THE NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. FIRST DAY'S PROCEEDINGS. THE WELCOME. The Association met at 2:30P.M., July 8, 1890, at Rice Park, in the city of Saint Paul, Minnesota. The meeting was called to order by D. D. Merrill, chairman of the Local Executive Committee. The divine blessing was invoked by Rev. W. D. Dawloy, of the Ninth Presbyterian Church, Saint Paul. Addresses of welcome were delivered by the Governor of Minnesota, Hon. W. R. Merriam, on behalf of the State: by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Hon. D. L. Kiehle, on behalf of the teachers of the State: by the President of the Council of St. Paul, Hon. O. O. Cullen, on behalf of the city: by President Cyrus Northrop, University of Minnesota; President Irwin Shepard, State Normal School; Prof. L. C. Lord, President of the State Teachers' Association; President J. W. Strong, Carleton College, on behalf of the educational interests of the State: and by Hon. D. D. Merrill, on behalf of the Local Executive Committee. Responses were made by the President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer, on behalf of the Association; by Hon. Wm. T. Harris, United States Commissioner of Education, on behalf of the Union; by Hon. E. B. McElroy, State Superintendent of Oregon, for the Pacific Coast; by President F. Louis Soldan, St. Louis Normal and High School, for the Mississippi and Missouri valleys; by Mr. C. W. Bardeen, of Syracuse, New York, for the North Atlantic States; by Prof. E. P. Smith, of Georgia, for the South Atlantic States; by Prof. J. W. Johnson, of Mississippi, for the Gulf States; by Prof. W. J. Grannis, of Tennessee, for the Central Southern States; and by Hon. John Hancock, of Ohio, for the Central Northern States. President Homer B. Sprague, University of North Dakota, who represented the Northwest, was unavoidably absent. His written response was received and ordered to be printed. E. A. Winship, who was expected to respond on the part of New England, being unavoidably absent, his written response was read by Dr. W. E. Sheldon. The assembly rising, then joined in singing, "My Country, 'tis of Thee." The Association then adjourned. EVENING SESSION-JULY 8. The first regular meeting of the Association was held in The People's Church, Saint Paul, Minnesota, beginning at 8 o'clock, Tuesday evening, July 8, 1890. Divine blessing was invoked by Rt. Rev. M. N. Gilbert, of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Assistant Bishop of Minnesota. Superintendent Bradley, officially representing Minneapolis, extended to the members of the Association an invitation to visit that city. Superintendent L. E. Denfield, officially representing Duluth, invited the members of the Association to visit Duluth. The Secretary presented the greetings of Hon. Leon Trousdale, of Tennessee, congratulating the Association on its progress, and recalling his reminiscences of the meeting at Minneapolis in 1875. W. T. Harris, United States Commissioner of Education, made a statement with reference to the Henry Barnard fund. The President announced the following committees : On Nominations -- J. L. Pickard, of Iowa, chairman; Solomon Palmer, of Alabama; T. A. Futrall, of Arkansas; Aaron Gove, of Colorado; D. W. Hurd, of Connecticut; C. H. Clemmer, of North Dakota; George A. McFarland, of South Dakota; Zalmon Richards, of District of Columbia; F. L. Kern, of Florida; E. B. Smith, of Georgia; John Cook, of Illinois; W. A. Bell, of Indiana; John MacDonald, of Kansas; M. H. Bartholomew, of Kentucky; G. J. Ramsey, of Louisiana; M. C. Fernald, of Maine; E. W. Jones, of Massachusetts: J. M. Wellington, of Michigan; H. P. Judson, of Minnesota; Supt. J. R. Preston, of Mississippi: J. T. Buchanan, of Missouri; R. G. Young, of Montana; R. J. Barr, of Nebraska; C. C. Rounds, of New Hampshire; T. M. Marshall, of New Mexico; C. W. Bardeen, of New York: Supt. S. M. Finger, of North Carolina; John Hancock, of Ohio; C. B. McElroy, of Oregon; E. O. Lyte, of Pennsylvania; D. B. Johnson, of South Carolina: Frank Goodman, of Tennessee; Oscar Cooper, of Texas; Robert E. McKay, of Virginia; F. B. Gault, of Washington; Supt. Anderson, of West Virginia; J. W. Stearns, of Wisconsin. To report Thursday morning. On Necrology - Zalmon Richards, of Washington, D. C., chairman; N. A. Calkins, of New York; Joseph Baldwin, of Huntsville, Tex.; J. L. Pickard, of Iowa City. To report Friday morning. On Resolutions James Baker of Colorado; F. B. Cooper, of Iowa; C. R. Skinner, of New York; W. R. Thigpen, of Georgia. To report Friday morning. On Exhibit-to report for the volume Mary E. Nicholson, of Indiana, chairman; Henry Sabin, of Des Moines, to report on manual and industrial training; Hannah J. Carter, of New York, to report on arts (form and color); George P. Brown, of Bloomington, Ill., to report on general school exhibits, public and private; Josephine Locke, of Chicago, to report on kindergarten schools; Amelia Fruchte, of St. Louis, to report on drawing. On Honorary Members--H. S. Jones, Pennsylvania, chairman; Clara Conway, Tennessee; Irwin Shepard, Minnesota; J. C. Gilchrist, Iowa. To report Thursday morning. B. L. Wiggins, of the University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee, then delivered an address on: Forms of Discipline and Discipline of Forms. The session then adjourned. SECOND DAY'S PROCEEDINGS. MORNING SESSION-JULY 9. The second regular session of the Association was opened in The People's Church, Wednesday morning, July 9, 1890, at 9 o'clock; President Canfield in the chair. Prayer was offered by Rev. R. F. Maclaren, of the Central Presbyterian Church, Saint Paul. The usual announcements were made by the Secretary. Telegrams were read from the New York State Teachers' Association, and from the Maryland State Teachers' Association, conveying greetings to the National Association. Mr. Sheldon moved that the President and the Secretary be instructed to make suitable reply to all greetings. Mr. Hailmann entered a protest against the personnel of the Committee on Exhibits. M. C. Fernald, State Agricultural College, Maine, offered a resolution favoring the passage by Congress of the Morrill College Aid bill. Referred to the Committee on Resolutions. Mr. Sheldon offered a resolution indorsing the plans of Commissioner Morgan, for the education of Indian youth in Government schools. Referred to the Committee on Resolutions. Mr. Sheldon read a letter from the American Humane Society, presenting to the Association a large number of the publications of the Society, and offered a resolution expressing sympathy with the work of the Society. The donation was accepted, and the resolution was referred to the Committee on Resolutions. The report of the Committee on Psychological and Pedagogical Observation was presented by the chairman, George P. Brown, of Bloomington, Illinois, and by W. T. Harris, U. S. Commissioner of Education. Charles De Garmo, Normal, Illinois, read a paper on: A Specific Inquiry on the Relation of Instruction to Will-Training. Discussion followed, participated in by Joseph Baldwin, of Texas, and W. N. Hailmann, of Indiana. W. H. Maxwell, of Brooklyn, New York, read a paper on: Examinations as Tests for Promotion. Discussion of the paper was opened by G. S. Albee, Oshkosh, Wisconsin. |