west by the summit of the mountains skirting said valley on the west; on the north by the summit of the mountains bounding said valley on the north; and on the east by the summit of the mountains skirting said Grant. valley on the east; be, and the same is hereby granted unto John Stoker, William Smith, John W. Hess and Abiah Wardsworth, for a herd ground and other pur- Herd ground poses. and other Exclusive control, during Sec. 2. The said John Stoker, William Smith, John W. Hess and Abiah Wardsworth, shall have the exclusive control of said grant, during the pleasure of pleasure of L. A. the Legislative Assembly. Approved Jan. 8, 1856. AN ACT Granting unto Jacob G. Bigler, Charles H. Bryan, George W. Bradley, Israel Hoyt and William Cazier, a Herd Ground in Juab valley. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That all that portion of country, in Juab valley, Territory of Utah, bounded as follows: commencing at the Boundaries. base of the mountains skirting said valley on the east, at a point five miles south of Nephi city, and running due west to the summit of themountains bounding said valley on the west; thence south along the summit of said mountains to a point where the State road crosses them; thence to the base of the mountains on the east of said valley; thence north along the base of said mountains to the place of beginning; be, and the same is hereby granted unto Jacob G. Bigler, Charles H. Bryan, George W. Bradley, Israel Hoyt and William Herd Ground. Cazier, for a herd ground. Sec. 2. The said Jacob G. Bigler, Charles H. Bryan, George W. Bradley, Israel Hoyt and William Cazier, Grant. Exclusive control, during the shall have the exclusive control of said grant during pleasure of L.A. the pleasure of the Legislative Assembly of the Terri tory of Utah. Approved Jan. 12, 1856. Grant. purposes. Exclusive use, during the AN ACT Granting a Herd Ground unto Heber C. Kimball and John D. Parker. Sec.l. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That all that portion of country in Cache county, Utah Territory, east of the summit of the mountains east of Cache valley, be, and the same is hereby granted unto Heber C. Kimball and John D. Parker, for a herd ground and other purposes. Sec. 2. The said Heber C. Kimball and John D. Parker shall have the exclusive use and control of said grant, together with all the products and benefits aris pleasure of L.A. ing therefrom, during the pleasure of the Legislative Assembly. Approved Jan. 12, 1856. AN ACT Granting a Herd Ground to Lorenzo Snow, Franklin D. Richards, Sec.1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That all that portion of country in the Territory of Boundaries. Utah, bounded as follows: north by Malad county; Herd ground. Exclusive control, during the pleasure Sec. 2. The said Lorenzo Snow, Franklin D. Richards, Phineas H. Young, Daniel Spencer, Eli H. Pierce, Charles W. Hubbard and Jonathan Browning shall have exclusive control of said ground during the of L. A. pleasure of the Legislative Assembly. Approved Jan. 12, 1856. AN ACT Granting unto William W. Phelps and Hugh M'Kinney a Herd Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That all that portion of country bounded as follows: commencing on the north-west corner of the legislative Boundaries. grant unto Brigham Young and Thomas Rhoades; thence to the summit of the mountains west of Weber river; thence along the summit of said mountains northwardly five miles; thence eastwardly across Weber river and valley to the summit of the mountains east; thence southwardly to the east fork of Weber riven; thence down said fork and along the north line of Brigham Young and Thomas Rhoades grant to the place of beginning, be, and the same is hereby granted unto William W. Phelps and Hugh McKinney for a herd ground. Grant. Herd ground. Exclusive con- getting wood, grazing teams. Sec. 2. The said William W. Phelps and Hugh McKinney shall have the exclusive control of said grant during the pleasure of the legislature: Provided, that the inhabitants of the Territory of Utah are not prohibited from getting wood, poles and timber therefrom, and grazing their teams thereon while so doing. Approved Jan. 12, 1856. Boundaries. Grant for herd ground. Exclusive use, AN ACT Granting unto Frederick Kesler a Herd Ground. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That all that portion of country in the Territory of Utah, bounded as follows: beginning at the south east corner of Frederick Kesler's survey in Black Rock plat, lot 2; thence westerly on the north side of the Territorial road, to a point two miles east of the Black Rock; thence north to the south shore of Salt Lake; thence easterly on the south shore of said lake to a point due north from the said Kesler's south east corner; thence south to the place of beginning, be, and the same is granted unto Frederick Kesler for a herd ground. Sec. 2. The said Frederick Kesler shall have the exclusive use and control of said grant during the pleasure of the Legislative Assembly: Provided, that the right herein granted shall not allow the said Frederick Kesler to fence in the springs on the north side of, and adjoining the Territorial road leading from Great Salt Lake City to Black Rock. Approved Jan. 17, 1856. AN ACT Granting unto the San Pete Coal Company a Herd Ground in San Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That all that portion of San Pete county within the following boundaries: commencing at the bridge where the county road leading from Manti to Nephi crosses the San Pitch river; thence north to the mountains; thence north-westerly to the county line between Juab and San Pete counties; thence south along th line to a point four miles south of the kanyon known as Coal kanyon; thence east to the County road; thence along said road to the place of beginning, be, and the same is hereby granted unto Brigham Young sen., Isaac Morley, sen., George Peacock, Warren S. Snow, Welcome Chapman, Elijah Averett, George W. Bradley, Benjamin F. Johnson, Aaron Johnson and James C. Snow, for a herd ground and other purposes, during the pleasure of the Legislative Assembly. Previous rights, Sec. 2. Nothing in this act shall be so construed as to interfere with any previous rights; or to prevent & any settler from getting timber, wood, or poles; or baiting their teams while engaged in so doing; or preventing the traveling public from camping privileges. Approved Jan. 17, 1856. AN ACT To incorporate the San Pete Coal Company. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah: That Brigham Young, Isaac Morley, George Peacock, Warren S. Snow, George W. Bradley, Elijah Averett, Benjamin F. Johnson, James C. Snow and Grant. |