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Except the
U. S. reserve;


Herd ground and other purposes.

U. S. reserve included.

Exclusive use, &c.

during the pleasure of L. A.


Granting unto Brigham Young, Wilford Woodruff, Luke Johnson,
James W. Cummings, Samuel Benion, William A. Hickman, Jesse
C. Little and Claudius V. Spencer, Rush Valley for a Herd Ground
and other purposes.

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah:

That all that portion of Rush Valley in the Territory of Utah (except the United States reserve)) bounded on the north by the summit of the ridge dividing Tooele and Rush Valley; on the west by the summit of the mountains skirting Rush Valley; on the south by a line running due east from the summit of said mountains, and passing twelve miles south of Hickman's springs, to the foot of the mountains bounding said valley on the east; thence north along the base of said mountains to where said dividing ridge intersects them, be, and the same is hereby granted unto Brigham Young, Wilford Woodruff, Luke Johnson, James W. Cummings, Samuel Bennion, William A. Hickman, Jesse C. Little and Claudius V. Spencer for a herd ground and other purposes.

Sec. 2. The south line of said grant shall be determined by the territorial surveyor general; and the United States reserve, which is within the limits of said grant, shall be included in the same, when relinquished by government.

Sec. 3. The said Brigham Young, Wilford Woodruff, Luke Johnson, James W. Cummings, Samuel Bennion, William A. Hickman, Jesse C. Little and Claudius V. Spencer shall have the exclusive use and control of said grant, together with all products and benefits arising therefrom, during the pleasure of the Legislative Assembly.

Approved Dec. 27, 1855.


Granting Benjamin F. Johnson and Isaac Morley the right of controling the District of Santaquin, heretofore known as Summit creek, with its natural facilities, establishing a Herd Ground, &s.

Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah:

Authorized to

control to resial facilities, &c.

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That Benjamin F. Johnson and Isaac Morley are hereby authorized and empowered to control for the benefit of those who shall become resident citizens at Santaquin, in Utah county, all the natural facilities and interests, consisting of water, timber, wood, poles, mowing grass,range for stock, &c., within the following limits: commencing on the summit of the mountains east of the head of Spring creek, south of Payson Boundaries. incorporation; thence to Spring creek; thence three miles down said creek; thence west to the Utah lake or Salt creek; thence up Salt creek to the point or gap where it issues from Juab valley; thence northerly on the summit of low mountains to within one and a half miles of the Juab county line; thence east to the summit of the countains next east of Juab valley; thence on said summit unto the place of beginning; together with the right of establishing a herd ground within the above limits, and of occupying and controling the same during the pleasure of the Legislative Assembly: Provided, that the traveling community shall not be debarred the privilege of grazing their teams thereon, as may be necessary while passing through the same. Approved Dec. 31, 1855.

Right of herd ground, during

L. A.

the pleasure of Proviso: graz

ing teams.


Granting to Elias Smith, Joseph Cain, Samuel W. Richards and those whom they may associate with them, the right of a Herd Ground in Juab county.

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legis

lative Assembly of the Territory of Utah:

That all that portion of Juab valley, in Juab county, Boundaries. lying north of a line directly across the valley, intercepting the main traveled road half way between Willow creek and what is commonly known as the Panyon spring, to within one and a half miles of the Utah and Juab county line, is granted to Elias Smith, Joseph


Herding and other purposes during the pleasure of L.A.

Exclusive privi-

Cain, Samuel W. Richards, of Great Salt Lake City, and those whom they may associate with them, for herding and other purposes, during the pleasure of the Legislative Assembly.

Sec. 2. The said Elias Smith, Joseph Cain, Samuel W. Richards and their associates shall have the exclusive privilege and control of said ground: Provided, however, that the traveling community shall not be debarred from passing and repassing through said ground on the usually traveled road and having access to grass and water for traveling purposes.

Approved Jan. 2, 1856.


Herd ground
and other

Exclusive use,


Granting unto Thomas J. Thurston, Jedediah M. Grant and George W. Thurston, the south end of Weber valley for a Herd Ground and other purposes.

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah:

That all that portion of Weber valley, in the Territory of Utah, bounded on the north by a line commencing at the summit of the mountains skirting said valley on the west, and running due east crossing Weber river one mile below the junction of East Kanyon creek with said river, and terminating at the summit of the mountains bounding said valley on the east; thence along the summit of the mountains south south-west,west, and north to the place of beginning, be, and the same is hereby granted unto Thomas J. Thurston, Jedediah M. Grant, and George W. Thurston, for a herd ground and other purposes.

Sec. 2. The said Thomas J. Thurston, Jedediah M. Grant and George W. Thurston, shall have the exclusive use and control of said grant, together with all the

pleasure of L. A.

products and benefits arising therefrom, during the during the
pleasure of the Legislative Assembly.
Approved Jan. 2, 1856.


Granting unto Franklin D. Richards, Silas Richards, Isaac Morley,
James C. Snow, Aaron Johnson, Lorenzo H. Hatch and Leonard
E. Harrington, a Herd Ground in Cedar and Juab counties.

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah:

That all that portion of country bounded as follows: beginning at the mouth of Salt creek, at the south end of Utah lake; thence up said creek to the center of its lower kanyon; thence south and south-westerly along the summit of the dividing ridge between Juab and Utah valleys; thence west, north-westerly and northerly along on the summit of the dividing ridge between Utah lake and Cedar valley, to the southern boundary of Miles Weaver's herd ground; thence east to the lake; thence south following the lake to the place of beginning, be, and the same is hereby granted unto Franklin D. Richards, Silas Richards, Isaac Morley, James C. Snow, Aaron Johnson, Lorenzo H. Hatch and Leonard E. Harrington, for a herd ground and other purposes, with all the rights and privileges belonging thereto, during the pleasure of the Legislative Assembly: Provided, that nothing in this act shall be so construed as to prohibit the citizens of this Territory from getting wood or poles, or grazing their teams while engaged in so doing.

Approved Jan. 5, 1856.

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Herd ground.

Exclusive use, during pleasure of L. Α.


Granting unto Ezra T. Benson, William H. Hooper, Thomas S. Williams, Gilbert Webb and David Candland, a Herd Ground in Lone Rock valley.

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah:

That all that portion of country in Lone Rock valley, in the Territory of Utah, bounded by a line commencing at the north west corner of the legislative grant unto Brigham Young and others, in Rush valley, and running north on the summit of the mountains to the north end of the same; thence due west to the foot of the mountains bounding Lone Rock valley on the west; thence south along the base of said mountains to a line ruuning due east to the place of beginning, be, and the same is hereby granted unto Ezra T. Benson, William H. Hooper, Thomas S. Williams, Gilbert Webb and David Candland, for a herd ground.

Sec. 2. The said Ezra T. Benson, William H. Hooper, Thomas S. Williams, Gilbert Webb and David Candland shall have the exclusive use and control of said grant during the pleasure of the Legislative Assembly.

Approved Jan. 5, 1856.



Granting unto John Stoker, William Smith, John W. Hess and Abiah Wardsworth, the north end of Weber valley for a Herd Ground and other purposes.

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah:

That all that portion of Weber valley, in the Territory of Utah, bounded on the south by the north line of the legislative grant given to Thomas J. Thurston, Jedediah M. Grant and George W. Thurston; on the

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