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3 Arkansas

22 Connecticut.

15 Delaware.

13 Florida

9 Georgia



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6 Kentucky


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the State, and the fever extended to adja-
cent States. The ordeal was a most trying
one for a candidate, and, for a time, there
was grave fear that a mistake might be
made, or a trap sprung, like that of Bur- Indiana
chard's upon Blaine in 1884; but General Iowa
Harrison was singularly fortunate in all of Kansas
his remarks, and yet so earnest and able Maine.
that his own work soon began to be recog- Michigan.
nized as the best of the campaign. Presi- Minnesota
dent Cleveland was compelled by his official Nebraska
duties, and probably by inclination, to keep Nevada
out of even the speaking part of the cam- New Hampshire
New York
Rhode Island

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7 Mississippi

5 Missouri


New Jersey

4 North Carolina

36 South Carolina.

23 Tennessee

3 Texas

30 Virginia
4 West Virginia

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Harrison's majority 65

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Here is a majority of 65 electors, and yet less than 3000 votes in New York, cast for Cleveland, would have reëlected him, but with grave danger to the country, because of disputed results in the two Virginias.

Senator Quay regarded New York as the sole key to the contest, and his determination to carry that State, even at the risk of all others, was maintained with the greatest firmness. The usual appeals came from Wisconsin hopeful States, like Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and even Delaware and Maryland, while alarming predictions as to Michigan, Wisconsin, and Iowa flew thick and fast; but the Republican National Chairman, wisely clothed with absolute authority as general of the battle, kept up his steady assault upon New York, and organized so closely that the usual frauds in New York City and Brooklyn became impossible. The wisdom of this policy was confirmed by the result, and to it is directly traceable the Republican victory which followed. General Harrison carried New York Arkansas by 14,000 plurality, while Governor Hill, California the Democratic candidate for reëlection, Colorado carried it by 18,000. This apparent polit- Connecticut. ical phenomenon finds its explanation in the Delaware liquor issue, which attracted wide attention throughout the State. Warner Miller, the Illinois Republican candidate, favored high license, while Governor Hill opposed it.

The Northwest, always before believed to be inclined to Free Trade, gave surprising tariff majorities, while Kansas proved the banner Republican State, giving over 80,000 for Harrison in a territory made up mostly by farmers. Indeed, the farming excelled many of the manufacturing sections in showing tariff or Republican gains. Results proved to be very close in Connecticut, the two Virginias, Maryland, and Tennessee, and for a time the attitude of the lower House of Congress was in doubt. At this writing the Republican majority is estimated at seven, and the new Congress I will have to consider more than a dozen contested seats. The Republicans made a net gain of one in the Senate by their success in the counties of Sussex and Kent, in Delaware. This was due to a quarrel between the Bayard and Saulsbury factions of the State. New Jersey remained with the Democrats, and the Republicans elected General Goff for Governor of West Virginia, with three Labor men holding the balance of power in the Legislature.

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183,447 151,990


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Rhode Island 19,030
21,960 17,533
Connecticut 65.923 67,199 74,584 74,920

Totals 922,194 1,064,794 1,063,035 1,188,851 New York 562,005 563,154 649,114 635,715 Democratic majority in 1888 Democratic majority in 1884 New Jersey 123,366 127,778 144,426 151,154




473,804 392,785 526,223 446,934
400,082 368,280 416,054 396,455
238,463 244,990 263,361 261,013

337,469 312,351 370,241 348,360
Michigan. 192,669 149,835 236,307 213,404 S. Carolina
Wisconsin 161,157 146,459 176,553 155,232 Florida


197,089 177,316 211,592 177,899 Georgia

California. 102,416
Kansas 154,406

Nebraska. 76,912

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Democratic loss.

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99,664 Alabama

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37,610 Mississippi 117,729 Louisiana

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43,509 76,510 30,096 85,476 46,347 62,540 30,181 84,941 93,141 225,309 88,442 234,883 5,326 Totals 328,822 656,280 285,811 728,505 26,524 Democratic majority in 1888 Democratic majority in 1884



Totals 3,608,965 3,153,912 4,081,971 361,0556

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In October, 1891, directly after the over-American demands. We quote its text, for throw of Balmaceda by the Congressional- it will be historically very valuable: ists of Chile, U. S. Minister Egan sheltered TO THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPREa number of political refugees, as did other SENTATIVES: In my Annual Message, deforeign ministers. Both the government livered to Congress at the beginning of the and populace at Valparaiso took special present session, after a brief statement of umbrage at the action of the authorities of the facts then in the possession of this the United States, and as a result a mob of government touching the assault in the citizens, police and soldiers assaulted Amer- streets of Valparaiso, Chile, upon the sailors ican sailors on shore, killing two and wound- of the United States steamship Baltimore, ing sixteen. President Harrison's message, on the evening of the 16th of October last, sent to Congress on the 25th of January, I said:

1892, is the strongest state paper in behalf "This government is now awaiting the of the rights of American citizens abroad result of an investigation which has been yet given to the country. It explains all conducted by the criminal court at Valpaof the facts as to the Chilean difficulties, raiso. It is reported unofficially that the and as well lays down the principles which investigation is about completed, and it is conduct his course. It was well received expected that the result will soon be comby the American Congress, and compelled municated to this government, together Chile to act promptly in answer to the with some adequate and satisfactory re

sponse to the note by which the attention Chilean government in a position to deny of Chile was called to this incident. If the right of asylum to political refugees, these just expectations should be disap- and seemed very clearly to support Mr. pointed, or further needless delay intervene, Egan's contention that a safe conduct to I will, by a special message, bring this mat- neutral territory was a necessary and acter again to the attention of Congress for knowledged incident of the asylum. These such action as may be necessary." refugees have very recently, without formal In my opinion the time has now come safe conduct, but by the acquiescence of when I should lay before the Congress and the Chilean authorities, been placed on the country the correspondence between board the Yorktown, and are now being this government and the government of conveyed to Callao, Peru.

Chile from the time of the breaking out of This incident might be considered wholly the revolution against Balmaceda, together closed but for the disrespect manifested with all other facts in the possession of the towards this government by the close and Executive Department relating to this offensive police surveillance of the legation premises which was maintained during The diplomatic correspondence is here- most of the period of the stay of the refuwith transmitted, together with some cor- gees therein.


respondence between the naval officers for After the date of my annual message and the time in command in Chilean waters up to the time of the transfer of the refuand the Secretary of the Navy, and also gees to the Yorktown, the legation premises the evidence taken at the Mare Island seem to have been surrounded by police, in navy yard since the arrival of the Baltimore uniform, and police agents or detectives, in at San Francisco. I do not deem it neces- citizens' dress, who offensively scrutinized sary in this communication to attempt any persons entering or leaving the legation, full analysis of the correspondence or of the and, on one or more occasions, arrested evidence. A brief restatement of the inter- members of the minister's family. national questions involved, and of the Commander Evans, who, by my direction, reasons why the responses of the Chilean recently visited Mr. Egan at Santiago, in government are unsatisfactory is all that I his telegram to the Navy Department dedeem necessary. scribed the legation as "a veritable pris

It may be well, at the outset, to say that on," and states that the police agents or whatever may have been said in this coun- detectives were, after his arrival, withdrawn try or in Chile in criticism of Mr. Egan, our during his stay. It appears further, from minister at Santiago, the true history of the the note of Mr. Egan, of November 20, exciting period in Chilean affairs, from the 1891, that, on one occasion at least, these outbreak of the revolution until this time, police agents, whom he declares to be known discloses no act upon the part of Mr. Egan to him, invaded the legation premises, unworthy of his position, or that could pounding upon its windows and using justly be the occasion of serious animadver- insulting and threatening language towards sion or criticism. He has, I think, on the persons therein.

whole borne himself in very trying circum- This breach of the right of a minister to stances with dignity, discretion and courage, freedom from police espionage and restraint and conducted the correspondence with seems to have been so flagrant that the ability, courtesy and fairness. Argentine minister, who was dean of the

It is worth while, also, at the beginning diplomatic corps, having observed it, felt to say that the right of Mr. Egan to give called upon to protest against it to the shelter in the legation to certain adherents Chilean Minister of Foreign Affairs. The of the Balmaceda government who applied Chilean authorities have, as will be obto him for asylum has not been denied by served from the correspondence, charged the Chilean authorities, nor has any de- the refugees and the inmates of the legation mand been made for the surrender of these with insulting the police; but it seems to refugees. me incredible that men whose lives were in That there was urgent need of asylum is jeopardy and whose safety could only be shown by Mr. Egan's note of August 24, secured by retirement and quietness, should 1891, describing the disorders that prevailed have sought to provoke a collision which in Santiago, and by the evidence of Captain could only end in their destruction, or to Schley as to the pillage and violence that aggravate their condition by intensifying a prevailed at Valparaiso. The correspond- popular feeling that at one time so threatence discloses, however, that the request of ened the legation as to require Minister Mr. Egan for a safe conduct from the Egan to appeal to the Minister of Foreign country, in behalf of these refugees, was Affairs. denied.

But the most serious incident disclosed The precedents cited by him in the corre- by the correspondence is that of the attack spondence, particularly the case of the revo- upon the sailors of the Baltimore in the lution in Peru in 1865, did not leave the streets of Valparaiso on the 16th of October

last. In my annual message, speaking upon The officers and sailors of the Baltimore the information then in my possession, I were in the harbor of Valparaiso under the said: "So far as I have yet been able to orders of their government, not by their learn, no other explanation of this bloody own choice, They were upon the shore by work has been suggested than that it had the implied invitation of the government its origin in hostility to those men as sailors of Chile and with the approval of their of the United States, wearing the uniform commanding officer, and it does not distinof their government, and not in any indi- guish their case from that of a consul that vidual act or personal animosity." his stay is more permanent or that he holds We have now received from the Chilean the express invitation of the local governgovernment an abstract of the conclusions ment to justify his longer residence. Nor of the Fiscal General upon the testimony does it affect the question that the injury taken by the Judge of Crimes in an inves- was the act of a mob. If there had been tigation which was made to extend over no participation by the police or military in three months. I very much regret to be this cruel work, and no neglect on their part compelled to say that this report does not to extend protection, the case would still enable me to modify the conclusion an- be one, in my opinion, when its extent and nounced in my annual message. I am still character are considered, involving internaof the opinion that our sailors were as- tional rights.

saulted, beaten, stabbed and killed, not for The incidents of the affair are, briefly, anything they or any of them had done, as follows: On the 16th of October last, but for what the government of the United Captain Schley, commanding the United States had done, or was charged with hav- States steamer Baltimore, gave shore leave ing done by its civil officer and naval com- to 117 petty officers and sailors of his ship. manders. If that be the true aspect of the These men left the ship about 1.30 P.M. No case, the injury was to the government of incident of violence occurred; none of our the United States, not to these poor sailors men were arrested; no complaint was lodged who were assaulted in the manner so bru- against them; nor did any collision or outtal and so cowardly. break occur until about 6 o'clock P.M. Before attempting to give an outline of Captain Schley says that he was himself on the facts upon which this conclusion rests, shore and about the streets until 5.40 P.M.; I think it right to say a word or two upon that he met very many of his men who the legal aspect of the case. The Balti were upon leave; that they were sober and more was in the harbor of Valparaiso by were conducting themselves with propriety, virtue of that general invitation which saluting Chilean and other officers as they nations are held to extend to the war ves- met them. Other officers of the ship, and sels of other powers with which they have Captain Jenkins, of the merchant ship friendly relations. This invitation I think Keweenaw, corroborate Captain Schley as must be held ordinarily to embrace the to the general sobriety and good behavior privilege of such communication with the of our men.

shore as is reasonable, necessary and proper The Sisters of Charity at the hospital to for the comfort and convenience of the of which our wounded men were taken, when ficers and men of such vessels. Captain inquired of, stated that they were sober Schley testifies that when his vessel returned when received. If the situation had been to Valparaiso, on September 14th, the city otherwise, we must believe that the Chilean officers, as is customary, extended the hos- police authorities would have made arrests. pitalities of the city to his officers and crew. About 6 P. M. the assault began, and it is It is not claimed that every personal remarkable that the investigation by the collision or injury in which a sailor or officer Judge of Crimes, though so protracted, of such naval vessel visiting the shore may does not enable him to give any more satisbe involved raises an international ques- factory account of its origin than is found tion; but I am clearly of the opinion that in the statement that it began between where such sailors or officers are assaulted drunken sailors. Repeatedly in the corresby a resident population, animated by hos-pondence it is asserted that it was impossi tility to the government whose uniform ble to learn the precise cause of the riot. these sailors and officers wear, and in resent- The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Matta, in ment of acts done by their government, not his telegram to Mr. Montt under date of by them, their nation must take notice of December 31st, states that the quarrel bethe event as one involving an infraction of gan between two sailors in a tavern, and was its rights and dignity, not in a secondary continued in the street, persons who were way as where a citizen is injured and pre-passing joining in it.

sents his claim through his own govern- The testimony of Talbot, an apprentice, ment, but in a primary way, precisely as if who was with Riggin, is that the outbreak its minister or consul of the flag itself had in which they were involved began by been the object of the same character of Chilean sailor spitting in the face of Talbot, assault. which was resented by a knock-down. It



appears that Riggin and Talbot were at that from the account given of the affair by the
time unaccompanied by any others of their La Patria newspaper, of Valparaiso, of
October 17th, cannot be regarded as too


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These two men were immediately beset friendly: "The Yankees, as soon as their by a crowd of Chilean citizens and sailors, pursuers gave chase, went by way of the through which they broke their way to a Calle del Arsenal towards the city car stastreet car and entered it for safety. They tion. In the presence of an ordinary numwere pursued, driven from the car, and ber of citizens, among whom were some Riggin was so seriously beaten that he fell sailors, the North Americans took seats in in the street apparently dead. There is the street car to escape from the stones nothing in the report of the Chilean inves- which the Chileans threw at them. It was tigation made to us that seriously im- believed for an instant that the North peaches this testimony. It appears from Americans had saved themselves from Chilean sources that almost instantly, with popular fury, but such was not the case. a suddenness that strongly implies pre- Scarcely had the car begun to move, when meditation and preparation, a mob, stated a crowd gathered around and stopped its by the police authorities at one time to progress. number 2000, and at another 1000, was engaged in the assault upon our sailors, any cessation of the howling and throwing "Under these circumstances, and without who are represented as resisting "with of stones at the North Americans, the constones, clubs and bright arms." The report ductor entered the car, and seeing the risk of the Intendente of October 30th states of the situation to the vehicle, ordered that the fight began at 6 P. M. in three streets, them to get out. At the instant the sailors which are named, that information was re- left the car, in the midst of a hail of stones, ceived at the intendencia at 6.15, and that the said conductor received a stone blow the police arrived on the scene at 6.30, a on the head. One of the Yankee sailors full half hour after the assault began. At managed to escape in the direction of the that time he says that a mob of 2000 men plaza Wheelright, but the other was felled had collected, and that for several squares to the ground by a stone. Managing to there was the appearance of a tle-field." real bat- raise himself from the ground where he lay The scene at this point is very graphi- the station. In front of the house of Señor he staggered in an opposite direction from cally set before us by the Chilean testimony. Mazzini he was again wounded, falling then The American sailors, who, after so long an senseless and breathless. examination, have not been found guilty of any breach of the peace, so far as the able to cloud our clear vision of this brutal No amount of evasion or subterfuge is Chilean authorities are able to discover, work. It should be noticed, in this connecunarmed and defenceless, are fleeing for tion that the American sailors arrested, their lives, pursued by overwhelming num- after an examination, were, during the four bers, and fighting only to aid their own days following the arrest, every one disescape from death or to succor some mate charged, no charge of any breach of the whose life is in greater peril. Eighteen peace or other criminal conduct having of them are brutally stabbed and beaten, been sustained against a single one of them. while one Chilean seems, from the report, to have suffered some injury; but how the Intendente, under date of October 22d, The Judge of Crimes, Foster, in a note to serious or with what character of weapon, before the dispatch from the government, or whether by a missile thrown by our men of the following day, which aroused the or by some of his fellow-rioters is unascer-authorities of Chile to a better sense of the tained. The pretense that our men were fighting sided temporarily over this court in regard gravity of the affair, says: "Having presi"with stones, clubs, and bright arms, in view of these facts, incredible. is, to the seamen of the United States cruiser further refuted by the fact that our prison- of the deplorable conduct which took It is Baltimore, who have been tried on account ers, when searched, were absolutely without place." The noticeable point here is that arms, only seven penknives being found in our sailors had been tried before the 22d of the possession of the men arrested, while October, and that the trial resulted in their there were received by our men more than acquittal and return to their vessel. thirty stab wounds, every one of which was inflicted in the back, and almost every con- teristic of the management of this affair It is quite remarkable and quite charactused wound was in the back or back of the by the Chilean police authorities that we head. The evidence of the ship's officer of should now be advised that seaman Davidthe day is that even the jack-knives of the son, of the Baltimore, has been included men were taken from them before leaving in the indictment, his offence being so far as the ship. As to the brutal nature of the treatment tempted to defend a shipmate against an I have been able to ascertain, that he atreceived by our men, the following extract assailant who was striking at him with a

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