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appoint general Conway inspector that their officers shall be entitled
general, 296. attempt to procure to half pay during life, ibid. ho-
a supply of clothing, 297. resolve nor and reward the three New
to detain the convention troops, York militiamen, who took ma-
301. receive blank papers from jor Andre, 136. determine upon
Paris, 308. their acts, 317. their having a permanent army, 137.
order and declaration in regard recommend to the several states
to the bills from Great Britian, the vesting of a power in congress
relating to the intention of par- to levy a duty of five per cent,
liament on the subject of taxa- 179. choose Robert Morris, Esq,
tion, and for the appointing of financier, 180. authorize the o-
commissioners, 319. they receive pening of a subscription for a loan
the account of a treaty of alliance for the support of the citizens of
between France and the United South Carolina and Georgia, 223.
Sates, ibid. address the inhabi- their resolves upon the news of
tants of America on the occasion, the reduction of the British army
322. resolve to have no inter- under Cornwallis, 263. attend at
course with governor Johnstone, the Roman Catholic chapel, 264.
378. meet at Philadelphia, 381. They appoint commissioners for
give the French ambassador a negociating peace, and give them
public audience, 382. elect Dr. instructions, 291. determine the
Franklin minister plenipotentiary dispute between Pennsylvania and
to the court of France, and give Connecticut respecting lands,
him instructions, ibid. their ob- 358. their acts in favor of the
servations on the finances of Ame- American officers, 361. they re-
rica, 383. their resolutions occa- ceive advice of a general peace,
sioned by Mr. Payne's publica- 362. order the troops to be fur-
tions 408. various resolutions, loughed, 368. resolve to erect an
441. they admit the minister of equestrian statue of general
France to a conference, ibid. their Washington, 371. to present two
resolution upon the burning of pieces of ordnance to general
Fairfield, Norwalk and Bedford, Greene, and issue a proclamation,
447. their instructions relative to applauding the armies of the Uni-
peace, and to Dr. Franklin, iii. ted States, and directing their
24. to their minister for negoci- discharge, 374. accept general
ating with Spain, 27. additional Washington's resignation, 379,
instructions to him, 28. they ad- 380, 381.
dress their constituents upon their Connecticut settled, i. 32. the
finances, ibid. have reported to colony alarmed by publications
them the communications of the against the stamp act, 117. send
French minister, 37. their answer a committee to general Gage, 337.
to the same, 39. the French mi- the Connecticut troops leave the
nister's communications at a se- army, 417.
cond conference, 41. the resolves Connelly, John, and his asso-
of congress for destroying the old ciates, discovered and captured,
paper emission and introducing a i. 398.

new one, 74. they publish that Conscience, full liberty of, first
the 11th and 12th articles of the established in Rhode Island and
treaty of commerce with France Providence plantations, i. 36.
were expunged, 126, ther agree. Consignees. See Tea.

Constitution, the, of the United general Smallwood, 120. his let-
States of America, iii. 401. ter to general Greene, 157. is
Constitutions of the several A- joined by general Leslie, 160.
merican states, some account of sends Tarleton to drive general
them, iii. 393.
Morgan from his station, 161.

Convention of committees from pursues Morgan after Tarleton's
the Massachusetts towns invited defeat, 163. crosses the Cataw-
by the inhabitants of Botson to ba, and chaces Greene, who has
meet at Faneuil Hall, i. 164. taken upon him the command,
they meet, but break up in seven 164. crosses the Yadkin, renews
days, 165.
and continues the chace to the

the, between generals banks of the Dan, 165. erects
Gates and Burgoyne, ii. 265. the royal standard at Hillsbo-
the convention troops at Cam- rough, 169. retires from Hillsbo-
bridge, 298. Gate's letter relative rough, 170. attempts to surprise
to their not having violated the the American light infantry, 171.
convention, 299. they are not attacks and defeats Greene near
admitted to embark for Europe, Guilford court-house, 173. his
301. are sent off to Virginia, lordship retreats towards Cross
Creek and is pursued by Greene,
175. marches to Wilmington, and
from thence to Virginia, 207.


Convulsions in London and
Westminster, subsequent to the
measures recommended by lord forms a junction with the British
George Gordon to the Protestant
association, iii. 88.

troops under Arnold, and expects
to crush the marquis de la Fayette,
Conway, general, denies the but is deceived, 208. sends colo-
right of parliament to tax the co- nel Tarleton and Simcoe to scour
lonies, i. 113. moves for the re- the interior country, 209. hastens
peal of the stamp act, 138. con- to Williamsburgh, 210. evacuates
demns the American war in the the city, 211. crosses James river
most decisive terms, ii. 47. his and retires to Portsmouth, 212.
motion against continuing the his lordship takes post at York
American war carried, iii. 281.

Town, 253. is besieged, 257. de-
Coote, Sir Eyre, dies, iii. 354. termines upon an escape, 259.
Cornwallis, lord, pursues gene- surrenders to the allied troops un-
ral Washington through the Jer- der general Washington, 260.
seys, ii. 127. hastens to Trenton
Crawford, colonel, and his par-
for the defence of the Jerseys, 155. ty, defeated by the Indians, and
back to Brunswick, having been cruelly treated, iii. 332.

out generalled by Washington, Crea, Miss M', murdered by
158. surprises general Lincoln, the Indians, ii. 245. the murder
190. his lordship is left in com- not to be charged on general Bur-
mand at Charlestown, iii. 68. goyne, 246.
marches against general Gates Crown Point surprised, i. 334:
and defeats him, 100, 101, 102, Cruelties practised on the Ame-
103, 104. his orders relative to rican prisoners, and the effects
the treatment of South Carolina, they produced, ii. 173.

110. sends out of the state a Cruz, corporal, arrives from
number of prisoners on parole in Great Britain with dispatches
Charlestown, ibid. his letters to from Mr. Arthur Lee, ii. 76.

[blocks in formation]

Culpeper, tried on the act of
Henry VIII. i. 60.


Danbury, the expedition to, un-
der general Tryon, ii. 195.
Darkness, an unusual one in
the Massachusetts and elsewhere,
iii. 56.

Deane, Mr. Silas, recalled from
France by congress, ii. 294. ad-
dresses the Americans, 406. is
addressed by Common Sense, 407.
Debates in parliament on lord
North's motion for a joint address
of both houses to the king, in
February 1775, i. 296. on the
address of the two houses in an-
swer to the king's speech in 1775,
ii. 47. on the address of the com-
mons in answer to the speech
1776, 179. on the preliminary
articles of peace, iii, 355.

Delaware colony settled, i. 65.
the state of Delaware settles its
independent constitution, ii. 136.
Demarara and Issequibo sub-
mit to the British, iii. 186. are
taken by the French, 289.

Duche, the reverend Mr. che-
sen chaplain to congress, i. 335.
declines his chaplainship, ii. 141.
his attempts upon general Wash-
ington's patriotism, 269.

Dunmore, lord, quits Williams-
burgh and goes on board the
Fowey man of war, i. 380. arms
a number of vessels, and is oppos-
ed by the Virginians, 394. he
declares martial law, and is join-
ed by blacks and whites, 395. his
troops defeated at Norfolk, 396.
the scheme of raising him a con-
siderable force discovered, 398.
quits Virginia and arrives off Sta-
ten Island, ii. 93.

Dutch, the, are presented with
a British memorial, ii. 186. Dutch
vessels taken by the British crui-
sers, 426. a memorial presented
to them, urging the delivering up
of the Serapis, 468. the Dutch
ships under count Byland stopped
by captain, Fielding, iii. 79. the
British king's order in council re-
specting the Dutch, 80. they de-
cline furnishing the succours
claimed by Britain, 81. are pre-
sented with a memorial relative
to the eventual treaty between
the America and Holland, 143. ge.
neral reprisals granted by the
British council against their ships
and goods, ibid. the action be-
tween the Dutch and British fleets
on Dogger Bank, 233. Dutch set-
tlements in the East Indies taken,

Dickinson, Mr. John, his let-
ters from a Pennsylvania farmer,
i. 150.


French and Americans at Charles-
ton, South Carolina, and Boston,

ii. 393.

Dominica taken by the marquis
de Bouille, i. 418.

Donop, count, defeated at Red
bank, ii. 272.



tions for taking possession of
them, ii. 25. the Americans pro-
ceed to that service, 26.



Esopus burnt, ii. 268.

East Indies, British intelligence,
iii. 187. 272. 303. 314. 352.

Effingham, the earl of, resigns
his regiment, declining to serve
with it against the Americans, i.

Dougall, captain M', of New
York, committed to jail for writ-
ing papers deemed libels, and re-
fusing to give bail, i. 200. dis-
charged after a long imprison- Emperor, the, of Germany, fa-
ment, and being the first sufferer vors the rights of conscience, iii.
for American liberty, 201.


Empress, the, of Germany, her sails for France, 402. he returns
death, iii. 148.
from France with an account that
Equestrian statue to be erected he was soon to be followed by a
for general Washington, iii. 371. French fleet and corps of troops,
Estaing, count de, arrives with iii.. 55. is detached to Virginia.
the French fleet on the American with a body of light infantry,
coast, ii. 367. proceeds to New- 177. makes a forced march of
port, 369. chaces the British fleet 200 miles, and arrives at Rich-
under lord Howe, 370. sails for mond just in the time to secure it
Boston, 373. he and his officers against the British, 206. sends a
are entertained by the Massachu- spy into the British camp, who
setts assembly, 394. publishes a deceives lord Cornwallis, 207.
declaration to be spread among the marquis forms a junction with
the Canadians, 395. sails for the general Wayne, 210. unexpect
West-Indies, ibid. attempts re- edly to his lordship fixes himself
lieving St. Lucie, 423. takes St. between the British army and the
Vincent, 449. Grenada, 454. American stores, 211. is joined
engages admiral Byron, 455. by the allied troops from the
sails for Georgia and attacks Sa- northward, 254. has permission
vannah, iii. 30. is repulsed, 33. to go to France, 267. announces
Eustatia, St. taken by Sir by letter to congress a general
George Rodney, iii. 184. sur- peace, 362.
prised by the marquis de Bouille,

Eutaw battle, iii. 242, 243.
Expedition, the British, against
Egg Harbour, ii. 391.

Expence of supplying the Bri-
tish army at Boston, ii. 44.

Extracts from the acts of Vir-
ginia in favor of religious freedom,
iii. 399.

ters, iii. 239.


Fairfield burnt by the British,
ii. 437.

Falmouth destroyed by the Bri-
tish, i. 411.

Ferguson, major, his movements
and defeat at King's Mountain,
iii. 118, 119.

Finances of America, the ob-
servations of congress on them,
ii. 383. reports concerning the
office of finance, iii. 369.

Flag of the United States, ii.


Fleets, the hostile, engage on

from some curious let- Lake Champlain, ii. 246. under
admiral Keppel and D'Orvilliers,
347. Byron and d'Estaing, 455.
Rodney and Langara, iii. 82.
Rodney and de Guichen, 84.
Hood and de Grasse, 222, John-
stone and Suffrein, 231. Hyde
Farce of the Blockade of Bos- Parker and Zoutman, 233. Graves
ton interrupted by the burning of and de Grasse, 251. Hughes and
some houses by the Americans, ii. Suffrein, 304. Rodney and de
Grasse, 306. 307. Howe and the
Fayette, the marquis de la, is combined French and Spanish com-
appointed major general by con- manders, 344. Hughes and Suf-
gress, ii. 218. some account of frein, 352. 355.
him, ibid. is wounded, 226. cros-
the combined, of France
ses the Schuylkill with a body of and Spain, appear before Ply-
men, and narrowly escapes with mouth, ii. 452. take near sixty
them back to Valley Forge, 327. British East and West India ships,


iii. 142. unexpectedly appear in league and covenant of the Bos.
the chops of the channel, 237. ton committee, 248. fortifies the
the French and Spanish, entry at Boston Neck, 254. seizes
join in the West Indies, but make the powder at Charlestown, 254.
no attempt against Jamaica, iii. answers the letter of congress,
259. sends troops to Salem, 305.



Fort Washington taken, ii. 124. prepares for sending others to
Fort Lee taken, 126. Fort Stan- Concord, 309. they are sent for-
wix, alias Schuyler, invested, 237. ward, and a firing commences at
the siege of it raised, 240. Fort Lexington, 310. he enters into an
Montgomery and Clinton taken, agreement with the committee of
the town of Boston, 316. is wait
Franklin, Doctor, his remarks ed upon by a committee from Con-
on the ministerial plan for the un- necticut, 337. his agreement with
ion of the colonies, i. 91. he sends the inhabitants of Boston not ob-
over to the Massachusetts a num- served, 342. he offers pardon ex-
ber of original letters, 217. they cept to Samuel Adams and John
occasion a duel between Mr. Hancock, 343. detains the inha-
Whately and Mr. John Temple,


bitants of Boston, 359. letters be-
tween him and general Washing-
ton, 404. he sails for Great Bri-
tain, 411.

[ocr errors]

Frazer, general, attacks and
defeats colonel Warren at Hub-
barton, ii. 208. is mortally woun- Galvez. don, the Spanish gov-
ded, 256. his burial, 259.
ernor of Louisiana, recognizes the
France, her conduct, ii. 329, independence of the American
330, 331. she delivers to the A- states, and marches against the
merican commissioners the preli- British settlements on the Missis-
minaries of a treaty between sippi, iii. 23. takes Mobille, 83.
France and America, 332. signst Gaspee, the schooner, attacked
the treaties, 335. her ambassa- and burnt near Providence, i. 206.
dor informs the British ministry Gates, general, is appointed to
of the same, 333. she gives pub- command the army in the north-
lic audience to the American com- ern department, ii. 78. supersed-
missioners, 339. her squadron sails ed by the appointment of Schuy
from Toulon, 341.
ler, 203. chosen afresh, and to
French fleet and troops arrive relieve Schuyler, 219. his letters
at Rhode Island, iii. 64.
to general Burgoyne, 245. en-
gages Burgoyne, 249, 257. re-
duces him to the necessity of a-
greeing to a convention, 264.
his delicacy with respect to the
royal army, when they deposited
their arms, 265, he writes to con-
gress relative to Burgoyne's troops
not having broken the convention,
Gage, general,is ordered to send 299. his letter to the earl of Tha-
troops to Boston, i. 161. lands at net, 337. his letter to a South
Boston, 166. is addressed by the Carolina delegate, respecting the
inhabitants of Salem, 245. issues intended operations of the British,
a proclamation against the solemn iii. 71. he is appointed to com-

king suppresses the in-
human custom of putting the ques-
tion to torture, iii. 148.

troops under count de
Rochambeau, their good behav-
iour, iii. 218. they march from
the southward to Boston, 33S.



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