The Rhetoric of Aldo LeopoldUniversity of Wisconsin--Madison., 1976 - 250 pages |
Common terms and phrases
Aldo Leopold animals and plants antithesis aphorism argues Argument of Direction Argument of Unlimited argumentative essays argumentative material arrangement and development assumption attempt attitudes basic beauty begin Chaim Perelman Chapter comparison complex sentence Conservation Esthetic contains creatures cultural detail discussion document ecology movement economic Erich Auerbach esthetic value ethical code ethical relationship examine example feeling forms geese government conservation human ideas and arguments imagery images important land community land ethic land husbandry land pyramid Leopold develops Leopold maintains Leopold presents Leopold writes Leopold's arguments Leopold's belief Leopold's style live logical major arguments man's metaphors natural world nature essays nature study paragraph passenger pigeon plants and animals position prairie primitive prose reader recreation religious repetition rhetorical question Richard Weaver Roderick Nash Sand County Almanac similes statements structure themes thesis tropes understand University Press Unlimited Development Upshot various verbs wild things Wildlife Wisconsin