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1283 Member Military Auditing Committee.

32 80


29 00

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Recruiting service

50 00

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6 Geo H Fleming.

Military services.

98 00

21 Joseph Mathers...

6 Thomas A Goodwin.

14 Richard O'Neal.

14 Geo H West...

14 Horace A Fletcher, treasurer.

15 Dr FS Newcomer..

[ocr errors]

20 Claiborne T Wilson...

21 Frederick Baggs..

22 James H Patterson..

23 E R Ames

25 L Dunlap.

[ocr errors]

28 W T Dennis...... 28 SP Coffin.......

29 G O Jobes...

29 Richard Bosworth

Sept. 1JJ Reynolds.. 6 C F Rooker.

8 T A Goodwin.....

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do and expenses.

50 00


Military expenses....

19 50

Military services..

60 00

Camps and quarters..

2,000 00

Special surgeon...

Military services and expenses

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100 00:
18 60
60 00


$54 25 Audited.

1148 Special pay agent to Corinth, Miss.

1162 Special pay agent-see voucher No. 1868, Auditor's office. 1164 Postage stamps for military orders and proclamations. 1186 Recruits 37th Indiana volunteers.

[blocks in formation]

1292 With sanitary goods to Corinth, Mississippi.

1293 Whitewashing "Soldiers' Home."

1306 Recruiting 36th and 57th regiments.

1309 Clerk discharging disabled soldiers, and clerk to Adj. Gen. 1321 Pay agent.

1374 Special agent to Memphis.

1376 Military clerk to Governor.

1367 Twelve months rent of Camp Morton.

1380 Services as examining surgeon for discharges.




1385 Services and expenses of agent to Cairo.

1388 Clerk in discharging soldiers.


1389 Military clerk to Governor.

[blocks in formation]

1391 Clerk discharging soldiers.

1393 Bearer of dispatches to Secretary of War.

1394 Examining disabled soldiers.

1399 Expenses to Culpepper, Va., for disabled soldiers.

1401 Arresting escaped rebel prisoners.

1403 General sanitary agent. (See voucher, No. 1678, Aud. office. 1404

1498 Organizing troops.

1443 Military clerk to Governor.

1449 Pay agent.

1475 Visiting troops.

1476 Expenses ambulance train to Richmond, Ky.

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1482 Military clerk to Governor.

1494 Post Master for prisoners at Camp Morton.

1485 Advanced for expenses ambulance train to Richmond Ky. 1487 Recruiting regiments in 5th Congressional district.

1488 Expenses as Governor's aid, visiting troops in Kentucky. 1490 To look after wounded army of the Potomac.

1491 Visit ng troops in Kentucky.

1492 Case for military papers-Governor's office.

1494 Visiting sick 57th regiment.

1495 Military secretary to Governor.

1497 Interest and expenses on loans to pay bounties to troops. 1500 Military clerk.

1559 Expenses Adjutant General's Office.

1568 Wagon for Sisters of Charity visiting Hospitals.
1580 Military clerk.

1614 Horse hire for visiting camps by sundry persons.
1623 Telegraph bill at Cincinnati.

1626 Expenses as agent to sick soldiers at Washington. 1633 Desks &c. for military papers.

1634 Visiting troops.

1638 Military clerk.

1641 Postage stamps for commissioner drafting militia. 1619 Visiting 76th regiment.

1654 Visiting Hospitals, East.

1656 Messenger.

1657 Military clerk.

1671 Visiting 33d regiment,

1672 Pay and sanitary agent.

1675 Pay agent.

1670 Organizing Indiana regiments. 1678 General sanitary agents.

1679 Military Auditing Committee.

1685 Expenses of surgeons to Kentucky.
1686 Expenses to Richmond, Kentucky.

1687 Military secretary to Governor.

1889 Expenses to Washington on military business.

1693 Special service in Kentucky.

1694 Services to Military Auditing Committee.
1095 Clerk to Adjutant General.

1705 Expenses visiting troops.

1707 Military agency, Louisville.

1710 Sanitary agent

37 00





15 001 285 00




Military services and Expenses

100 00



do do

100 00

52 75


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1711 Services and expenses ald-de-Camp to Major General Love. 1766 Freight on goods for hospitals.

1776 Expenses visiting troops, Perryville, Ky.



Balance on tents for U. S. troops.

Milltary telegraphing January, February, April and May. 1636 Expenses Washington agency Indiana soldiers

Clerk Military Auditing Commitice.

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14 Dr T Bullard

14 Fielding Mansfield.

14 L Wood..

18 Adams Express Co
18 James S Wil-on

19 T A Goodwin.
19. Geo W Dunn.

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19 Dr N G Eno..
20 Sorrenson & Co
20 JH Mellett

[ocr errors]

20 D C Branham

20 JJ Hayden.

22 WRC Jenks.

[ocr errors]

24 Louisville, Frankf & Lex R R Co..

26 W H H Terrell

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1844 Expenses visiting troops on Potomac. 1845 Post Adjutant, Camp Reynolds.

1848 Expenses with hospital supplies to Washington City. 1862 Freight on old regimental flags.

60 00


1863 Clerk to Adjutant General.

652 01


1868 Services and expenses pay agent.

148 00


1870 Clerk to Adjutant General.

178 67


19 50


20 80


26 69






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1873 Additional assistant surgeon, 30th regiment.
1880 Powder Union Artillery, Evansville.

1883 Military Auditing Committee.

1888 Clerk Military Auditing Committee.
1900 Post Adjutant, Camp Joe Reynolds.
1902 Fare for sick and wounded soldiers.
1922 Military secretary to Governor.

1924, Special surgeon to Louisville.

1940 On account of services and transportation gen sanitary agent.
1768 Transportation sick and wounded soldiers.

1947 Stamps, postage and revenue.

1950 Postage for relief circulars.

1951 Rent of office for Louisville agency.

1961 Incidental expenses Adjutant General's office.

1963 On account of expenses as general sanitary agent. 1974

1975 Services and expenses recruiting regiments in 4th Cong. District. 1977 Sundry military printing.

2013 On account of expenses for Memphis agency.


2037 Visiting troops in Missouri and Arkansas.

2040 Postage stamps, military business.


[to St. Louis.

2046 On account of expenses Columbus, Ky., Agency, now moved




as pay agent.

Nashville agency.



40 00


2052 Services as Post Adjutant.


100 00

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'2055 On account of expenses, Cairo agency.

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2056 Military auditing Committee. 2057




do 2060 Paid for subsistence of Indiana troops in Washington City. 2061, Expenses of special surgeon to Perryville, Ky. 2062 Clerk Auditing Committee.

2066 Expenses special service.

2070 Post Adjutant, services.

2099 Clerk, Adjutant General's office.

2100 Expenses of general agent visiting troops.

2118 Six copies Army Regulations.

2119 Painting new Hags for old regiments.

2125 Military secretary to Governor.
2126 Postage stamps for draft papers.
2129 Expenses of Washington agency.

2130 Contribution dinner for sick soldiers at Washington City
2146 Stamps for draft papers.
2158 Military clerk to Governor.

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Military services







do expenses





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From which amount the following deductions are to be made for moneys refunded

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A Stone, Commissary General, of aniount drawn March 13, 1862.
2 From amounts drawn Sept 12 and 18, 1862, for ambulance trains to
Richmond, Ky

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15 38

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NOTE.-The above statement includes amounts paid special agents for services and expenses visiting troops, delivering sanitary supplies, collecting pay, expenses of permanent
agencies, to-wit..
Services and expenses of special surgeons visiting hospitals and regiments, to-wit.
Hospital steamers, for conveyance of sick and wounded, iucluding expenses, to-wit..
Expenses of ambulance trains for wounded, to Richmond, Ky., to-wit

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On the 1st day of June, 1861, in answer to a resolution of the Senate, inquiring what disbursements had been made under the Military Contingent Fund, I reported to that body that I had examined and passed vouchers to the amount of $133,177 78 for the subsistence, clothing, equipment and transportation of troops raised in this State for State and Federal purposes, from which it would appear that the Military Contingent Fund was exhausted. This report was made from my own books, and not from those of the Auditor of State. Sometime afterward I was notified by the Auditor of State, Mr. Lange, that my statement that the fund was exhausted was an error, inasmuch as the vouchers composing the above amount of $133,177 78 had been by him charged to the Military and other proper funds, all of which appeared by an examination of his books, excepting the sum of $20,000, of which sum I had drawn from the Treasury $10,000 as the Governor of the State.

Of this latter amount $6,000 was paid to John H. Vajen, as Quartermaster General of the State, for which he properly accounted by filing in the Auditor's office vouchers and receipts. The remaining $4,000 I deposited in bank in my official character for a special purpose, but it not having been required, I returned the money to the Treasury, with the interest which had accrued upon it in bank. The sum of $616 63, alluded to in my former report as having been paid for telegraphing, was paid by a check, and turned out to have been charged to my private account in bank, leaving the official deposit of $4,000 unbroken. This sum of $616 63 was repaid to me from the Military Fund.

The account herewith presented of disbursements made under the appropriation of $100,000 as a Military Contingent Fund, is a transcript of the Auditor's account charged against that fund, as will appear by reference to the books and vouchers in his office.

I have also the honor to furnish herewith a detailed statement of the disbursements made under the appropriation at the Extra Session, 1861, of $1,500, for incidental expenses of the Governor's office.

Governor of Indiana.

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