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Judge Thompson's

-willing to do justice even to those who pronounced themselves enemies of the old Government. Among other arguments put with telling force against the eastern section of the State, and the Secessionists, who threatened to subjugate the western section in event of its refusal to accede to the revolution, was this:

us to their own local and peculiar policy. With such a position as West Virginia occupies, separated by vast mountain ranges from Old Virginia, accessible to the whole West and the whole North,

the whole will be a unit in our defense. West

streams may run blood and her households may be

Virginia never can be coerced or conquered. Her desolated, and if this shall be so, it will be the work of those in West Virginia who remain in arms to oppose and resist the wishes of the majority of her "To those citizens in Western Virginia who claim people. Retire, disband, and let us alone in peace, the right of secession, in like manner I appeal to under the Constitution and the laws, and do not relay down their arms against their brethren and fath-quire those laws and Constitution to be maintained ers, and to submit to the judgment and wish of their own people, in so large a portion of the State as

West Virginia. If it is right for one portion of the

people in mass to violate or set aside the Constitu

here at this mighty sacrifice."

in consolidating the Union sentiment: applyThis strong document assisted materially

Assemblage of the Wheeling Convention.

tion, so as to free themselves from political inter-ing the peculiar philosophy of secession, the course with other portions of the people of the Western portion of the Commonwealth had United States, surely it should be permitted to so a right to a separate organization if it so large a body of people as West Virginia, exercising willed. Immediately the sentiment of sepatheir sovereignty in a lawful manner under the Con- ration became paramount; and the election stitution and in support of the Constitution, to (June 4th) of delegates to the Convention of choose their destinies. This, at the late election, June 11th, resulted in the choice of such repthey have done in no equivocal manner. They resentatives as the Committee had called for should be permitted, and especially by you, their brave, discreet and loyal men. brethren, exercising with such unanimity this soveThe Convention assemreign and constitutional right, to stand by the Con- bled at Wheeling on the stitution and the laws in peace; to maintain the 11th, and proceeded to solemn integrity of the institutions under which business on the day following. Forty counthey have grown and prospered. By this vote they have solemnly said they have no cause of revoluties were represented, in the proportion of tion; they are satisfied; let them remain in peace. If you are dissatisfied, go in peace; go where you will have the support and sympathy of those whose cause you espouse; and in God's name, in the name of our ancient friendships and fireside relations, in the name of that peace, the skirts of whose robe will be dabbled in blood, if you remain in arms; in virtue of the holy ties of relationship, and for the preservation of whatever of Constitutions and the

their representation in the State Legislature. Arthur J. Boreman, of Wood county, was chosen permanent chairman, and delivered an address which gave the key-note to the proceedings to follow. It was patriotic, loyal and firm. The programme arranged for action contemplated the organization of a Provisional Government for the State: the deposition of the old State authorities, and the laws are left, while yet the ruin has not reached you entire reorganization of the Municipal branch


On the second day of the session a resolution was introduced and unanimously adopted, thanking General McClellan for 'invading' Virginia, commending the bravery of the gal

and us; while the vengeance of civil war has not broken up all domestic ties, and the sword of private revenge has not crossed your own thresholds and sprinkled it with blood, and left your homes and your households in ruin; by all the solemn memories of the past and the obligations of the pres-lant Colonel Kelley and his regiment, &c., &c. ent to recognize the wishes of the people of West Virginia to seek their own happiness and welfare in a lawful and peaceful manner; in the solemn majesty of those laws, and in a higher appeal of justice and the cry, depart, depart in peace, and give not up West Virginia, which otherwise will remain in safety, if not repose, to the horrors of a terrible war. With such a large majority, neither Eastern Virginia nor the South, will be disposed to coerce

The Committee on Business, through its chair man, John S. Carlisle, reported on the 13th, a Declaration, reviewing the unhappy condition of the State, setting forth the usurpations of the Richmond Convention, offering a bill of rights, repudiating allegiance to the Southern Confederacy, and vacating the offices of all who adhered to it, whether legis

Proceedings of the Wheeling Convention.

lative or judicial. The reading of this was listened to with profound interest, not a dissenting opinion being expressed. It was made the special order for the 14th. Various other resolves were sprung-all proving the feverish anxiety of the members for action. In the debate which followed, on the Declaration, Mr. Dorsey of Monongahela, took strong grounds for an immediate division of the State. Mr. Carlisle took the ground that Congress, at the coming session, would not be likely to recognize the division (which recognition was necessary) until the rebellion in the Southern States was put down, the object of Congress being to restore every original State to the Union. Congress would recognize the Provisional Legislature, and with the consent of the Legislature and Congress, separation could be effected at an early day. This view did not disconcert those members who were for immediate division of the State and its admission to the Union as the State of Kanawha.

An ordinance was reported, on the 14th, from the Business Committee, reorganizing the State, vacating the seats of all State officers in rebellion against the United States; providing for a provisional government and for the election of officers; also providing that the State, county and municipal officers immediately take the oath of allegiance to the United States. This was made the spe

cial order for June 19th.

It was announced, on the 14th, that five hundred stand of arms had arrived at Wheel- | ing, as a loan from old Massachusetts, to arm the Home Guards-that fifteen hundred more were on their way--an item of news which sent a thrill of patriotic joy through the assembly.

Mr. Dorsey, above referred to, brought forward his Declaration of Independence (June 17th) looking to a division of the State. It was supported by Pierpont and others, and, after an interesting debate was adopted unanimously. This Declaration was signed on the 20th, by fifty-six members-the same number attached to the glorious instrument of 1776.

On the 18th, Mr. Farnesworth, of Upshur county, offered a resolution that, one of the

leading objects of the Convention, after the establishment of a Provisional Government, was to provide for the separation of Western from Eastern Virginia. This, after a warm contest, was adopted by a vote of fifty-seven to seventeen.

Proceedings, &c.

The 19th being set apart for the consideration of the Ordinance of Reorganization, the Convention proceeded with the important discussion. It was finally passed, nearly as it came from the Committee. It provided

1st. For the appointment by the Commit tee of a Governor and Lieutenant-Governor, to act until their successors should be duly elected.

2d. For a Council of Five, to be appointed by the Convention, to act as advisers with the Governor, and to aid in executing his official orders.

3d. For the recognition, as the Legislature, of those members elected to the State General Assembly May 232, 1861, who should subscribe to and qualify themselves by taking the oath or affirmation prescribed.*

4th. Defined the oath and provided that all State officers, Legislators, Judges, Clerks, Sheriffs, Commissioners, Justices, &c., should take or subscribe to it before being qualified to discharge the duties of their office.

5th. Declared all offices vacant of those who refused to take oath, and provided for an election to fill the vacancy.

The oath adopted read as follows: “State of Virginia, Ohio County, ss. :

"Before the subscriber, a Justice of the Peace for the county aforesaid, this day in my said county, came A. B., and took and subscribed the following oath:

"I, A. B., solemnly swear that I will support the

Constitution of the United States, and the laws made in pursuance thereof, as the supreme law of the State of Virginia, or in the ordinances of the Convention which assembled at Richmond on the 13th of February, 1861, to the contrary notwithstanding: And that I will uphold and defend the Government of Virginia as vindicated and restored by the Convention which assembled at Wheeling on the eleventh day of June, 1861. A. B.' "Given under my hand, this 5th day of July, 1861. "J. P."

the land, anything in the Constitution and laws of




Address of the Convention.

On the 20th the Western Virginia Decla- | dence of the substitution of ration of Independence was signed. It was a tyranny for the voice of. an impressive scene. The roll was called by the people. "This bold ascounties, and each member came forward to sumption of authority," it said, "was followed the Secretary's desk and signed the parch- by numerous acts of hostility against the Uniment. ted States, by the levy of troops to aid in the capture of the National Capital and the subversion of the National authority; and, to crown the infamy of the conspirators, with whom the Executive had now coalesced, by an attempt, without even the pretense of the authority or acquiescence of the people, to transfer their allegiance from the United States to a league of rebellious States, in arms against the former." The document then proceeded to cite the incidents of the mockvoting on the Ordinance-how Judges charg

In the afternoon, Frank, H. Pierpont, of Marion county, was unanimously elected Governor; Daniel Palsley, of Mason county, Lieutenant-Governor, and Messrs. Lamb, Paxhaw, Van Winkle, Harrison and Lazar to form the Governor's Council. The election of an Attorney-General was postponed.

The Governor was formally inaugurated during the afternoon, when he delivered his Inaugural Address. It was brief but patriotic, calling upon the people and their representatives to be firm, while he himself prom-ed Grand Juries that opposition to the revoised to be true to the great trust reposed in him.

The new Government, now fully launched upon the sea of trouble, moved forward with a firmness, a prudence, a foresight which did not fail to command the approbation of the President of the United States and of all loyal people. In that reorganization was the germ of Virginia's regeneration and restoration to the Union.

Address of the Convention.

On the 24th, a Committee, (of seventeen,) previously appointed, reported an address to the people, explaining and justifying the acts of the Convention. The address, at considerable length, sketched the history of late events in Virginia, reciting the infamous course of procedure in the Richmond Convention, by which the State was forced out of the Union - how the whole thing was done in secret session, against the protests of more than one third of the members present. "Up to this day," said the address, "the debates which preceded the vote are concealed from the people, who are thus denied a knowledge of the causes which, in the opinion of the majority, rendered secession necessary and justified so gross a disregard of their lately expressed will." But, even though thus illegally passed, the Ordinance had no effect until ratified at the polls by the people. Yet, prior to that ratification, open violence and acts of treason were committed, to which the address referred, as evi

lution would be punished as treason to the State-how "armed partisans of the conspirators in various places arrested, plundered and exiled peaceable citizens for no other crime than their adherence to the Union."

These and other causes led loyal Virginians to resent the outrages, the indignities, the usurpations heaped upon them, and the movement inaugurated resulted in the calling of a Convention to legislate a new Government into existence, under which they might find protection and retain their old relations to the Federal Government. The question of the right of secession was referred to only to be denounced. Only the people of the United States could dissolve the compact of the Union. "The ratification of the Constitution of the United States by our own Commonwealth, in express terms, reserves the right to abrogate it to those by whom it was made, the people of the United States; thus repudiating in advance the modern doctrine of separate State secession. This is in strict accordance with the views of our elder statesmen, whose patriotism and ability are held in reverence, not only by us and by our fellow-citizens of the Union, but by good men throughout the world. It is the logic of every honest heart, that a contract, a compact, or call it what you will, can only be set aside by the joint act of those by whom it was made." This strong argument was fol lowed by others, proving the impolicy of secession even if a right existed; and, partic

Adjournment of the

ularly relating to the condition of Western | -writs for such elections to be issued by Virginia, the address assumed that every in- the Governor. The document closed with terest of peace, prosperity, progress, patriot- an appeal to the people to stand by the ism, remonstrated against a severance of the Union-to sustain, unflinchingly, their new tie which bound the State to the Union. Government-to prosecute the war against There was, then, under the circumstances, the "perjured oligarchy who has usurped but one course to pursue-to call a Conven- your Government and has sold you to the tion and to proceed in legislating the State ambitious despots of an unholy affiliation.” back into its old relations with the Union. The address then stated, in general terms, the action taken by the Convention in the inauguration of a Provisional Government, the appointment of Provisional officers, &c., adding that, to the General Assembly (Legislature) soon to assemble at the Governor's call, would revert the power and duty of such other action as was necessary. All loyal sections of the State not represented in the Legislature and Convention were called upon to hold special elections to fill such vacancies

The Convention adjourned June 25th, to meet on the 1st Tuesday in August. Governor Pierpont, on the 22d of June, issued his proclamation assembling the General Assembly at Wheeling, on the 1st of July -on which day it came together, most of the counties west of the Blue Ridge being then, or soon after, represented. It proceeded to legislate for, and to vitalize, the new Gov ernment, so that it soon found itself in a selfsustaining, independent condition.



The Chambersburg

Patterson's First

MAJOR-GENERAL of Vol- | any servile insurrections. unteers, Robert Patterson, In its language the docuassumed command of the ment was patriotic, and troops gathered in camp at Chambersburg. was decidedly against treason and its abetThe enemy being in possession of Harper's tors.* The troops then addressed consisted Ferry, menaced Southern Pennsylvania and of ten regiments of infantry, five hundred Maryland by their presence. The Chambers- dragoons, all finely equipped and quite thoburg camp was first formed with reference roughly armed, with Captain Doubleday's and to covering the endangered section; but be- Seymour's batteries of flying artillery, in esse. came the centre of movements against the Confederates when Scott arranged for the Federal advance into Virginia.

June 3d Patterson issued his proclamation announcing the forward movement. The document, like that issued by McClellan, enjoined upon the soldiers respect for private property, protection to the loyal, and, should occasion offer, the troops were to suppress

The march was taken up on the morning of June 7th Brigadier-General Thomas' division on the advance. Supporting movements were made from the east, by General Stone's column, which started for Edwards'

*This is especially remarked, since General Pat terson had been charged with lukewarmness in the cause, and, by some papers, had been pronounced actually disloyal.



The Combined Movement.


Ferry, via Tenallytown and | watch and annoy the Federal advance. Rockville. [Edwards' Fer- Confederate army left only ruin and desolary is on the Potomac, about tion in its track. half-way between Washington and Harper's Ferry.] Colonel Lewis Wallace, with his Indiana Zouaves, took possession of Cumberland on the 9th of June.

[blocks in formation]

Dash at Romney.

The Federal

Patterson took up his head-quarters at Hagerstown June 14th. The army under his direct command at that date numbered about twenty-one thousand men, though it soon was increased by troops from Wisconsin, Connecticut and Pennsylvania. It was organized as follows:

[blocks in formation]

Major-General Wm. H. Keim commanding, consisting of Second and Fifth brigades.

Second brigade, Brigadier-General Geo. C. Wynkoop, commanding.

Fifth brigade, Brigadier-General Jas. S. Negley, commanding.


Colonel Wallace made a sudden dash on the 11th upon Romney, Virginia, which was held by a regiment of Virginia cavalry. The surprise was complete. Though the enemy troops, Captain James, commanding. fought with some spirit, the Zouaves soon sent them flying. Two of the rebels were found dead on the field. Stores, ammunition, arms and horses to a considerable amount were seized, with which the Indianians returned to Cumberland.

Cavalry, four companies U. S., and First Philadelphia city

Harper's Ferry Evac


This sudden sally upon his left hastened Johnston's movements. Harper's Ferry was evacuated June 13th and 14th. Everything was destroyed in the shape of immovable property, including some stores and heavy guns. The superb railway bridge over the Potomac and the Winchester span were given to the flames, and the piers shattered with powder. The old Government armory, shops, &c., were consumed-the fine machinery having previously been removed to Richmond. The railroad bridges at MartinsFarg and Capen river, the "Pillar" bridge and the turnpike bridge over the Potomac at Shepardstown, were also destroyed. Canal dams, locks and embankments were, for miles, rendered useless. The enemy fell back in two columns, one upon Winchester and one towards Leesburg-points from which to

Captain Doubleday's battalion of artillery and infantry. First Rhode Island regiment and battery, Colonel Burn side, commanding.

Sixth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Nagle.
Twenty-First regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel


Twenty-Third regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel



First regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Yohe. Second regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Stam baugh.

Third regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Minier. Twenty-Fourth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Owen.


Seventh regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Irwin.
Eighth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Emley.
Tenth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Meredith.
Twentieth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Gray.


Second and Third U. S. infantry, Major Sheppard.
Ninth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Long


Thirteenth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel

Sixteenth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Zeigle.

Fourteenth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel

Fifteenth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Colonel Oakford.

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