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registered by the several registrars of the several dioceses of Saint Asaph, Bangor, Saint David's, Llandaff, and Chester: and whereas doubts have been entertained as to the validity of the said Order, by reason of no direction having been thereby given for the registering of such Order by any person as registrar of the diocese of Manchester, and it has, therefore, been deemed expedient that the same should be again confirmed and registered as hereinafter directed; now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice of Her said Council, is pleased hereby to ratify the said scheme, and to order and direct that the same, and every part thereof, shall take effect immediately from and after the time when this Order shall have been registered as hereinafter directed, and shall have been duly published in the London Gazette, pursuant to the said Act; and Her Majesty, by and with the like advice, is pleased hereby to direct, that this Order be forthwith registered, not only by the several registrars of the several dioceses of Saint Asaph,Bangor, Saint David's, Llandaff, and Chester, but also by John Murray, of Chancery-lane, London, solicitor, in a book to be by him provided and kept for the purpose, and which shall become and be the registry of the diocese of Manchester. C. C. Greville.

Buckingham Palace, January 24, 1839.

This day had audience of Her Majesty, Prince Michael Soutzo, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from the King of Greece, to deliver his letter of recall:

To which he was introduced by Lord Viscount Palmerston, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and conducted by Sir Róbert Chester, Knt. Master of the Ceremonies.


December 14, 1838.

Her Majesty has been pleased to approve of the appointment of Sir Francis Palgrave, Knt. to be the Deputy Keeper of the Records.


Hilary Term, in the second Year of the Reign of Queen Victoria.

This Court will, on Tuesday the 5th day of February next, hold Sittings, and will proceed in disposing of the business now pending in the Paper of New Trials, on the said 5th day of February and the two following days.

And will proceed in disposing of the business now pending in the Special Paper, on Friday the 8th day of the same month and on the following day. By the Court.


Hilary Term, 2d Victoria, 24th January 1889.

This Court will, on Tuesday the 5th day of February next, hold Sittings, and will proceed in disposing of the business now pending in the Paper of New Trials, on the said 5th day of the said month and the four following days.

By the Court.







Colonial-Office, Downing-Street, January 26, 1839.

A DISPATCH has been received from Lieutenant-Governor Sir George Arthur, K. C. H. dated Government-house, Toronto, 13th December 1838, of which the following is an extract:

Extract of a Dispatch from Lieutenant-Governor Sir George Arthur, K. C. H. to Lord Glenelg, dated Government-house, Toronto, December 13, 1838.

AT daylight, on the 4th instant, a body of ruffians, amounting to about four hundred men, landed at Moy, near the village of Windsor, about three miles above Sandwich, when, having set fire to and destroyed a steam-boat which was lying there, they proceeded to consume the barracks and two adjoining houses, at Windsor, in which two militia men were burned to death, shot the sentry, killed a man of colour, who refused to join them, and in the most cold-blooded and inhuman manner murdered Assistant Staff Surgeon Hume, who, unarmed, accidentally fell into their hands, mutilating his body with an axe and bowie knives.

Tidings of the enormities perpetrated having reached Sandwich, the militia, stationed at that post, speedily turned out, marched on Windsor, attacked the ruffians, and, in a few minutes, completely routed them; twenty-five were killed, and as many taken prisoners, and of the rest, who were dispersed, some effected their escape to Hog Island, on the American side, while others fled into the woods, where several of them have been since apprehended.

The District Order, which has been published, and of which copies are herewith transmitted, (No. 1, December 10, 1838,) details the particulars of this atrocious outrage, and they are accompanied with Colonel Airey's dispatch (No. 2).

The descent made on Windsor was but a feint, the intention being, as General Brady, of the United States' Army, apprized Colonel Airey, who was commanding at Fort Malden, to surprise that garrison, under the expectation that the 34th regiment would have moved off to support the militia, at Sandwich, distant eighteen miles. In this, however, the brigands were completely disappointed.

At Sandwich, your Lordship is aware, there exists a French Canadian population, and, I am sure, Her Majesty's Government will learn, with great satisfaction, that they turned out as loyal subjects in the defence of the country on this occasion.

Toronto, December 10, 1838.


HIS Excellency Major-General Sir George Arthur, feels much pleasure in communicating to the regular forces, and militia, the gratifying information received by him from the western frontier.

A large body of pirates and brigands, belonging to E 2


the hostile combination in the neighbouring country, which has, of late, so much disturbed the peace of this province, after assembling in the neighbourhood of Detroit, and shewing themselves at different points in the vicinity, at length had the hardihood to effect a landing near Windsor, about three miles from Sandwich, on the morning of the 4th instant, where they immediately commenced their work of destruction, by burning a steam-boat, called the Thames, and a house used as a barrack, making prisoners a small, but gallant party of militia, quartered therein, who, in defending themselves against the attacking banditti, shot their leader, and eventually effected their escape.

During the short time the brigands remained unmolested at Windsor, they used every effort, in vain, to induce the inhabitants to join them, and murdered one man, upon his refusal to take up arms against his country.

Staff Assistant-Surgeon Hume, a most worthy and meritorious officer, was also inhumanly murdered by the same body, although quite unarmed, and without offering them the slightest resistance.

On the intelligence of these outrages reaching Sandwich, the brave and gallant militia lost no time in assembling; and, under the command of Colonel Prince, a spirited attack was forthwith made upon this wicked and inhuman banditti, who fled with precipitation to the woods, leaving behind them. twenty-six of their number killed, and twenty-five prisoners. Several more of this band of murderers have since been captured; and from the inclemency of the season, there is every reason to conclude that the remainder will be taken, or must perish in the woods.

It affords his Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor sincere pleasure to notice the unanimity and alacrity displayed by the militia, in which the inhabitants, whether of British or Canadian origin, vied with


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