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battery, under command of Lieut. Bowers, was, with the greatest difficulty, placed in position on the mountain, on the left of the turnpike, and gave efficient support to the attack.

During the engagement, I also ordered two twelve-pounders of Johnson's Twelfth Ohio battery to be placed upon the pike, but they could not be placed in position until after twilight. From three o'clock until eight P.M. our small force engaged with undaunted bravery a force of the enemy which could not have been less than and maintained the position from which they had driven them, displaying courage and zeal which has merited the thanks of the country and proved them true representatives of the American citizen soldier.

De Beck's battery of the First Ohio artillery and about two hundred and fifty men of the first battalion of Connecticut cavalry.

With this help I reached Gen. Milroy at two o'clock A. M., on the eighth inst. I was, to use his own expression, "just in time." I found his regiments of infantry partly in line of battle in the plain at McDowell, covering some of the various approaches from the mountain, and partly disposed as skirmishers on the heights in front, and his batteries in position, expecting momentarily that the enemy would attempt to descend into the valley to attack him, under cover of artillery that might be brought forward to command the place from different points.

A little observation served to show at once, After nightfall the engagement was continued, that McDowell as a defensive position was entirethe fire of our men being guided only by the ly untenable, and especially against the largely flashes of the enemy's musketry, until the am- outnumbering force that was ascertained to be munition of almost all the men engaged was al-advancing; and if it had been otherwise, there was most wholly exhausted, when having achieved the purpose of the attack, our forces were recalled, retiring in good order, bringing with them their dead and wounded.

Whilst I should be glad to bring prominently to the notice of the Major-General Commanding the names of the officers and men who distinguished themselves in the action, I could not do so without rehearsing the names of all engaged. Neither officer nor man of those engaged faltered in the performance of his whole duty. The Twenty-fifth and Seventy-fifth O. V. I., in their gallant advance, the Thirty-second Ohio in a daring bayonet charge, and the Third Virginia in their endurance of the most severe fire of the enemy, alike merit his entire approbation.

no choice left on account of an entire destitution of forage. I determined, therefore, to obey, with as little delay as possible, your order to fall back with the force of our two brigades to this place. Such a movement, however, could not with any safety or propriety be commenced before night, nor did it seem advisable to undertake it without first ascertaining or feeling the actual strength of the rebel force before us, and also perhaps taking some step that would serve to check or disable him from his full power or disposition to pursue.

This was effectually done by an attack on his position on the mountain in the afternoon, and on the night following, I was enabled to withdraw our whole army along the road through the narrow gorge, which afforded the only egress from the valley in which McDowell is situated, in the

To Brig. Gen. Schenck, for his advice and counsel, and to the officers and men of the Eighty-direction of Franklin. second Ohio, who so bravely assisted us, I owe my warmest thanks. R. H. MILROY, Brigadier-General.




Col. Albert Tracy, A. A. G., Headquarters Moun-
tain Department:

This withdrawal we effected without the loss of a man, and without loss or destruction of any article of public property, except of some stores, for which Gen. Milroy was entirely without the means of transportation. I submit herewith the reports of Brig.-Gen. Milroy and of Col. James Cantwell, commanding the Eighty-second Ohio volunteer infantry of my brigade, giving an account of the affair, with the rebel force that day, and of the parts severally taken in the fight by the different regiments engaged.

I have had the honor, in my despatches heretofore transmitted through you, to inform the At three o'clock, Gen. Milroy having reported General Commanding of my march with my bri- to me that his scouts informed him of reënforcegade from Franklin to McDowell, to the relief of ments continually arriving to the support of the Brig. Gen. Milroy, who with his force having enemy, concealed among the woods on the mounfallen back to, and concentrated at the last-named tain, and that they were evidently making prepplace, was threatened with attack by the combin-arations to get artillery in position for sweeping ed army of Jackson and Johnson. By leaving the valley, I consented to his request to be permy baggage-train under a guard, in my last camp mitted to make a reconnoissance. The force deon the road, fourteen miles from McDowell, I was tailed for this purpose consisted of portions of able to push forward so as to make the whole four regiments of infantry of his brigade, namely, distance, thirty-four miles, in twenty-three hours. the Seventy-fifth, Twenty-fifth and Thirty-second I added, however, but little numerical strength Ohio, and the Third Virginia, and the Eightyto the army I was sent to relieve. My brigade, second Ohio of mine-the latter regiment gladly consisting of but three regiments, and with sev-receiving the order to join in the enterprise, aleral companies then on detailed and other duty, brought into the field an aggregate of only about one thousand three hundred infantry, besides

though the men were exhausted with the long march from which they had just arrived, with want of food, sleep and rest. The infantry was

supported in a degree also by a six-pounder of Johnson's battery, which Gen. Milroy had succeeded in conveying to the top of one of the mountain ridges on his left.

The movement resulted in a very sharp encounter with the rebels, of which details are given in the accompanying reports. To these reports I refer. I will only add, by way of general summing up, that, adding to the one thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight of Milroy's brigade, about five hundred of the Eighty-second Ohio, which was their number in the action, the entire force we had engaged was two thousand two hundred and sixty-eight; that these were opposed to, I believe, not less than five thousand of the enemy, successively brought into action, besides their reserved force of some eight thousand in the rear. That the casualties on our part amounted in the aggregate to twenty-eight killed, eighty severely wounded, one hundred and forty-five slightly wounded, and three missing, making a total of two hundred and fifty-six.

As the enemy closed in and it was ascertained that from the unexpected severity and protraction of the fight, the ammunition of some of the regiments was almost completely exhausted, I endeavored to get up a supply of cartridges to the men, and had three wagon-loads taken some distance up the Staunton road for that purpose, but the only way it could reach them up the steep mountain side was to be carried by hand or in haversacks. I ordered up the road also the regiment of Virginia infantry, Col. Zeigler commanding, of my brigade, to the relief of the other troops if needed, and they went, promptly and actively moved to the field, but it was not necessary to bring them into the action.

The troops that were engaged, after fighting with a coolness and order and bravery which it is impossible to excel, and after pressing back the enemy over the mountain crest and maintaining unflinchingly and under the most galling and constant fire their ground until darkness set in, were now withdrawn under the immediate order of Col. McLean of the Seventy-fifth, leaving, as I believe, not a person behind, for the three men reported missing are supposed to be among the killed.

We took four prisoners of the enemy. His loss in killed is thought by all engaged to have much exceeded ours. From the prisoners since taken I have ascertained that his killed on the field was less than thirty, and his wounded very numerous. Among the rebels wounded I learn was General Johnson himself, and at least one of his field-officers. The colonel of a Virginia regiment is known to be among the slain.

Too much praise cannot be awarded to Gen. Milroy himself, to Colonel McLean, Seventy-fifth Ohio; Col. Cantwell, Eighty-second Ohio; Lieut.Col. Richardson, commanding the Twenty-fifth Ohio; Major Riley, Seventy-fifth Ohio, and the officers and men of their several commands, for their steady gallantry and courage manifested throughout the whole affair. No veteran troops I am sure, ever acquitted themselves with more

ardor, and yet with such order and coolness, as they displayed in marching and fighting up that steep mountain-side, in the face of a hot and incessant fire. From McDowell I fell back by easy marches, on the ninth, tenth, and eleventh, to this place, the enemy cautiously pursuing. On a commanding ridge of ground, thirteen miles from McDowell, at the intersection of the road at that place with the turnpike to Monterey, I stopped from eight A.M. to two P.M., on the ninth, and made my dispositions to receive and repulse the attack of the rebels, who appeared in our rear, but they declined the undertaking. While awaiting the arrival of the General Commanding, with reenforcements, at this point, on the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth, the rebel army having advanced to within two miles of our position, we were kept constantly engaged in watchful preparation for an expected attack. I had my batteries and other forces so disposed, as to feel confident of repelling any attack. But we had no collision, except some skirmishing with my pickets and portions of the infantry advanced on the range of hills to my right, as I confronted the enemy's approach, and which resulted only in the loss of two men, one of the Fifth Virginia regiment on the eleventh, and one of the Third regiment Potomac home brigade, on the twelfth, on our side, and four or five of the enemy killed by our shells. The approaches were so guarded as to prevent the enemy from getting his artillery into any commanding position, and on the night of the thirteenth he withdrew back along the turnpike road to the southward.

I am, very respectfully, your ob't servant,

ROBERT C. SCHENCK. Brigadier-General Commanding.

COLONEL N. C. MCLEAN'S REPORT. HEADQUARTERS SEVENTY-FIFTH REGIMENT O. V. L, CAMP FRANKLIN, May 14, 1862. GENERAL: I have the honor to submit to you a report of the battle of "Bull Mountain," which occurred on the eighth instant, near McDowell. This report would have been sooner made, but for the constant duty upon which I have been engaged up to last night. This has rendered it impossible, until the present moment, for me to devote any time to this report, and is my excuse for the delay.

Under your orders, on the afternoon of the eighth instant, I marched to attack the confederate forces then in position on the top of Bull Mountain, having under my command seven companies of my own regiment, the Seventy-fifth Ohio, and nine companies of the Twenty-fifth Ohio, commanded by Lieut.-Col. Richardson. The remaining three companies and a part of the seven of the Seventy-fifth Ohio were, at the time the order was received, separated from the regi ment by your previous orders during the day, and had been engaged in skirmishing with the advance of the enemy, so that I had not the benefit of their strength in the battle. The companies of my own regiment engaged, with the num bers present of each, were as follows:

Company A, Capt. Friend commanding, 86 men. attacking a much larger force than I had antici

F, Capt. Morgan



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I, Capt. Fry




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C, Capt. Harris

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H, Capt. Pilcher

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E, Capt. Foster

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G, Lieut. Morey

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Total of Seventy-fifth Ohio engaged, 444 I have not yet ascertained the numbers engaged in the Twenty-fifth Ohio, but have been informed by Lieut.-Col. Richardson that his nine companies were incomplete. He will report, himself, the exact number in the action.

The enemy were in position on the top of the mountain, entirely screened from our view, and the conformation of the ridge permitted them to deliver their fire with only the exposure of a small portion of their bodies, and in reloading they were entirely protected from our fire by the crest of the hill. The side of the mountain up which I was compelled to make the attack, was entirely destitute of protection, either from trees or rocks, and so steep that the men were at times compelled to march either to one side or the other in order to make the ascent. In making the advance, Lieut.-Col. Richardson, by my order, deployed two of his companies as skirmishers, in order to more clearly ascertain the position and strength of the enemy. As soon as these companies were deployed properly, I ordered Lieut.Col. Richardson to support them with the whole of his regiment, formed in line of battle, which order was executed with great promptness, and in a few moments the whole of the Twenty-fifth Ohio was advancing steadily to the front, up the mountain, overcoming the difficult ascent with great labor.

pated, occupying also, a most admirable defensive position, I deemed it prudent to make no further advance, and determined, if possible, to hold on to the ground already acquired. In the position gained my men found partial protection whilst loading their pieces, by taking advantage of the uneven nature of the grounds. This, however, was slight, as the enemy were so placed that many of our men were wounded by their fire, some distance below the advanced front. Our position was one of extreme danger and exposure, and the fire of the enemy was heavy; coming sometimes in tremendous volleys, as if they meant by one fire, to sweep us from the mountain. Most nobly did our troops sustain themselves. Both regiments worked together with great coolness, and the men seemed only to be anxious to get steady aim when firing their pieces, without a thought of retiring. We held this position for at least an hour and a half before any troops arrived to reenforce us, the enemy not daring to make the attempt to drive us back by a charge. At about this time the Thirty-second Ohio, under command of Lieut.-Col. Sweeney, and the Eighty-second Ohio, under command of Col. Cantwell, came to our aid and took position in our midst. The fighting continued around the crest of the hill at this point, until I was informed that the Twenty-fifth Ohio were out of ammunition, and that some of my own regiment (the Seventy-fifth Ohio) were in the same condition, although every man of my own regiment started in the action with sixty rounds. The evening, also, was well advanced, so that our men could only see the enemy by the flashes of their guns. The moon was shining, but did not give sufficient light to enable the men to shoot with accuracy. Under these circumstances I determined to withdraw the forces, and so gave the order. I formed the Seventy-fifth Ohio in line of battle, under the crest of the hill, sufficiently low down to be out of the worst of the fire, and marched them down the mountain in this order, as well as the nature of the ground would perThe enemy did not permit the skirmishers to mit, so as at any time to be able to face to the advance far before a heavy fire was opened upon rear, and fire upon the enemy in case they should them from the whole crest of the hill. The attempt to follow us. Upon reaching the road, I mountain was circular in its formation, so that halted, and waited until the Twenty-fifth Ohio, when the whole line was engaged, the flanks were the Eighty-second Ohio, and the Thirty-second in a manner concealed from each other. The Ohio had all returned to the road, when we enemy received us with so heavy and destructive marched back to McDowell. The action was a a fire, that I was compelled to bring forward, as most severe one, as is shown by the report of rapidly as possible, the whole of the forces under the killed and wounded, already in your possesmy command. I cannot say too much in praise sion. My officers and men alike bore themselves of the conduct of the troops. Under the most most bravely in the action. Lieut.-Col. Constaheavy and galling fire from a well-sheltered ene- ble being sick, was unable to be with us, but my, and without protection themselves, they steadily advanced up the precipitous ascent, firing and loading with great coolness, until the enemy were forced to retire from their first position to a second ridge in the rear, which, however, protected them from our fire equally as well as the one which they had abandoned. At this point cur troops were halted, and finding that we were

As soon as the Twenty-fifth Ohio had advanced so as to make room in the open ground for the movement, I formed my own regiment, the Seventy-fifth Ohio, in line of battle, and gave the order for the advance, so that the whole force under my command was within easy supporting distance.

Maj. Reilly rendered most important and gallant service, during the whole engagement, rallying the men and keeping them to their work, when, as was the case at times, the enemy seemed, by the increase of their fire, to have brought new forces into the action. I had but one officer wounded, and of them all, so far as they came under my observation, I can speak in the warm

est terms as regards their gallant conduct during the ridge just as the enemy was making his ap the action.

[blocks in formation]

A correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial gives the following account of this affair:

FRANKLIN, PENDLETON COUNTY, VA., GEN. MILROY'S BRIGADE, May 13, 1862. After an exciting week we are at last enjoying a season of rest in our camp here, to which point the overwhelming numbers of the enemy compelled us to fall back. Since about the first of April, when the rebels evacuated Camp Allegheny, Gen. Milroy, with that energy and fearless determination which are his peculiar characteristics, has been hotly pursuing them, until they were driven beyond the Shenandoah mountains, the boundary of Fremont's department.

In their retreat the rebels destroyed an immense amount of camp equipage. This was particularly the case at their camp on the Shenandoah mountain, where they left considerable quantities of flour, forage, etc.; they burned most of their tents, the rest they cut so as to render them unfit for use.

On the fifth the Thirty-second Ohio was advanced beyond the Shenandoah mountain for the double purpose of scouting and foraging. The Seventy-fifth Ohio and Third Virginia, with Capt. Hyman's battery, were encamped at the foot of the mountain on this side; the rest of our force was at McDowell, at which place Gen. Milroy had his headquarters. On Wednesday morning the cavalry pickets belonging to Capt. Shuman's company First Virginia, were attacked and driven in after losing several men and a number of horses. The Thirty-second, under Lieut.-Col. Sweeney, drove the rebels back in good style, and then fell back across the mountain. Unfortunately this regiment was without transportation, and hence lost all their camp equipage and baggage, which was burned by the rebels.

By this time we had learned from our scouts and from other sources that we were about to be attacked by the combined forces of Johnson and Jackson, numbering some fifteen thousand men, with Ashby's cavalry, and a good supply of artillery. Our forces that were advanced toward the Shenandoah, were immediately ordered to fall back to McDowell. As we came up Shaw's Ridge, just this side of the Shenandoah, we could see the rebels swarming over the top of the latter. The road that leads down the mountain was crowded with rebels for several hours, and still they came. Gen. Milroy, at this moment, came up and ordered Capt. Hyman's battery, supported by the Seventy-fifth Ohio, Col. McLean, to move back to Shaw's Ridge, and check the advance of the rebels. They reached

pearance near the foot. Hyman's guns were quickly in position, and soon shells were falling among the rebels, who immediately about faced and marched back up the mountain. The regiment and battery then fell back to McDowell, reaching that place about seven P.M.

The men slept on their arms, while the officers made the arrangements for the next day's battle. I confess affairs looked too blue to permit of my A little after midnight, most of us tried to sleep. sleeping. We had information that Jackson was coming with nine thousand men by way of North River Gap, to attack our left, while Johnson, with his whole force and part of Jackson's, would attack us in front. Our force was not half theirs, and our position a poor one; but Gen. Milroy said he would not yield a foot to treason, and so we must fight.

By half-past two Thursday morning, all in camp were stirring, and by four all had eaten breakfast. Our soldiers watched for the coming dawn, and listened anxiously for the signal gun that would summon them to battle. Day came, but no attack. We supposed they were only awaiting the advance of Jackson's force from the direction of North River Gap. By order of Gen. Milroy, I took a squad of cavalry, and went in the direction of North River Gap, to find, if possible, Jackson's force. I went out fifteen miles from McDowell, but found no force. On returning to camp I found Gen. Schenck had come up with three regiments, namely, the Eighty-second and Fifty-fifth Ohio, and Fifth Virginia. The enemy had made his appearance on the hill east of the town, and two companies of his skirmishers had been driven in by Capt. Higgins's company of the Eighty-fifth. At five o'clock P.M., it was resolved to make a reconnoissance in force, to learn the strength and position of the enemy. half-past five o'clock, Gen. Milroy moved with four regiments, namely, the Seventy-fifth, Twentyfifth, Thirty-second and Eighty-second."


The rebels had stationed themselves on the top of a ridge, in the Bull Pasture Mountain, through a gap in which, at this point, the Staunton pike passes. The Twenty-fifth and Seventyfifth Ohio took up the mountain on the right, while the Thirty-second and Eighty-second took the left. The mountain on both sides is very steep and hence, by the time the men had marched two thirds of the way up the mountain, they were almost exhausted. The Seventy-fifth and Twenty-fifth had climbed two thirds the way up the mountain, and were just crossing a little ridge, when they received a full volley from a rebel regiment that had been concealed on the other side of the ridge. Here the battle began, the rebels falling back before the telling fire of our boys. The enemy then reënforced till his numbers exceeded our own-continued to fall back till they reached their main force, which was posted in admirably selected position — a kind of basin in the top of the mountain, from which they could fire without exposing only their head. The fight had been raging furiously

for near two hours before I could possibly reach the top of the mountain, I having been sent with orders to another point.


them to "wipe out the stain that had fallen upon the name of Ohio on other fields." The fighting ceased about half-past eight, it being then so dark that they could only see the flash of the enemy's muskets. Our entire force engaged was two thousand two hundred and sixty-five men, while that of the enemy consisted of Gen. Johnson's entire force-four thousand strong, reenforced in the early part of the action by three regiments of Jackson's army, making their force not less than six thousand; and I may add that Jackson's entire force was fast coming up. Our loss is thirty killed and two hundred and sixteen wounded. Of the loss of the enemy I am not informed; it is certain, however, that the Colonel of the Tenth Virginia was killed, as this report is confirmed by several prisoners we have taken.

Our men were withdrawn at half-past eight or nine o'clock, and we at once prepared to fall back toward reënforcements. We found it necessary to burn a quantity of "hard bread" and some ammunition. Many other things were lost. Our sutlers, Anderson and Harper, lost all their "traps." I am sorry to say that, owing to some mismanagement on the part of Lieut.-Col. Constable, of the Seventy-fifth Ohio, (who had gone on to a house in advance, to await the arrival of our troops,) and his cousin, who was to notify him of the moving of the troops, but who failed to do it, he (the Colonel) was left behind and taken prisoner by the rebels.

Of our retreat to this point and the incidents connected therewith, I will speak in my next. VOLUNTEER.

The Seventy-fifth and Twenty-fifth Ohio regiments, their combined force numbering less than one thousand, drove the enemy, whose numbers doubled theirs, from post to post, till they joined the main rebel force at the point of which I have spoken. Having driven the rebels to this point, they fought the whole force till reenforced by the Thirty-second and Eighty-second Ohio, these regiments coming up and taking position near that occupied by the Seventy-fifth and Twentyfifth, while the Third Virginia, commanded by Col. Hewes, and Lieut.-Col. Thompson, moved up farther to the left, and from that point poured a galling fire into the rebels, compelling them partially to change front. The Third Virginia, in taking its position, placed itself between two fires, but the men held their ground, and fought with coolness and determination worthy of veterans. During the early part of the engagement Gen. Milroy was superintending both the battle and planting a section of Capt. Johnston's battery on a hill which partially commanded the position of the enemy. The guns were planted and handled by Lieut. Bowers, and did good execution. Capt. Hyman also got two of his guns in position, but the position of the enemy was such that his shells would pass over their heads. Our troops cannot be too highly praised for their heroic conduct in the battle of Bull Pasture Mountain." For near three hours they contended successfully against four times their own number. Several times the enemy broke, and as often were rallied on the reserve and brought back to their places. Once their reserve broke, but fortunately for them, reenforcements coming CAMP AT PENDLETON COUNTY, up, with bayonets, drove them back to their TWO MILES EAST OF FRANKLIN, May 12. places. All our officers and men behaved nobly, On Monday, May fifth, we left camp at Valley eliciting the warmest praise from Gens. Fremont Mills, Augusta County, six miles north of Staunand Schenck. Gen. Milroy who admires brave-ton, with five days' rations, without tents and ry, has issued an order thanking the men for their gallant conduct. In mentioning the conduct of an officer or regiment, I of course do not disparage that of others. All fought well. Lieut.Col. Richardson commanded the Twenty-fifth, and acquitted himself nobly. Lieut.-Col. Sweeney the Thirty-second. I suppose the Colonel, with his regiment, would have been there till this time if he could have had his way. Lieut.Col. Thompson, whose coolness every one admires, was, during the battle, writing a message, having the paper against a tree, when a bullet pierced the paper, sticking it to the tree. "Thank you, I am not posting advertisements," said the Colonel. "and if I was, I would prefer tacks." Cincinnatians may well be proud of Col. McLean and Major Reilly, and the regiment they command. Where the fight was the hottest and the men seemed to waver, there you would see Col. M. and Major R., cheering their men, and by their own daring and coolness inspiring confidence and courage in the men. They say the Major actually became excited, and got to making stump-speeches to his boys, telling


baggage, save blankets, under the command of Gen. Ed. Johnson, and the next day the advanceguard under Col. Letcher fell in with the outposts of the enemy one cavalry company and a body of infantry, near the forks of the Jennings Gap and the Parkersburgh turnpike roads, twenty-one miles from Staunton. Letcher fired upon the enemy, killing three, wounding several, and taking one prisoner.

About this time "Old Stonewall" passed up the road and had a consultation with Gen. Johnson. Soon after the consultation, Johnson's army pushed up the road in pursuit of the enemy toward Shenandoah Mountain, followed by Jackson's. When we arrived at the foot of the mountain, on the east side, we found that a regiment of Yankees had been camped there, but had left on hearing of our appearance, leaving behind all their tents, clothing, commissary stores and a number of small arms, most of which they broke the stocks off, but several cases were left unopened and in fine order.

After scouting the mountains thoroughly, we found that three regiments had been camped

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