constantly in Mind, as long as he is reading the Answer to it. For, without this, it will be im- possible for him to judge, whether the Proofs, which I offer in Defence of my Answer, be per- tinent or not. To help in this the Reader's Me- mory, in the next Impression (if there be any) the Questions, as far as is necessary, shall be set in a small Character, at the Top of every Page. Some Reflections on Mr. Chillingworth's Book will also be added.
AGE 12, line 5, read equally. p. 24, 1. 3, r. he can stand,
that he can live.
28, by such, r. such. p. 42,
1. 28, and, r. or. p. 86, 1. 17, r. invincibly. 1. 19. r. by
an. p.90, 1. 7, r. whither. p. 91, 1. 7, r. to come. p. 97, 1.8,
r. Questions. 1. 15, r. than. 1. 17, other, r. their. p. 106, 1.
ult. has, r. have. p. 117, 1. penult. in the World, r. in the whole.
p. 126, 1. antepen. Communion, r. the distinctive Articles of her
Communion. p. 133, 1. 26, we, r. which we.
1. 10, r.
with whom. Po out with. p.1 136, 1. 29, τ. υ. 15. But.
p. 141, 1. 1, r. S. Mat. xviii. p. 144,1. 3, is, r. is diverting himself,
and fighting. p. 155, 1. 20, r. Regard, of. p. 161, 1. 7, г. а-
gainst the. p. 174, 1. ult. fince these, r. since few or none of
these. p. 216, 1. 10, r. and Pope. p. 236, 1. 15, r. Bishop. p.
253. 1. 7, r. Iconoclasts. p. 262, 1. 24, if, r, of. p. 281, 1. 10,
r. respective.
P. 5, 1. 3, r. obtinuit. p. 17, l. 1, Q. iv, r. 2. vi. p. 33, 1. 4
r. fubjicere. 1.7, r. E. Pour. p. 95, 1. 1, r. infuper. 1. 3, r. ex-
orta. p. 107, 1. 3, r. Juventutem. p. 108, 1. 2, r. Reliquils.
p. 109, 1. 8, Γ. Ορθοδοξία. p. 115, 1. 4, r. Ixi, Non. p. 116, 1.
12, r. Donatiftas quæftio. p. 222, 1. 4. r. orbe. p. 224, 1. ult.
r. 1710 E. p. 229, 1.11, subditis, r. Jubjectis. p. 268, 1. 6, г.
ἀφροδισίων. p. 271, 1. pen. r. Lib. v. p. 275, 1.2, τ. βδελύτ
τεθαι. 1. 17, non, r. nec.
Leffer Faults I hope the Reader will pardon; As when Verbs
and Aaverbs begin with great Letters. So he will find Apo-
stacy p. xviii, 157, 213, 260 261, for Apostasy; Complement p.
140, for Compliment. Dioclesian p. 64, 68, for Diocletian.
Prifcilianists p 64, 282, for Prifcillianifts. Anastatius p. 224,
for Anastasius Appollonius p. 268, for Apollonius. useing p.
74, for using. Biafs p. 75, 183, for Bias. coppy p. 113, for
copy. Corpere and litteris, p. 116, 117, for Corpore and lite-
ris &c. p. 204, I quote modern Controversy as mine; because
I writ that Part of it, the not the whole Book.
Is the Discipline of the Catholick Church the
Are Protestants the whole Catholick Church ?
Or, are they in Communion with it?
Did the Greeks before their Schifm, own the Pope's
Supremacy ?
Are the modern Greeks the Catholick Church ?
Quest. 15. P. 244
Is not the Church of Rome, the great Whore in in the
Apocalypfe, Ch. xvii. v. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 18? p. 252
Quest. 16.
Does not the Scripture foretell a great and gene-
ral Apostacy, 2 Theff. ii. v. 3? And that, when the
thousand Years are expir'd, Satan shall be loofed out of his
Prison, and shall go out to deceive the Nations, which are
in the four Quarters of the Earth, Apoc. xx. v. 7, &c ?
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