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are mistaken, and not unnaturally. A score of bla children are passed unnoticed; lone mulatto is served. In a country peopled with only o race there might be as many children born of wedlock as there are mulattoes in any o of the Southern States, but there would be no e dence to the eye. But where white and black a blended the yellow skin advertises the origin of i

As there are some prevalent misconceptions this subject, one other remark may be allowed this point; in the South the half-breeds are gene ally found in towns and cities, and from towns ar cities most tourists derive their impressions of country. But the great mass of the Southern po ulation is rural. Of the entire Southern populatio hardly one million are in the cities.

When this whole subject, with its history an conditions, is well and fairly considered, and wit the passionless attention that is bestowed upon an table of mere statistics, it will be concluded, think, that there is but one other such case in his tory of a race living for generations within anothe race and yet keeping its blood so pure. The Jew alone can match this unique fact. Let it be ob served that I am not speaking of the moralities im plied in these remarkable parallels, but only o the fact of mixed bloods. The Americanized-Afri


too near, and the light he had was without h An artist may sit too near his subject, and light may be so intense or so crossed as to bl or confuse him. This is peculiarly true of the who, in a long and fierce conflict, have felt eit the exultations of victory or the humiliations defeat.

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