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Massachusetts' Re-

"After leaving Philadelphia, | difficult to get reliable informa-
I received intimation that our tion in regard to the killed and
passage through the city of wounded, but believe there
Baltimore would be resisted. I caused ammunition
were only three killed.
to be distributed and arms loaded, and went per-
sonally through the cars and issued the following
order, viz.:

Massachusetts' Record.

"As the men went into the cars, I caused the blinds to the cars to be closed, and took every precaution to prevent any shadow of offense to the people of Baltimore; but still the stones flew thick and fast into the train, and it was with the utmost difficulty that I could prevent the troops from leav

"The regiment will march through Baltimore in
column of sections, arms at will. You will, un-
doubtedly, be insulted, abused, and perhaps as-
saulted, to which you must pay no attention what-ing the cars and revenging the death of their com
ever, but march with your faces square to the front,
and pay no attention to the mob even if they throw
stones, bricks, or other missiles; but if you are fired
upon, and any one of you are hit, your officers will
order you to fire. Do not fire into any promiscuous
crowds, but select any man whom you may see
aiming at you, and be sure you drop him.'

"Reaching Baltimore, horses were attached the
instant that the locomotive was detached, and the
cars were driven at a rapid pace across the city.
After the cars containing seven companies had
reached the Washington depot, the track behind
them was barricaded, and the cars containing band
and the following companies, viz.: Company C, of
Lowell, Captain Follansbee, Company D, of Low-

ell, Captain Hart, Company I, of Lawrence, Cap-
tain Pickering, and Company C, of Stoneham, Cap-
tain Dike, were vacated by the band, and they pro-
ceeded to march in accordance with orders, and had
proceeded but a short distance before they were
furiously attacked by a shower of missiles, which
came faster as they advanced. They increased
their step to double-quick, which seemed to infu-
riate the mob, as it evidently impressed the mob
with the idea that the soldiers dared not fire, or had
no ammunition, and pistol shots were numerously
fired into the ranks, and one soldier fell dead. The
order, Fire, was given, and it was executed; in con-

sequence several of the mob fell, and the soldiers
again advanced hastily. The Mayor of Baltimore
placed himself at the head of the column, beside
Captain Follansbee, and proceeded with them a
short distance, assuring him that he would protect
them, and begging him not to let the men fire; but
the Mayor's patience was soon exhausted, and he
seized a musket from the hands of one of the men,
and killed a man therewith; and a policeman, who
was in advance of the column, also shot a man with
a revolver.

"They at last reached the cars, and they started
immediately for Washington. On going through the
train, found there were about one hundred and
thirty missing, including the band and field music.
Our baggage was seized, and we have not as yet
Seen able to recover any of it. I have found it very

rades. After a volley of stones, some one of the soldiers fired and killed a Mr. Davis, who, I have since ascertained by reliable witnesses, threw a stone into the car. Yet that did not justify the firing at him, but the men were infuriated beyond control. On reaching Washington, we were quartered at the Capitol, in the Senate Chamber, and are all in good health and spirits."

The Pennsylvania Seventh was assailed as it stood in and around the President-street depot. Totally unarmed, it was soon scattered, and returned to Philadelphia in a disorganized condition.

New York and Rhode
Island Moving.

The New York Seventh, one of the most thoroughly trained and efficient regiments in the country, volunteered en masse to proceed to the Capital and to serve for one month, while troops were coming forward from the more distant States. It left the city of New York on the morning of the 19th, (April.) It was followed by the Rhode Island Marine artillery, commanded by Col. Tompkins, splendidly equipped, numbering one hundred and thirty men, with one hundred and ten horses and eight choice guns. This battery was the first contribution of that gallant little State, and in its perfections was but a type of all which followed from Governor Sprague's hands.

The excitement which reigned throughout the country, consequent on the attack by the Baltimore mob, was intense. It was the first blood shed in the war, and served only to aggravate and consolidate Northern animosity. The steps soon taken by the mob cut off all communication with Washington by the direct railway, thus placing the Capital in a most critical position. The District militia, the Pennsylvania advance companies, the Massachusetts Sixth, the Navy Yard ma

Washington cut off

rines, and two companies of regulars quarter- | ed near the city, were all upon which its safety had to depend for several days. A determined descent of the Baltimore rowdies, and of the Virginia forces already organized, would place the city in imminent peril of destruction or capture. Arlington Heights, on the West of the Potomac, and Georgetown Heights on the North, commanding the Capital completely, were open to the enemy, and so remained for many days. General Scott, Adjutant-General McDowell, and several able and trusty officers of the regular army, were on the alert, however, and never, for a moment, were unprepared for any emergency. To their vigilance and the prestige which attached to the General-in-Chief's presence, does the country owe the preservation of its National City in those days of alarm.

The Mob Triumph


loyal, but that they were all at the mercy of
a set of vagabonds, led by the Secessionists
of the city and by wild spirits who rushed in
from Virginia-a reckless and terribly excited
horde, numbering nearly twenty thousand
men, all armed and eager for a fray.
The Mayor and Gover-
nor, on the 19th, dispatched
messengers to Washington,
remitting the following letters:
"SIR: This will be presented to you by the Hon.
H. Lenox Bond, George W. Dobbin, and John C.
Brune, Esqs., who will proceed to Washington by
an express train, at my request, in order to explain
fully the fearful condition of our affairs in this city.

The Mayor and Gover nor to the President

The people are exasperated to the highest degree

by the passage of troops, and the citizens are uni

versally decided in the opinion that no more troops should be ordered to come.

"Under these circumstances, it is my solemn duty to inform you that it is not possible for more soldiers to pass through Baltimore, unless they fight their way at every step.

"The authorities of the city did their best to-day During the two days suc- to protect both strangers and citizens, and to preceeding the attack in Bal-vent a collision, but in vain; and but for their great timore, the mob hastened efforts a fearful slaughter would have occurred. to complete their work of "preventing the Northern hordes from crossing Maryland soil to subjugate the South," by destroying various railroad bridges and draws. Before the work of destruction was stayed, several im"I therefore hope and trust, and most earnestly request, that no more troops be permitted or ordered portant and valuable connecting structures by the Government to pass through the city. If were ruined, the telegraph wires were severed, they should attempt it, the responsibility for the and the vicinity of Baltimore became a pan-bloodshed will not rest upon me. With great demonium where the canaille reigned supreme. respect, your obedient servant, The Governor and the City authorities were alike powerless, for the moment, to stay the violence and terror, particularly as the Chief of Police and most of the Board of Police Commissioners were sympathizers with the mob.

Immediately after the attack on the troops, the Governor and Mayor "advised" that no more troops should be brought forward by the Philadelphia and Baltimore Railway; and also soon "advised" that the troops then on the route, or at the President-street depot, be "returned to Philadelphia,"-requests with which the President of the road hastened to comply. The Baltimore and Ohio Railway was also "advised" not to allow troops to pass over the line of that great thoroughfare from the West and North, and gave its assent to the demand. All this was in deference to the mob. Not that the city and State authorities and railway managers were dis

"GEO. WM. BROWN, Mayor." "I have been in Baltimore since Tuesday evening, and co-operated with Mayor Brown in his untiring efforts to allay and prevent the excitement, and suppress the fearful outbreak as indicated above, and I fully concur in all that is said by him in the above communication. Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

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The President's Answer.

"I sincerely hope the General, on fuller reflection, will consider this practical and proper, and that you will not object to it. By this, a collision of the people of Baltimore with the troops will be avoided, unless they go out of the way to seek it. I hope you will exert your influence to prevent this. Now and ever I shall do all in my power for peace, consistently with the maintenance of the Government."

All this was rendered unnecessary by the destruction of the bridges. Until they could be replaced and the tracks placed under guard, no troops could even pass around Baltimore, except by choosing other routes entirely a choice General Butler was not slow to make. He left Philadelphia April 20th, for Annapolis, having determined to open that route to the Capital. He wrote to Governor Andrew:

"I have detailed Captain Devereux and Captain Briggs, with their commands, supplied with one day's rations and twenty rounds of ammunition, to take possession of the ferry-boat at Havre de Grace, for the benefit of this expedition. This I have done with the concurrence of the present master of transportation of the road. The Eighth regiment will remain at quarters, that they may get a little solid rest, after their fatiguing march. I have sent to know if the Seventh regiment will go with me. I propose to march myself at the hour of seven o'clock in the morning, to take the regular eight and a quarter o'clock train to Havre de Grace. The citizens of Baltimore, at a large meeting this evening, denounced the passage of Northern troops. They have exacted a promise from the President of the

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, not to send troops over that road through Baltimore, so that any attempt to throw troops into Baltimore entails a

march of forty miles, and an attack upon a city of two hundred thousand inhabitants, at the beginning of the march. The only way, therefore, of getting communication with Washington for troops from the North, is over the Baltimore and Ohio Railway, or marching from the West. Commodore Dupont, at the Navy-yard, has given me instructions of the fact in accordance with these general statements, upon which I rely. I have, therefore, thought I could rely upon these statements as to the time it will take to proceed in marching from Havre de

Grace to Washington. My proposition is to join

with Colonel Lefferts, of the Seventh regiment of

New York. I propose to take the fifteen hundred troops to Annapolis, arriving there to-morrow about four o'clock, and occupy the capital of Maryland,


and thus call the State to account for the death of Massachusetts men, my friends and neighbors. If Colonel Lefferts thinks it more in accordance with the tenor of his instructions to wait rather than go through Baltimore, I still propose to march with this regiment. I propose to occupy the town, and hold it open as a means of communication. I have then but to advance by a forced march of thirty miles to reach the Capital, in accordance with the orders I at first received, but which subsequent events, in my judgment, vary in their execution, believing from the telegraphs that there will be

others in great numbers to aid me. Being accompanied by officers of more experience, who will be

able to direct the affair, I think it will be accomplished. We have no light batteries; I have therefore telegraphed to Governor Andrew to have the Boston Light Artillery put on shipboard at once, to night, to help me in marching on Washington. In pursuance of this plan, I have detailed Captains Devereux and Briggs with their commands, to hold the boat at Havre de Grace.

"Eleven, A. M. Colonel Lefferts has refused to march with me. I go alone at three o'clock, P. M., to execute this imperfectly written plan. If I succeed, success will justify me. If I fail, purity of intention will excuse want of judgment, or rashness. "B. F. BUTLER."

General Butler's


This movement was a complete success. Butler threw forward, on Saturday, the 20th, the companies of Capt's Deve reux and Briggs (of the Massachusetts Eighth) which proceeded to the ferry at Havre de Grace, and occupied the place without opposition. The remainder of the troops having been advanced during the day, at six P. M. the whole body embarked with General Butler upon the ferry-boat Maryland, directly for Annapolis, and arrived off the capital of Maryland at a late hour of the night, to anticipate the treasonable intentions of an organization in the vicinity, which had formed a plot to seize the United States frigate Constitution, "Old Ironsides," that lay moored off the Naval Academy wharf. Captain Devereux took possession of the old frigate, and had her towed out into the stream.

The New York Seventh closely followed Butler's advance. It took the transport Boston, from Philadelphia, at three P. M. of Saturday, and steamed to Annapolis, arriving off that place Monday morning early, to find the Maryland hard aground. In this predicament

Occupation of

she lay all day-the troops | ready to place the engines
on board of her suffering

much for want of food and water. The Seventh landed and took possession of the Academy; their transport then brought ashore the Eighth. It was the first occupation of the "sacred soil" by the "Northern invaders."

Butler's indomitable energy found a full response in his equally indomitable and capable men. Engineers were wanted to run the ferryboat down to Annapolis. Forthwith eighteen good engineers stepped from the ranks. Upon landing, the railway property was seized, and men were wanted to repair damages to crippled locomotives and destroyed tracks. Instantly a dozen machinists stood


While the gen

in order, while a large body Arrival of Troops in
of track-layers and bridge-
builders were eager for duty.
tlemen of the Seventh were taking their ease in
comfortable quarters at the Naval Academy,
the Massachusetts men were already on their
slow march toward the Capital.

The Massachusetts regiment assumed the duty of opening the route via Annapolis Junction to Washington. The New York Seventh marched on to the Junction, and there took cars for the Capital, which they reached at noon, Thursday, April 25th-the first regiment to enter the city after the Massachusetts Sixth. With their arrival the Capital was deemed secure.



IMPORTANT events folNorth Carolina's lowed rapidly upon the Disloyalty. first signs of resistance to the revolution. The summons to arms of the loyal States hastened Virginia's secession, and placed the other Slave States still adhering to the Union in an attitude of questionable loyalty. North Carolina's Governor answered the call as follows:

"RALEIGH, April 15th, 1861. "Honorable Simon Cameron, Secretary of War:

"Your dispatch is received, and, if genuine, which its extraordinary character leads me to doubt, I have to say in reply, that I regard the levy of troops made by the Administration for the purpose of subjugating the States of the South, as in violation of the Constitution, and a usurpation of power. I can be no party to this wicked violation of the laws of the country, and to this war upon the liberties of a free people. You can get no troops from North Carolina. I will reply more in detail when your call is received by mail.


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"Whereas, By proclamation of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, followed by a requisition of Simon Cameron, Secretary of War, I am

informed that the said Abraham Lincoln has made

a call for seventy-five thousand men, to be employed for the invasion of the peaceful homes of the South, and for the violent subversion of the liberties of a free people, constituting a large part of the whole population of the late United States; and, whereas, this high-handed act of tyrannical outrage is not only in violation of all Constitutional law, utter disregard of every sentiment of humanity and Christian civilization, and conceived in a spirit of aggression unparalleled by any act of recorded history, but is a direct step toward the sbjuugation of the whole South, and the conversion of a free re public, inherited from our fathers, into a military despotism, to be established by worse than foreign enemies, on the ruins of our once glorious Constitution of equal rights:

"Now, therefore, I, John W. Ellis, Governor of the State of North Carolina, for these extraordinary causes, do hereby issue this, my proclamation, noti This was soon succeeded by the follow-fying and requesting the Senators and Members of

"Governor of North Carolina."


the House of Commons of the General Assembly of North Carolina, to meet in special session at the Capitol, in the city of Raleigh, on Wednesday, the 1st day of May next. And I furthermore exhort all good citizens throughout the State, to be mindful that their first allegiance is due to the sovereignty which protects their homes and dearest interests, as their first service is due for the sacred defense of

their hearths, and of the soil which holds the graves of our glorious dead.

“United action in defense of the sovereignty of

North Carolina, and of the rights of the South, becomes now the duty of all."

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nounced by him, demonstrated that the
alacrity of the North was not needless, if the
country was to be spared the humiliation of
witnessing its liberties in the keeping of the
revolutionists. How the vista opened before
such expressions as these!

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'Every son of the South, from the Potomac to
the Rio Grande, should rally to the support of Mary-
land. If Lincoln quits Washington as ignominiously
as he entered it, God's Will will have been accom-

plished. Be prepared. Stand to your arms. De-
fend your wives and your firesides. Rather than be
conquered let every second man rally to drive back
the invader. The conflict may be terrible, but the
victory will be ours. Virginians! you fight for the
preservation of your sacred rights-to keep from
desecration the tomb of Washington,* the graves of
Madison, Jefferson, and all you hold most dear."

Tennessee's Dis-

The whirlwind was sown. Repose, pros-
perity, political and social integrity, hopes
of the future were cast to the air, and the
storm soon held wild riot over all her bor-
ders. The United States forts at Wilming-
ton and Beaufort were seized. The United
States branch mint at Charlotteville was
"appropriated" April 21st. The United
States arsenal at Fayetteville was occu-
pied" April 22d. As Mr. Alexander H. Ste-
phens said, in his Richmond harangue, April
22d: "North Carolina was out, and did not
hardly know how she got out." At Wil-
mington he counted twenty-one Confederate
flags. Of the attitude of the still unseceded
States, the Vice-President of the Southern
Confederacy thus discoursed: "The news
from Tennessee is equally
cheering there the moun-
tains are all on fire. Ten-
nessee was no longer in the late Union. She
was out by the resolutions of her popular as-
semblies in Memphis and other cities. Ken-
tucky would soon be out, for her people were
moving in the right direction. Missouri-residuary rights of an agent.
who could doubt the stand she would take,
when her Governor, in reply to Lincoln's in-
solent proclamation, had said: 'You shall
have no troops for the furtherance of your
illegal, unchristian, and diabolical schemes!'
Missouri will soon add another star to the
Southern galaxy. Where Maryland is you
all know. The first Southern blood has
been shed on her soil, and Virginia would
never stand by and see her citizens shot
down. The cause of Baltimore is the cause
of the whole South."

Tennessee sought, for a
while, to preserve a 66 neu-
trality," forbidding alike
the Northern or Southern troops from a
foothold upon her territory. Governor Har-
ris, replying to the call of the War Depart-
ment, said:

"Tennessee will not furnish a single man for co-
ercion, but fifty thousand, if necessary, for the de-
fense of our rights and those of our brethren."

Mr. A. H. Stephens'

The presence of this personage in Richmond, so soon after the Ordinance was passed, and the programme of operations an

With such a declaration, Tennessee was out of the Union, so far as her Executive could pledge her. It only heralded the steps soon to be taken of a "treaty," by winch die State was sold out to the Souther eracy-a sale that put to blush the off-hand gifts of kingdoms by Napoleon IIt wask the disposal of a proprietary over which the party of the first part had not even

[See page 12.)

Address of John
and others.


RAF 7819

Several of the leading
men of the State issued an
address to the people, dated
April 18th, with the ostensible design of ap-
peasing the growing excitement.
dorsed the Governor's refusal to furnish
troops at the call of the Federal Govern-

It en

*This allusion to the tomb of Washington was

singularly mal-upropos; since, under Virginia's nig-
gardly indifference, the tomb and grounds of the
Mount Vernon Estate became a national disgrace,
from which they were only (then) recently rescued
by the money which the Honorable Edward Everett
had obtained, through extraordinary personal exer.
tions, chiefly from the Northern people.

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