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constantly in Mind, as long as he is reading the
Answer to it. For, without this, it will be im-
possible for him to judge, whether the Proofs,
which I offer in Defence of my Answer, be per-
tinent or not. To help in this the Reader's Me-
mory, in the next Impression (if there be any)
the Questions, as far as is necessary, shall be set
in a small Character, at the Top of every Page.
Some Reflections on Mr. Chillingworth's Book
will also be added.

June 28. Anno 1727.

Does not the Scripure say, or suppose, that of all

P. 56

Religions a Remnant shall be fav'd?

Quest. 13.

Is not a Reformation, in wicked Times, a real

Can a Perfon be sav'd, who dies, by invincible Ne-

ceffity, out of the Catholick Church?

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

What think you of those, who hold, that a Per-

fon may be sav'd, in any Communion of Christians,

Is the Discipline of the Catholick Church the

Are Protestants the whole Catholick Church ?

Or, are they in Communion with it?

Did the Greeks before their Schifm, own the Pope's

Supremacy ?


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