Mer-Regal Highnips The Princeps Charlotte Walis & Save Coburg Engraved by H. Meyer from Arcompanying the Biographical Memoir by J.Bouth Duke Stret it D. A BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR OF THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LIFE OF THE MUCH LAMENTED PRINCESS CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA ILLUSTRATED WITH Recollections, Anecdotes, and Traits of Character, INCLUDING INCIDENTAL OBSERVATIONS UPON PERSONS AND EVENTS CONNECTED WITH THE Printed by J. Barfield, Wardour-Street, Printer to H. R. H. the Prince Regent, FOR JOHN BOOTH, DUKE - STREET, PORTLAND - PLACE; PATERNOSTER-ROW. 1817. ADDRESS. THERE is a period in domestic grief-in sorrowing for departed relatives-when our best solace is found in conversing upon our loss-when the most cordial balm to the throbbing heart is to be extracted from the retrospect of their virtues. That similar feelings exist, whilst suffering under Public Calamity, is a truth that incontestibly points out the propriety of OBITUARY BIOGRAPHY; and, the Publisher trusts, will even supply the best apology, if apology were necessary, for the unexpected and unavoidable delay in the appearance of the present Work. That the delay has not been unprofitable, he hopes the number and variety of Personal Anecdotes will sufficiently evince to the most casual reader; whilst, by the numerous friends who have so cheerfully and copiously supplied him with materials, he is fully conscious no ADDRESS. explanation, under all the circumstances, is required. To them, it therefore only remains for him to offer his most heartfelt thanks for the readiness of their communications, and their generous anxiety for the success of the Work. To the PUBLIC it may be proper to observe, that in the necessary rapidity of compilation, and the attempt to preserve a due chronological arrangement of facts and anecdotes which have been pouring in during its progress through the press, some inaccuracies may have arisen. These, however, he trusts, are too few in number, and too trifling in effect, to weigh in any important degree against the originality and interest of the biographical portrait here presented of OUR DEPARTED PRINCESS. |