., captain of the
Kearsarge, 442.

Winthrop, John, governor of Mass.
Bay Colony, 78.

Winthrop, John, Jr., 82.

Wirt, William, anti-Masonic candi-
date for president, 315.

Wisconsin, admitted to the union,

Witchcraft, Salem, 80.

Witherspoon, John, signer of Dec-
laration, president of Princeton
College, 156; 181.

Wolfe. James, General, commander
of English at Quebec, 115-117.
Women's Relief Corps, 459, 460.
Wood. General Leonard, governor
of Cuba, 503.
Wood, Jethro,

plow, 393.

inventor of steel

World's Fair, at Chicago, 512.
Writs of Assistance, 160, 161.
Wyandotte constitution, 373.
Wyoming admitted to the union,

Wyoming massacre, 200, 201.

X. Y. Z. correspondence, 257.

Yale, Elihu, 143.
Yankee cheesebox, name given to
the ironclad Monitor, 416.
Yeardley (yeerd'li). Sir George,
governor of Virginia. 70.
Yeomanry, The, at King's Moun-
tain, 208.

Yorktown, battle of, 212, 213: map
of. 213 effect of battle, in Amer-
ica. 213. 214: effect, on the
British, 214; taken in 1862, 417.
Young, Brigham, the Mormon
prophet, 326.

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