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Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1862, by

In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Kentucky.


The development of truth through the physical sciences, discarding errors and misconceived notions, should be the paramount object of the naturalist. The philosophy of reasoning for the purpose of arriving at this truth, which is ever noble, ingenuous and magnanimous, is based on organic law, as to known effects of production, and on analogy, in citing what is constantly taking place around us. The world has ever been full of false theories and impracticabilities, and most of mankind base their judgments, upon which flow their actions, on the effects which surround them, without the mind or desire to trace matter back to the commencement of creation, and thence see its formation into evident classes for no other purpose intended by God than to produce matter again in resemblance to itself. Who will pretend to say that there was a unity in the grains, such as barley, wheat, corn, buckwheat, rye, and so on, with reference to those substances upon which man can live, at the commencement or moment of their creation from matter, which before was nothing but dust of the earth? In their respective creations, there was a will and purpose to implant in each an element to reproduce itself. This is the natural organic law pervading all inanimate creation, so far as we can judge by facts of cases presenting themselves to our understandings, from our constant intercourse with life, on each day's experience. Upon the same principle of reasoning, which is natural and organic, the author of this work draws his deductions and conclusions, with reference to the Races of Color-as the Mongolian, Indian, Malay and African, and also the white man-the Caucasian-not having derived their origins from one common parentage, and proves, by analogy in reasoning, and by citing examples of the present production of inanimate and animate life, that each of those races or existences of colors, and man had a separate existence from the beginning, according to the order of creation, as laid down in the first chapter of Genesis. The whole physiological feature of creation, whether inanimate or animate, that have arisen from matter, had their origins begun according to this order of creation; and so far back as history will trace inanimate matter in its production when it has not been acted upon by man or insects, we can discover no change. Barley, potatoes, corn, wheat, rye and oats, etc., etc., are the same now as four thousand years ago, and if four thousand years can produce no organic change in these, should man imagine at some very distant day, not recorded on the page of history, from its anteriority, that some great, unaccountable convulsions in nature took place in the organic law, which destroyed the similitude in the production of matter into inanimate and animate existence ? and consequently, the formation of matter into specific classes as it now appears to us on earth? Beyond refutation, and as based on the organic law, deducible to us from the natural sciences, and reasoning by analogy, the author of this humble work feels that he has founded his deductions and conclusions, placing and proving the creation of the Colored Races as absolutely being under the head "living creature," of verse 24, of the first chapter of Genesis; consequently arises their priority in the creation to the white man, and consequently arises slavery as a Divine Institution, from the fact of "the man" being created according to the letter and spirit of verse 26 of the above chapter, and according to the imperative commands of God in the 28th verse of the same chapter, for the constitutional government of "the man and the female," on earth, as God's vicegerents! This


solemn and weighty trust is reserved to" the man and the female," the last touch of God in the consummation of His great work! Upon these rests the dominion of all matter, whether inanimate or animate below them; it is for them to control, and the sooner the perverted and wicked portion of mankind, who are now recognized as Abolitionists and Emancipationists, see their errors, their shortcomings, and misprisions, and make amends for the past and present revolutions in the general industrial pursuits of the country, which they have unquestionably created, so much the sooner we shall have peace upon the basis of God's organic law. Proving rebellion against this law, organized by those fanatics, the author endeavors to clearly and forcibly prove, and show them to be rebels and atheists against Law, Constitutional and Divine. Consequently, he asks the question, "How they are to be bound and held accountable by any form of oath ?" Having spoken and dwelt in the first and second part of his work upon the progress and intelligence of Americans, connected with the discussion of Constitutional law and liberty, and the proof of slavery from the order of creation, as laid down in the first chapter of Genesis, the author, in the third part of his work, from an extensive experience in slave States, and a general knowledge of tropical America, advocates progressive slavery South and Southwest, as we may acquire territory. This he clearly proves to be of incalculable advantage to the free States, and no less, but as advantageous to the slave States, from the fact that the African slaves are better adapted to labor in the tropics. In this march, free labor will follow in the wake of slave labor, with the lands having been cleared up and drained. The author contends that this system of progress into tropical America will vastly benefit the whole Caucasian family throughout the world, making the livelihood of existences of colors certain, not dependent on chance, stealth and robbery! In this form, the greatest scope of philanthropy conceivable to man can be meted out for the benefit and advantages of all concerned, when slave labor shall have progressed, and have fully and conclusively established itself in tropical America, and moreover, in tropical Africa, under the guidance and control of the great Caucasian family. That such will be the result of coming time, in view of “subduing the earth," and of making it fully productive to its utmost capacity, in the low as well as in the high lands, no penetrating philosophical mind can raise a doubt. For the tropics must be cultivated, in order to carry out the order of creation, verse 28th, first chapter of Genesis.

In view of the organic law, upon which the philosophy of reason respecting this work is based, the preface is, as also the body of the work, ready for the scalpel of the Abolitionist's and the Emancipationist's ingenuity to dissect, and, if possible, excoriate the course of nature, and institute in its place their assumed notions of right in contradistinction to her principles in everything we see, with reference to the Colored Races, if they dare persist in opposing the order of creation. The pleadings of the author are not for one section of the earth, but they are as enlarged as its surface; they know no bounds but infinite space; they are the great efforts towards benefitting, moralizing and instructing the subordinate and inferior existences of colors in the grand workhouse of physical and mental improvement; and this, aside from the injunction, as to having dominion without choice, is the only efficient means in the form of forcible and constant contact of the Colored Races with the Caucasian, that we can hope, from the designs of God in the creation, for progress and improvement in the tropics of the earth.






As for ourselves in this dissertation, we would only that we may be a happy medium to our countrymen to point out facts, which will strike home to reason and common sense-it is our country, all the States and vast domain we wish to speak of, as it was the custom with patriots in Grecian times. Since the dawn of our national existence to within nearly two years past, our country has been most carefully guarded by an all-ruling Power; and prosperity, peace, and happiness have lit up a howling wilderness, and dotted its wild wastes with smiling habitations.

Reflect upon our early settlements along the Atlantic, as Georgia then was the furthest South, and the Mississippi river the western boundary; while now, with giant-like strides, our country rests on the

Atlantic fire Gulf of Mexico, and the Pacific. There is, at this moment, one pulse that beats in harmony from the Atlantic to the Pacific, which announces daily news on either shore.

Since the Revolution, how numerous and sublimely wonderful have been the rapid strides in the advancement and improvement of the arts and sciences! So much so, that genius culls with peculiar fastidiousness what she presents to the thoughtful consideration of man.

From the machinery adapted to the making of the pin or the needle to that of the powerful engine, that, leviathan-like, plows the mighty ocean, we see, everywhere about us, evidences of their workings and practical utility in the numerous good and faithful offices which they multiply and distribute for the advancement and happiness of man.

By the means of powerful telescopes we seem to pay our respects to other worlds, and are enabled to calculate with precision the rotary planets revolving about us, and to examine with more minuteness the starry canopy, which involve unnumbered worlds.

By chemistry, we are enabled to analyze the soils, and report what is lacking for certain kinds of vegetations; and by this means we can supply the defects, and enhance very materially our prosperity and happiness.

By geology, we gain a knowledge of the structure of the earth, and the great mutations which have, and are going on, tracing the different formations of the earth through the lapse of past ages. By mineralogy, we obtain a knowledge of the different classes

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