MEMORIAL To the Honorable the Senators and Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled: GENTLEMEN: We, your memorialists, the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah, respectfully represent, that it is usual for Congress to make grants of land to the Territories and new States for various purposes; and considering that the inhabitants of this Territory labor under as many or more inconveniences, hardships and difficulties, incident to the first settlement of all new countries, than have been incurred by the first settlement of any portion of the public domain; and firmly believing that Utah Territory possesses as little and perhaps less value than any other part of the broad acres now or hereafter to be at the disposal of the General Government. We therefore petition your honorable body to grant unto the corporations thereof the lands upon which are located cities holding charters from the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah, according to the surveys and plots of said cities, and to instruct the United States Surveyor-General for said Territory to survey and plot the same in accordance with their present surveys, and return them as reserved and appropriated as herein confidentially solicited. Approved Jan. 17, 1856. INDEX ACTS, RESOLUTIONS AND MEMORIALS OF THE LEGISLATIVE Appropriation for educational purposes; and defining certain duties of the to Evan M. Green Territorial, Bill General, Bill Apportioning the representation of Utah Territory 5 41 42 43 8 Counties, defining boundaries of Shambip, creating and defining boundaries of Convention, providing for holding, with a view to the admission of Utah into the Union as a State 12 Courts of the U. S., defining the judicial districts in the Territory of Utah Deseret Iron Works, in relation to the Enumeration of the inhabitants of the Territory of Utah 14 19 9 16 Ferries-across Green river, granting to Isaac Bullock and Lewis Robison Herd Ground-in Lone Rock valley, and for other purposes, granting to Or- and ranch unto Brigham Young and Thomas Rhoades Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Ogden valley to James G. Browning, Erastus Bingham, sen., 20 21 22 22 23 24 24 Herd Ground-in Juab county, to Elias Smith, Joseph Cain, Samuel W. 66 " in Lone Rock valley, unto Ezra T. Benson, William H. Hooper, John W. Hess and Abiah Wardsworth in Juab valley, unto Jacob G. Bigler, Charles H. Bryan, George W. Bradley, Israel Hoyt and William Cazier in Cache county, unto Heber C. Kimball and John D. Parker unto William W. Phelps and Hugh McKinney in Sanpete county, unto the San Pete Coal Company Incorporating the San Pete Coal Company 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 30 31 32 33 33 Laws and Journals of the present session, relating to the publication and distribution of Marshals and attorneys, to amend an act in relation to via G. S. L. City and Carson county to California for a daily mail from Independence, Missouri, via G. S. L. City and Carson county to Sacramento City, California 15 14 44 45 46 for $11,318 for determining certain boundaries of Utah Surveyor general's office, to amend an ordinance creating a 10 from 19 University of the State of Deseret, granting and confirming unto the, certain land claims therein mentioned in relation to the election of the Chancelor and Regents and treasurer of the 4 4 |