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3. The cranial investigations of Dr. Buchanan,

from 1835 to 1841, confirmed nearly all the discover

ies of Gall, and corrected their inaccuracies as to

anatomical location and psychic definition. He also

discovered the locations of the external senses, and

found the science thus corrected entirely reliable in

the study of character. In these results he had the

substantial concurrence of Dr. W. Byrd Powell, a

gentleman of brilliant talents, the only efficient

American cultivator of the science.

4. In 1841, Dr. Buchanan (having previously dis-

covered the organ of sensibility) investigated the

phenomena of sensitive constitutions, and found

that they were easily affected by contact with any

substance, and especially by contact with the hu-

man hand, so that the organic action of the brain

was modified by the nervaura from the fingers, and

every convolution could be made to manifest its

functions, whether psychic or physiological, and

whether intellectual, emotional, volitional, or pas-

sional, so as to make the subject of experiment

amiable, irritable, intellectual, stupid, drowsy,

hungry, restless, entranced, timid, courageous, sen-

sitive, hardy, morbid, insane, idiotic, or whatever

might be elicited from any region of the brain, and

also to control the physiological functions, modify-

ing the strength, sensibility, temperature, circula-

tion, and pulse.

5. These experiments have been continually

repeated from 1841 to 1887, and have commanded

unanimous assent to their truth from many com-

mittees of investigation, and have during sixteen

years been regularly presented and accepted in

medical colleges; hence it is not improper to treat

this demonstrated science of the brain as an estab-

lished science, since the establishment of science

depends not upon the opinions of the ignorant, but

upon the unanimous assent of its investigators or


6. As the brain contains all the elements of hu

manity, their revelation constitutes a complete

ANTHROPOLOGY, the first that has ever been pre-

sented, and this science necessarily has its physio-

logical, psychic_or social, and supernal or spiritual

departments. In its physiological department it

constitutes a vast addition to the medical sciences,

and essentially changes all the philosophy of med-

ical science, while it initiates many fundamental

changes in practice, which have been adopted by

Dr. Buchanan's pupils. Hence it deserves the pro-

found attention of all medical schools.

7. In its psychic or social relations, anthropology

enables us to form correct estimates from develop-

ment of all vertebrate animals, of persons and of

nations, showing their merits and deficiencies, and

consequently the EDUCATION or legislation that is

needed. By showing the laws of correlation be-

tween persons, it establishes the scientific prin-

ciples of SOCIAL SCIENCE, and the possibilities of

human society. By explaining all the elements of

character and their operation, it establishes the

true MORAL PHILOSOPHY. By giving the laws of

development it formulates the true EDUCATION,

and by giving the laws of expression it establishes

the science of ORATORY and the PHILOSOPHY OF

ART, making a more complete and scientific

expression of what was empirically observed by Del-

sarte with remarkable success.

new views of animal development and an entirely

new conception of statuesque conformation and ex-


10. The magnitude and complexity of the new

science thus introduced give an air of romance and

incredibility to the whole subject, for nothing so

comprehensive has ever before been scientifically

attempted, and its magnitude is repulsive to conser-

vative minds, to those who tolerate only slow

advances; but the marvellous character of an-

thropology has not prevented its acceptance by

all before whom it has been distinctly and fully

presented, for the singular ease and facility of the

demonstration is almost as marvellous as the all-

embracing character of the science, and the revolu-

tionary effects of its adoption upon every sphere of

human life. This marvellous character is most

extraordinary in its department of PSYCHOMETRY,

which teaches the existence of divine elements in

man, powers which may be developed in millions,

by means of which mankind may hold the key to

all knowledge, to the knowledge of the indi-

vidual characters of persons in any locality or any

age, of the history of nations and the geological his-

tory of the globe, the characters of all animals, the

properties of all substances, the nature of all dis-

eases and mental conditions, the mysteries of

physiology, the hidden truths of astronomy, and

the hidden truths of the spirit world. Marvellous

as it is, psychometry is one of the most demon-

strable of sciences, and the evidence of its truth is

fully presented in the "Manual of Psychometry,"

while the statement and illustration of the doctrines

of anthropology were presented in the "System of

Anthropology," published in 1854, and will be

again presented in the forthcoming work, "Cere-

bral Psychology," which will show how the doc-

trines of anthropology are corroborated by the

labors of a score of the most eminent physiologists

and vivisecting anatomists of the present time.

If but one tenth part of the foregoing cautious

and exact statements were true in reference to an-

thropology, its claims upon the attention of all

clear, honest thinkers, and all philanthropists,

would be stronger than those of any doctrine,

science, or philanthropy now under investigation;

and as those claims are well-endorsed and have ever

challenged investigation, their consideration is an

imperative duty for all who recognize moral and

religious responsibility, and do not confess them-

selves helplessly enthralled by habit and prejudice.

Collegiate faculties may do themselves honor by

following the example of the Indiana State Univer-

sity in investigating and honoring this science be

fore the public, and thoughtful scholars may de

themselves honor by following the examples of De

ton, Pierpont, Caldwell, Gatchell, Forry, an

Robert Dale Owen.

The discoverer has ever been ready to co-opera

with honorable inquirers, and has satisfied all w

have met him as seekers of truth; a fact wh

justifies the tone of confidence with which

speaks. The only serious obstacles he has

encountered have been the mental inertia wh

shuns investigation, the cunning cowardice wh

avoids new and not yet popular truths, and

moral torpor which is indifferent to the claim

truth and duty when not enforced by public o

ion. When standing at the head of the lea

medical college of Cincinnati, he taught, den

strated, and proclaimed, during ten years, with

legiate sanction, for the medical profession

doctrines which he now brings before the Ame

people by scientific volumes (the Manual of

8. In its spiritual department, anthropology

shows the relation of human life to the divine, of

terrestrial to supernal existence, and the laws of

their intercourse; hence establishing scientific re-

ligion and destroying superstition. It gives the

scientific principles of animal magnetism, spiritual-

ism, trance, dreaming, insanity, and all extraor-cometry," "Therapeutic Sarcognomy," and

dinary conditions of human nature.

9. In the department of SARCOGNOMY, anthro-

pology fully explains the triune constitution of
man, the relations of soul, brain, and body, thus
modifying medical and psychic philosophy, and
establishing a new system of external therapeutics
for electric and nervauric practice, which have been
heretofore superficially empirical,' It also gives us

"New Education"), and by the JOURNA

MAN, which, being devoted chiefly to the int

tion of anthropology as the most effective
of philanthropy, may justly claim the acti
operation of the wise and good in promoting
culation as the herald of the grandest reform
have ever been proposed in the name and
authority of positive science.

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Spiritual Phenomenon, Abram James,
Eglinton, Spirit writing
Mind reading Amusement and Tem-


in Africa; A Human Phenomenon
surviving Superstition; Spiritual test
of Death; A Jewish Theological Semi-
nary; National Death Rates; Religious
Mediævalism in America; Craniol-
ogy and Crime; Morphiomania in
France; Montana Bachelors; Relief
for Children; The Land and the
People; Christianity in Japan; The
Hell Fire Business; Sam Jones and
Boston Theology; Psychometry; The
American Psychical Society; Progress
of Spiritualism; The Folly of Compe-
tition; Insanities of War; The Sinaloa
Colony; Medical Despotism; Mind
in Nature.....


Physiological Discoveries in the College
of Therapeutics....,



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