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Here is good man's work! Break through and through!

What matters hardship or danger to you?

What were death to any true man,

If the cause be true and high?
Beastly might quails when the human

Looks it calmly in the eye.

Break, with the bayonet, those crowding ranks ! God's blessing! glory! and evermore, thanks! DUANESBURGH, August 5, 1862.


"Flashes the Southern Cross bright in the sky,"
Cried the sailor-boy, steering his prow southerly;
While the Star of the North-land sank lower and dim,
For what was its polar light to him?

"Afloat on the sea, all unfettered and free,
From tropic to tropic our empire shall be;
Where the god of the land on his ivory reposes,

And the sands are of gold, and the summers all roses."

And crowns, courts, and castles rang out in his song; There was 66 race to the swift"-there were "fields to the strong."

But ever anon came as wild a refrain—

'Twas the song of the seamen-the dirge of the main.

And see-there's a cloud-that bedarkens his sky;
Luff! luff! reef the sails! the tempest is nigh:
Sailor-boy! to thy compass-will it answer thee now?
Will it point to that Southern Cross over thy prow?

Helm a-port! breakers near! on a beaconless coast!
Wear ship, sailor-boy! wear ship-or all's lost!
The ship labored hard, and its venturous crew—
Still nearer and nearer the breakers she drew.

Down, down went the vessel four fathoms or more,
And plank after plank strewed the treacherous shore;
And there lay the compass, half buried in earth,
Its needle still true, pointing still to the North.

Sailor-boy! hadst thou known in the dew of thy youth,

Had thy heart, like that needle, been loyal to truth; A voyage more safe had been thine, and the wave Had wafted thee riches, instead of a grave.

Secession! whoso sails thy treacherous sea,
Disdaining the North Star his beacon to be;
Or ever his barque on a lee.shore be driven-
His peace-let him make it-his peace make with


Ye loyal fair to guard our homes

Who've sent your best-your all;

For each the Muse would twine a wreath, A fragrant one, though small.

The flowers she culled grew on one stem,
The colors all are true;

But few are left, is why the gift
Is small she sends to you.

But these are strong-of vig'rous root;
Sweet gratitude's the name--

Our garden here hath num'rous sprouts,
Young scions of the same.
Ah! those are laved with many tears,
Nursed in a sea of blood;

But now we see their tiny heads
Rise high above the flood.

And soon our land will bloom again
With richest hues, and rare;
For the good Sower of the seed
Will root out every tare.

And in this little gift you'll see
One of a precious hue,

Whose golden leaves begin to spread
And open full to view.

The emblem of this shining leaf
Is our undying hope
To be united, firmer still,

As one-a family group!
The fragrant one that blooms alone,
The solemn twilight hour,
Will waft to you, low on the breeze,
Bowed in your Northern bower-

Our faith, that round your shady throne,
Importunate oft pour

The prayer that heaven, oh! soon may bid
Our country bleed no more!
That roses, twined by fairy hands

To deck the festive board,
No more may shed their dying sweets
O'er lips paled by the sword.

That from our temple domes no more
May soar the dying groan;

But shouts of joy-sweet peace hath come-
Ring out in every tone.

And then for you, some gifted Muse,

A sweeter song may twine,

Than the Eolian strain hath poured
This little song of mine.




Gone in his beauty,

Gone in his truth,
Gone in his glory,
Gone in his youth!

Silkily soft his eyelids fall
Veiling the glory, a velvet pall

Hiding the splendor of midnight eyes
That have looked on death and Paradise.

Wrap round him the banner,

It cost him his breath,

He loved it in life,

Let it shroud him in death!

Let it silently sweep in its gorgeous fold,


O'er the heart asleep and and the lips that are cold.

The lips that are cold!

Once warm with love's token!

God pity his mother,

Her heart is broken!

She bade him go forth, her hero, her joy,

The pride of her heart, her godlike boy.

Where the flag waved the proudest,
And the bullets came fast,
All covered with glory,

Death claimed him at last.

Now she waits for him ever,
At morning and even,
But her love cannot call him
Back home from the heaven.

had come under my notice for more than a year, taking care to add that they ran home. He wanted to know if many of their men came over to us. I answered rather equivocally: "A few." "How many?" Fearful now that if I told him the great number that actually did come to us, the rebel leaders would increase their vigilance, I merely said that I had seen six, the number I had personally beheld. "I guess they go the other way," he replied, thereby acknowledging they suffered much from desertion. Mr. Tennessee wanted to know why we did not make the attack; they were anxiously waiting for us, and confident of victory. I said that they could not be more -Hartford Press. eager for the battle or more sure of success, than ourselves; that to us every thing appeared to be ready, but we were not supposed to know General Halleck's plans.

Peace there, gentle soldier!

Never war, never strife,
But the banner of glory
And the triumphs of life.

A TALK WITH A REBEL PICKET IN MISSISSIPPI.-A private of the Sixth Ohio regiment sends to his friends in Cincinnati the following lively sketch of campaigning life:

I must record a little adventure, pleasing and interesting, I had day before yesterday near Corinth. My last spoke about the continued firing between pickets. To such an extent was it carried, so incessant the firing day and night, that nothing short of a battle would alarm the camp, whereas a single gun should be the signal for the long-roll. But within the last three or four days a change for the better has taken place.

We talked together some fifteen minutes, both of us very wary about giving contraband information. He was a gentlemanly, well-educated man, apparently under thirty years of age, and from Maury County, Tennessee. I gave him the pictorial, and asked for a Memphis paper. He had none, but promised to send me over one, if he could procure it during the day. Before parting, I remarked that it would be well to make some agreement about picket-firing, and learned that they had received orders precisely like ours.

Gen. Garfield, who had the supervision of the outOn Monday our regiment was sent to the fortifica- posts, called me in; so we again shook hands and tions. It is the custom for the various battalions to separated, leaving many things unsaid that we would take their turn in staying at the breastworks for twen- like to have spoken about. Garfield questioned me ty-four hours, forming a sort of reserve picket; and closely as to our conversation, and seemed satisfied from each regiment so stationed two companies are that it was all right. However, being fearful that the sent to the outposts. It fell to our lot to go out. The rebels might learn something from us if such intercompany we relieved informed us that the rebels were course was allowed, he ordered us not to go out again, disposed to be friendly; and with instructions from but to let any rebel that wished it to come over all the field-officer not to fire unless fired upon, or the the way. I had reason to regret this very much, as enemy attempted to advance, we set to work to watch in the afternoon my friend, the doctor, came half-way the movements of our neighbors. The enemy's pickets with the promised paper. We gave him to underwere in the edge of a wood about two hundred yards stand that it was against our orders to leave the post, from us, and my post-one of the best for observation and if he would come all the way we would do him no -similarly situated in another wood, with a level be- harm. He said he had a very late paper, but could tween us. For some time we looked closely without not be induced to come farther than the neutral being able to see any of them, as they were disposed ground, and returned, much to our disappointment. to be shy. We, on the contrary, exposed ourselves to their view, which had the effect of making them bolder, and occasionally a rebel passed from one tree to another and levelled a field-glass at us.

After the interview of the morning all apprehension from danger from bullets from either side was at an end, and the sentinels on both sides paced their beats without so much as thinking to seek cover.

delphia Press, writing from Winchester, Va., relates REBEL ATROCITIES.-A correspondent of the Philathe following incident of Banks's retreat:


I waved a handkerchief, which was answered from the other side, and tacitly understood to mean no firing. An hour later one of our Southern friends waved a handkerchief and shouted: "Meet me half-way.' "All right;" and arming myself with a newspaper, profusely illustrated with pictures incidental to the down on the steps of one of the houses of Winchester. A soldier was wounded in the foot, and had sat capture of New-Orleans, I started out. A rebel He had not been sitting there long when a surgeon of the Third Tennessee was the individual came out, and asked him if he were not able to walk? who met me. He was dressed in a citizen's suit of He replied that he was not. The woman seeing a black, with military buttons, and the rank of captain revolver in his belt, asked him to let her look at it. designated, not by shoulder-straps, but by marks on The man, suspecting nothing wrong, handed it to her, the collar. After shaking hands and exchanging the but she had not had it in her hands a few minutes customary salutations, we proceeded to talk about the when she presented it to his head, and demanded that He was at Fort Donelson, and made his escape he should leave the steps. He did so, and, after he the night before the surrender. Spoke of the battle had walked a few steps, she fired the pistol, the ball of Shiloh, at which he assisted; said it was their in-entering his side, and he fell on the street, where he tention to have made the attack on Saturday instead instantly expired. This is but a specimen of the nuof Sunday, but on account of a misunderstanding be-merous incidents I have heard, and I only give it as tween their generals the plan failed. The number of deserters from his side appeared to have a prominent one which I know comes from a reliable source. place in his mind, which he vainly endeavored to conceal. "Do you have many deserters from your ranks?" he commenced. I told him of only two cases which VOL. V.-POETRY 4


June 8.-At St. Louis, Mo., in the Presbyterian church, at Eleventh and Pine streets, the child of

Samuel Robbins, who resides at Chestnut and Thirteenth streets, was brought to the altar for baptism. The child was decorated with red, white, and red, and was christened Sterling Price. The officiating pastor was Dr. McPheeters. Several similar instances have occurred in the city.-Cincinnati Gazette, June 14.


"'Twas a terrible fight," the soldier said;
"Our Colonel was one of the first to fall,
Shot dead on the field by a rifle-ball-
A braver heart than his never bled."

A group for the painter's art were they:

The soldier with scarred and sunburnt face, A fair-haired girl, full of youth and grace, And her aged mother, wrinkled and gray. These three in porch, where the sunlight came Through the tangled leaves of the jasmine-vine, Spilling itself like a golden wine,

And flecking the doorway with rings of flame.

The soldier had stopped to rest by the way,
For the air was sultry with summer-heat;
The road was like ashes under the feet,
And a weary distance before him lay.

"Yes, a terrible fight; our ensign was shot

As the order to charge was given the men,
When one from the ranks seized our colors, and


He, too, fell dead on the self-same spot.

"A handsome boy was this last: his hair
Clustered in curls round his noble brow;
I can almost fancy I see him now,
With the scarlet stain on his face so fair."

"What was his name?-have you never heard?—
Where was he from, this youth who fell?
And your regiment, stranger, which was it? tell!"
"Our regiment? It was the Twenty-third."

The color fled from the young girl's cheek,
Leaving it as white as the face of the dead;
The mother lifted her eyes, and said:

"Pity my daughter-in mercy speak!"

"I never knew aught of this gallant youth,"
The soldier answered; "not even his name,
Or from what part of our State he came :
As God is above, I speak the truth!

"But when we buried our dead that night,
I took from his breast this picture-see!
It is as like him as like can be:
Hold it this way, toward the light."

One glance, and a look, half-sad, half-wild,

Passed over her face, which grew more pale, Then a passionate, hopeless, heart-broken wail, And the mother bent low o'er the prostrate child.




Close his eyes, his work is done!
What to him is friend or foeman,
Rise of moon, or set of sun,
Hand of man, or kiss of woman?
Lay him low, lay him low,
In the clover or the snow!
What cares he? he cannot know:
Lay him low !

As man may, he fought his fight,
Proved his truth by his endeavor;
Let him sleep in solemn night,
Sleep for ever and for ever.

Lay him low, lay him low,
In the clover or the snow!
What cares he? he cannot know:
Lay him low!

Fold him in his country's stars,
Roll the drum and fire the volley!
What to him are all our wars,
What but death bemocking folly?
Lay him low, lay him low,
In the clover or the snow!
What cares he? he cannot know:
Lay him low!

Leave him to God's watching eye,
Trust him to the hand that made him.
Mortal love weeps idly by:

God alone has power to aid him.

Lay him low, lay him low,
In the clover or the snow!
What cares he? he cannot know:

Lay him low!



D. stands for Diary of Events; Doc. for Documents; and P. for Poetry, Rumors and Incidents.

[blocks in formation]




official reports of the battle


"A confederate Eclipse,"

P. 8

"A Contra-Band-Ditty,"

P. 14

[blocks in formation]

"Aquilla," schooner, captured,
"A Rainy Day in Camp,"

Alabama, Halleck's Report of Pope's

"A rebel soldier's epitaph,"

operations in,

Doc. 537

the Unionists of,

D. 40, 92; Doc. 281

Arkansas, Gov. Rector's address, Doc.
Guerrillas in,

[blocks in formation]

See H. M. Rector.

D. 68

First Cavalry of,

D. 82, 83




Aldie, Va., rebel stores captured at, D. 93
fight near,
D. 94
P. 37


Alexandria, Mo., rebel depredations

D. 53
Alexandria, Va., war meeting at, D. 55
P. 7

Allen Infantry, of Allen, Pa.,
"Alice," rebel steamer, captured, D. 10
Altoona, Pa., Convention of Govern-
ors at,
"America, America," a song for the
times, by S. G. Bulfinch, P. 46
American and British Sunday-School
Delegates, meet in London, D. 74
American Flag, waved in every State
of the Union,
American Independence celebrated,
D. 85

P. 13

Doc. 86

Doc. 454
rebel reports of the battle of, Doc. 472
"A Prayer for the Times,"
P. 8
Appomattox River, reconnoissance up
D. 19
expedition up the, D. 82; Doc. 146
APLINGTON, Major, Seventh Illinois
D. 5
D. 53
P. 29
P. 32
Doc. 540
D. 84
"Arkansas," gunboat, fight with
the Essex,
D. 40; Doc. 552
rebel account of the fight, Doc. 556
attack on the, July 22d,
D. 46
D. 54; Doc. 302
rebel report of the destruction of
Doc. 308
ARMSTRONG Lieut.-Col., Report of the
battle of Richmond, Ky., Doc. 412
Army of the Potomac, Gen. Barry's
Report on the organization of the
artillery of,
Doc. 405
See Gen. Pope,
Doc. 552
Army of the Tennessee, operations of
D. 1; Doc. 270
Army of Virginia, Gen. Pope assigned
to the command of,



BACHE, A. D., LL.D.,
Bachelor's Creek, N. C., fight at, D. 89
Bacon Creek, Ky., surrender at, D. 79
BADEAU, ADAM, the literary soldier, P. 20
Bagdad, Ky., rebel depredations at, D. 75
BAILEY, GUILFORD D., Col., killed at
Fair Oaks, Va.,
Doc. 81
Balloon reconnoissances,
D. 14
See Telegraph.
Baltimore, Md., excitement in, on the
defeat of Gen. Banks, D. 17; Doc. 429
excitement in, on the invasion of
the State,
persons arrested at, for trying to
evade the draft,
D. 57
"Baltimore American," account of

[blocks in formation]

D. 32


Doc. 138

[blocks in formation]

D. 17
D. 22

D. 35

ARNOLD Capt., Fourth R. I., P.
ASHBY, TURNER, Gen., rebel, funeral of,


in command at Washington, D. C.,

D. 76



[blocks in formation]

notices of, D. 82, 57; Docs. 843, 363, 380
BANKS and Banking in Louisiana, D. 27

"American Volunteer," office of, de-
stroyed at Carlisle, Pa.,
Amite River, La., skirmish on the, D.
Andalusia, Pa., war meeting near, D.

Ashby's Gap, Va., fight at,



Bardstown, Ky., fight at,

D. 92



Ashland, Va., occupied by the Nation-


P. 47





BARNARD, J. G., Brig.-Gen.,

D. 45


D. 1

ANDERSON, RICHARD H., Gen., Doc. 27,
"Anderson Troop." See Carlisle, Pa.,


D. 86

ANDREW, JOHN A., Governor of Mas-
sachusetts, Proclamation relative

to new troops,
D. 19
notice of,
D. 66, 68
"Andrew Sharpshooters," Massachu-
setts Volunteers,
P. 40
ANDREWS, Col., First Delaware Regi-
Doc. 43
ANDREWS, GEO. L., Lieut.-Col., Second

Massachusetts Regiment, Doc. 60, 318
ANDREWS, JNO, W., barbarity of, D. 84
"Andromeda," schooner, captured, D. 18
A Negro Hymn, sung at Washington,
D. C.,
"Ann," steamer, captured,

P. 10
D. 83

P. 14
ASPINWALL, W. H., liberality of, D. 41
ASTOR, JOHN JACOB, Jr., at Yorktown,
ATKISSON, H. N., Capt., Fiftieth In-
D. 27
P. 81
ATWELL, Lieut., at Front Royal, Doc. 139
Auburn, N. Y., war meeting at, D. 42
Auction Sales, Invalidity of in New-
Orleans, La.,
D. 88
AUGER, C. C., Major-General, at Cedar
D. 824
Augusta, Ky., capture of,
D. 87
official reports of the fight at, Doc. 618
AUTEY, JAMES L., See Vicksburgh,
AVERILL, W. W. Col., Doc. 15, 244, 481
scout to the Mattapony River, Va.,D. 29

"A Song for all True Americans," by
D. J. Haynes,
"A Southern Hint,"

P. 18

BARNES, Col. Eighth Kentucky, Doc. 115
BARNES, JAS., Col., Report of the skir-
mish at Blackford's Ford, Va.,

Doc. 616

[blocks in formation]

D. 76
Doc. 8

BARTON, Col. Forty-eighth N.Y.S. V.,

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

of New-Jersey,

Doc. 257

Doc. 576

[blocks in formation]

Brownsville, Tenn., fight at,

P. 20
D. 50

Doc. 461

Doc. 174

P. 35
D. 67

Bay River, N. C., Unionists at,
BEARD, Major, One Hundred and
Twenty-sixth Regiment N.Y.S. V.,

Doc. 441
BEATTY, JNO., Col. See Chaplin Hills,
Doc. 522
Beaufort, N. C., Union meeting at, D. 77
Beaufort, S. C., made a port of entry,

P. 23; D.
his cipher telegraphic despatch, P. 10
"Beauregard's Advice,"
P. 22
D. 22

"Border State" account of the fight at

Independence, Mo.,
Border States, representatives of, visit
D. 89
Boston, Mass., war meetings at, D. 39, 66
excitement in, at Pope's defeat, D. 65
patriotism of,
Doc. 600
meeting of Christian women in, D. 74
follower of Davis "come to grief
P. 41
"Boston Journal," account of evacu-
ation of Pensacola, Fla., Doc. 49
"Boston Traveller,' account of
Banks's Retreat,
Doc. 64
"Both legs too short for service," P. 13
Bottom's Bridge, Va., National Army
D. 12
D. 14
Doc. 404

"Beauregard," gunboat, seamen of,


Beaver Dam Creek, Va., expedition to

skirmish at,-

D. 44

BOTTS, LAWSON, Major, rebel,

official reports of,

[blocks in formation]

BELL, JOHN, of Tenn.,

Doc. 609

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

D. 4; Doc. 137
D. 89
Doc. 575

D. 74
Boyd's Station, Ky., taken by rebels,
D. 74
BOYLE, J. T., Brig.-Gen., D. 23, 40;
Doc. 449
order in reference to politics, D. 45

Benson, Ky., rebel depredations at, D. 75
BENTON, ORLANDO N., chaplain N. Y.
Fifty-first Regiment,
P. 28
Bergen, N. J., war meeting at, D. 51
"Bermuda," rebel steamer, captured,
D. 1
D. 81
Doc. 233

"Berry, N.," schooner overhauled in

Big Hill, Ky., reports of the fight at,

BINNEY, HENRY M., Capt. See Har-

per's Ferry.

linois Cavalry, D. 26, 33; Doc. 191
Report of the battle of Village Creek,
Doc. 544
BRACKETT, JAMES A., surgeon, Doc. 191
BRADFORD, A. W., Gov. of Maryland,
thanks McClellan,
D. 87
Proclamation of July 4th, D. 86
Proclamation of September 8th, D. 75
BRADFORD, J. TAYLOR, Col., Report of

BRYANT, Lieut. Com.,
Buckhannon, Va., plundered by guer-
of Connecticut, Proclamation of
July 3d,
D. 35
BUCKLEY, Colonel Twenty-ninth
Doc. 111
BUCKNER, JOHN A., Capt. rebel, Doc, 812
BUCKNER, S. B., Gen., rebel, Procla-

mation at Bardstown, Ky., D. 83
"Bucktails," Pennsylvania Volun-

teers at Harrisonburgh, Va., Doc. 186
BUELL, D. C., General, on the march
to Nashville,
left Louisville, Ky.
D. 90
See Chaplin Hills, Ky., D.98; Doc. 507
See Murfreesboro, Ky.,
Doc. 2-7
notices of,
D. 5, 19; Doc, 562
BURLL, J. T., Lieut.-Col. Seventh Mis-
souri Cavalry, Doc. 576; D. 58
Buffalo, N. Y., appropriations by the

Common Council of,
D. 87
Buffalo, Va., fight at,
D. 87
BUFORD, JOHN, Brig.-Gen., Doc. 345, 363
P. 46
Bull Pasture Mountain, Va., battle at
Doc. 84
Bull Run, Va., battle of, August 80,
Doc. 353, 333, 397; D. 66, 68
See Pope, McClellan.
Official reports of the battle of,
Doc. 385, 899
BURBANK, Colonel Thirteenth U. S. In-
D. 42
"Burn the Cotton," by "Estelle," P. 41
Burning Springs, Va., destroyed, D. 6
BURNS, W. W., Gen.,
Doc, 218
BURNSIDE, AMBROSE E., Major-General,
order in reference to rebel pro-

D. 53
Doc. 171



BERRY, NATHANIEL S., Governor of

N. H., message of,

D. 23

the Gulf of Mexico,

"Bible Inscription,"


See Corinth, Miss.,

[blocks in formation]

D. 64; Doc. 590

[blocks in formation]

the fight at Augusta, Ky., Doc. 618
BRADWAY, GEORGE D., Captain Third
Missouri Cavalry,
D. 48
BRADY, JAMES, Capt., account of bat-
tle of Glendale,
Doc. 262
BRAGG, BRAXTON, Gen., rebel, D. 6,
65, 98; Doc. 453, 525
order of September 5th,
D. 72
Proclamation of Sept. 18th, D. 83
Proclamation of Sept. 26th, D.
order in reference to the confeder-
ate currency,
D. 90
address to his army, May 5th, Doc. 116
Report of the battle of Chaplin
Doc. 582
BRAINE, D. L., Lieut. Com. U.S.N., D. 31
D. 91, 92

[blocks in formation]


"Black flag,"

Doc. 17
D. 58, 60
BLACK, SAMUEL W., Col., Doc. 6, 240
Blackburn, England, war meeting at,

[blocks in formation]

D. 55
D. 92

Blackford County, Ind.,
Blackford's Ford, Va., fight at, D. 84
official reports of the battle at, Doc. 616
Blackwater River, Va., reconnoissance
fight near,

D. 87
D. 91

D. 60
P. 14

Black River, S. C., reconnoissance up

BLANTON, Col. rebel,

Braxton County, Va., National cap-
tures in,
BREATHED, JAMES, Lieut., rebel, Doc. 192
Doc. 297
Report of the battle of Baton Rouge,
Doc. 303
Bridgeport, Conn,, war meeting at, D. 42
BRIGGS, Col. Tenth Mass., Doc. 78
"Brilliant," ship, captured by the
D. 91

[blocks in formation]

D. 67, 68, 79; P. 85
BURT, Major First N.Y.S.V., Doc. 396
BUTLER, B. F., Major-Gen., at New-

and the Louisiana planters,
seizes the specle at the office of the
Consul of the Netherlands, D. 7
forbids rebel fast at New-Orleans,

suppressed newspapers in New-Or-

D. 9
D. S

D. 9

D. 24

[blocks in formation]


D. 23

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