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Negro Moses and His Campaign to Lead the Black Millions Into Promised Land, R. L Hart, Ind. 105:205-6, F. '21.

Negro's Aspirations, A. L. Jackson, Forum 65:267-28, F. '21.

New Negro, R. L. Hartt, il. Ind. 105:59-60, Ja, 15, '21.

Playgrounds for Colored America, Playground 15:84-9, Ap. 21.

White Man and His Rivals, W. R. Inge, Quar. 235:234-55, Ap. '21.

Cause of the Negro Presented to President Harding, Crisis, My. '21.
West Virginia Jim-Crow Bill, Crisis, Je. '21.

Anti-Intermarriage Bill in Michigan, Crisis, Je. '21.

The Negro and Radical Thought, Crisis, Jl. '21.

The Negro in Georgia, Southern Workman, Je. '21.

Negroes in Kentucky Mountains, by W. K. Bradley, The Crisis, Je. '21.
The Rising Truth, Crisis. '21.

National Urban League, Southern Workman, Je. '21.

The Second Pan-American Congress, Crisis, Jl. '21.

Neglected Aspect of the Race Problem, Bolton Smith, The Christian Statesman, August,


Open Letter, Robert T. Kerlin to Governor McRae, Arkansas, Southern Workman, August, 21. Open Letter, David Y. Thomas, to Ex-Governor Dorsey of Georgia, Southern Workman, August, '21.

The Cause in Common Sense, The Crisis, July, '21.

Negro in Social Work, R. C. Dexter, Survey, 46:439-40, Je. 25, '21.

America's Greatest Problem, Nation 115:351-2, O. 11, '22.

By the Black Hearthstone, A. Rutledge, Outlook, 131:676-9, Ag. 23, '22.

Color Lines Among the Colored People, il. Lit. Digest 72:42-4, Mr. 18, '22.

Faith of the American Negro. M. W. Johnson, Nation 115:645 Jl. 19, '22.
Rendering to Caesar, A. Rutledge, il. Outlook 129:605-7, D. 14, '21.

Enumeration Errors in Negro Population, K. Miller, Sci. Monthly 14:168-77, F. '22. Negro Enumeration of 1920: a reply to Dr. Kelley Miller, L. V. Beales, Sci. Monthly 14 352-60, Ap. '22.

The New South, S. Young, New Repub. 31:333-4, Ag. 16, '22.

President Brings the Race Problem Before the Nation, Outlook 129:380, N. 9, '21.
South and the President, Outlook 129:335, N. 9, '21.

South, the President, and the Negro, Outlook, 129:440, N. 16, '21.

Denouncing the War's Legacy of Hate, Lit Digest, 74:36, S. 2, '22.

Grammer of International Hate, F. M. Colby, Harper, 145:824-6, N. '22.

Japanese Student's View of America, Mis. R. 45:214-15, Mr. '22.

Meeting, Pan African Congress, 1921, Brussels, W. E. B. DuBois, New Repub. 29:39-42 D. 7, '21.

German Appeal to Garvey, Nation 113:769, D. 28, '21.

Letter from a Young American Negro to the French People, N. P. Barksdale, Liv. Age 313:129-30, Ap. 15, '22.

Is the Black Belt Fading? map Lit. Digest, 72:23-4, F. 25, '22.

Is there an Answer? Survey 48:713 S. 15, '22.

Legitimate Ambitions of the Negro, N. H. Burroughs, Mis. R. 45:454-6, Je. '22.

Negro View of the White Man, H. M. Kingsley, Mis. R. 45:473-5 Je. '22.

Negroes, North and South: a Contrast, E. K. Jones, Mis. R. 45: 479-82, Je. '22.
Negroes' Work at Home and Abroad, K. Miller, il. Mis. R. 45:476-8 Je. '22.
Negro's Status Declared by the President, Lit. Digest 72:7-9 N. 19, '21.
Our Diminishing Tide of Color, A. H. Ulm, il Cur. Opinion 72:605-9, My. '22.
Place of the Negro in American Life, I. Fisher, il. Mis. R. 45:441-6, Je. '22.
President Harding and Social Equality, Nation 113:561, N. 16, '21.

President Harding Discourses on the Color Line, Cur. Opinion 71:704-8, D. '21.
Elizabeth Goes to School. G. A. Steward. Nation 115:601-5 D. 6, '22.

No Use to be What You Ain't. W. Q. Saunders. Collier's 70:10, D. 9, '22.

What Shall We Do About the Negro? A Problem We Must Face and Solve, B. C. Hening, Home & Foreign Fields, Ap, '22.

But of Course No Social Equality, Sarah N. Cleghorn, The World Tomorrow, Mr. '22. Social Equality and Racial Intermarriage, W. E. B. DuBois, The World Tomorrow, Mr. '22.

Struggles of the Black Folk, Fred L. Holmes, Dearborn, Mich. Independent Ap. 1, '22.
The Black Man's Burden, Charles S. Johnson, The World Tomorrow, Mr. '22.
Negro View of the White Man, H. M. Kingsley, Mis. R. 45:473-5, Je. '22.

The Myth of Racial Inferiority, Herbert Adolphus, Miller, The World Tomorrow, Mr. '22.
Tar and Feathers, George Patullo, The Saturday Evening Post, S. 23, '22.
Negro Missionary News, (M. E. Church,) S. '22. Special Negro Number.

Negro Labor, Labor and Racial Movements from Coast to Coast, The Messenger, Jl. '22.
Negro Number, The World Tomorrow, Mr. '22.

The Color Question in the Two Americas, Bernado, Ruiz, New York, '22.
Of One Blood? John Nevin Sayre, The World Tomorrow, Mr. '22.

The Poison of Race Prejucice, Edward T. Ware, The World Tomorrow, Mr. '22.
Approaches to a Solution, L. Hollingsworth Wood. The World Tomorrow, Mr. '22.
Where Freedom is Denied, Walter F. White, The World Tomorrow, O. '22.
Facing a Problem, W. D. Weatherford, Missionary Review of the World, S. '22.
On being Black, E. D. Walrond, New Republ 32:244-6, N. 1, '22.

Some Things Negroes Need to Do, Carter G. Woodson, The Southern Workman, Ja. '22.
Back to Africa. W. E. B. DuBois. Cent. 105:539-48, F. '23.

Emperor Jones of Finance, R. M. Lovett. New Repub. 35:178-9, Jl. 11, '23.
Emperor of Africa. W. Pickens, Forum 70:1790-9, Ag. '23.

Negro's Greatest Enemy. por Cur. Hist. M. N. Y. Times, 18:951-7, S. '23.
Questions of the Hour; study outlines. Ref. Shelf 1, no. 9:21 Ap. '23.'

Black Folk are Coming On. M. B. Bruere, il. Survey, 50:432-5, Jl. 15, '23.
Bridging the Gulf Between Whites and Blacks; except from report of.
Colour Prejudce, S. Oliver, Contemp 124:448-57, O. '23.

In Fairness to the South. R. L. Hartt, Outlook, 133:22-5, Ja. 3, '22.

Due Process of Law in Arkansas. New Repub, 34:55-7, Mr. 14, '23.

Negro Contribution to American Life. R. W. Roundy, il. Mis. R. 46: 453-5, Je. '23. Negro Problem as Viewed by Negro Leaders. A. L. Harris. Il Cur. Hist. M. N. Y., Times, 18:410-18, Je. '23.

Negro Race Not Dying Out. Lit Digest 79:25, N. 17, '23.

Negro's Greatest Enemy. M. Garvey. Cur Hist. M. N. Y. Times, 18:951-7, S. '23.
New Negro Faces America. E. D. Walrond. Cur Hist. M.N. Y. Times, 17:786-8,2 F.'23.
Public Opinion and the Negro. C. S. Johnson. Nat. Conf. Soc. Work, 1923: 497-502
Shortage of Scapegoats. F. Tannenbaum. Cent. 107:210-19, D. '23.

White. G. A. Steward. Nation, 117:436-7, O. '23.

Why Negro Veterans Lack Negro Doctors. Outlook 134:396-8, Jl. 18, '23.

Fair Harvard? Nation, 116:112-, Ja. 31, '23.

Harvard and the Negro. School and Soc. 17:124-5, F. 3, '23.

Negroes at Harvard. School and Soc. 17:81-2, Ja. 20, '23.

Negroes in the Harvard Freshman Dormitories. M. Glover. School and Soc. 17:187-8 F. '23.

Where Negroes Mayn't Live At Harvard. Lit Digest, 76:32-3, F. 3, '23.

Jim Crow in Texas. W. Pickens, Nation 117:155-6, Ag. 15, '23.

Alabama: A Study in Ultra-Violet. C. Wood, Nation, 116:33-5, Ja. 10, '23.

Black Mammy Of The South. Lit Digest, 76:56, Mr. 31, '23.

Counter-mining the Ku Klux Klan. R. L. Duffus. World's Work 46:275-84, Jl. '23.
For and Against the Black Mammy's Monument. il Lit. Digest, 77:48-52, Ap. 28, '23.
Should the Color Line Go? R. W. Winston. Cur. Hist. M, N. Y. Times, 18:945-51, S. '23
Shoving of the South. Nation 117:131-2, Ag. 8, '23.

Negro Awakening. U. S. Poston, il Cur. Hist. M, N. Y. Times, 19:473-80, D. '23.
The Importance of Negro Leadership, William M. Markoe, America, O. 13, '23.
Race and Religious Predjuice, William M. Markoe, America, My. 12, '23.

Color Prejudice, Sydney Olivier, Contemporary Review, CXXIV (O. '23.) 448-57. The Jewish Attempt to Bolshevize the Negro, L. Lewellyn Smith, The Dearborn Independent, D. 22, '23.

Are We Sure, We Fortunate Neighbors? A. J. Snow, Opportunity, My. '23.
Florida: The Desert and the Rose, Clara G. Stillman, The Nation, O. 31, '23.
Setting the Races in Tune, Myra K. Whitson, Opportunity, My. '23.

The Divine Right of Race, Robert W. Bagnall, The World Tomorrow, My, '23.

The American Negro and the World Wide Conflict of Color, Parkes S. Cadmen, Opportunity, Ja. '23.

Where Will the White Race Go, Ransom Carpenter, Our World, D. '23.

The Superior Race, W. E. B. DuBois, The Smart Set, Mr. '23.

The Segrated Negro World, W. E. B. DuBois, The World Tomorrow, My. '23.

The Negro Problem as Viewed by Negro Leaders, Abram L. Harris, Current History, Je. '23.

Citizen Rights and Community Rights-What a Zoning Plan is and Its Relation to Negro Housing, Madge Headley, Opportunity, Ja. '23.

The Negro "In His Place," Leslie Pinckney Hill, The World Tomorrow, My. '23.
Public Opinion and the Negro, Charles S. Johnson, Opportunity, Jl. '23.

What America Owes to the Negro, James Weldon, Johnson, Our World, Ag. '23.
Negro Race Cousciousness as Reflected in Race Literature.

Review S. O. '23.

Robert E. Park. American

Mulatto, Crux Of The Negro Problem. W. W. Gregg. Cur. Hist. M, N. Y. Times, 19: 1065-70, Mr. '24.

Negro Speaks For Himself. A Locke. Survey 52:71-2, Ap. 15, '24.

Wanted, A Negro Novelist A. Mulder Ind. 112:341-1 Je. '21.

White World as Seen By The American Negro. G. E. Haynes Mis. R. 7:499-504, Jl.' 4.
Where Shall Jim Crow Live? W. O. Saunders, il Collier's 73: 16, Ja. 19, '24.

Black and White Won't Mix but-W. O. Saunders, Collier's 73:16, Mr. 29, '24.
R. H. Leavell. il Outlook, 035:590-2, D. '23.
Boy That Quit Roamin.
Jim Crow is Growing up. W. O. Saunders il Collier's 73:18, Mr. 15, '24.
Judge Lynch Reversed. Outlook 136:173-4, Ja. 30, '24.
South Solving The Race Problem. Lit Digest 81:33 Ap. 19, '24.
Pan-African Cong. Meeting, M.1923, W. E. B. DuBois.
Religious and Racial Prejudices in the United States F. Jonnston, Jr. Cur. Hist M., N.
Y. Times. 20:573-8 Jl. '24.
American-Japanese Conflict.

New Repub. 37:143-5, Ja. 2, '24.

Liv. Age 321:1125-9, Je. 14, '24.
Christian Solution of the Race Problem. F. L. Anderson.


il. Mis. R. 47:553-7, Jl. 2'4:

Grave Consequences. H. H. Powers. Atlan 134:124-33, Jl. '24.
Race Problem In The Carribean, R. Herrick.
Race Problem: What is Man?
South African Race Problem.

Nation 118:675-6. 699-700, Je. 11-18, '24.
Mis. R. 47:493-5, Jl. '24.

W. H. Dawson. Comp. 125:726-34, Je. '24.
Coming a Universal Race Problem, S. R. O. Sign! Lit. Digest 82:17, S. 20, '24.
Population and Inter-racial Problems, Science n. s. 60: sup 10-12, Ag. 29, '24.
Segregation of Races, Science N. S. 60: sup. 9-10, Ag. 8, '24.
The Racial Hysteria, Melville J. Herskovits, Opportunity, Je. '24.

What is a Race, Melville J. Herskovits, The American Mercury, Je, '24.

Should Negroes Agitate Intermarriage? J. A. Rogers, The Messenger, Je, '24.
Are the Exponents of White Supremacy Running Out of Arguments?

Messenger, Je. '24.

A Race Purity Law, Opportunity, Je. '24.

An Outlet for Negro Leadership, The Southern Workman, Mr. '24.
Apropos of Africa, Alain Locke,
Opportunity, F. '24.

Blind Spots, Opportunity, Js. '24.

J. A. Rogers, The

The Concepts Of Race As Applied To Social Culture, Alain LeRoy Lock, The Howard Review, Je, '24.

The Negro and the Community, Wm. Pickens, In Proceedings of the National Conference of Social Work for '24.

Soviet Russia and the Negro, Claude McKay, The Crisis, D. '23 and Ja. '24.


The Program of the Young College-Bred Negro, Norman L. McGhee, Opportinity, Je, '24 The Negro's Progress, William M. Marko, America, My 24, '24.

The Population Problem and The Negro, Arthur E. King, Opportunity, N. and D. '24. Do Titles Mean Anything? Opportunity, S. 24.

The Dilemma of the Negro W. E. B. DuBois, American Mercury, O. '24.

The Black Man And The Wounded World, W. E. B. Du Bois, The Crisis, My. '24.

The Negro and Non-Resistance, Franklin E. Frazier, The Crisis, Mr. '24.

Extreme Means in Racial Interpretation, Melville J. Herskovits, The Journal of Social Forces, My. '24.

Critical Attitudes, North and South, Gerald W. Johnson, The Journal of Social Forces My, '24.

As Others See Us, Alain Locke, Opportunity, Ap. '24.

The Mulatto Question, A. E. Morris, Current History Magazine, F. '24.

What Race Equality Means to the Negro, Andrew Ralston, The Journal of Social Forces, S. '24.

Retain Mulatto's Racial Idenity-Develop his Culture, Current History Magazine, F. '24 On "Knowing" the Negro, Anne Biddle Stirling, Opportunity, S. '24.

The Third Pan-African Congress, The Crisis, J. '24.

The Negro and the Jew, Bertha Wallerstein, Oppurtunity, S. '24.

Pan-Africa in Portugal, W. E. B. DuBois, The Crisis, F. '24.

The Race Problem in Cross Section: The Negro in 1923, Monroe N. Work, The Journal of Social Forces, J. '24.

The International Viewpoint, William S. Nelson, The Messenger, Jl. '24.

Fellow Caucasians! Virginia Law On Racial Integrity. Nation 118:388, Ap. 9, '24.

Racial Intermarriage In South America. Oliveira Lima, Mis. R. 47:513-14, Jl. '24.

Race Relation.

The South and the School, S. C. Mitchell, Richmond Collier Bulletin, D. '05.

Way to Racial Peace G. E. Haynes, World Outl. 5:3-4, O. '19.

Negro and White Man, A. M. Moore, Survey, 44:241-3, My. 15:20.

Southerns Solving the Negro Problem, Lit. Digest, 68:34-5, Ja. 29, '21.

Justice for Negroes, Thomas Walter Bickett, Southern Workman, Je. '21.
Inter-Racial Comity, Crisis, My. '21.

Race Commission: A Constructive Plan, Nation 112:612 Ap. 27, '21.
Race Relations, Southern Workman, Ag. '21.

Growing Race Cooperation, W. D. Weatherford, Survey 45:88-90, O. 16, '21.
Inter-Racial Activities in the South, Crisis, Ap. '21.

Dr. Moton in North Carolina, N. C. Newbold, Southern Workman, Je., '21.
Baltimore Inter-Racial Conference Southern Workman, My. '21.

Inter-Racial Commission at Work, R. R. Motin, Ootlook 129:59-61, S. 14, '21.

A Square Deal for Negroes, T. J. Woofter, jr., Southern Workman, My. '21.
The Liberal South, Crisis, Ap. '21.

Negro Americans Report on in Proceedings of 15th Annual Meeting of Home Missions
Council and Council of Women for Home Missions, pp. 174-184, New York, 1922.
Cooperation Between White and Colored Women, C. H. Brown, Mis. R. 30:484-7, Je. '22.
Progress in Inter-racial Cooperation, W. W. Alexander, Mis. R. 45:469-72, Je. '22.
Race Relations, W. F. White, Bookm. 56:500-2, D. '22.

Gifts of Two Races, Adelaide Nichols, The World Tomorrow, O. '23.

Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Social Work of Women's Organizations in the Churches, Bertha Payne, Newell, The Journal of Social Forces, Mr. '23.

Fundamental Principles Underlying Interracial Co-operation, Howard W. Odum, The Journal of Social Forces, Mr. '23.

A Race Relations Survey, Robert E. Park, Journal of Applied Sociology, March-Ap, '24. Race Consciousness and Race Relations, J. Milton, Sampson, Opportunity, My. '23. Interracial Teaching in the Schools, Anne Biddle Stirling, Opportunity, Mr. '23. The Second Generation of Race Relations, W. F. Tillett, The Journal of Social Forces, Mr. '23.

Bethlehem House, A True Story of Inter-racial Cooperation in a Settlement House for Negroes, Kate Derryberry, Epworth Era. Mr. '23.

Better Race Understanding, N. C. Newbold, Southern Workman, Ap. '23. The Inter-Racial Commissions of the South, James Bond, Opportunity, F, 1923. Inter-Racial Cooperation by women, Mrs, Daisy McLain Bulkley, Missionary Review, Je. '23.

Race Relations and Public Opinion. G. R. Taylor, Nat. Conf. Sec. Work, 1923:492-7. Chicago Commission on Race Relations, Cur. Opinion, D. '22.

The Approach To The South's Race Question, M. Ashby Jones. Four Social Forces, N. '22. Experience and Race Relations, Robert E. Park, Journal of Applied Sociology, S. O. '24. The Way of Christ in Race Relations, Edith H. Allen, The Missionary Review of the World, Jl. '24.

Youths get Together, Andrew J. Allison, Opportunity, Ap. '24.

Best Methods for Promoting Inter-racial Sympathy, E. C. Cronk, The Missionary Review of the World, Jl. '24.

A Constructive Force in Race Relations, Robert B. Eleazer, The Southern Workman, O. '24.

Inter-Racial Cooperation, Sarah C., Fernandis, The Southern Workman, F. '24. Negro Migration an Opportunity for Bi-Racial Statesmanship, Issaac Fisher, In 1924 Proceedings of National Conference of Social Work.

Social Work in Race Relations Franklin E. Frazier, The Crisis, A. '24.

Practical Inter-Racial Co-Operation, Sydney D., Frissell, The Southern Workman, N.


Inter-Racial Co-operation Vs. Inter-Racial Friction, The Southern Workman, O. '24. Race Relation in North Carolina: A Field Study of Moderate Opinion, Chilton C. Pearson, South Atlantic Quartly, Ja. '24.

Inter-Racial Cooperation in the South, Eric D. Walrond, The International Interpreter, Mr. '24.

Some Happy Results of Race Contacts, L. Hollingsworth Wood, Opportunity, Je. '24. The Philadelphia Inter-Racial Conference, Anne Biddle Stirling, Southern Workman, D. '24.

The Spirtual Significance of Inter-Racial Justice, L. Hollingsworth L. Wood, Opportunity, D. '24.

Southern Tribute to a Negro Preacher, Lit. Digest, 82:34-5, S. 27, '24.

Racial Good Will Movement. W. W. Alexander. il. Mis. R. 47: 505-12, Jl. '24.
What Happens On Your Street. B. Lasko, Survey 52:85-6, Ap. 15, '24.

Whitfield, Apostle of Racial Good Will. L. A. Walton, Outlook, 136:589-91, Ap. 9, '24. Race and Mental Ability.

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Bean, R. B.-Negro Brain, Cent. 72:778-84, S. '06. Cur. Lit. 41:453-4 O. '06.

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Boaz, Franz-The Mind of Primitive Man, New York, 1911.

Boaz, Franz-The Anthropological Position of the Negro. Van Norden Magazine, April,


Boaz, Franz-Problem of the American Negro, Yale R. n. s. 10:384-95 Ja. '21.
Brinton-Races of People, Philadelphia, 1901.

Bruner, F. G.-Racial Differences, Psych. Bulletin, 11, 384-386, '14.

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Buchner, M.-Psychology of Negroes, Pop. Sci. Mo. 23:399.

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Journal of Race

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Davenport, C. B.-Heredity of Skin Color in Negro-White Croses, Washington, 1913. Davenport, C. B. and Laughlin, H. H.-Study of Human Heredity, Cold Springs Harbor N. Y., 1911.

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Ferguson, G. O., jr.-Intelligence of Negro at Camp Lee, Virginia, School and Soc. 9: 721-6 Je. 14, '19.

Ferguson, G. O., jr.-Mental Status of the Americam Negro, Sci. Mo. 12:533-43, Je. '21. Ferguson, G. O. jr.- -White and Colored Schools of Virginia as Measured by the Ayers Index, School and Soc. 12:171-4: S. '20.

Ferguson, G. O., jr.-The Psychology of the Negro, Archives of Psychology, No. 36 New York, 1916.

Fetishism in West Africa, Nassau, New York, 1904.

Frobenius, Leo.-The Vioce of Africa, Berlin, 1915.

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Gatewood, E. L.-Teacher's Estimates of Negroes and Whites, School and Soc. Vol. IX, '19.

Goldenweiser, A. A.-"The Principle of Limited Possibilities in the Development of Culture." Jour. of Amer, Folklore, XXVI (1913) 259-90.

Goldenweiser, A. A.-Early Civilization An Introduction to Anthropology, New York,


Goldenweiser, A. A.-Racial Theory and the Negro, Urban League Bulletin, July, 1922. Greener, R. T.-The Negro, Intellectual Position Of, Nat. Q. 41:164.

Gregoire, H.-Inquiry Concerning Intellectual and Moral Faculties and Literature of Negroes Brooklyn, 1810.

Guinea Negro, Brain Of-Anthrop R., 6:279.

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Hayford, C.-Gold Coast Native Institutions, London, 1903.

Health and Physique of the Negro American, Atlanta University Studies No. 11, 1906. Hrdlicka, A.-Physical Differences Between White and Colored Children, Pro. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci. 47, 475-476, '98.

Inventions of Negroes, Baker, H. E. Jour. Negro Hist., Ja. 1917, The Negro Year Book, 1913 Edition, 208; 1916-17 Edition, 6. 300-304; 1918-19 Edition, 5-8; 341-344; 1912-22 Edition, 32-34, 318-21.

Jordan, H. E.-The Biological Status and Social Worth of the Mulatto, Pop. Sci. Mo. 82,573-582, '13.

Kassel, C.-Physiognomy and Genius, Pop. Sci. Mo. F. '11.

Keane, A. H.-Ethnology, Chapter on Mental Evolution in Man.

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Kingsley, Mary-West African Studies, London, 1901.

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Lowie, R. H.-Primitive Society, New York, 1919.

Lugard, F. L.-A Tropical Dependency, Outline of the History of the Western Sudan London, 1905.

Mayo, W. J.-The Mental Capacity of the American Negro, Archives of Psychology No. 28, N. '13. Mayo, W. J.-A Study of the Children of Four Nationalities in Achievement, A Columbia University Study.

Mayo-Smith, Richmond, "Theories of Mixture of Races and Nationalities," Yale Review III (1894,) 166-86.

McDonald, A.-Colored Children-A Psycho-Physical Study, Jour. Am. Med. Assoc. 32:1140-1144, '99.

Mead, C. D. W.-Relation of General Intelligence to Certain Mental and Physical Traits Columbia University Study, New York, 1916.

Miller, H. A.-Negroes in the United States, Psychology and the Race Problem, Bib. Sac. 63:352-63: Ap. '06.

Moens, H. M. Towards Perfect Man. Contributions to Somatological and Philosophical Anthropology, New York, 1922.

Morse, Josiah "A Comparison of White and Colored Children Measured by the BinetSimon Scale of Intelligence," Popular Science Monthly, LXXXIVC (1914) 75-79. Myers, Caroline E. and Garry C.-The Myers Mental Measure, New York, 1920. Myers, Caroline E. Garry C.-Measuring Minds, An Examiner's Manual, New York, 1920 Negro Culture in West Africa, Ellis, New York, 1914.

Negroes Who Have Earned the Ph. D. Degree. See in this volumn above pp. 243-4 Negroes Who Have Made Phi. Beta Kappa. See on this volumn, above pp. 244-5. Negroes, Scholarship Distinctions Of. The Negro Year Book, 1912 Edition 28-29; 1913 Edition, pp. 13-14 Edition, P 25; 1916 Edition, pp. 30-33; 1918-19 Edition, pp. 35-42; 1921-22 Edition pp. 25-29.

Odum, H. W.-Negro Children in the Public Schools of Philadelphia, Ann. Amer. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Sci. Vol. XLIX.

Odum, H. W.-Social and Mental Traits of the Negro, Columbia University Studies, Vol. XXXVII, New York, 1910.

Some of

Park and Burgess-An Introduction to the Science of Sociology, Chapter II. the references in the selected bibliography at the end of the chapter. Also under chapter XI, the section on "Conflict and Fusion of Culture."

Park, R. E.-Racial Assimilation in Secondary Groups, Am. Jour. Soc. Vol. XIX, 606. Parker, G. W.-The Children of the Sun, (Pamphlet), Omaha, 1918.

Pattenm S. N.-The Laws of Environmental Influence, Pop. Sci. Mo. O. '11.

Pearson, K.-On the Relationship of Intelligence to Size and Shape of Head, Biometrica 5, 105-146.

Perring, L. FA Study of the Comparative Retardation of Negro and White Pupils in Philadelphia School. Psychological Clinic, Vol. IX, No. 3.

Phillip, B. A.-Retardation in the Elementary Schools of Philadelphia, Psychological Clinic, Vol. VI, No. 3, Vol. VIII, No. 7.

Pressey, S. L. and Teter, G. F.-A Compasison of Colored and White Children by Means of a Group Scale of Intelligence. Jour of Applied Psychology, Vol. III, 1919, No. 3. Proceedings Universal Races Congress, Edited by Spiller, London, 1911.

Pyle, W. H.-The Learning Capacity of the Negro. Psychological Bulletin, Vol. XIII 1918.

Pyle, W. H.-The Mentality of the Negroes as Compared With the Whites. Psychological Bulletin, Vol. XII.

Pyle, W. H.-Mind of the Negro Child, School and Soc. 1:357-60, Mr. '15.

Redfern, L. H. and Rich, S. G.-Binet Tests on South African Natives-Zulus Pedagogical Seminary, Vol. XXIV, No. 3, 1917.

> Reuter, E. B.-Color and Culture Survey, 42:125, Ap. 19, '19.

Rogers, J. A.-As Nature Leads, Chicago, 1919.

Roman, C. V.-American Civilization and the Negro, Philadelphia, 1916.

Sarban, J. M. Fanti Customary Laws, London, 1904.

Schufeldt, G. W.-America's Greatest Problem, The Negro, Philadelphia, 1915.

Select Discussion of the Race Problem, Atlanta University Studies, No. 20.

Smith, A. T.-A Study in Race Psychology. Pop. Sci. Mo. 50, 354-360, 96.

Smith, Edwin, W.-Sublimation of Bantu Life and Thought. Internat. Rev. of Missions, Jan. 1922.

Some Suggestions Relative to the Study of the Study of Mental Attitudes of the Negro, Pedagogical Seminary, Vol. XXI, 1914, No. 1. The Macmillan Company, New

Starch, D.-Experiments in Educational Psychology.

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Stetson, G. R.-Some Memory Tests of White and Blacks. Psych. Rev. 4:285-289. Stormzand, M. J.-Intellegence Tests and Eugenics, Jour. Applied Sociology June-July


Strong, A. C.-Three Hundred Fifty White and Colored Children Measured by the Binet -Simon Scale of Intelligence: A Comparative Study. Pedagogical Seminary, Vol. XX, 1913. Sunne, Dagny-A Comparative Study of Negro and White Children, Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol. 1, 1917, No. 1.

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Taylor, G.-The Evolution and Distribution of Race Culture and Language, Geographic Rev. Ja. '21.

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Terman, L. M.-and others-Stanford Revision Binet-Simon Scale and Some Results

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