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Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1859, by


In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District

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Grad. R. R 4




On page 537, for “finest” read “firmest.”


Negotiations at Paris-Instructions as to a commercial treaty-Despatch
of Adams-Plan of treaty-Pitt and Fox advocates of a liberal com-
mercial policy-British regulations-Congress meet-Jefferson; his
birth, education, member of “Burgesses," elected to Congress, averse
to independence, withdraws from Congress, returns, draws Declaration
of Independence, declines a re-election, resigns and hastens from Phil-
adelphia-Again, in Burgesses, a reviser of the laws, elected Gover-
nor, his delinquency, resigns, admits his disgrace, and condemnation,
elected to Congress-Audience of Washington, his letter to Steuben,
his resignation of command, at Annapolis, retires to Mount Vernon-
Report on Finances-Jefferson's plan of government of Western Terri-
tory-Jefferson's report on foreign relations, proposed as commissioner
to treat, objected to, appointed-Resolution by Massachusetts-Report

Grad. R R 4


Negotiations at Paris-Instructions as to a commercial treaty-Despatch
of Adams-Plan of treaty-Pitt and Fox advocates of a liberal com-
mercial policy-British regulations-Congress meet—Jefferson; his
birth, education, member of "Burgesses," elected to Congress, averse
to independence, withdraws from Congress, returns, draws Declaration
of Independence, declines a re-election, resigns and hastens from Phil-
adelphia-Again, in Burgesses, a reviser of the laws, elected Gover-
nor, his delinquency, resigns, admits his disgrace, and condemnation,
elected to Congress-Audience of Washington, his letter to Steuben,
his resignation of command, at Annapolis, retires to Mount Vernon-
Report on Finances-Jefferson's plan of government of Western Terri-
tory-Jefferson's report on foreign relations, proposed as commissioner
to treat, objected to, appointed-Resolution by Massachusetts-Report

on foreign relations discussed-Treaty discussed-Garrison of frontier
posts-Congress again, in session-Courts on territorial controversies
organized-Indians-Site of a Federal City-Ordinance as to Western
Territory-Fiscal policy.

. 51

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Hamilton on election law-Vote by ballot-Against Test oaths, Legisla-
tive restrictions and discriminations-On Tax law-His policy as to

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