Elementary Treatise on the Wave-theory of Light |
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Common terms and phrases
angle of incidence aperture axes azimuth bands beam bright bands centre circularly polarized coincides colours common light corresponding crystal dark denote diameter difference of phase diffraction direction distance diverging double refraction edge effect elasticity elliptically polarized equal ether Fresnel fringes glass History Iceland spar inci incident light incident ray inclined intensity interference interval of retardation John Herschel length light reflected luminous origin medium metal mirror molecules Newton observed optic axis parallel particles perpendicular plane phenomena plane of incidence plane of polarization plane of reflexion plane-polarized polarized light polarized ray polarizing angle portions position Post 8vo principal section principle prism produced propagated ratio reflected light reflected pencil refracted rays refractive index refrangibility result revised rhombohedron right angles rings Second Edition shadow spectrum Square crown 8vo substance theory thickness tion transmitted traversed undulation vary velocity vibrations vols wave wave-theory Woodcuts
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Page 23 - Dr. Ure's Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines: Containing a clear Exposition of their Principles and Practice.
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Page 7 - De la Rive.— A Treatise on Electricity, in Theory and Practice. By A. DE LA RIVE, Professor in the Academy of Geneva. Translated for the Author by CV WALKEH, FRS la Three Volumes . with numerous Woodcuts.
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