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for his own special interest. The further object of this work will be to prove that God controls this institution in the same manner as he controls any specific object of his creation; and hence we feel fully prepared to unfold the reasons for our believing slavery to be a Divine institution, which no less than a genius in the philosophy of reason will discover to the world, and set its thinking aright on this important and progressive subject. It is the clearness of reason that discovers truths to the world, which would otherwise lie hidden, and rob the world of its most material prosperity, if it could be silenced by atheism! This we should spurn, as the fell demon that rebelled against heaven! Our proof of slavery mainly lies in the first and fourth chapter of Genesis, the principles of which we shall endeavor to fully unfold, and also in the Constitution of the United States.



The object of words is the designation of ourselves and what we see in contradistinction to others, and their assemblage into sentences for the purpose of being conveyed to other persons, which serve, according to the usages of individuals and nations, as a medium of intercourse.

Words in a sentence have a signification, if properly applied; and according to usages and meanings attached to words at this age of reason and common sense, no words can be used to signify both black and white, yellow and blue, green and red, at the same time; for if they did, there would be such ambiguity and circumlocution in expressions, that when we should tell a servant to do one thing, the opposite would be done, and thus it would be throughout our whole intercourse with our fellow-man.

Our object in these expressions is to show conclusively that our Great Parent had a design in our creation, and in the words he saw fit to let come down to our understandings, and that we must be governed by them in ascertaining his will and power, or the whole is nothing!

The first chapter of Genesis is full of meaning ac

cording to the words chosen to express that meaning, and hence in reasoning from cause to effect, and from effect to cause, the writer Moses, being an inspired man, wrote, we conclude, according to his inspiration by the Almighty, that man might know the manner of his workmanship!

Though ironically, the nation has been dreaming since its formation, and the colonies were from the year 1620, up to the time our national compact was formed, with respect to their acts of inhumanity to the negroes of Africa, still when we awoke from our slumbers the other day, and read the first chapter of Genesis written by Moses, we feel, without reading another, that the sin of slavery is washed from our hands, and that a just God will pronounce no sentence of condemnation on those holding slaves.

It may be, to prove our position beyond controversy, and according to natural history whose order is laid down, necessary to quote each verse of the first chapter of Genesis, endeavoring to give the object and design of God in his workmanship.

It is generally admitted that the Bible is the word of God by sound and logical reasoners, and that this Divinity exist as he may, is considered Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent. Bearing these Divine attributes in mind with reference to our God, we most naturally, logically, physically, and philosophically, conclude that He never created any thing in vain, but for a wise purpose, there was a design in view, and this is clearly manifest, as well in the ant, or moth, as in man! By the principles of natural philosophy, by those of physiognomy, and physiology, we have

proved and will prove the existences of colors to be purely distinct in their formations from the whites. If the influence of climate would have any effect to change these subordinate and inferior existences to white, why would not the Indians of America, long before this, have become as white as we are? living as many of them have, in the most temperate portions of the earth. Are the Esquimaux Indians white, or are they changing to whiteness? Are the Tartars, and Chinese, and Japanese as white as we are? or are they changing to whiteness? Most of these nations live in the temperate zones, and their colors are now as they were from the earliest time we have any mention of them. Were these changes admissible for one moment, as the ignorant, and stupid, and blind imagine;-show us then at this juncture of time, any distinct races of colors! The Indians would have lost their physiological features in color, from such changes in nature hence there would be no characteristics among them, at present, in color, representing their progenitors. And thus it would be, most assuredly, the case with reference to all existences of colors. From the designs of God in the Creation in the first chapter of Genesis, we shall prove, from facts and the light of reason, that all existences of colors were created before man, and that the white man was afterwards created;-that 'the man and the female' God commanded, Have dominion etc., etc., etc.,' and that this means the existence of power over an inferior, with reference to which, God has given us no choice, except we rebel against this command, in terms most absolute!

Against this order of Creation which will be fully shown to the reader in our comments on the first chapter of Genesis, we defy the most astute reasoner to overthrow our principles and deductions, if they acknowledge this chapter to be the faithful narration of the creation. If they believe not in the Bible, they will believe not in God, and hence, there can be no reason, nor argument with them.

In the first verse of the first chapter of Genesis, Moses says, "In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the earth." In this workmanship, there was design, and an object which we shall presently see. There was an evident manifestation of power, and will coupled with intelligence and knowledge, also in this workmanship.

In the second verse he says: "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." From the expressions in this verse, we should conclude that the earth was in a semi-aqueous state, and that God yet felt that his work was just begun, for all was an abyss of confusion; yet the "face, or surface of the waters" felt his influence; however, his act in this changes nothing as yet.

In the third verse, he says: "And God said, let there be light and there was light," In this we see a manifest design to change darkness into light by dividing time; however, we see in this no unnatural production or effect, but an Omnipotent Power exert ing His Will.

In the fourth verse, he says; "And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light

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