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tions contained in it, and, as you did not say it should be read to him, I doubted the propriety of doing so. But a new minister coming in, to whom the subject might not be so familiar, I thought it wise, and, under all the circumstances, safest to give to him your views in the condensed form in which they are found in that paper. He said he would examine it with care. I left a copy of the last circular, with the President's proclamation, because they have been so garbled by foreign newspapers that I thought it better he should have in his hands at least an authentic copy. He referred to the unhappy condition of our country; spoke of it as a great source of regret to France; said that our question was a great question, and he should endeavor to study it as soon as possible. With some general remarks in answer from myself, my visit ended. Mr. Drouyn de L'huys is, in addition to his other merits, a gentleman of fine manners, and his appointment is very acceptable, I find, to the corps diplomatique. I am, sir, your obedient servant,

His Excellency WILLIAM H. SEWARD,

Secretary of State, &c., &c., &c.


Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward.

No. 214.]

PARIS, October 23, 1862.

SIR: In view of the numerous statements which we find in the public journals of an intent upon the part of France to take and hold permanent possession of Mexico, I have thought it best to enclose you the within slip. It is possible that the letter of the Emperor to General de Lorencez, which it contains, you may not have seen. In it you will remark that his Majesty reiterates the sentiment so often expressed to us through Mr. Thouvenel. He says: "It is contrary to my interest, my origin, and my principles, to impose any kind of government whatever on the Mexican people; they may freely choose that which suits them best," &c.

This letter was written after the large increase of re-enforcements had been ordered to Mexico; which re-enforcements, by the way, have been, it is said, still further increased. The letter will likewise assure you that, if the future shall show that you have mistaken in any degree the purposes of France in Mexico, you will have acted under warrant from the highest authority.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

His Excellency WILLIAM H. SEWARD,

Secretary of State, &c., &c., &c.


A letter from Vera Cruz, of the 18th September, in the Constitutionnel, says: "Letters have been received from the city of Mexico to the 13th, and for the first time for several weeks we hear something of what is going on in the capital. The greatest confusion prevails in the government since the departure of Doblado, who has retired into his native State, taking with him 1,000 men, a whole convoy of wagons, and a great part of the archives of his ministry. No one exactly knows what his projects are, but the expectation is that he will soon be seen at the head of a party favorable to the intervention. The death of General Saragoza is an irreparable loss for the Juarist party. He was the very soul of the army, and had acquired an authority very rare in this unfortunate country. Uraga, Ortega, and Comonfort are preparing to dispute the vacant post, but neither of them is capable of filling it properly. Articles have

been published in the Mexican journals by order of Juarez, in which the French are represented as carrying on a complete savage warfare, pillaging and burning all that falls in their way. Those infamous calumnies have caused great irritation among the troops at Orizaba. Our communications with that place are very difficult, not on account of the enemy, but from the bad state of the roads in consequence of the heavy rains. General de Lorencez has published, in an order of the day, the following letter addressed to him by the Emperor:

"MY DEAR GENERAL: I learnt with pleasure the brilliant affair of the Cumbrès, and with mortification the check experienced in the attack against Puebla. It is the fate of war to see reverses at times obscure the splendor of success; but that is not a reason for being discouraged. The honor of the country is engaged, and you will be supported by all the resources which you could look for, and of which you may stand in nced. Be to the troops under your orders the interpreter of my entire satisfaction at their courage and perseverance in supporting fatigues and privations. However distant they may be, my solicitude is always with them. I approve of your conduct, although it does not appear to have been well understood by every one. You did right to protect General Almonte, since he is at war with the present government of Mexico. All those who seek a shelter under your flag have the same right to your protection. But all that must not in any way influence your conduct for the future. It is contrary to my interest, my origin, and my principles to impose any kind of government whatever on the Mexican people; they may freely choose that which suits them best. All I demand from them is sincerity in their relations with foreign nations, and I only desire one thing-the prosperity and independence of that fine country under a stable and regular government. I renew to you the assurance of my sentiments.

[blocks in formation]

"Such a formal declaration, emanating direct from the Emperor, has produced an excellent effect, and will greatly facilitate what remains to be done. Admiral Jurien de la Gravière, a few hours after his arrival, published an order of the day addressed to the officers of the army and navy, and to the seamen engaged in the Mexican expedition, in which he announces his return, and calls on them to continue to merit well of their country by persevering in the courage and devotedness of which they have given such proofs since their arrival in the country."

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No. 240.]

Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton.


Washington, October 27, 1862.

SIR: I enclose herewith, for your information, a copy of my despatch No. 382, of this date, to Mr. Adams, relative to military events.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

WILLIAM L. DAYTON, Esq., &c., &c., &c.


[The above-mentioned enclosure will be found in the correspondence with Mr. Adams.]

No. 229.]

Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton.

Washington, October 3, 1862.

SIR: Your despatch of September 13 (No. 195) has been received. Your proceedings in calling Mr. Thouvenel's attention to the many rumors circulated by the press concerning Mr. Slidell's advances towards the French government seem to have been very discreet, and they are approved. Without making it the occasion of a formal communication to Mr. Thouvenel, it is proper that you should express in a casual manner to him the very favorable impression which his frank and candid explanations have made upon the mind of the President. I am, sir, your obedient servant,

WILLIAM L. DAYTON, Esq., &c., &c., &c.


No. 247.]

Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton.


Washington, November 4, 1862.

SIR: Your despatch of October 17 (No. 211) has been received. It communicates the fact of the resignation of Mr. Thouvenel, and of its presumed political signification. With the latter this government has no especial concern, though it may be allowed to express the hope that the change will be conducive to the interests of France. The character of the new minister of foreign affairs, Mr. Drouyn de l'Huys, is held in such high respect here as to authorize an expectation that he will be found not only wise in regard to the interest of France, but also just upon all questions which may affect the relations of this country towards that empire. At the same time I feel assured that he will excuse me for asking you to express to Mr. Thouvenel the high consideration with which he is regarded on his retirement from his arduous duties by the President, together with his best wishes and those of our whole country for Mr. Thouvenel's future happiness and welfare-sentiments of which, from the most sincere esteem for Mr. Thouvenel, I am happy to be the organ.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

WILLIAM L. DAYTON, Esq., &c., &c., &c.


Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton.

No. 246.]


Washington, November 4, 1862. SIR: Your despatch of October 14 (No. 208) has been submitted to the President.

You inform us virtually that those very interpreters of public opinion, who four weeks ago could see no merit in our saving our country because the President seemed to be willing to tolerate slavery to effect that end, now pronounce the preservation of the Union to be equally undesirable because it is contingently proposed to abolish slavery in the insurrectionary States to effect that great end. When inconsistencies like this are practiced in the name of enlight

ened nations in regard to other states, how fortunate is it that the laws of nature leave it to such states alone, under the favor of God, to regulate their own affairs, and work out their own destinies.

Just about one hundred years ago two great political revolutions began, upon which were largely suspended the interests of the human race. The first was the emancipation of this continent from European authority; the second was the abolition of the European system of African slavery. With certain incidental and temporary reactions, such as are common to every great reformatory movement, the United States have persistently and successfully carried forward these two revolutions by gradual means and no others, never acting hastily nor resorting to aggression against any nation, any interest, or any class of men; and at the same time never shrinking from needful self-defence when they encountered unprovoked violence. Although Europe seems to be falling back to the very ground which it held in regard to both of these revolutions when they began, the United States will, nevertheless, steadily persevere with their habitual energy and moderation in the tasks which the Almighty seems to have allotted to them, conscious that though the labor and the sacrifices are theirs, the benefits will belong to mankind.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

[blocks in formation]

SIR: The steamer having been detained by adverse winds, the incoming mail arrives just at the moment when the outgoing one is being closed. A special notice of your despatches must therefore be delayed.

The military and naval movements in all directions are onward and satisfactory. Those who in Europe are reckoning that the situation is to remain unchanged will discern their error in time, it is hoped, to change the policy they seem now to be pursuing.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

[blocks in formation]

SIR: Your despatch of the 21st of October, No. 213, has been submitted to the President. Your observations upon the personal change which has occurred in the French ministry, and the motives and probable fruits of that measure, are very interesting and instructive. Removed so far from the theatre in which France acts her conspicuous part, and yet attached to that country, under all circumstances, by memories of national kindnesses and sympathies, we are content with believing that the Emperor understands the interests of the nation; and hoping that all his measures may redound to its prosperity and advancement, I am, sir, your obedient servant,

WM. L. DAYTON, Esq., &c., &c., &c.


No. 249.]

Mr. Seward to Mr. Dayton.

Washington, November 10, 1862.

SIR: Your despatch of October 23 (No. 214) has been received. The President is pleased with your proceeding in transmitting to me a copy of the letter written by his Majesty the Emperor to General De Lorencez, on the subject of the war in Mexico.

It is hardly necessary to inform you that this government has not attached any such importance to the speculations of the European press as to apprehend that the government of France combines any hidden design against the United States with the military operations it is carrying on in Mexico. To speculators in the political field everything seems probable. But those who know how much of talent, wealth, energy, and force any single military movement, however simple, either at home or abroad, exacts, and how wrong and how dangerous it is to undervalue obstacles and resistance, will be able generally to presume ninety and nine out of one hundred of all the designs attributed to any great power improbable because they are impracticable. There are many people in every country who are reckless of war, its costs, its hazards, and its sufferings. I think that, on the other hand, there is no one enlightened state on either continent that does not desire to avoid war so long as it can safely preserve peace.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

WM. L. DAYTON, Esq., &c., &c., Sx.


No. 220.J

Mr. Dayton to Mr. Seward.

PARIS, November 6, 1862.

SIR: The receipt of your circular No. 25 and of despatch No. 237 are hereby acknowledged.

I have to-day had a conversation of some length with M. Drouyn de l'Huys in reference to our affairs. I told him that circumstances were such as to induce me to ask him distinctly whether any action was in contemplation by France. or by France conjointly with other powers, in reference to the condition of things in our country. He said no; that everything remained as it had done for some time past. That France, in common with the other powers of Europe, very much regretted the war and its continuance, but they had no purpose to intervene or interfere in any way. I then said to him I had seen it stated that France, England, and Russia were conferring upon the propriety of offering mediation. He said that the wish that the war could be ended, or that something could be done, with the assent of the belligerent parties, had been spoken of, and it was yet spoken of, but nothing had been resolved upon. In further conversation he said that France reserved to herself the right to express this wish to the parties if it should be thought advisable to do so, or that good would grow out of it. I told him that this at once brought us back to the starting point; that the expression of such wish would be, I presumed, but an offer of inediation in another form. He said no; if there were any word which could express less than "mediation," that such word should be used in its place.

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