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Open Letter on Mob Violence: Text W. Wilson, Ind. 95:177 Ag. 10, '18; Same Survey, 40:512 Ag. 3, '18; Same Pan. Am. 27:271, S. '18.

President and the Mob Spirit, Nation 107:114, Ag. 3, '18.

State Police a Cure for Lynchings, World's Work 35:585-6 Ap. '18.

Tennessee Mobilizing for Law and Order, Survey 39:690-1 Mr. 23, '18.

Democracy Versus Demo-n-cracy, Survey 40:511-12, Ag. 3, '18.

First War-Lynching, Lit Digest 57:16-17, Ap. 20, '18.

Fund for Supression of Lynching, Survey 40:593 Ag. 24, '18.

Anti-Lynching Conference of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, M. W. Ovington, Survey 42:292 My. 17, '19.

Anti-Lynching Remedies, Public 22:511 My. 17, '19.

Fight in Texas Against Lynching, World's Work 37:615-16 Ap. '19.

How Shall the Black Man's Burden Be Lifted? Cur. Opinion 67:111-12 Ag. '19.

Lynching Evil, New Repub. 19:7-8, My. 3, '19.

Lynching Evil From a Southern Standpoint, R. of Rs. 60:531-2 N. '19.

Lynching Record for 1918 Outlook 121:159 Ja 22, '19.

New Phases of the Fight Against Lynching, Cur Opinion 67:45 Jl. '19.

Protecting Southern Womanhood, H. L. Seligmann, Nation 108:938-9 Je. 14, '19.

Southern Protests Against Lynching, Outlook 122:493 Jl. 30, '19.

Crowd in Action H. A. Bellows, Bellman 26:721-3 Je 28, '19.

Lawlessness and Human Nature, Rev. 1:595-6 N. 22, '19.

Mob Rule as a National Menace, Lit Digest 63:9-11 O. 18, '19.

Mob Violence, Public 22:481-2 My 10 '19.

Another View of the Washington Riots, J. E. McCulloch, Outlook 123:28-9 S. 3, '19. Appeal to America Not Yet Written by Woodrow Wilson, Nation 109:160, Ag. 9, '19. Blunder of Race Riots, Ind 99: 176-8 Ag. 9, '19.

Chicago in the Nation's Race Strife, G. Taylor, Survey 42:695-6 Ag. 2, '19.

Darkest Cloud. Survey 42:675-6 Ag. 2, '19.

Facing the Negro Problem, Mis R. 42:818-19 N. '19.

Gunpower of Race Antagonism, M. W. Ovington, Am. City 21:248-51 S. '19.
Omaha, Nation 109:491 O. 11, 19.

Omaha: Riots in the Nebraska City, Lit. Digest 63:16 O. 11, '19.

On the Firing-Line During the Chicago Race-Riot, Lit Digest 62:44-6 Ag. 23, '19.
Our Own Race War, No. Am. 210:436-8 O. '19.

Our Own Subject Race Rebels, Lit. Digest 62:25, Ag. 2, '19.

Race Riots and their Remedy, W. S. Scarborough Ind. 99:223 Ag. 16, '19.

Race Riots in Chicago, C. W. Holman, Outlook 122:566-7 Ag. 13, '19.

Race Riots in Relation to Democracy, G. E. Haynes, Survey, 42:697-9, Ag. 9, '19.

Race Riot in Washington And Chicago, Cur. Hist. M. N. Y. Times 10, pt 2: 453-4 S. '19.
Race War in Washington, H. J. Seligmann, New Repub. 20:48-50 Ag. 13, '19.
Racial Tension and Race Riots, Outlook 122:532-4 Ag. 6, '19.

Riots, Crisis, '19.

Washington Riots, Ind. 99:147 Ag. 2 '19.

Washington Riots, Nation 109:173 Ag. 9, '19.

What is Behind the Negro Uprisings? H. J. Seligmann, Cur. Opinion 67:154-5 S. '19. What Negroes Think of the Race Riots, G. E. Haynes, Public 22:848-9, '19.

What the South Thinks of Northern Race Riots, Lit Digest 62:17-18, Ag. 16, '19.

Why the Negro Appeals to Violence, Lit. Digest 62:11 Ag. 9, '19.

The South and the Lynching Evil, Robert R. Moton, South Atlan. Quarly, July, 1919 Negro at Bay, Nation, 108: 931, Je 14, '19.

Is Mob Violence the Texas Solution of the Race Problem? M. W. Ovington, Ind. 99:320 S. 6, '19.

Clash of Color, G. Frank, Cent. 99:86-98, N. '19.

Race Conflict in Arkansas, W. F. White, Survey, 43:233-4 D. 13, '19.

Massacring Whites in Arkansas, W. F. White, Nation 109:715-16 D. '19.

"The Riot at Longview, Texas," Crisis, O. '19.

The Real Cause of Two Race Riots, Crisis D. '19.

Menace of a New Race War, Cur. Opin. Jl. '20.

Thirty Years Record in Lynch, World's Work, 39:433-4, Mr. '20.

Aftermath at Washington and Chicago, The Crisis, Ja. '20.

Moral Equivalent for the Red Hysteria, C. Merz, New Repub. 21:345-6, F. 18, '20.
Kentucky's Cure for Lynching, Lit Digest, 64:20-1, F. 28, '20.

Lynching's in 1919, Lit. Digest, 64:20, Ja. 17, '20.

The Lynching Industry, 1919, Crisis, F. '20.

Lynch Law in Paris, Crisis, Mr. '20.

In the Delta, The Story of a Man-Hunt, B. A. Ratcliff, Atlan, 125:456-61, Ap. '20.
The End of Jim Waters, A Lynching, Crisis, Ag. '20.

Arkansas Peons, A Brief, Scipio Jones, Crisis, D. '21.

Arkansas Justice, Crisis, Feb. '21.

The Lynching Industry, 1920, Crisis, F. '21.

The Duluth Čases, Crisis, F. '21.

American Congo, Burning of Henry Lyle, W. Pickens, Nation, 112:426-8 Mr. 23, '21. Anti-Lynching Legislation, Crisis, My. '21.

Crime, Crisis. Je. '21.

Fewer Lynchings Lit. Digest, 68:15-16, Ja. 22, '21.

Applied Violence, New Repub, 28:15-6, Ag. 3, '21.

Law-And-Order Anarchy, Nation 113:113, Ag 3, '21.

Tarred and Feathered; Facts Told by P. S. Irwin and Bishop Mann, Ind. 106:115-16 S. 17, '21.

Minnesota Anti-Lynching Bill, Crisis, Je. '21.

Blood and Oil Survey, 46:369-70, Je. 11, '21.

Moving Toward Race War, New Repub. 27:96-7, Je. 22. '21.

Tulsa Race Riots, Ind. 105:646-7, Je '21.

Eruption of Tulsa, W. F. White, Nation, 112:900-10 Je. 18, '21.

Lesson of Tulsa, Outlook, 128:280-1 Je. 15, '21.

Mob Fury and Race Hatred as a National Danger, Lit. Digest, 69:7-9 Je. 18, '21. Over There, A. Comstock, Survey, 46:460 Jl. 2, '21.

Tulsa, Nation, Crisis, Jl. '21.

The Tulsa Riots, Crisis Jl. '21.

The Anti-Lynching Bill in West Virginia, Crisis, Je. '21.

A Federal Anti-Lynching Bill, Crisis D. '21.

The Mind of the Mob, Ind. Ja. 22, '21.

Governor Dorsey Stirs Up Georgia, Lit. Digest 69:19, Je. 4, '21.

Open Letter to Governor of Arkansas, R. T. Kerlin, Nation, 112:847-8 Je. 15, '21.
Chicago Crisis, Mr. '21.

Deleware's Prison, A. Paradox, Survey Jl. 2, '21.

"The Crime Wave and Probation," Survey, April 16, '21.

The Springfield Riots, Crisis, Ag. '21.

For and Against the Ku Klux Klan, il. Lit. Digest, 70:34-40, S. 24, '21.

Imperial Lawlessness, Outlook 129:46, S. 14 '21.

Imperial Wizard and His Klan, il. Lit. Digest 68:40-6 F. 5, '21.

Invisible Empire in the Spotlight, Cur Opinion 71:561-4 N. '21.

Joke that Became a Terror, il. Illus, World 33:110. Mr. '20.

K. K. K. New Repub. 28:88-9, S. 21, '21.

Ku Klux condemned by the Religious Press, Lit. Digest 70: 30-1, O. 1, '21.

Ku Klux Klan Again, il Outlook, 129:79, S. 21, '21.

Ku Klux Klan Revival, F. P. Stockbridge, il. Cur. Hist. M. N. Y. Times 14:19-25, Ap '21.

Ku Klux Klan Soul of Chialry, A. De Silver, Nation, 113:285-6, S. 14, '21.

New Negro, R. L. Hart, il Ind. 105:59-60, Ja, 15 '21.

Reign of the Tar-Bucker Lit. Digest 70:12-13, Ag. 27. '21.

Reviving the Ku Klux Kl an. W. F. White. Forum 65:426-34 Ap. '21.
Anti-lynching Bill, Nation 114:664, Je. 7, '22.

Federal Bill to Halt Lynching, Lit. Digest, 71:11-12, D. 31 '21.
MobViolence a Federal Offense, Outlook 130:285-6.F.22, '22.

Would the Dyer Bill Halt Lynching? Lit. Digest 73:14, Je. 10, '22.
Causes of the Chicago Race Riot. il. World's Work, 45:131-4, D. '22.

How aNegro Feels When Chasedby a Mob.Lit.Digest75:11-12, O. 28, '22.
Unmaking of a Myth, B. Lasker, il. maps Survey 49:46-9, O. 1, '22.
Great Bigotry Merger, C. P. Sweeney, Nation 115:8-10, Jl. 5, '22.

Klan in Texas, E. T. Devine, Survey 48:10-11, 42-3 Ap. 1-8, '22; Discussion. Survey 48: 251-3, My. 13, '22.

Ku Klux in Politics, Lit. Digest 73:15, Je. 10, '22.

Modern Ku Klux Klan, L. Percy, Atlan. 130:122-8, Jl. '22.

Our Own Secret Fascisti, Nation 115:514, N. 15, '22.

Protestants Disowning the Ku Klux Lit. Digest 75:33, N. 25, '22.

Lynching Infamy, C. F. Carter, Cur Hist. M., N. Y. Times, 15:897-902, Mr. '22.

No Christian Condonation of Lynching, Lit. Digest 74:35, S. 9, '22.

Klan As A National Problem, il LitDigest 75:12-13 D. 2, '22.

What Southerners Think Of the Dyer Bill. E. E. Miller. Outlook 132:598-9 D. 6, '22 Lynching A National Evil. Outlook 132:596-7, 6, '22.

What Is Our Crime Record? J. B. Reynolds. Cur. Hist. M. N. Y. Times 17:383-7 D.


After Florida, Alabama. Nation 117:31 Jl. 11, '23.

Forward, march! Nation 117:342, O. 3, '23.

Victim of convict slavery, il Lit. Digest, 77:40-6 Ap. 21, '23.

Defense of the Ku Klix Klan. Lit Digest 76: 18-19, Ja. 20, '23.

Klan as the victim of mob violence. Lit Digest 78:12-13, S. 8, '23.

Klan on trial. A. I. Harris, New Repub. 35:67-9 Je. 13, '23.

Ku Klux Klan. Cath World 116:433-43 Ja. '23.

Ku Klux Klan in the Middle West, R. L. Duffus. il World's Work 46:363-72, Ag. '23. Ku Klux Klan, its social origin in the South. F. Tannenbaum. Cent. 105:873-82 Ap. '23. Law for others, not for the Ku Klux Klan! Outlook 134:109, Je. 9, '23.

Uncle Henry on the Klan Komplex, il Collier's 71:15 Ja. 27, '23.

Brisk start of the 1923 lynching. il. Lit. Digest 76:11-12, Ja. 20, '23.

Decrease in lynching. Outlook 134:449 Jl. 25, '23.

Law gaining on lynching. Lit. Digest, 76:13-14, Ja. 13, '23.

Look before you lynch. Outlook 133:253 F. 7, '23.

Right to murder labor; lynching of a railroad striker at Harrison, Arkansas. Lit Digest 76:13 F. 3, '23.

Southern backfires against lynch law. T. J. Woofter, Jr. Survey 51:99-100, O. 15, '23.
When Downieville hanged a woman. J. L. Considine, il. Sunset 50: 20 Ja. '23.
Where lynching is a habit. M. Ross, maps Survey 49:626-7 F. 15, '23.

Why lynching has slumped. Lit Digest 78: 16, Jl. 28, '23.

America First In Crime. Lit. Digest, 78:18 S. 15, '23.

Invisible Justice. Outlook 133:7 Ja. 3, '23.

Shadows of Actions. Freeman 6:3901 Ja. 3, '23.

Violent Alien. Nation 117:427-8 O. 17, '23.

Sweet Land of Liberty, Nation 117:11 Jl. 4, '23.

Tabert Case, Outlook 113:700 Ap. 18, '23.

Southern Women and Lynching. four Soc Forces My. '23.

The Race Philosophy of the Ku Klux Klan. G. B. Johnson. Opportunity S. '23.

The Foundation of Justice. Moorefield Storey. The World Tomorrow. My. '23.

Myth Makers and Mobs. Opportunity Ap. '23.

Growing Sentiment Against Mob Action; Notes. The J. Soc Forc. S. '23.

A Sociological Interpretation of the New Ku Klux Movement. G. B. Johnson, J. Soc Forc. My. '23.

Nemesis. Mary Johnson. Cent My '23.

Buttercup; Convict System W. O. Saunders. Collier's N. 29, '24.

Caps.Gowns and Fiery Crosses. Opportunity My. '24.

No More Lynching: How North Carolina Has Solved the Problem. W. H. Richardson. R. of Rs. Ap. '24.

Jails in Georgia. Survey. Je. 15, '24.

Juanita. B. G. Rousseau. il Overland ns 82:249-51 Je. '24.

Lynching, America's National Disgrace. J. W. Johnson. Cur. Hist. M, N. Y. Times 19: 596-601 Ja. '24.

Lynching On The Decrease. Outlook 136:49 Ja. 9, 24.

Lynching Roll Of Honor .Map Lit Digest 81; 32-3 Ap. 5, '24.

Judge Lynch Becoming Unpopular. Lit Digest 80:31-2 F. 2, '24.
Klan Restates Its Case, S. Frost, Outlook 138:244-5, O. 15, '24.

Rise and Fall of the Ku Klux Klan, Outlook 138:237, O. 15, '24.
Lynching on the Wane, Lit. Digest 82:31, Ag. 23 '24.

Wane of Lynching. Outlook 137: 09, Jl. 23, '24.

Jim Denson; A Fragment of History, S. N. Cleghorn, Nation 119:306-7, S. 24, '24.

Lynching Pamphlets.

Black Spots on the Map, by Commission on Interracial Cooperation, Atlanta, 1924. The Law versus The Mob, Monroe N. Work for Commission on Race Relations., Federal Council of Churches, New York, 1925.

Lynching Pamphlets,

Published by the

N. A. A. C. P.

President Wilson's Lynching and Mob Violence Pronouncment (of July 26, 1918.) Lynching of May, 1918, in Brooks and Lowndes Counties, Georgia; an investigation by the N. A. A. C. P.; 8 pages.

The Massacre of East St. Louis; an account of an investigation by W. E. Burghart DuBois and Martha Gruening for the N. A. A. C. P., illustrated, 20 pages, reprinted form the Crisi for September, 1917.

The Burning of Eli Person at Memphis, Tenn;. an account taken from the Memphis daily papers of May 22, 23, 24, and June 3, 1917; 4 pages.

The Burning of Eli Person at Memphis Tenn.,; an investigation by James Weldon Johnson for theN. A. C. P.; reprinted from the Crises for July, 1917; 8 pages.

The Lynching of Anthony Crawford (at Abbeville, S. C., October 21, 1916.) Article by Roy Nash (then) Secretary N. A. A. C. P.; reprinted from the Independent for December 1916; 4 pages, large size.

Notes on Lynching in the United States, compiled from the Crises, 1912; 16 pages. Thirty Years of Lynching in the United States 1889-1918, April, 1919; 105 pages Fifty Cents.

The Fight Against Lynching; Anti-Lynching Work of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People for the year 1918; April 1919; 20 pages, Ten Cents. Race Problem.

Negro Question and its Solution, Ind. 77:395-6 Mr. 23, '14.

Racial Assimilation in Secondary Groups. R. E. Park, Am. J. Soc. 19:606-23 Mr. '14.
Common Problems of Negro and white in the South Survey. 32:506. Ag. 15. '14.
Racial Consequences of mmigration, E. A. Ross, Cent. 87:615-22_F.

Racial Relations of East and West, P. J. Treat. Dial. 56:418-9. My.16. '14.

Stirring up Race Hatred. R. A. Law. Nation. 99: Jl. 30, '14.

Race Problem; the Country's Attitude Towards the Negro, O. G. Villard. Nation. 99 738-40. D. 24, '14.

Nature Solving a Race Problem. G. Harvey. No. Am. 200:661-2 N. '14.

Remarkable Triple Alliance; How a Jew is Helping the Negro Through the Y. M. C. A., B. T. Washington, il. Outlook. 108:485-92. O. 28, '14.

Segregation in the Departments. McGregor. Harp. W. 59:620-1 D. 26, '14.

Fight on Negro Segregation in the South. Survey. 33:72. O. 17, '14.

Governor O'Neal, Outlook. 108:980-1 D. 30, '14.

Mingling of Blood: A Racial Tragedy. Ind. 78:387. Je. 1, '14.

Races Mingling in Hawaii. E. J. Reece. Am. J. Soc. 20:104-16. Jl. '14.

Black and White in the South. The Basis of Adjustment. Outlook. 106-544-5. Mr. 7, '14. The National Association of Colored Women, Emily H. Williams, Southern Workman, 481, D. '14.

Signs of Growing Co-operation, Robert R. Moton, Southern Workman, 552, O. '14. Colored Women of Chicago, Fannie Barrier Williams, Southern Workman, 564, O. '14 What Co-operation Can Accomplish, Booker T. Washington, Southern Workman. 660-D '14.

A Neglected Phase of the Negro Question, D. Hidden Ramsey, Southern Workman, 692, D. '14.

Rural Land Segregation Between whites and Negroes. C. Poe. South Atlantic Quartly. Jl. '14. The Segregation of the white and Negro Races in Rural Communities of North Carolina G. T. Stephenson, South Atlantic Quartly, Ap. '14.

As to Prejudice. F. Hackett. New Repub. 2:145-7. Mr. 13, '15.

Biological Effects of Race Movements. D. S. Jordan, Pop. Sci. 87:267-70. S. '15.
Inferior and Superior Races. B. T. Washington. No. Am. 201:538-42. Ap. '15.
Race Solidarity. A. W. Small. Am. J. Soc. 20:643-8. Mr. '15.

Racial Contacts and Confessions; as Factor in the Unconstrained Fabric of a World at Peace. E. G. Balch. Survey. 33:610-11. Mr. 6, '15.

Isolating the Negro, L. B. Wehle. New Repub. 5:88-90.N. 27, '15.

My View of Segregation Laws, B. T. Washington. New Repub. 5:113-14. D. 4, '15.5.
Race Segregation in the Rural South. W. D. Weatherford. Survey, 33:375- 7. Ja. 2, '11.
Thinking White Down South. Outlook. 111:9-10. S. '15.

Our Debt to the Negro. Miss. R. 38:772. O. '15.

Southern Tribute to a Negro. G. Greever. Dial 59:409-10. N. 11, '15.

Are We Making Good? Mrs. B. T. Washington. Ind. 84:22. O. 4, '15.

Birth of a Nation; a Motion Picture Drama Founded on the Thomas Dixon's Story, The Clansman. F. Hackett. New Repub. 2:185. Mr. 20. '15.

Democracy and the Race Problem. Celia Parker Woolley, Meadville (Pa.) Theological School Quarterly Bulletin, O. '15.

Booker Washington and His Race. Outlook. 111:701-3. N. 24, '15.
Rural Segregation, H. B. Frissell, Southern Workman, 137, Mr. '15.
Negro Genius Benjamin Brawley. Southern Workman, 305. My. '15.

An Upward Step in Negro Social Service, F. S. Hargrave, Southern Workman, 387. Jl. '15 The New South and The Negro, Southern Workman, 419, Ag. '15.

Negro Segregation, J. J. Lindley, New Republic, D. 25, '15.

Negroes in the United States, American Economic, Review. Dec. '15.

Objecting to the Negro Dialect, Lit. Digest, N. 11, '16.

Case of Intermarriage, A. Schreiber. Harper's Weekly, Ja. 8, '16.

Legal Status of Negro-white Amalgamation in the United States, A. E. Jenks. Am. Jo. So. Mr. '16.

Our Future Hybird Race. Lit Digest, Ap. 8, '16.

Early History of the Anglo-Egyptain Soudan, C. G. Seligman, Scentific American Supplement. Ap. 22, '16.

Leopard Spots, J. E. Crowther, II. World Outlook. Mr. '16.

Plea for the Negro as Public Servant, K. M. Roof, Outlook, S. 27, '16.

Gathering Clouds along the Color Line. R. S. Baker, World's Work, Je. '16.

Negroes in the United States, Am. Econimic Review. D. '16.

Thinking White Down South, J. E. White, Southern Workman, Ja. '16.

Notes from Laudicea on the Negro Problem. H. Rhodes, New Republic, N. 11-18, '16. Thy Neighbor, E. T. Ware. Survey, Ja. 29, '16.

Negro Segregation Adopted by St. Louis, Survey, Mr. 11, '16.

Negro Segregation by Initiative Election in St. Louis, R. N. Baldwin, American City Ap. '16.

Negro Segregation in St. Louis, Literary Digest, Mr. 18, '16.

Negro Segregation in St. Louis R. G. Usher, New Republic, Mr. 18, '16.

Superfluous Negro, New Republic, Je. 24, '16.

Evolution of a Superior Race, Literary Digest, S. 29, '17.

Superiority of the Mulatto, E. B. Reuter, Am. Jour. Sociology, Jl. '17.

Race Distinctions and the Courts, Survey, S. '17.

Negro's Fatherland, W. E. B. DuBois, Survey, N. W. '17.

Futile Attempt at Sedition, Outlook, Ap. 18, '17.

German Plot Among Negroes, Literary Digest, Ap. '17.

Negro and The Nation, The Nation, JI. 26, '17.·

Negro's Brighter Outlook, Nation, D. 6, '17.

Negroes March with Muffled Drum, Survey, Ag. 4, '17.

New York Light and Shade, R. M. Jonas, Art World, N. '17.

North and South, R. Nash, Survey, D. 30. '17.

Our Tyranny Over the Negro, Literary Digest, S. 22, '17.

Unconstitutional Segregation, W. H. Baldwin, Jr., New Republic, Ja. 19, '18.

Rights of the African Negro, R. M. Andrews, New Republic, Mr. 16, '18.

Eracing theColor Line, W. H. Baldwin, 3rd, Survey, N. 24, '17.

Momentous Decision, Nation, N. 15, '17.

No Race Segregation by Law, Outlook, D. 5, '17.

Lynching and Race Relation in the South, T. W. Page, North American Review, Ag. '17. Law and Order for the Negro, Survey, Ag. 18, '17.

Social Cost of Southern Race Prejudice, G. E. Howard, Am. Jour. Sociology, M. '17. Negro Conscription, New Republic, O. 20, '17.

Negro Soldiers under Fire in France, Review of Reviews, S. '17.

Training Colored Officers, L. F. Pierce, Review of Reviews, D. '17.

Training Negroes for Officers, Literary Digest, Jl. '17.

Where to Encamp the Negro Troups, Literary Digest. S. 29, '17.

Houston Mutiny, Outlook, S. 5, '17.

American Negro and the World War, R. R. Moton, World's Work, My. '18.

Negro Educator and Our War Efforts, Survey, My. 4, '18.

Negro in Relation to our Public Agencies and Institutions, J. L. Kelser, Am. City, Ag. '18. Negro in War-time, B. Smith, Public, Ag. 31, '18.

Negro in War-time: Reply to B. Smith, J. W. Johnson, Public, S. 21, '18.

Negro Problem in the United States, L. E. Elliott, Pan. Am. M., Ag. '18.

New White Folks, H. W. Borst, Survey, N. 9, '18.

Patriotism of the Negro Citizen, R. R. Moton; K. M. Herring, Outlook, N. 20, '18.

Tackling One of American's Biggest Problems, Bethlehem House, Nashville, M. Barstow, World's Outlook, My. '18.

Negro Problem in the United States, L. E. Elliott, Pan American Monthly, Ag. '18. What the Negro is Doing to Help win the War, Literary Digest, Jl. 27, '18.

Conference of Negro Women, Survey, Ag. 3, '18.

The Rights of the Negro American Lutheran, Survey, July, 1918.

American's Sea Island, R. B. Cooley, II. Outlook, 121:739-42, Ap. 30, '19.

How shall the Black Man's Burden be Lifted?

Negro is Organizing, Ind. 99-116-17 Jl. 26, '19.

Cur. Opinion, 67:111-12, Ag. '19.

Work or Fight in the South, New Repub. 19:152, My. 31. '19.

Why Southern Negroes Don't Go South, T. A. Hill, Survey, 43:183-5, N. 29, '19.

Black Man's Rights F. H. Giddings, Ind. 99:153 Ag. 2, '19.

Democracy and Jim-Crowism, H. J. Seligmann, New Repub. 20:151-2 S. 3, '19.

Gunpowder of Race Antagonism, M. W. Ovington, Il. Am. City, 21:248-51, S. '19. The Conflict and Fusion of Cultures with Special Reference to the Negro, Park, R. E. Jour. Negro Hist. Ap. '19.

Antagonism, M. W., Ovington, American City, S. '19.

Race Problem, Outlook, S. 10. '19.

Race Problem as Seen from the South, Outlook, S. 10, '19.

Negro and National Reconstruction, G. E. Haynes, Public, 22:131-3 F. 8, '19,

Negro Visitor in Negro Homes in Minneapolis, Survey, 42:574, Jl. 12, '19.

New Color Line, Public, 22:129 F. 8, '19.

Our Own Subject Race Rebels, Lit. Digest, 62:25, Ag. 2, '19.

Plan to Solve Our Negro Problem, Lit. Digest, 63:35-6, O. 25, '19.

Race Problem, Outlook, 123:44-5 S. 10, '19.

Race Problem as Seen from the South, Outlook 123:47-56, S. 10, '19.

Racial Tension and Race Riots, Outlook, 122:332-4, Ag. 6, '19.

Religious Papers on the Negro Problem, Lit. Digest, 62:34, Ag. 16, '19.

Sam Jackson's Better Day, S. W. MacConnell, Il. World Outl., 5:12-13, Ap. '19.

Southern Philanthropist on the Race Question, Bolton Smith, Outlook, 122:59-60, My. 14,


What Does the Negro Want? M. W. Bullock, Outlook, 123:110, S. 17 '19.

Letters of Negro Migrants of 1916-1918 Collected Under the Direction of Emmett J. Scott, Jour. Negro Hist., Jl. 19.

We Take Off Our Hats to the Negroes Who have Made Good World Outl. 5:18-19, O. '19. What Does the Negro Want in Our Democracy? R. R. Wright, jr., Nat. Conf. Soc. Work. 1919, 539-44.

Negro Problem from a British Point of View, P. F. Smith, Liv. Age, 302:267-70, Ag. 2,'19. All That is Human Should Care for All That is Human, W. P. Thirkield, World Outl. 5:9, O., '19.

Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, F. L. Latimore, Il. World Outl., 5:7-8, O., '19.
Negroes in America, Lit. Digest, 63:40-D. 20, '19.

Cincinnati Negro Survey and Program, J. H. Robinson, Nat. Conf. Soc. Work. 1919. Our Big Chance, How the League of Nations May Help to Overcome Race Aversions. W. Irwin, Ind. 100:97-100, 117-18, N. 15-29, '19.

Race and Democracy in Latin America, P. A. Means, Nation, 109:560-2, N. 1, '19.
Has the Negro Gone Bolshevik? II. World Outl., 5:12-13, O. '19.

Liberty Limited, Survey, 45:350-2, D. 4, '20.

Four Ways With the Negro, Survey, 44:399, Je. 19, '20.

Marcus Garvey, the Negro Moses, T. H. Talley, World Work, 41:153-66, D. '20.

Mr. Stephen Graham, Studies the American Negro Liv. Age 307:732, D. 18, '20.

Negro and White Man, A. M. Moore, Survey, 44:241-3, My. 15, '20.

Race Hate, The Crisis, N. '20.

The Great Desire, What Do Negroes Want at This Critical Hour of National and WorldWide Unrest? The Crisis, F. '20.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Crisis, Ag. '20.
Migration, the Macon Telegraph, The Crisis, Ja. '20.

"Our South," The Crisis, Ja. '20.

The Negro Press Speaks, The Crisis, S., '20.

The Success of Negro Migration, Walter F. White, Crisis. Ja., '20.

The Crisis in Negro Leadership, Harry H. Jones, The Crisis, Mr. '20.
Menace of Race Hatred, H. J. Seligmann, Harper, 140:537-43, Mr. '20.

Militancy of Color and its Leader, S. Graham, 19th Cent., 88:909-13, N. '20.

On Being Black, W. E. B. DuBois, New Repub. 21:388-41, F. 18, '20.

A Negro Diplomat, M. W. Ovington, The Freeman, Aug. 4, 1920, The Crisis, Jl. '20. Question to Democracy, F. Adams, Nation, 111:524-6, N. 10, '20.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, The Annual Meeting, Crisis, F., '20.

Experience of the War in Organizing Recreation for Colored Soldiers and Citizens and its Application to Peace Time, E. T. Atwell, Nat. Conf. Soc. Work, 1920, 331-3.

The Reaction to the World War, Robert T. Kerlin, Pamphlet, read before 1920, Southern Soc. Cong.

Americanization, Its Meaning and Function, C. Aronovici, Am. J. Soc. 25:695-730, My.


Are we Menaced by a New Race War? Review of Dark water, by W. E. B. DuBois. Cur. Opinion, 69:82-5, Jl. '20.

Imperial Migration and the Clash of Races, F. Chidell, Quar., 233:359-74, Ap. '20.
Inviting a War of Races, W. Ellis Overland ns 76:9-11, Jl. '20.

Politics of Biology, G. Frank, Cent. 100:363-5, Jl. '20.

Americanization of the Negro, T. B. Morney Cath. World, 113:577-84, Ag. '21.
Colour Problem, F. D. Lugard, Edin, R. 233:267-83, Ap. '21.

English View of the Black Peril in America, Cur. Opinion, 70:219-21, F. '21.

South, the President and the Negro, Outlook, 129-440, N. 16, '21.

Governor Dorsey Stirs Up Georgia, Lit. Digest, 69:19, Je. 4, '21.

Like A Thief, M. Evans, New Repub., 28:16-17, Ag. 31, '21.

Open Letter to Governor of Arkansas, R. T. Kerlin, Nation, 112:847-8 Je. 15, '21.
Traits of My Plantation Negroes, H. Snyder, il. Cent. 102:367-76, Jl. '21.

Without Benefit of Jim Crow, G. T. Growell, il. Ind. 105:109-10, Ja. 29, '21.

What Europe Thought of the Pan-African Congress, Jessie Fauset, Crisis D., '21.
Pan-African Delegates, Crisis, D., '21.

New Negro Migration, Survey, 45:752, F. 26, '21. Politics and suffrage.

Race Pride, Crisis, Ja. '21.

Race Legislation in South Carolina Since 1865, by F. B. Simkins, South Atlantic Quarterly: Ja. '21. A Question of Facts, Crisis, F. '21.

Civil Rights in California, Crisis, F. '21.

The Battle of 1920 and Before-Eleventh Annual Report of the N. A. A. C. P., The Crisis, Mr. '21.

Back to Slavery, J. H. Harris, Contemp, 120:190-7, Ag. '21.

Garvey's Empire of Ethiopia, T. H. Talley, World's Work, 41:264-70, Ja. '21, Cur Opinion 70:328-31, Mr. '21,

Negro Moses and His Plans for An African Exodux, Lit. Digest, 68:48-51, Mr. 19, '21.
Negro Americans and Their Problems, R. W. Roundy, Mis. R. 44:214-18, Mr. '21.
An Open Letter to Warren Gamaliel Harding, The Crisis, Mr. '21.

Southern Chivalry, Crisis, Mr. '21.

Pan-Africa, Crisis, Mr. 21.

Negro in Social Work, R. C. Dexter, Survey, 46:439-40, Je. '21.

Negro Leadership in America, World's Work 41:435-6, Mr. '21.

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