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his office and the brilliant generalship of Lee had all caused great dissatisfaction in the country.

307 Re-election. Before election day important land and naval victories had been gained. Lincoln received 212 out of 233 electoral votes.

308 Message to congress. The great question before the country at this time was the passing of the thirteenth amendment to the Constitution by which slavery should be made impossible forever in the United States. This was passed 31 January 1865; 119 voted for it, 56 against and 8 did not vote. The issue was considered uncertain up to almost the last and the result was received by the antislavery party with the wildest demonstrations of joy. A salute of 100 guns announced the result.

313 Letter to W. T. Sherman. General W. T. Sherman took the city of Savannah after his famous march to the sea 24 December 1864. Thus the Confederate army was diminished to practically one force, that about Richmond.

314 Peace conference. Lincoln afterwards went himself to meet the peace commissioners but they seemed to desire armistice rather than peace and the conference came to nothing.

315 Draft of message to congress. This was the president's last attempt to save the south from financial ruin; it was not, however, change of opinion but death that put a stop to his efforts and placed in his stead men so much less far-seeing and considerate. At the cabinet meeting, according to Mr. Nicolay, "with the words 'You are all opposed to me,' sadly uttered, the president folded up the paper and ceased the discussion."

316 Second inaugural. This inaugural and the Gettysburg address are the high water mark of Lincoln's eloquence. The London Times called this inaugural the most sublime

state paper of the century. Exactly two months later this address was read over Lincoln's grave.

320 Last public address. Lee had surrendered 9 April 1865. The president's last public utterance centres around the question before the country-reconstruction-a process that, had he lived, it is fair to suppose would have been far better and more speedily accomplished. Lincoln was assassinated on the evening of the fourteenth.


Abraham Lincoln: A History. 10 vols. Nicolay and Hay.

Life of Abraham Lincoln.

Life of Abraham Lincoln.

Herndon and Weik.

Ward H. Lamon.

Early Life of Abraham Lincoln. Ida M. Tarbell.

Abraham Lincoln. Noah Brooks.

Life of Abraham Lincoln. Isaac N. Arnold.

Administration of President Lincoln. Henry J. Raymond. Abraham Lincoln, a Man of the People. Norman Hapgood. The True Abraham Lincoln. W. E. Curtis.

[blocks in formation]

Memoirs. U. S. Grant.

McClellan's Own Story. G. B. McClellan.

The American Conflict. Horace Greeley.

History of the War Between the States. A. H. Stephens. History of the United States from the compromise of 1850.

J. F. Rhodes.

Lincoln Memorial Bibliography. A. S. Boyd.


Abolitionism, the right way to re-
gard, 13.

Abolitionist, Lincoln declared an,

Abolitionists, southern recruits
among, 76.

Admission of states into Union,

Lincoln's position as to, 117,


Africa, return of negroes to, 76,


African slave-trade, forbidden,
77, 78; revival of, by Doug-
las's popular sovereignty doc-
trine, 146, 147, 196; period of
extinguishment of, 154; Dem-
ocratic call for revival of, 159.
Aliens, Lincoln's attitude toward,


Allen, Col. Robert, letter to, 6.
Ambition, Lincoln's personal, 5;
misdirected, 12, 15, 275; well
directed, 14, 275.

American Baptist home mission
society, preamble and resolu-
tions of, 299.

American people, patriotism of,
7, 8, 11-15, 191; resources,
advantages, and powers of,
276, 310; loyalty of, 203, 204,
308, 309, 316.

Amnesty, offer of general pardon
and, 311.

Anarchy, tendencies toward, 11;
relation to secession, 195.
Anderson, W. G., letter to, 28.
Andrews, -, sentenced to be

shot for desertion, 291.
Antietam, battle of, 259.
Apprenticeship of negroes, 273,


Army of the Potomac, McClel-
lan's plans for movement of,
contrasted with the president's,
216; McClellan relieved from
command of, 260; congratula-
tions to, 269; Hooker assigned
to command, 275.

Asbury, Henry, letter to, 136.
Ashmun, George, letter to, 176.
Assassination, reason for, 163.
Atlanta, Ga., Sherman's march

to Savannah from, 313.
Autobiography of the president,
104, 327.

Baker, Col. E. D., Campbellite
influence for, 47; patriotism
of, 265.
Baltimore, Md., address at sani-
tary fair in, 295.
Banks, Maj.-Gen. Nathaniel P.,
letter to, regarding impedi-
menta, 263.

Barnburners, support Gen. Tay-
lor, 60.

Bedell, Grace, letter to, 178.
Belmont, August, letter to,


Bible, as authority for slavery,
125, 148.

Bixby, Mrs., mother of five sons
killed in battle for the Union,

letter to, 308.

Black Hawk war, Lincoln's ser-
vice in, 64, 104.
Black Republicanism, southern
definition of, 161.

Blair, Frank P., Jr., gradual
emancipation scheme, 130.
Bramlette, Thomas E., governor
of Kentucky, conversation with,
regarding working of emanci-
pation, 293.

Brooks, Preston S., on slavery,
132, 135.

Brown, Gratz, gradual eman-
cipation scheme, 130.
Brown, John, war-cry of Demo-
crats against Republicans, 160;
Republicans not implicated,
160, 161; peculiarity of his
insurrection, 163.

Browning, O. H., 57, 107 ; letter
to, 209.

Browning, Mrs. O. H., letter to,


Buchanan, James, Pierce's opin-
ion of his election, 93; likened
to Lear, 94.

Bullitt, Cuthbert, letter to, 236.

Burnside, Maj.-Gen. Ambrose E.,
letter to, 281.

Butler, Maj.-Gen. B. F., feeds
negroes at New Orleans, 251;
in Louisiana, 262.

Cabinet, Seward declares that
there must be union in the,
200; question of dismissing a
member of the, 302; disap-
proves the recommendation of
appropriation of money for the
southern states, 316.

Cameron, Simon, suggests arm-
ing of negroes, 294.
Canisius, Theodore, letter to, 143.
Capital, relation of labor and,
213, 214.

Cass, Gen. Lewis, invasion of
Canada, 64; eating and work-
ing capacities of, 65-67.
Central America, question of ne-
gro colonization in, 246, 247.
Chase, Salmon P., Lincoln's opin-
ion of, 147, 175.

Chicago, Ill., fragment of speech
at Republican banquet, 93;
speech at, 105; speech at, 139 ;
Republican national conven-
tion at, 176; reply to commit-
tee from religious denomina-
tions of, asking the president
to issue a proclamation of
emancipation, 250.
Cincinnati, Ohio, speech at, 147.
Clay, Henry, campaign work for,
in Indiana, 48; on annexation
of Texas, 51; presidential pos-
sibilities, 57; influence on Tay-

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