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Peculiar Organisation and Teutonic Character of the Franks

Clovis, Frank Chief of Tournay, attacks Egidius, the last

Roman Officer of Gaul, and defeats him; the Vase of Sois-

sons; Clovis's Marriage with Clotilda; his Conversion and

Baptism by St. Remi

He defeats the Burgundians at Vouglé; Rivalry of Clovis and


Death of Clovis, 511; Succession of his Four Sons; Accession
of Theuderich, King of East France; Clothaire reunites the
Frank Empire, 558

Division of the Empire into Neustria and Austrasia; Difference
of Habits and Laws between them

The Major Domûs; Rivalry of Sigebert and Fredegonde

Assassination of the former; Brunehild's Quarrel with the

Austrasian Noblesse

Her Death, and the Accession of Clothaire the Second to the
whole Empire, 613; his Son Dagobert in Austrasia, 622;
his Expedition against the Slavons


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They take their Revenge, 687, and under Pepin win the Battle
of Testri over the Neustrians; Descendants of Clovis con-
signed to nullity by the Austrasian Mayors

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Vincy in 717; Rise of the Austrasian Aristocracy or Chi-
valry; Charles Martel repeoples the West with them
Defeats the Arabs at Poictiers -

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Batters the Cities of the South; Labours of the first Mission-
aries beyond the Rhine; they are superseded by Anglo-
Saxon Monks


Boniface founds the German Church; Pope Gregory offers
imperial Supremacy to Charles Martel
Charles Martel is succeeded by Pepin, who defeats the South
Germans on the Leck

Pope Stephen applies to Pepin for aid against the Lombards
Pepin marches over the Alps and reduces Pavia; he returns in
754, again overcomes the Lombards, and grants the Exar-
chate to the Pope -

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His judicial Arrangements; his mode of Warfare; Causes of
disunion in his Empire

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Charlemagne's Death, 813; His son, Louis the Debonnaire; his
Character -

Rise of Feudalism; Distinction between it and the Social and
Political Principles of Classic Antiquity -

Basis and Peculiarity of Teutonic Institutions

The Monarchy not divine or universal; Rights in Inequality

Causes of the Cessation of Slavery; Rise of the Letes

Division of the Empire by Louis the Debonnaire

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Revolt and Murder of Bernard, King of Italy; Struggles
between the Emperor and his Sons

Death of Louis the Debonnaire, 840

Struggle of Germans and French united against Imperialists at
Fontenailles, 841; Defeat of the Emperor Lothaire
Meeting of Strasburg, 842; Treaty of Verdun; Division of Em-
pire into East and West, notwithstanding its nominal
Re-union under Charles the Bald -

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