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SECTION II.-Military government in Porto Rico

The problem in general-Division into periods-How the

periods differed in character-Legal aspect of the third

period-Reason for ratification by Congress-Govern-

mental reforms-Plan of the new government-Initial

proclamation and supplemental orders-Local conditions

-The judicial situation-Laws which automatically be

came obsolete Laws which required immediate amend-

ment Other legislation-Legislative errors-Dangers to

be_guarded against-Military government organization

-Transition to the new civil government.

SECTION III.-Military government in Cuba

The Cuban problem-Division into periods-General Orders

No. 101, A.G.O., 1898—Arrival of General Brooke-Gen-

eral Brooke's proclamation-Staff organization-Govern-

mental reorganization-Retention of civil officials-Mu-

nicipalities-Laws Agriculture, commerce, industries,

and public works-Taxes-View of General Brooke as to

governmental plan-View of the new military governor

-Governmental organization and operation-Military or-

ganization-Provincial civil administration-Efforts to

reduce the number of municipalities-Reduction of police

force-Sanitary work-Supplying horses, cattle, and

farming implements-The new electoral law-The Con-

stitutional Convention-The intervention of 1906-Taxes

on incomes.

SECTION IV.-Military government in Germany

The Allied situation-Division into periods-Attitude of the

German people-Adaptability of the German system to

military government-Marshal Foch's proclamation-

High command organization-American representation

on commissions-The Hoover Commission-The Ameri-

can problem-Entry into Luxemburg-General Per-

shing's proclamation to the Germans-Memorandum No.

4, Third Army-Allied influence upon our system-Con-

trol by General Headquarters-American organization-

Third Army as an agency of civil control-Office of Civ-

il Affairs, Third Army-Policy of American military au-

thorities in economic matters-Suppression of labor dif-

ficulties-Continuance in office of civil officials-Bil-

leting Requisitions-Liquor traffic-Punishments and

restrictions prescribed by Marshal Foch-Public utilities

-Complications during second period.


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